= ER Дијаграм [[Image(er2.png)]] == Ентитети '''Entity: Customer''' Description: Represents a customer who can make reservations. Primary Key: None specified in the XML; assumed to be an ID or similar field. Attributes: Not explicitly detailed in the XML file. '''Entity: Restaurant''' Description: Represents a restaurant, which contains menus and tables. Primary Key: None specified; assumed to have an identifier such as RestaurantID. Attributes: Not explicitly detailed. '''Entity: Menu''' Description: Represents the menu associated with a restaurant. Primary Key: None specified; assumed to have an identifier such as MenuID. Attributes: Not explicitly detailed. '''Entity: Table''' Description: Represents a table in a restaurant that can be reserved. Primary Key: None specified; assumed to have an identifier such as TableID. Attributes: Not explicitly detailed. '''Entity: Reservation''' Description: Represents a reservation made by a customer. Primary Key: None specified; assumed to have an identifier such as ReservationID. Attributes: Not explicitly detailed.