import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { MessageService } from 'primeng/api'; import { DialogService, DynamicDialogRef } from 'primeng/dynamicdialog'; import { Planner } from '../_models/planner'; import { LocationService } from '../_services/location.service'; import { AddLocationToPlannerPanelComponent } from './add-location-to-planner-panel/add-location-to-planner-panel.component'; import { Location } from '../_models/location'; import { PlannerLocationDto } from '../_models/dto/plannerLocationDto'; @Component({ selector: 'app-location', templateUrl: './location.component.html', styleUrls: ['./location.component.css'], providers: [DialogService, MessageService] }) export class LocationComponent implements OnInit { categoryIds: string; cityId: number; companionId: number; lengthOfStay: number; listLocations: any[]; cityOption: boolean = false; regionOption: boolean = false; regionId: number; locationId: number; plannerLocationDto: PlannerLocationDto; ref: DynamicDialogRef; locationIdsPlanner: number[]; constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute, private locationService: LocationService, private router: Router, private dialogService: DialogService, private messageService: MessageService) { this.cityId = 1; this.companionId = 1; this.lengthOfStay = 1; this.categoryIds = ''; this.listLocations = []; this.regionId = 1; this.locationId = 1; this.ref = new DynamicDialogRef(); this.plannerLocationDto = new PlannerLocationDto(); this.locationIdsPlanner = []; } ngOnInit(): void { this.route.queryParams .subscribe(params => { console.log(params); this.cityId = params.cityId; this.regionId = params.regionId; this.companionId = params.companionId; this.lengthOfStay = params.lengthOfStay; this.categoryIds = params.categoryIds; } ); if (this.route.snapshot.queryParams['cityId']) { this.locationService.getLocationsFromCity(this.cityId, this.companionId, this.lengthOfStay, this.categoryIds).subscribe( result => { console.log(result); this.listLocations = result; } ); } else if (this.route.snapshot.queryParams['regionId']) { console.log("I am in region console"); this.locationService.getLocationsFromRegion(this.regionId, this.companionId, this.lengthOfStay, this.categoryIds).subscribe( result => { console.log(result); this.listLocations = result; } ); } } onClickSeeDetails(id: number) { this.router.navigate(['location'], { queryParams: { id: id } }); } show(location: Location) { console.log(; this.ref =, { header: 'Choose a Planner', width: '70%', contentStyle: { "max-height": "500px", "overflow": "auto" }, baseZIndex: 10000 }); this.ref.onClose.subscribe((planner: Planner) => { if (planner) { this.plannerLocationDto.locationId =; this.plannerLocationDto.plannerId =; console.log("LOC ID: " + this.plannerLocationDto.locationId); console.log("PLANNER ID: " + this.plannerLocationDto.plannerId); this.locationService.getAllLocationIdsForPlanner( lid => { if (lid.length == 0) { this.locationService.postLocationToPlanner(this.plannerLocationDto).subscribe( data => { console.log(data); } ); this.messageService.add({ severity: 'success', summary: 'Location ' + + ' has been added to planner: ', detail: }); } else if (lid.length > 0) { if (lid.indexOf(this.plannerLocationDto.locationId) !== -1) { console.log("LOKACIJATA VEKE JA IMA VO PLANEROT"); this.messageService.add({ severity: 'error', summary: 'Location ' + + ' already exists in the planner.' }); } else { this.locationService.postLocationToPlanner(this.plannerLocationDto).subscribe( data => { console.log(data); } ); this.messageService.add({ severity: 'success', summary: 'Location ' + + ' has been added to planner: ', detail: }); } } } ); } }); } ngOnDestroy() { if (this.ref) { this.ref.close(); } } onClickBackToMyPlanners() { this.router.navigate(['planners']); } }