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var densityData = { backgroundColor: chartColors.primary.light, data: [10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 40, 60, 80, 40, 80, 20, 59] }; new Chart(ctx, { type: 'bar', data: { labels: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"], datasets: [densityData] }, options: { scaleFontColor: "#FFFFFF", legend: { display: false, labels: { fontColor: chartColors.fontColor } }, scales: { xAxes: [{ gridLines: { color: chartColors.borderColor }, ticks: { fontColor: chartColors.fontColor } }], yAxes: [{ gridLines: { color: chartColors.borderColor }, ticks: { fontColor: chartColors.fontColor, min: 0, max: 100, beginAtZero: true } }] } } }); } } function chart_demo_5() { if ($('#chart_demo_5').length) { var ctx = document.getElementById('chart_demo_5').getContext('2d'); window.myBar = new Chart(ctx, { type: 'bar', data: { labels: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May'], datasets: [ { label: 'Dataset 1', backgroundColor: [ chartColors.info.base, chartColors.success.base, chartColors.danger.base, chartColors.dark, chartColors.warning.base, ], yAxisID: 'y-axis-1', data: [33, 56, -40, 25, 45] }, { label: 'Dataset 2', backgroundColor: chartColors.info.base, yAxisID: 'y-axis-2', data: [23, 86, -40, 5, 45] } ] }, options: { legend: { labels: { fontColor: chartColors.fontColor } }, responsive: true, title: { display: true, text: 'Chart.js Bar Chart - Multi Axis', fontColor: chartColors.fontColor }, tooltips: { mode: 'index', intersect: true }, scales: { xAxes: [{ gridLines: { color: chartColors.borderColor }, ticks: { fontColor: chartColors.fontColor } }], yAxes: [ { type: 'linear', display: true, position: 'left', id: 'y-axis-1', }, { gridLines: { color: chartColors.borderColor }, ticks: { fontColor: chartColors.fontColor } }, { type: 'linear', display: true, position: 'right', id: 'y-axis-2', gridLines: { drawOnChartArea: false }, ticks: { fontColor: chartColors.fontColor } } ], } } }); } } function chart_demo_6() { if ($('#chart_demo_6').length) { var ctx = document.getElementById("chart_demo_6").getContext("2d"); var speedData = { labels: ["0s", "10s", "20s", "30s", "40s", "50s", "60s"], datasets: [{ label: "Car Speed (mph)", borderColor: chartColors.primary.base, backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0', data: [0, 59, 75, 20, 20, 55, 40] }] }; var chartOptions = { legend: { scaleFontColor: "#FFFFFF", position: 'top', labels: { fontColor: chartColors.fontColor } }, scales: { xAxes: [{ gridLines: { color: chartColors.borderColor }, ticks: { fontColor: chartColors.fontColor } }], yAxes: [{ gridLines: { color: chartColors.borderColor }, ticks: { fontColor: chartColors.fontColor } }] } }; new Chart(ctx, { type: 'line', data: speedData, options: chartOptions }); } } function chart_demo_7() { if ($('#chart_demo_7').length) { var config = { type: 'pie', data: { datasets: [{ borderWidth: 3, borderColor: $('body').hasClass('dark') ? "#313852" : "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)", data: [ 1242, 742, 442, 1742 ], backgroundColor: [ colors.danger, colors.info, colors.warning, colors.success ], label: 'Dataset 1' }], labels: [ 'Organic Search', 'Email', 'Refferal', 'Social Media', ] }, options: { responsive: true, legend: { display: false } } }; var ctx = document.getElementById('chart_demo_7').getContext('2d'); new Chart(ctx, config); } } function chart_demo_8() { if ($('#chart_demo_8').length) { new Chart(document.getElementById("chart_demo_8"), { type: 'radar', data: { labels: ["Africa", "Asia", "Europe", "Latin America", "North America"], datasets: [ { label: "1950", fill: true, backgroundColor: "rgba(179,181,198,0.2)", borderColor: "rgba(179,181,198,1)", pointBorderColor: "#fff", pointBackgroundColor: "rgba(179,181,198,1)", data: [-8.77, -55.61, 21.69, 6.62, 6.82] }, { label: "2050", fill: true, backgroundColor: "rgba(255,99,132,0.2)", borderColor: "rgba(255,99,132,1)", pointBorderColor: "#fff", pointBackgroundColor: "rgba(255,99,132,1)", data: [-25.48, 54.16, 7.61, 8.06, 4.45] } ] }, options: { legend: { labels: { fontColor: chartColors.fontColor } }, scale: { gridLines: { color: chartColors.borderColor } }, title: { display: true, text: 'Distribution in % of world population', fontColor: chartColors.fontColor } } }); } } function chart_demo_9() { if ($('#chart_demo_9').length) { new Chart(document.getElementById("chart_demo_9"), { type: 'horizontalBar', data: { labels: ["Africa", "Asia", "Europe", "Latin America", "North America"], datasets: [ { label: "Population (millions)", backgroundColor: colors.primary, data: [2478, 2267, 734, 1284, 1933] } ] }, options: { legend: { display: false }, scales: { xAxes: [{ gridLines: { color: chartColors.borderColor }, ticks: { fontColor: chartColors.fontColor, display: false } }], yAxes: [{ gridLines: { color: chartColors.borderColor, display: false }, ticks: { fontColor: chartColors.fontColor }, barPercentage: 0.5 }] } } }); } } function chart_demo_10() { if ($('#chart_demo_10').length) { var element = document.getElementById("chart_demo_10"); new Chart(element, { type: 'bar', data: { labels: ["1900", "1950", "1999", "2050"], datasets: [ { label: "Europe", type: "line", borderColor: "#8e5ea2", data: [408, 547, 675, 734], fill: false }, { label: "Africa", type: "line", borderColor: "#3e95cd", data: [133, 221, 783, 2478], fill: false }, { label: "Europe", type: "bar", backgroundColor: chartColors.primary.base, data: [408, 547, 675, 734], }, { label: "Africa", type: "bar", backgroundColor: chartColors.primary.light, data: [133, 221, 783, 2478] } ] }, options: { title: { display: true, text: 'Population growth (millions): Europe & Africa', fontColor: chartColors.fontColor }, legend: { display: true, labels: { fontColor: chartColors.fontColor } }, scales: { xAxes: [{ gridLines: { color: chartColors.borderColor }, ticks: { fontColor: chartColors.fontColor } }], yAxes: [{ gridLines: { color: chartColors.borderColor }, ticks: { fontColor: chartColors.fontColor } }] } } }); } } if ($('#circle-1').length) { $('#circle-1').circleProgress({ startAngle: 1.55, value: 0.65, size: 90, thickness: 10, fill: { color: colors.primary } }); } if ($('#sales-circle-graphic').length) { $('#sales-circle-graphic').circleProgress({ startAngle: 1.55, value: 0.65, size: 180, thickness: 30, fill: { color: colors.primary } }); } if ($('#circle-2').length) { $('#circle-2').circleProgress({ startAngle: 1.55, value: 0.35, size: 90, thickness: 10, fill: { color: colors.warning } }); } //////////////////////////////////////////// if ($(".dashboard-pie-1").length) { $(".dashboard-pie-1").peity("pie", { fill: [colors.primaryLight, colors.primary], radius: 30 }); } if ($(".dashboard-pie-2").length) { $(".dashboard-pie-2").peity("pie", { fill: [colors.successLight, colors.success], radius: 30 }); } if ($(".dashboard-pie-3").length) { $(".dashboard-pie-3").peity("pie", { fill: [colors.warningLight, colors.warning], radius: 30 }); } if ($(".dashboard-pie-4").length) { $(".dashboard-pie-4").peity("pie", { fill: [colors.infoLight, colors.info], radius: 30 }); } //////////////////////////////////////////// function bar_chart() { if ($('#chart-ticket-status').length > 0) { var dataSource = [ {country: "USA", hydro: 59.8, oil: 937.6, gas: 582, coal: 564.3, nuclear: 187.9}, {country: "China", hydro: 74.2, oil: 308.6, gas: 35.1, coal: 956.9, nuclear: 11.3}, {country: "Russia", hydro: 40, oil: 128.5, gas: 361.8, coal: 105, nuclear: 32.4}, {country: "Japan", hydro: 22.6, oil: 241.5, gas: 64.9, coal: 120.8, nuclear: 64.8}, {country: "India", hydro: 19, oil: 119.3, gas: 28.9, coal: 204.8, nuclear: 3.8}, {country: "Germany", hydro: 6.1, oil: 123.6, gas: 77.3, coal: 85.7, nuclear: 37.8} ]; // Return with commas in between var numberWithCommas = function (x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); }; var dataPack1 = [40, 47, 44, 38, 27, 40, 47, 44, 38, 27, 40, 27]; var dataPack2 = [10, 12, 7, 5, 4, 10, 12, 7, 5, 4, 10, 12]; var dataPack3 = [17, 11, 22, 18, 12, 17, 11, 22, 18, 12, 17, 11]; var dates = ["Jan", "Jan", "Jan", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]; var bar_ctx = document.getElementById('chart-ticket-status'); bar_ctx.height = 115; new Chart(bar_ctx, { type: 'bar', data: { labels: dates, datasets: [ { label: 'New Tickets', data: dataPack1, backgroundColor: colors.primary, hoverBorderWidth: 0 }, { label: 'Solved Tickets', data: dataPack2, backgroundColor: colors.success, hoverBorderWidth: 0 }, { label: 'Pending Tickets', data: dataPack3, backgroundColor: colors.info, hoverBorderWidth: 0 }, ] }, options: { legend: { display: false }, animation: { duration: 10, }, tooltips: { mode: 'label', callbacks: { label: function (tooltipItem, data) { return data.datasets[tooltipItem.datasetIndex].label + ": " + numberWithCommas(tooltipItem.yLabel); } } }, scales: { xAxes: [{ stacked: true, gridLines: {display: false}, ticks: { fontSize: 11, fontColor: chartColors.fontColor } }], yAxes: [{ stacked: true, ticks: { callback: function (value) { return numberWithCommas(value); }, fontSize: 11, fontColor: chartColors.fontColor }, }], } }, plugins: [{ beforeInit: function (chart) { chart.data.labels.forEach(function (value, index, array) { var a = []; a.push(value.slice(0, 5)); var i = 1; while (value.length > (i * 5)) { a.push(value.slice(i * 5, (i + 1) * 5)); i++; } array[index] = a; }) } }] } ); } } bar_chart(); function online_users() { if ($('#online-users').length > 0) { var lastDate = 0; var data = [] var TICKINTERVAL = 86400000 let XAXISRANGE = 777600000 function getDayWiseTimeSeries(baseval, count, yrange) { var i = 0; while (i < count) { var x = baseval; var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * (yrange.max - yrange.min + 1)) + yrange.min; data.push({ x, y }); lastDate = baseval baseval += TICKINTERVAL; i++; } } getDayWiseTimeSeries(new Date('11 Feb 2017 GMT').getTime(), 10, { min: 10, max: 90 }) function getNewSeries(baseval, yrange) { var newDate = baseval + TICKINTERVAL; lastDate = newDate for (var i = 0; i < data.length - 10; i++) { // IMPORTANT // we reset the x and y of the data which is out of drawing area // to prevent memory leaks data[i].x = newDate - XAXISRANGE - TICKINTERVAL data[i].y = 0 } data.push({ x: newDate, y: Math.floor(Math.random() * (yrange.max - yrange.min + 1)) + yrange.min }) } function resetData() { // Alternatively, you can also reset the data at certain intervals to prevent creating a huge series data = data.slice(data.length - 10, data.length); } var options = { series: [{ data: data.slice() }], chart: { id: 'realtime', height: 330, type: 'line', fontFamily: 'Inter', toolbar: { show: false }, zoom: { enabled: false } }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, stroke: { curve: 'smooth', width: 3, colors: ['#ffffff'], }, xaxis: { labels: { show: false, }, type: 'datetime', range: XAXISRANGE, axisBorder: { show: false, } }, yaxis: { show: false, max: 100 }, grid: { show: false, } }; var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#online-users"), options); chart.render(); window.setInterval(function () { getNewSeries(lastDate, { min: 10, max: 90 }); chart.updateSeries([{ data: data }]) }, 1000) } } online_users(); function customerGrowth() { if ($('#customer-growth').length > 0) { var options = { chart: { height: 350, type: 'area', offsetX: -20, offsetY: -10, width: '103%', fontFamily: 'Inter', toolbar: { show: false, } }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, colors: [colors.primary], stroke: { curve: 'smooth', width: 2, }, series: [{ name: 'Sales', data: [80, 40, 60, 90, 50, 100, 90, 80, 45, 75, 50, 100] }], fill: { type: 'gradient', gradient: { opacityFrom: 0.6, opacityTo: 0, } }, xaxis: { categories: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"], } }; var chart = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#customer-growth"), options ); chart.render(); } } customerGrowth(); function device_session_chart() { if ($('#device_session_chart').length) { var data = [ { name: "Mobile", data: [90, 152, 138, 145, 120, 123, 140] }, { name: "Tablet", data: [125, 90, 128, 135, 150, 123, 180] }, { name: "Desktop", data: [50, 200, 138, 135, 100, 123, 90] } ]; var options = { chart: { type: 'area', fontFamily: 'Inter', height: 300, offsetX: -18, width: '103%', stacked: true, events: { selection: function (chart, e) { // console.log(new Date(e.xaxis.min)) } }, toolbar: { show: false, } }, colors: [colors.primary, colors.secondary, colors.success], dataLabels: { enabled: false }, stroke: { curve: 'smooth', width: 1 }, series: data, fill: { type: 'gradient', gradient: { opacityFrom: .6, opacityTo: 0, } }, legend: { show: false }, xaxis: { categories: [ "01 Jan", "02 Jan", "03 Jan", "04 Jan", "05 Jan", "06 Jan", "07 Jan" ] } }; var chart = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#device_session_chart"), options ); chart.render(); /* // this function will generate output in this format // data = [ [timestamp, 23], [timestamp, 33], [timestamp, 12] ... ] */ function generateDayWiseTimeSeries(baseval, count, yrange) { var i = 0; var series = []; while (i < count) { var x = baseval; var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * (yrange.max - yrange.min + 1)) + yrange.min; series.push([x, y]); baseval += 86400000; i++; } return series; } } } device_session_chart(); function analytics_tab1() { if ($('#analytics-tab-1').length) { var options = { series: [{ name: 'Users', data: [20, 25, 15, 12, 25, 20, 22] }], chart: { height: 280, type: 'line', offsetX: -20, offsetY: 20, width: '102%', fontFamily: 'Inter', toolbar: { show: false, } }, stroke: { width: 3, curve: 'smooth' }, xaxis: { type: 'datetime', categories: [ "01 Jan", "02 Jan", "03 Jan", "04 Jan", "05 Jan", "06 Jan", "07 Jan" ] }, fill: { type: 'gradient', gradient: { shade: 'dark', gradientToColors: [colors.secondary], shadeIntensity: 1, type: 'horizontal', opacityFrom: 1, opacityTo: 1, stops: [0, 100, 100, 100] }, } }; var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#analytics-tab-1"), options); chart.render(); } } analytics_tab1(); function analytics_tab2() { if ($('#analytics-tab-2').length) { var options = { series: [{ name: 'Conversations', data: [10, 35, 10, 22, 25, 10, 30] }], chart: { height: 280, type: 'line', offsetX: -20, offsetY: 20, width: '102%', fontFamily: 'Inter', toolbar: { show: false, } }, stroke: { width: 3, curve: 'smooth' }, xaxis: { type: 'datetime', categories: [ "01 Jan", "02 Jan", "03 Jan", "04 Jan", "05 Jan", "06 Jan", "07 Jan" ] }, fill: { type: 'gradient', gradient: { shade: 'dark', gradientToColors: [colors.secondary], shadeIntensity: 1, type: 'horizontal', opacityFrom: 1, opacityTo: 1, stops: [0, 100, 100, 100] }, } }; var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#analytics-tab-2"), options); chart.render(); } } analytics_tab2(); function analytics_tab3() { if ($('#analytics-tab-3').length) { var options = { series: [{ name: 'Bounce Rate', data: [20.5, 30.6, 25.6, 22.6, 25.1, 15.5, 18.0] }], chart: { height: 280, type: 'line', offsetX: -20, offsetY: 20, width: '102%', fontFamily: 'Inter', toolbar: { show: false, } }, stroke: { width: 3, curve: 'smooth' }, xaxis: { type: 'datetime', categories: [ "01 Jan", "02 Jan", "03 Jan", "04 Jan", "05 Jan", "06 Jan", "07 Jan" ] }, fill: { type: 'gradient', gradient: { shade: 'dark', gradientToColors: [colors.secondary], shadeIntensity: 1, type: 'horizontal', opacityFrom: 1, opacityTo: 1, stops: [0, 100, 100, 100] }, }, tooltip: { y: { formatter: function (val) { return "%" + val } } } }; var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#analytics-tab-3"), options); chart.render(); } } analytics_tab3(); function analytics_tab4() { if ($('#analytics-tab-4').length) { var options = { series: [{ name: 'Session Duration', data: [25, 30, 25, 32, 25, 30, 18] }], chart: { height: 280, type: 'line', offsetX: -20, offsetY: 20, width: '102%', fontFamily: 'Inter', toolbar: { show: false, } }, stroke: { width: 3, curve: 'smooth' }, xaxis: { type: 'datetime', categories: [ "01 Jan 2020 18:50", "02 Jan 2020 18:50", "03 Jan 2020 18:50", "04 Jan 2020 18:50", "05 Jan 2020 18:50", "06 Jan 2020 18:50", "07 Jan 2020 18:50" ] }, fill: { type: 'gradient', gradient: { shade: 'dark', gradientToColors: [colors.secondary], shadeIntensity: 1, type: 'horizontal', opacityFrom: 1, opacityTo: 1, stops: [0, 100, 100, 100] }, } }; var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#analytics-tab-4"), options); chart.render(); } } analytics_tab4(); function chart1() { if ($('#chart1').length) { var options = { chart: { type: 'bar', toolbar: { show: false } }, plotOptions: { bar: { horizontal: false, columnWidth: '55%', backgroundBarColors: ['red'] }, }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, stroke: { show: true, width: 1, colors: ['transparent'] }, colors: [colors.secondary, colors.info, colors.warning], series: [{ name: 'Net Profit', data: [44, 55, 57, 56, 61, 58, 63, 60, 66] }, { name: 'Revenue', data: [76, 85, 101, 98, 87, 105, 91, 114, 94] }, { name: 'Free Cash Flow', data: [35, 41, 36, 26, 45, 48, 52, 53, 41] }], xaxis: { categories: ['Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct'], }, legend: { position: 'bottom', offsetY: -10 }, tooltip: { y: { formatter: function (val) { return "$ " + val + " thousands" } } } }; var chart = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart1"), options ); chart.render(); } } chart1(); function widget_chart1() { if ($('#widget-chart1').length) { var ctx = document.getElementById("widget-chart1"); ctx.height = 50; new Chart(ctx.getContext('2d'), { type: 'line', data: { labels: ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sst", "Sun"], datasets: [{ label: 'data-2', data: [5, 15, 5, 20, 5, 15, 5], backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,255,0)", borderWidth: 1, borderColor: colors.success, pointBorder: false, }] }, options: { elements: { point: { radius: 0 } }, tooltips: { enabled: false }, legend: { display: false }, scales: { yAxes: [{ display: false, }], xAxes: [{ display: false }] }, } }); } } widget_chart1(); function widget_chart2() { if ($('#widget-chart2').length) { var ctx = document.getElementById("widget-chart2"); ctx.height = 50; var barChart = new Chart(ctx.getContext('2d'), { type: 'line', data: { labels: ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sst", "Sun"], datasets: [{ label: 'data-2', data: [5, 10, 10, 10, 5, 15, 10], backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,255,0)", borderColor: colors.warning, borderWidth: 1, pointBorder: false, }] }, options: { elements: { point: { radius: 0 } }, tooltips: { enabled: false }, legend: { display: false }, scales: { yAxes: [{ display: false }], xAxes: [{ display: false }] }, } }); } } widget_chart2(); function widget_chart3() { if ($('#widget-chart3').length) { var ctx = document.getElementById("widget-chart3"); ctx.height = 50; var barChart = new Chart(ctx.getContext('2d'), { type: 'line', data: { labels: ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sst", "Sun"], datasets: [{ label: 'data-2', data: [10, 5, 15, 5, 15, 5, 15], backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,255,0)", borderColor: colors.danger, borderWidth: 1, pointBorder: false, }] }, options: { elements: { point: { radius: 0 } }, tooltips: { enabled: false }, legend: { display: false }, scales: { yAxes: [{ display: false }], xAxes: [{ display: false }] }, } }); } } widget_chart3(); function contactsStatuses() { if ($('#contacts-statuses').length) { var chart = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#contacts-statuses"), { chart: { width: "100%", type: 'donut', }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, stroke: { width: 3, colors: $('body').hasClass('dark') ? "#313852" : "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)", }, series: [44, 55, 13, 33], labels: ['New Contact', 'NR1', 'NR2', 'NR3'], colors: [colors.warning, colors.info, colors.success, colors.danger], legend: { position: 'bottom', } } ); chart.render(); } } contactsStatuses(); function revenue() { if ($('#revenue').length) { var ts2 = 1484418600000; var dates = []; for (var i = 0; i < 120; i++) { ts2 = ts2 + 86400000; var innerArr = [ts2, dataSeries[1][i].value]; dates.push(innerArr) } var options = { chart: { type: 'area', fontFamily: "Inter", offsetX: -18, stacked: false, height: 390, width: '103%', toolbar: { show: false } }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, series: [{ name: 'Number of orders', data: dates }], stroke: { colors: [colors.primary], width: 2 }, fill: { type: 'gradient', gradient: { opacityFrom: 0.6, opacityTo: 0, } }, yaxis: { labels: { formatter: function (val) { return (val / 1000000).toFixed(0); }, } }, xaxis: { type: 'datetime', }, tooltip: { shared: false, y: { formatter: function (val) { return (val / 1000000).toFixed(0) } } } }; var chart = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#revenue"), options ); chart.render(); } } revenue(); function hotProducts() { if ($('#hot-products').length) { var options = { series: [44, 55, 13, 36, 30], chart: { type: 'donut', fontFamily: "Inter", offsetY: 30, height: 250, }, colors: [colors.primary, colors.secondary, colors.success, colors.warning, colors.danger], labels: ['Iphone', 'Samsung', 'Huawei', 'General Mobile', 'Xiaomi'], dataLabels: { enabled: false, }, stroke: { colors: $('body').hasClass('dark') ? "#313852" : "#ffffff", }, legend: { show: false } }; var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#hot-products"), options); chart.render(); } } hotProducts(); function activityChart() { if ($('#ecommerce-activity-chart').length) { var options = { chart: { type: 'bar', fontFamily: "Inter", offsetX: -18, height: 312, width: '103%', toolbar: { show: false } }, series: [{ name: 'Comments', data: [44, 55, 57, 56, 61, 58, 63, 60, 66] }, { name: 'Product View', data: [76, 85, 101, 98, 87, 105, 91, 114, 94] }], colors: [colors.secondary, colors.info], plotOptions: { bar: { horizontal: false, columnWidth: '50%', endingShape: 'rounded' }, }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, stroke: { show: true, width: 8, colors: ['transparent'] }, xaxis: { categories: ['Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct'], }, fill: { opacity: 1 }, legend: { position: "top", } }; var chart = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#ecommerce-activity-chart"), options ); chart.render(); } } activityChart(); function projectTasks() { if ($('#project-tasks').length) { var options = { colors: [colors.primary, colors.success, colors.info, colors.warning], chart: { height: 350, type: 'bar', stacked: true, offsetY: -30, fontFamily: 'Inter', toolbar: { show: false }, zoom: { enabled: false } }, plotOptions: { bar: { horizontal: false, }, }, series: [{ name: 'Project A', data: [44, 55, 41, 67, 22, 43] }, { name: 'Project B', data: [13, 23, 20, 8, 13, 27] }, { name: 'Project C', data: [11, 17, 15, 15, 21, 14] }, { name: 'Project D', data: [21, 7, 25, 13, 22, 8] }], xaxis: { type: 'datetime', categories: ['01/01/2011 GMT', '01/02/2011 GMT', '01/03/2011 GMT', '01/04/2011 GMT', '01/05/2011 GMT', '01/06/2011 GMT'], }, legend: { position: 'bottom', offsetY: -10 }, fill: { opacity: 1 }, }; var chart = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#project-tasks"), options ); chart.render(); } } setInterval(function () { $('#online-users-text').text(Math.round(Math.random() * 100)); }, 2000); projectTasks(); });