@use '../../cdk/overlay'; @use '../../cdk/a11y'; @use '../../cdk/text-field'; // Core styles that can be used to apply material design treatments to any element. @use './ripple/ripple'; @use './focus-indicators/focus-indicators'; @use './typography/all-typography'; // Mixin that renders all of the core styles that are not theme-dependent. @mixin core($typography-config: null) { @include all-typography.all-component-typographies($typography-config); @include ripple.ripple(); @include a11y.a11y-visually-hidden(); @include overlay.overlay(); @include text-field.text-field-autosize(); @include text-field.text-field-autofill(); @include focus-indicators.private-strong-focus-indicators-positioning(); @include _mdc-core(); } // Mixin that renders all of the core MDC styles. Private mixin included with `mat-core`. @mixin _mdc-core() { @include _mdc-strong-focus-indicators-positioning(); } // Mixin that ensures focus indicator host elements are positioned so that the focus indicator // pseudo element within is positioned relative to the host. Private mixin included within // `_mat-mdc-core`. @mixin _mdc-strong-focus-indicators-positioning() { .mat-mdc-focus-indicator { position: relative; } }