P2: Полнење.sql

File Полнење.sql, 8.6 KB (added by 161007, 9 months ago)
1insert into Book(BookID, Tile, StockQuantity, Price, PublishedDate) values
2(1, 'The Great Gatsby', 100, 19.99, '01-01-2017'),
3(2, 'To Kill a Mockingbird', 120, 15.99, '02-05-2019'),
4(3, '1984', 80, 12.50, '15-11-2021'),
5(4, 'Pride and Prejudice', 90, 14.99, '20-03-2022'),
6(5, 'The Catcher in the Rye', 110, 17.50, '02-04-2021'),
7(6, 'The Hobbit', 95, 18.75, '10-01-1975'),
8(7, 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer\'s Stone', 150, 22.99, '28-02-2011'),
9(8, 'The Lord of the Rings', 75, 25.50, '15-03-2013'),
10(9, 'Brave New World', 85, 16.99, '05-12-2009'),
11(10, 'The Da Vinci Code', 105, 20.25, '10-04-2019'),
12(11, 'The Shining', 70, 13.99, '25-01-2016'),
13(12, 'The Hunger Games', 125, 19.25, '15-02-2017'),
14(13, 'Dune', 80, 24.99, '05-03-2017'),
15(14, 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo', 95, 15.75, '18-04-2013'),
16(15, 'The Road', 60, 11.50, '20-12-2011'),
17(16, 'Great Expectations', 110, 14.50, '08-01-1998'),
18(17, 'Moby-Dick', 70, 21.99, '20-02-2000'),
19(18, 'The Odyssey', 100, 18.50, '10-03-1999'),
20(19, 'War and Peace', 65, 27.50, '05-04-2000');
22insert into Recommendation(RecommendationID, DateRecommendation) values
23(1, '15-02-2022'),
24(2, '01-03-2023'),
25(3, '05-04-2023'),
26(4, '12-05-2021'),
27(5, '20-06-2020'),
28(6, '04-07-2019'),
29(7, '15-08-2015'),
30(8, '22-09-2018'),
31(9, '30-10-2020'),
32(10, '11-11-2020');
34insert into Author(AuthorID, AuthorName, Email) values
35(1, 'Jane Austen', 'jane.austen@gmail.com'),
36(2, 'Charles Dickens', 'charles.dickens@hotmail.com'),
37(3, 'J.K. Rowling', 'jk.rowling@yahoo.com'),
38(4, 'George Orwell', 'george.orwell@gmail.com'),
39(5, 'Harper Lee', 'harper.lee@hotmail.com'),
40(6, 'J.R.R. Tolkien', 'jrr.tolkien@yahoo.com'),
41(7, 'F. Scott Fitzgerald', 'fscott.fitzgerald@gmail.com'),
42(8, 'Herman Melville', 'herman.melville@hotmail.com'),
43(9, 'Leo Tolstoy', 'leo.tolstoy@yahoo.com'),
44(10, 'Ray Bradbury', 'ray.bradbury@gmail.com'),
45(11, 'Agatha Christie', 'agatha.christie@hotmail.com'),
46(12, 'Gabriel Garcia Marquez', 'gabriel.marquez@yahoo.com'),
47(13, 'Jane Eyre', 'jane.eyre@gmail.com'),
48(14, 'Emily Bronte', 'emily.bronte@hotmail.com'),
49(15, 'Mark Twain', 'mark.twain@yahoo.com');
51insert into Review(ReviewID, Rating, DatePosted, Comment) values
52(1, 5, '10-03-2023', 'A masterpiece!'),
53(2, 4, '15-03-2022', 'Enjoyed the plot twists.'),
54(3, 5, '20-03-2023', 'Couldn't put it down.'),
55(4, 3, '01-04-2021', 'Interesting, but a bit slow.'),
56(5, 4, '05-04-2019', 'Well-written and engaging.'),
57(6, 5, '10-04-2018', 'One of my all-time favorites.'),
58(7, 2, '15-04-2010', 'Not my cup of tea.'),
59(8, 5, '20-04-2022', 'Captivating characters.'),
60(9, 4, '25-04-2023', 'Great book for a rainy day.'),
61(10, 3, '01-05-2023', 'Expected more from the ending.');
63insert into Shipping(ShippingID, ShipDate, TrackingNumber, Status) values
64(1, '01-04-2022', 'ABC123456', 'Shipped'),
65(2, '05-04-2021', 'XYZ789012', 'In Transit'),
66(3, '10-04-2023', 'DEF345678', 'Delivered'),
67(4, '15-04-2023', 'GHI901234', 'Shipped'),
68(5, '20-04-2023', 'JKL567890', 'In Transit'),
69(6, '25-04-2019', 'MNO123456', 'Delivered'),
70(7, '01-05-2023', 'PQR789012', 'Shipped'),
71(8, '05-05-2023', 'STU345678', 'In Transit'),
72(9, '10-05-2023', 'VWX901234', 'Delivered'),
73(10, '15-27-2023', 'YZA567890', 'Shipped'),
74(11, '20-05-2023', 'BCD123456', 'In Transit'),
75(12, '25-05-2023', 'EFG789012', 'Delivered');
77insert into Order(OrderID, OrderDate, TotalAmount) values
78(1, '01-04-2021', 150.75),
79(2, '05-04-2022', 98.50),
80(3, '10-04-2023', 120.25),
81(4, '15-04-2019', 175.99),
82(5, '20-04-2020', 210.80),
83(6, '25-04-2018', 135.50),
84(7, '01-05-2020', 88.75),
85(8, '05-05-2023', 200.45),
86(9, '10-05-2022', 110.30),
87(10, '15-05-2022', 180.60),
88(11, '20-05-2023', 95.20),
89(12, '25-05-2016', 145.75),
90(13, '01-06-2023', 160.90),
91(14, '05-06-2022', 75.40),
92(15, '10-06-2022', 220.15),
93(16, '15-06-2023', 130.80),
94(17, '20-06-2023', 185.25),
95(18, '25-06-2023', 98.90),
96(19, '01-07-2020', 112.50);
98insert into Payment(PaymentID, PaymentDate, PaymentMethod, Amount) values
99(1, '01-04-2023', 'Credit Card', 150.75),
100(2, '05-04-2023', 'PayPal', 98.50),
101(3, '10-04-2022', 'PayPal', 120.25),
102(4, '15-04-2020', 'Credit Card', 175.99),
103(5, '20-04-2019', 'Credit Card', 210.80),
104(6, '25-04-2022', 'PayPal', 135.50),
105(7, '01-05-2022', 'PayPal', 88.75),
106(8, '05-05-2022', 'Credit Card', 200.45),
107(9, '10-05-2022', 'Credit Card', 110.30),
108(10, '15-05-2022', 'PayPal', 180.60),
109(11, '20-05-2022', 'Credit Card', 95.20),
110(12, '25-05-2022', 'PayPal', 145.75),
111(13, '01-06-2022', 'PayPal', 160.90),
112(14, '05-06-2022', 'Credit Card', 75.40),
113(15, '10-06-2022', 'PayPal', 220.15),
114(16, '15-06-2022', 'PayPal', 130.80),
115(17, '20-06-2022', 'Credit Card', 185.25),
116(18, '25-06-2022', 'Credit Card', 98.90),
117(19, '01-07-2022', 'PayPal', 112.50),
118(20, '05-07-2022', 'PayPal', 190.30);
120insert into FeedBack(FeedbackID, FeedbackText, DataSubmitted) values
121(1, 'Excellent service! Highly recommend.', '05-04-2022'),
122(2, 'The book selection is fantastic.', '10-04-2023'),
123(3, 'Fast shipping and great packaging.', '15-04-2023'),
124(4, 'The website is user-friendly.', '20-04-2023'),
125(5, 'Could use more discounts and promotions.', '25-04-2023'),
126(6, 'Love the variety of genres available.', '01-05-2019'),
127(7, 'Responsive customer support.', '05-05-2020'),
128(8, 'Book quality exceeded my expectations.', '10-05-2020'),
129(9, 'Great prices and easy checkout process.', '15-05-2020'),
130(10, 'The return process is a bit cumbersome.', '20-05-2018'),
131(11, 'Highly satisfied with my purchase.', '25-05-2023'),
132(12, 'The app needs improvement.', '01-06-2020'),
133(13, 'Love the personalized recommendations.', '05-06-2023'),
134(14, 'Book descriptions are very detailed.', '10-06-2022'),
135(15, 'Overall, a positive shopping experience.', '15-06-2022'),
136(16, 'Shipping took longer than expected.', '20-06-2021'),
137(17, 'Received a damaged book.', '25-06-2020'),
138(18, 'Poor customer service response.', '01-07-2020'),
139(19, 'Website navigation is confusing.', '05-07-2019'),
140(20, 'Prices are too high for some books.', '10-07-2019');
142insert into Customer(CustomerID, Username, Password, FirstName, LastName, Email, Address, Phone) values
143(1, 'booklover123', 'securepass123', 'John', 'Doe', 'john.doe@email.com', '123 Main St, Cityville', '555-1234'),
144(2, 'avidreader456', 'password456', 'Jane', 'Smith', 'jane.smith@email.com', '456 Oak St, Townsville', '555-5678'),
145(3, 'bookworm789', 'secret789', 'Robert', 'Johnson', 'robert.johnson@email.com', '789 Pine St, Villagetown', '555-9012'),
146(4, 'litfanatic101', 'p@ssw0rd', 'Emily', 'Taylor', 'emily.taylor@email.com', '101 Cedar St, Hamletville', '555-3456'),
147(5, 'novelenthusiast', 'reader123', 'Sarah', 'Williams', 'sarah.williams@email.com', '234 Elm St, Boroughville', '555-7890'),
148(6, 'bookishdreamer', 'passw0rd', 'Michael', 'Brown', 'michael.brown@email.com', '345 Maple St, Townberg', '555-1234'),
149(7, 'bibliophile22', 'secure321', 'Ella', 'Miller', 'ella.miller@email.com', '456 Birch St, Cityborough', '555-5678'),
150(8, 'pageturner55', 'books4life', 'Daniel', 'Davis', 'daniel.davis@email.com', '567 Walnut St, Villagetown', '555-9012'),
151(9, 'readingspirit', 'spiritual1', 'Olivia', 'Jones', 'olivia.jones@email.com', '678 Oak St, Boroughville', '555-3456'),
152(10, 'bookdragon89', 'dragonscales', 'Matthew', 'Moore', 'matthew.moore@email.com', '789 Pine St, Cityville', '555-7890'),
153(11, 'prosewizard', 'wordsmith123', 'Sophia', 'Brown', 'sophia.brown@email.com', '890 Maple St, Townsville', '555-1234'),
154(12, 'fictionbuff', 'novel123', 'Christopher', 'Hill', 'christopher.hill@email.com', '901 Cedar St, Villagetown', '555-5678'),
155(13, 'bookishmind', 'mindreader', 'Ava', 'Adams', 'ava.adams@email.com', '102 Pine St, Hamletville', '555-9012'),
156(14, 'litlover77', 'booklover77', 'Benjamin', 'Clark', 'benjamin.clark@email.com', '345 Elm St, Boroughville', '555-3456'),
157(15, 'whimsicalreader', 'whimsy123', 'Emma', 'Martin', 'emma.martin@email.com', '456 Maple St, Cityville', '555-7890');
159insert into Wishlist(WishlistID) values
167insert into Cart(CartID, Quantity) values
168(1, 2),
169(2, 3),
170(3, 1),
171(4, 2),
172(5, 4),
173(6, 1),
174(7, 3),
175(8, 2),
176(9, 1);
178insert into Publisher(PublisherID, PublisherName) values
179(1, 'Random House'),
180(2, 'Penguin Books'),
181(3, 'HarperCollins'),
182(4, 'Simon & Schuster'),
183(5, 'Hachette Book Group'),
184(6, 'Macmillan Publishers'),
185(7, 'Scholastic Corporation'),
186(8, 'Oxford University Press'),
187(9, 'Cambridge University Press'),
188(10, 'Wiley');
190insert into Genre(GenreID, GenreName) values
191(1, 'Fiction'),
192(2, 'Mystery'),
193(3, 'Science Fiction'),
194(4, 'Fantasy'),
195(5, 'Romance'),
196(6, 'Thriller'),
197(7, 'Non-fiction'),
198(8, 'Historical Fiction'),
199(9, 'Biography'),
200(10, 'Self-Help');