using System.Data; using Dapper; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using Npgsql; using WineTrackerWebApi.Helpers; using WineTrackerWebApi.Models.Address; using WineTrackerWebApi.Models.Customer; using WineTrackerWebApi.Models.ErrorHandle; namespace WineTrackerWebApi.Controllers { [Route("api/[controller]")] [ApiController] public class CustomerController : ControllerBase { private readonly string _connectionString; public CustomerController(IConfiguration configuration) { _connectionString = configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection"); } // GET: api/Customer [HttpGet] public async Task>> GetCustomer() { using (IDbConnection db = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString)) // Use NpgsqlConnection for PostgreSQL { const string query = $@" select c.customer_Id as CustomerId, c.customer_name as CustomerName, ct.customer_type_name as CustomerTypeName, c.customer_email as CustomerEmail, c.customer_phone_number as CustomerPhoneNumber, a.address_Id as AddressId, concat(a.street,' ', a.building_number, ', ',, ' ', a.postcode) as CustomerAddress from customer c join address a on c.address_id = a.address_id join customer_type ct on c.customer_type_id = ct.customer_type_id"; var customers = await db.QueryAsync(query); return Ok(customers); } } // GET: api/Customer/5 [HttpGet("{id}")] public async Task> GetCustomer(int id) { using (IDbConnection db = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString)) // Use NpgsqlConnection for PostgreSQL { var parameters = new { id = id }; string query = $@" select c.customer_Id as CustomerId, c.customer_name as CustomerName, c.customer_type_id as CustomerTypeId, c.customer_email as CustomerEmail, c.customer_phone_number as CustomerPhoneNumber, a.address_Id as AddressId, a.street as Street, a.building_number as BuildingNumber, as City, a.postcode as PostCode from customer c join address a on c.address_id = a.address_id where c.customer_id = @id"; var result = await db.QueryFirstAsync(query, parameters); var customer = new Customer { CustomerId = result.customerid, CustomerName = result.customername, CustomerTypeId = result.customertypeid, CustomerEmail = result.customeremail, CustomerPhoneNumber = result.customerphonenumber, Address = new Address { AddressId = result.addressid, Street = result.street, BuildingNumber = result.buildingnumber, City =, PostCode = result.postcode } }; return Ok(customer); } } // PUT: api/Customer/5 // To protect from overposting attacks, see [HttpPut] public async Task PutCustomer([FromBody] Customer customer) { using (IDbConnection db = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString)) // Use NpgsqlConnection for PostgreSQL { try { db.Open(); using (var transaction = db.BeginTransaction()) // Start a transaction { var parameters = new { CustomerId = customer.CustomerId, CustomerName = customer.CustomerName.Trim(), CustomerTypeId = customer.CustomerTypeId, CustomerEmail = customer.CustomerEmail.Trim(), CustomerPhoneNumber = customer.CustomerPhoneNumber.Trim(), Street = customer.Address.Street.Trim(), BuildingNumber = customer.Address.BuildingNumber, City = customer.Address.City.Trim(), Postcode = customer.Address.PostCode.Trim(), AddressId = customer.Address.AddressId }; await ModelValidation.DoesEntityExistByName((NpgsqlConnection)db, (NpgsqlTransaction)transaction, "Customer", parameters.CustomerName, entityId: parameters.CustomerTypeId); string updateCustomer = $@" update customer set customer_name = @CustomerName, customer_type_id = @CustomerTypeId, customer_email = @CustomerEmail, customer_phone_number = @CustomerPhoneNumber where customer_Id = @CustomerId"; var updatedCustomerRows = await db.ExecuteAsync(updateCustomer, parameters, transaction: transaction); string updateAddress = $@" update Address set Street = @Street, Building_Number = @BuildingNumber, City = @City, PostCode = @Postcode where Address_Id = @AddressId"; var updatedAddressRows = await db.ExecuteAsync(updateAddress, parameters, transaction: transaction); transaction.Commit(); return Ok(); } } catch (Exception ex) { return BadRequest(new ErrorHandler { Name = "Error", Description = ex.Message }); } } } // POST: api/Customer // To protect from overposting attacks, see [HttpPost] public async Task PostCustomer([FromBody] Customer customer) { using (IDbConnection db = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString)) // Use NpgsqlConnection for PostgreSQL { try { db.Open(); using (var transaction = db.BeginTransaction()) // Start a transaction { var parameters = new { CustomerName = customer.CustomerName.Trim(), CustomerTypeId = customer.CustomerTypeId, CustomerEmail = customer.CustomerEmail.Trim(), CustomerPhoneNumber = customer.CustomerPhoneNumber.Trim(), Street = customer.Address.Street.Trim(), BuildingNumber = customer.Address.BuildingNumber, City = customer.Address.City.Trim(), Postcode = customer.Address.PostCode.Trim(), }; await ModelValidation.DoesEntityExistByName((NpgsqlConnection)db, (NpgsqlTransaction)transaction, "Customer", parameters.CustomerName); string addAddress = @"INSERT INTO public.Address (Street, Building_Number, City, PostCode) VALUES (@Street, @BuildingNumber, @City, @Postcode) RETURNING Address_Id;"; var addressId = await db.ExecuteScalarAsync(addAddress, parameters, transaction: transaction); string addCustomer = $@" INSERT INTO public.Customer (Customer_Name, Customer_Email, Customer_Phone_Number, Customer_Type_Id, Address_Id) VALUES (@CustomerName, @CustomerEmail, @CustomerPhoneNumber, @CustomerTypeId, {addressId});"; var addressAddedRows = await db.ExecuteAsync(addCustomer, parameters, transaction: transaction); transaction.Commit(); return Ok(); } } catch (Exception ex) { return BadRequest(new ErrorHandler { Name = "Error", Description = ex.Message }); } } } // DELETE: api/Customer/5 [HttpDelete("{customerId}/{addressId}")] public async Task DeleteCustomer(int customerId, int addressId) { try { //Check if there is a shipment load linked to the customer we are trying to delete, if so return a message and dont let the user delete the customer. using (IDbConnection db = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString)) // Use NpgsqlConnection for PostgreSQL { db.Open(); using (var transaction = db.BeginTransaction()) // Start a transaction { var parameters = new { customerId = customerId, addressId = addressId }; string customerLinkToShipmentLoadQuery = $@" select count(*) from shipment_load sl where customer_id = @customerId"; var isCustomerLinkedToShipmentLoad = await db.QueryFirstAsync(customerLinkToShipmentLoadQuery, parameters, transaction: transaction); if (isCustomerLinkedToShipmentLoad > 0) return BadRequest(new ErrorHandler { Name = "Customer Cannot Be Deleted", Description = "Customer cannot be deleted because it is linked to a shipment load" }); string deleteCustomer = $@"delete from customer where customer_id = @customerId"; string deleteAddress = $@"delete from address where address_Id = @addressId"; int customerDeletedRows = await db.ExecuteAsync(deleteCustomer, parameters, transaction: transaction); int addressDeletedRows = await db.ExecuteAsync(deleteAddress, parameters, transaction: transaction); transaction.Commit(); return Ok(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { return BadRequest(new ErrorHandler { Name = "Error", Description = ex.Message }); } } } }