query('id')) { $deptName = Department::find($request->query('id'))->getOriginal('name'); $deptCode = Department::find($request->query('id'))->getOriginal('code'); $foldersInDeptSort = Folder::with('department')->when($request->has('id'), function ($query) use ($request) { $query->where('department_id', $request->query('id')); }); if ($request->query('sort') == 'newest') { $folders = $foldersInDeptSort->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(12); } else if ($request->query('sort') == 'name') { $folders = $foldersInDeptSort->orderBy('name', 'asc')->paginate(12); } else if ($request->query('sort') == 'no_of_files') { $folders = $foldersInDeptSort->orderBy('no_of_files', 'desc')->paginate(12); } else if($request->query('sort') == 'count'){ $total = $foldersInDeptSort->folder->files->count(); $folders = $foldersInDeptSort->orderBy($total, 'asc')->paginate(12); } else { $folders = Folder::where('department_id', $request->query('id'))->paginate(12); } } else { if ($request->query('sort') == 'newest') { $folders = Folder::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(12); } else if ($request->query('sort') == 'name') { $folders = Folder::orderBy('name', 'asc')->paginate(12); } else if ($request->query('sort') == 'no_of_files') { $folders = Folder::orderBy('no_of_files', 'desc')->paginate(12); } else if ($request->query('sort') == 'recent') { $folders = Folder::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(12); } else if ($request->query('search')) { $result = collect(); $queries = explode(" ", $request->search); foreach ($queries as $query) { $result->push(Folder::where("arch_id", "like", "%{$query}%")->orWhere("name", "like", "%{$query}%")->get()); } $result = $result->flatten(); $folders = $result; } else { $folders = Folder::paginate(12); } } $departments = Department::all(); $diskTotal = disk_total_space('/'); $diskTotalSize = $diskTotal / 1073741824; $diskFree = disk_free_space('/'); $used = $diskTotal - $diskFree; $diskUsedSize = $used / 1073741824; $diskUse1 = round(100 - (($diskUsedSize / $diskTotalSize) * 100)); $diskUse = round(100 - ($diskUse1)) . '%'; return view("dashboard.folders.index")->with([ "folders" => $folders, "currentUser" => auth()->user(), "departments" => $departments, "docsCount" => Department::withCount('folder')->get(), "totalDocs" => Folder::all()->count(), "diskTotal" => $diskTotal, "diskTotalSize" => $diskTotalSize, "diskUse" => $diskUse, "diskUsedSize" => $diskUsedSize, "deptName" => $deptName, "deptCode" => $deptCode, "fileTypes" => '.' . implode(',.', explode(',', FileType::find('1')->mimes)) ]); } public function create() { return view("dashboard.folders.create")->with([ "departments" => Department::all() ]); } public function store(FolderRequest $request) { $folder = new Folder(); $existingFolder = Folder::where(['department_id' => $request->department, 'name' => $request->name, 'arch_id' => $request->arch_id])->count(); $existingFolderName = Folder::where(['department_id' => $request->department, 'name' => $request->name])->count(); $existingFolderArchId = Folder::where(['department_id' => $request->department, 'arch_id' => $request->arch_id])->count(); if($existingFolder > 0) { $folder->version = $existingFolder + 1; } if(($existingFolderName > 0 && $existingFolderArchId <= 0) || ($existingFolderName <= 0 && $existingFolderArchId > 0)) { Alert::flash("Can't create another version since folder name or archive ID is different", "error"); return redirect()->route("dashboard.folders.index"); } $department = Department::find($request->department); $user = auth()->user(); $folder->user()->associate($user); $folder->department()->associate($department); $folder->department()->increment('no_of_folders'); $folder->arch_id = $request->arch_id; $folder->name = $request->name; $folder->note = $request->note; $location = $folder->department->location . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $request->name; if (!Storage::disk('local')->has($location)) { Storage::disk('local')->makeDirectory($location); } $users = User::all(); Notification::send($users, new NewFolderCreated("New folder created")); $folder->location = $location; $folder->save(); if ($request->has('file_item')) { foreach ($request->file_item as $file) { $fileName = $folder->name . '-' . uniqid() . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); $file->storeAs($location . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $fileName); $newFile = new File(); $newFile->name = $fileName; $newFile->location = $location . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName; $newFile->folder()->associate($folder); $newFile->folder()->increment('no_of_files'); $newFile->save(); } } Alert::flash("New folder created successfully"); return redirect()->route("dashboard.folders.index"); } public function editShow($id) { return view("dashboard.folders.edit")->with([ "folder" => Folder::findOrFail($id), "departments" => Department::all(), "files" => File::where('folder_id', $id)->get(), "excelExt" => array("xls", "xlsx", "xls", "csv"), "textExt" => array("txt", "doc", "docx"), "imageExt" => array("png", "jpg", "jpeg"), ]); } public function uploadFiles(FileRequest $request, $id) { $file = new File(); $folder = Folder::findOrFail($id); $location = $folder->location; $users = User::all(); if ($request->has('file_item')) { foreach ($request->file_item as $file) { $fileName = $file->getClientOriginalName(); if(File::where(['folder_id' => $folder->id, 'name' => $fileName])->count() > 0) { Alert::flash("The uploaded file already exists", "error"); return redirect()->back(); } $file->storeAs($location . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $fileName); $newFile = new File(); $newFile->name = $fileName; $newFile->location = $location . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName; //$newFile->folder()->associate($folder); $newFile->folder()->associate($folder); $newFile->folder()->increment('no_of_files'); $newFile->save(); } Alert::flash("New files added successfully"); return redirect()->back(); } else { Alert::flash("No files were uploaded", "error"); return redirect()->back(); } } public function destroy($id) { $folder = Folder::find($id); $existingFolders = Folder::where(['department_id' => $folder->department->id, 'name' => $folder->name, 'arch_id' => $folder->arch_id])->count(); if($existingFolders > 1 && $folder->version == 1) { Alert::flash($folder->name . " has versions", "error"); return redirect()->back(); } $files = File::where('folder_id', $id)->get(); if($files->count() > 0) { Alert::flash($folder->name . " contains files", "error"); return redirect()->back(); } if (auth()->user()->hasPermission("delete_all_folders")) { foreach ($files as $file) { $file->delete(); } $folder->delete(); $location = $folder->department->location . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $folder->name; Storage::disk('local')->deleteDirectory($location); $folder->department()->decrement('no_of_folders'); Alert::flash($folder->name . " deleted successfully"); return redirect()->back(); } Alert::flash($folder->name . " cannot be deleted", "error"); return redirect()->back(); } public function downloadfolder(Request $request, $id) { $folder = Folder::find($id); $FileSystem = new Filesystem(); if($folder->no_of_files > 0) { $zip_file = Storage::disk('local')->path('Folder.zip'); $zip = new \ZipArchive(); $zip->open($zip_file, \ZipArchive::CREATE | \ZipArchive::OVERWRITE); $path = Storage::disk('local')->path($folder->department->location . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $folder->name); $files = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path)); foreach ($files as $file) { if (!$file->isDir()) { $filePath = $file->getRealPath(); // extracting filename with substr/strlen $relativePath = substr($filePath, strlen($path) + 1); $zip->addFile($filePath, $relativePath); } } $zip->close(); $headers = array('Content-Type' => 'application/octet-stream',); $zip_new_name = Carbon::now()->format('d.m.Y - H:i') . $folder->name . '.zip'; return response()->download($zip_file, $zip_new_name, $headers); } else { Alert::flash("This folder has no files", "warning"); return redirect()->back(); } } public function files(Request $request, $id) { $folder = Folder::findOrFail($id); $files = File::where('folder_id', $id); $deptId = $folder->department_id; $folders = Folder::where('department_id', $deptId)->get(); $queries = explode(" ", $request->search); if ($request->query('search')) { $result = collect(); foreach ($queries as $query) { $result->push($files->where("name", "like", "%{$query}%")->get()); } $result = $result->flatten(); $files = $result; } else { $files = File::where('folder_id', $id)->paginate(12); } return view("dashboard.folders.files")->with([ "folder" => $folder, "departments" => Department::all(), "files" => $files, "excelExt" => array("xls", "xlsx", "xls", "csv"), "textExt" => array("txt", "doc", "docx"), "imageExt" => array("png", "jpg", "jpeg"), "folders" => $folders, "fileTypes" => '.' . implode(',.', explode(',', FileType::find('1')->mimes)), ]); } }