# SaveSpace Document management system in PHP ## Quick Start 1. ``` git clone https://github.com/beratkjufliju/SaveSpace.git ``` 2. ``` cd SaveSpace ``` 3. ``` git checkout -b develop ``` <<<<<<< HEAD 4. ======= 4. >>>>>>> c2e9bd946c4c249836b8699c48946f6079ee7a84 5. ``` composer install ``` 6. ``` npm install ``` 7. ``` npm run production ``` 8. ``` cp .env.example .env ``` 9. ``` php artisan key:generate ``` 10. Create database and edit .env with your database credentials 11. Create account at [Mailtrap](https://mailtrap.io/) and edit .env with mailtrap configuration 12. ``` php artisan clear:all --ms ``` 13. ``` php artisan serve ``` Then you can visit http://localhost:8000/auth/login #### Login Credentials: Username: ``` admin ``` Password: ``` 123456 ``` Verification code: ``` 1234 ```