$(document).ready(function() { getCustomerInfo(); getFutureAppointments(); getPastAppointments(); getReviewsForCustomer(); $("#update_customer_button").click(function() { var customerForSave = customer; customerForSave['firstName'] = $('#firstName').val(); customerForSave['lastName'] = $('#lastName').val(); customerForSave['email'] = $('#email').val(); customerForSave['phoneNumber'] = $('#phoneNumber').val(); customerForSave['username'] = $('#username').val(); $.ajax({ url: "http://localhost:8080/api/customer", type:"PATCH", data: JSON.stringify(customerForSave), contentType:"application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: 'text', success: function(succ){ alert( "Updates applied successfully" ); }, error: function(err) { alert(err); } }); }); $("#post-review-button").click(function () { var ratingRadios = document.getElementsByName('rating'); var rating = 0; for (i = 0; i < ratingRadios.length; i++) { if (ratingRadios[i].checked) { rating = ratingRadios[i].value; } } var id = $('.id-class').attr('id') ; var message = $('#message-text').val(); postAppointmentReview(id, rating, message); }); $('#reviewModal').on('show.bs.modal', function (event) { // Button that triggered the modal const button = event.relatedTarget // Extract info from data-bs-* attributes const recipientName = button.getAttribute('data-bs-fullName'); const recipientId = button.getAttribute('data-bs-id'); // Update the modal's content. const modalTitle = reviewModal.querySelector('.modal-title'); const modalIdDiv = reviewModal.querySelector('.id-class'); const modalBodyInput = reviewModal.querySelector('.modal-body input'); modalTitle.textContent = `Review for ${recipientName}`; modalIdDiv.id = recipientId; modalBodyInput.value = recipientName; }) }); function goToHomePage() { window.location = "/homepage"; } function getCustomerInfo() { $.ajax({ url: "http://localhost:8080/api/customer/me" }).success(function (customer) { var $header = $("#fullName"); $header.text(customer['firstName'] + " " + customer['lastName']); // customer info $('#firstName').val(customer['firstName']); $('#lastName').val(customer['lastName']); $('#phoneNumber').val(customer['phoneNumber']); $('#email').val(customer['email']); $('#username').val(customer['username']); }).error(function (error) { console.log(JSON.stringify(error)); }); } function getFutureAppointments(){ $.ajax({ url: "http://localhost:8080/api/appointment/future/me" }).then(function (data) { var $el = $("#appointments-table-body"); $el.empty(); $.each(data, function (index, obj) { var element = '' + ' ' + (parseInt(index) + 1) + '' + ' ' + obj['fullName'] + '' + ' ' + obj['email'] + '' + ' ' + obj['phoneNumber'] + '' + ' ' + obj['timePeriod'] + '' + ' ' + obj['serviceName'] + ''; switch (obj['status']) { case 'NEW': element += ' '; break; case 'CANCELLED_BY_CUSTOMER': element += ' '; break; case 'CANCELLED_BY_BUSINESS_OWNER': element += ' '; break; } element+=''; $el.append(element); }); }); } function getPastAppointments(){ $.ajax({ url: "http://localhost:8080/api/appointment/past/me" }).then(function (data) { var $el = $("#past-appointments-table-body"); $el.empty(); $.each(data, function (index, obj) { var element= '' + ' ' + (parseInt(index) + 1) + '' + ' ' + obj['fullName'] + '' + ' ' + obj['email'] + '' + ' ' + obj['phoneNumber'] + '' + ' ' + obj['timePeriod'] + '' + ' ' + obj['serviceName'] + ''; switch (obj['status']) { case 'NEW': element += ''; break; case 'CANCELLED_BY_CUSTOMER': element += ' '; break; case 'CANCELLED_BY_BUSINESS_OWNER': element += ' '; break; case 'FINISHED_AND_REVIEWED_BY_USER': element += ' '; break; } element+=''; $el.append(element); }); }); } function generateStars(number) { return '☆'.repeat(number); } function generateBackgroundColor(number) { var color = ''; switch (number) { case 5: color = 'text-bg-primary'; break; case 4: color = 'text-bg-success'; break; case 3: color = 'text-bg-secondary'; break; case 2: color = 'text-bg-warning'; break; case 1: color = 'text-bg-danger'; break; } return color; } function getReviewsForCustomer(){ $.ajax({ url: "http://localhost:8080/api/review/me" }).then(function (data) { var $el = $("#my-reviews"); $el.empty(); $.each(data, function (index, obj) { var element = '
'; element += '
' + generateStars(obj['rating']) + '
'; element += ''; element += '
'; $el.append(element); }); }); } function postAppointmentReview(appointmentId, rating, review) { var appointment = {}; var ratingObj = {}; appointment['id'] = parseInt(appointmentId); ratingObj['appointment'] = appointment; ratingObj['rating'] = parseInt(rating); ratingObj['comment'] = review; $.ajax({ url: "http://localhost:8080/api/review", type:"POST", data: JSON.stringify(ratingObj), contentType:"application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: 'text', success: function(succ){ alert("Successful appointment!"); $('#reviewModal').modal('toggle'); getPastAppointments(); getReviewsForCustomer(); }, error: function(error) { alert(error.responseText); $('#reviewModal').modal('toggle'); } }); } function cancelAppointment(appointmentId) { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to cancel the appointment?")) { $.ajax({ url: "http://localhost:8080/api/appointment/" + appointmentId, type:"DELETE" }).success(function (data) { alert("Appointment successfully canceled.") getFutureAppointments(); }).error(function (error) { alert("Something went wrong."); }); } }