/******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap /******/ "use strict"; var __webpack_exports__ = {}; /*!******************************************!*\ !*** ./resources/assets/js/Toast.min.js ***! \******************************************/ function Toast(t) { if (!t.message) throw new Error("Toast.js - You need to set a message to display"); this.options = t, this.options.type = t.type || "default", this.toastContainerEl = document.querySelector(".toastjs-container"), this.toastEl = document.querySelector(".toastjs"), this._init(); } Toast.prototype._createElements = function () { var t = this; return new Promise(function (e, o) { t.toastContainerEl = document.createElement("div"), t.toastContainerEl.classList.add("toastjs-container"), t.toastContainerEl.setAttribute("role", "alert"), t.toastContainerEl.setAttribute("aria-hidden", !0), t.toastEl = document.createElement("div"), t.toastEl.classList.add("toastjs"), t.toastContainerEl.appendChild(t.toastEl), document.body.appendChild(t.toastContainerEl), setTimeout(function () { return e(); }, 500); }); }, Toast.prototype._addEventListeners = function () { var t = this; if (document.querySelector(".toastjs-btn--close").addEventListener("click", function () { t._close(); }), this.options.customButtons) { var e = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(".toastjs-btn--custom")); e.map(function (e, o) { e.addEventListener("click", function (e) { return t.options.customButtons[o].onClick(e); }); }); } }, Toast.prototype._close = function () { var t = this; return new Promise(function (e, o) { t.toastContainerEl.setAttribute("aria-hidden", !0), setTimeout(function () { t.toastEl.innerHTML = "", t.toastEl.classList.remove("default", "success", "warning", "danger"), t.focusedElBeforeOpen && t.focusedElBeforeOpen.focus(), e(); }, 1e3); }); }, Toast.prototype._open = function () { this.toastEl.classList.add(this.options.type), this.toastContainerEl.setAttribute("aria-hidden", !1); var t = ""; this.options.customButtons && (t = this.options.customButtons.map(function (t, e) { return '"; }), t = t.join("")), this.toastEl.innerHTML = "\n

" + this.options.message + '

\n \n ' + t + "\n ", this.focusedElBeforeOpen = document.activeElement, document.querySelector(".toastjs-btn--close").focus(); }, Toast.prototype._init = function () { var t = this; Promise.resolve().then(function () { return t.toastContainerEl ? Promise.resolve() : t._createElements(); }).then(function () { return "false" == t.toastContainerEl.getAttribute("aria-hidden") ? t._close() : Promise.resolve(); }).then(function () { t._open(), t._addEventListeners(); }); }; /******/ })() ;