$(document).ready(function() { var business = {}; getBusinessInfo(business); getAppointments(); $("#add_service").click(function () { var input_service = $("#input_service").val(); // clear the input $("#input_service").val(''); $("#predefined_services_admin_panel").append( '
' + '
' + '
\n' + ' \n' + ' \n' + '
' + '
' + ' ' + '
' + '
' + ' ' + '
' + '
' + '
'); event.preventDefault(); }); $("#update_services_button").click(function () { businesses = []; console.log("Gjoko"); servicesObj = []; $.each($('#predefined_services_admin_panel input:checked').siblings(), function (index, label) { let service = {}; var id = $(label).prop('for'); var text = $(label).text(); var time = $($($(label).parent()).siblings()[0]).children()[0].value; var price = $($($(label).parent()).siblings()[1]).children()[0].value; var serviceType = {} if (parseInt(id) != -1) { service['id'] = parseInt(id); serviceType['id'] = business['services'].find(obj => obj.id === parseInt(id))['serviceType']['id']; } else { } serviceType['name'] = text.trim(); service['serviceType'] = serviceType; service['duration'] = parseInt(time); service['price'] = parseInt(price); servicesObj.push(service); }); business['services'] = servicesObj; businesses.push(business); console.log(JSON.stringify(businesses)); $.ajax({ url: "http://localhost:8080/api/business", type:"PATCH", data: JSON.stringify(businesses), contentType:"application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: 'text', success: function(succ){ alert( "Updates applied successfully" ); }, error: function(err) { alert(err); } }); event.preventDefault(); }); $("#update_owner_button").click(function() { businesses = []; business['owner']['firstName'] = $('#firstName').val(); business['owner']['lastName'] = $('#lastName').val(); business['owner']['email'] = $('#email').val(); business['owner']['phoneNumber'] = $('#phoneNumber').val(); business['owner']['username'] = $('#username').val(); businesses.push(business); console.log(JSON.stringify(businesses)); $.ajax({ url: "http://localhost:8080/api/business", type:"PATCH", data: JSON.stringify(businesses), contentType:"application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: 'text', success: function(succ){ alert( "Updates applied successfully" ); }, error: function(err) { alert(err); } }); }); event.preventDefault(); }); function cancelAppointment(appointmentId) { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to cancel the appointment?")) { $.ajax({ url: "http://localhost:8080/api/appointment/" + appointmentId, type:"DELETE" }).success(function (data) { alert("Appointment successfully canceled.") getAppointments(); }).error(function (error) { alert("Something went wrong."); }); } } function getAppointments() { $.ajax({ url: "http://localhost:8080/api/appointment/future/me" }).then(function (data) { console.log(data); var $el = $("#bookings-table-body"); $el.empty(); $.each(data, function (index, obj) { var element = '' + ' ' + (parseInt(index) + 1) + '' + ' ' + obj['fullName'] + '' + ' ' + obj['email'] + '' + ' ' + obj['phoneNumber'] + '' + ' ' + obj['timePeriod'] + '' + ' ' + obj['serviceName'] + ''; switch (obj['status']) { case 'NEW': element += ' '; break; case 'CANCELLED_BY_CUSTOMER': element += ' '; break; case 'CANCELLED_BY_BUSINESS_OWNER': element += ' '; break; } element+=''; $el.append(element); }); }); } function getBusinessInfo(business) { $.ajax({ url: "http://localhost:8080/api/business/me" }).then(function (data) { business = data; var $header = $("#header"); // header $header.text($header.text() + " " + business["owner"]['firstName'] + " " + business['owner']['lastName']); // business info if(business['businessStatus'] == 'NEW') { $('#new_business_warning').removeAttr("hidden"); } $('#business_status').val(business['businessStatus']); $('#business_type').val(business['businessType']['text']); // owner info $('#firstName').val(business['owner']['firstName']); $('#lastName').val(business['owner']['lastName']); $('#phoneNumber').val(business['owner']['phoneNumber']); $('#email').val(business['owner']['email']); $('#username').val(business['owner']['username']); // services info var $el = $("#predefined_services_admin_panel"); $el.empty(); $.each(business['services'], function (index, obj) { $el.append( '
' + '
' + '
\n' + ' \n' + ' \n' + '
' + '
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' + '
' + ' ' + '
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'); }); }); }