package finki.diplomska.tripplanner.repository.jpa; import finki.diplomska.tripplanner.models.Location; import; import; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import java.util.List; @Repository public interface JpaLocationRepository extends JpaRepository { @Query(value = "SELECT * FROM locations AS l " + "LEFT JOIN recommended_companion AS rc ON l.id_location = rc.id_location " + "LEFT JOIN companions AS com ON rc.id_companion = com.id_companion " + "LEFT JOIN locations_belong lb ON l.id_location = lb.id_location " + "LEFT JOIN categories AS cate ON lb.id_category = cate.id_category " + "LEFT JOIN regions AS r" + " ON l.id_region = r.id_region" + " LEFT JOIN cities AS cit" + " ON r.id_region = cit.id_region AND cit.id_city = l.id_city " + "WHERE cit.city_name = :locName and com.type = :companion and cate.category_name in (:categories) " + "GROUP BY l.id_location " + "ORDER BY CASE l.priority WHEN 'high' THEN 1 WHEN 'medium' THEN 2 WHEN 'low' THEN 3 END", nativeQuery = true) List findLocationsFromCity(@Param("locName") String locName, @Param("companion") String companion, @Param("categories") List categories); @Query(value = "SELECT * FROM locations AS l " + "LEFT JOIN recommended_companion AS rc ON l.id_location = rc.id_location " + "LEFT JOIN companions AS com " + "ON rc.id_companion = com.id_companion " + "LEFT JOIN locations_belong lb " + "ON l.id_location = lb.id_location " + "LEFT JOIN categories AS cate " + "ON lb.id_category = cate.id_category " + "LEFT JOIN regions AS r " + "ON l.id_region = r.id_region " + "LEFT JOIN countries AS country " + "ON r.id_country = country.id_country " + "LEFT JOIN cities AS c " + "ON r.id_region = c.id_region AND c.id_city = l.id_city" + " WHERE country.country_name = :locName and com.type = :companion and cate.category_name in (:categories) AND r.region_name = :region " + "GROUP BY l.id_location ORDER BY CASE l.priority WHEN 'high' THEN 1 WHEN 'medium' THEN 2 WHEN 'low' THEN 3 END", nativeQuery = true) List findLocationsFromCountry(@Param("locName") String ime, @Param("companion") String companion, @Param("region") String region, @Param("categories") List categories); @Query(value = "SELECT * FROM locations AS l " + "LEFT JOIN recommended_companion AS rc " + "ON l.id_location = rc.id_location " + "LEFT JOIN companions AS companion " + "ON rc.id_companion = companion.id_companion " + "LEFT JOIN locations_belong lb " + "ON l.id_location = lb.id_location " + "LEFT JOIN categories AS category " + "ON lb.id_category = category.id_category " + "LEFT JOIN cities AS city " + "ON city.id_city = l.id_city " + "WHERE city.id_city = :cityId and companion.id_companion = :companionId and category.id_category IN (:categoryIds) " + "GROUP BY l.id_location ORDER BY CASE l.priority WHEN 'high' THEN 1 WHEN 'medium' THEN 2 WHEN 'low' THEN 3 END", nativeQuery = true) List findLocationsFromCityForm(@Param("cityId") Long cityId, @Param("companionId") Long companionId, @Param("categoryIds") List categoryIds); @Query(value="SELECT * FROM locations AS location " + "LEFT JOIN recommended_companion AS rc " + "ON location.id_location = rc.id_location " + "LEFT JOIN companions AS companion " + "ON rc.id_companion = companion.id_companion " + "LEFT JOIN locations_belong lb " + "ON location.id_location = lb.id_location " + "LEFT JOIN categories AS category " + "ON lb.id_category = category.id_category " + "LEFT JOIN regions AS region " + "ON location.id_region = region.id_region " + "LEFT JOIN cities AS city " + "ON region.id_region = city.id_region " + "AND city.id_city = location.id_city " + "WHERE region.id_region = :regionId AND companion.id_companion = :companionId AND category.id_category IN (:categoryIds) " + "GROUP BY location.id_location ORDER BY CASE location.priority WHEN 'high' THEN 1 WHEN 'medium' THEN 2 WHEN 'low' THEN 3 END", nativeQuery = true) List findLocationsFromRegionForm(@Param("regionId") Long regionId, @Param("companionId") Long companionId, @Param("categoryIds") List categoryIds); @Query(value = "SELECT * " + "FROM locations AS l " + "WHERE l.id_location IN " + "(SELECT pl.id_location FROM planners_contain AS pl WHERE pl.id_planner = :plannerId)", nativeQuery = true) List getAllLocationsForPlanner(@Param("plannerId") Long plannerId); @Query(value = "SELECT l.id_location " + "FROM locations AS l " + "WHERE l.id_location IN " + "(SELECT pl.id_location FROM planners_contain AS pl WHERE pl.id_planner = :plannerId)", nativeQuery = true) List getAllLocationIdsForPlanner(@Param("plannerId") Long plannerId); @Query(value = "SELECT *, if(l.id_city is NOT NULL, c.city_name, l.location_name) as result " + "FROM locations AS l " + "LEFT JOIN cities AS c " + "ON l.id_city = c.id_city " + "LEFT JOIN locations_belong AS lb " + "ON l.id_location = lb.id_location " + "WHERE lb.id_category=20", nativeQuery = true) List getWeekendGetaways(); @Query(value = "SELECT *, if(l.id_city is NOT NULL, c.city_name, l.location_name) as result " + "FROM locations AS l " + "LEFT JOIN cities AS c " + "ON l.id_city = c.id_city " + "LEFT JOIN locations_belong AS lb " + "ON l.id_location = lb.id_location " + "WHERE lb.id_category=4", nativeQuery = true) List getVillages(); @Query(value = "SELECT * FROM locations AS l " + "LEFT JOIN cities AS c " + "ON l.id_city = c.id_city " + "LEFT JOIN regions AS r " + "ON l.id_region = r.id_region " + "WHERE c.city_name = :place OR r.region_name = :place", nativeQuery = true) List getAllLocations(@Param("place") String place); }