using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using Npgsql; using System.Data; using Dapper; using WineTrackerWebApi.Models.Shipment; using WineTrackerWebApi.Models.Wine; using WineTrackerWebApi.Models.Customer; using WineTrackerWebApi.Models.Vehicle; using WineTrackerWebApi.Models.Employee; using WineTrackerWebApi.Models.ErrorHandle; using WineTrackerWebApi.Helpers; namespace WineTrackerWebApi.Controllers { [Route("api/[controller]")] [ApiController] public class ShipmentController : ControllerBase { private readonly string _connectionString; public ShipmentController(IConfiguration configuration) { _connectionString = configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection"); } // GET: api/Shipment [HttpGet] public async Task>> GetShipment(string shipmentDate ="", string employeeNameSurname = "", string registration="") { var parameters = new { ShipmentDate = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(shipmentDate) ? DateTime.Parse(shipmentDate) : DateTime.MinValue, employeeNameSurname = employeeNameSurname.Trim().ToLower(), Registration = registration.Trim().ToLower() }; List whereConditons = new List(); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(shipmentDate)) whereConditons.Add("s.shipment_date = @ShipmentDate"); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(employeeNameSurname)) whereConditons.Add("LOWER(e.employee_name || ' ' || e.employee_surname) Like '%' || @employeeNameSurname || '%'"); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(registration)) whereConditons.Add("LOWER(v.registration) = @Registration"); string whereClause = whereConditons.Count > 0 ? "where " + string.Join(" and ", whereConditons) : ""; using (IDbConnection db = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString)) // Use NpgsqlConnection for PostgreSQL { string query = $@" select s.shipment_id as ShipmentId, s.payment_id as PaymentId, p.payment_status as PaymentStatus, TO_CHAR(s.shipment_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY') as ShipmentDate, ( SELECT STRING_AGG(DISTINCT c.customer_name, ', ') FROM shipment_load sl JOIN customer c ON sl.customer_id = c.customer_id WHERE sl.shipment_id = s.shipment_id ) as Customers, CONCAT(e.employee_name, ' ', e.employee_surname) AS EmployeeFullName, CONCAT(vd.make, ' ', vd.model, ' (', v.registration, ')') AS VehicleInfo FROM shipment s JOIN employee e ON s.employee_id = e.employee_id JOIN vehicle v ON s.vehicle_id = v.vehicle_id join vehicle_details vd on vd.vehicle_details_id = v.vehicle_details_id join payment p on s.payment_id = p.payment_id {whereClause} ORDER BY s.shipment_date desc"; var shipments = await db.QueryAsync(query, parameters); return Ok(shipments); } } [HttpGet("getCreateShipmentInfo")] public async Task>> GetCreateShipmentInfo() { using (IDbConnection db = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString)) // Use NpgsqlConnection for PostgreSQL { const string getEmployees = $@" select e.employee_id as Id, CONCAT(e.employee_name, ' ', e.employee_surname) AS Name from employee e"; var employeeList = await db.QueryAsync(getEmployees); const string getCustomers = $@" select c.customer_id as Id, CONCAT(c.customer_name , ' (', , ' ', a.street ,' ',a.building_number, ' ', a.postcode, ')') AS Name, CONCAT( ,' ', a.street ,' ',a.building_number,' ', a.postcode) AS Address from customer c join address a on c.address_id = a.address_id"; var customerList = await db.QueryAsync(getCustomers); string getWines = $@" select w.wine_id as Id, CONCAT(w.wine_name , ' (', wt.wine_type_name,', ', wt.wine_type_region,')') AS Name, w.base_price as BasePrice from wine w join wine_type wt on w.wine_type_id = wt.wine_type_id"; var wineList = await db.QueryAsync(getWines); string getVehicles = $@" select v.vehicle_id as Id, CONCAT(vd.make, ' ', vd.model, ' (', v.registration, ')') AS Name, edv.employee_id as EmployeeId, vd.capacity as Capacity from employee_drives_vehicle edv join vehicle v on edv.vehicle_id = v.vehicle_id join vehicle_details vd on v.vehicle_details_id = vd.vehicle_details_id"; var vehicleList = await db.QueryAsync(getVehicles); return Ok(new{ employeeList, customerList, wineList, vehicleList }); } } [HttpPost] public async Task CreateShipment([FromBody]AddShipment shipment) { try { using (IDbConnection db = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString)) // Use NpgsqlConnection for PostgreSQL { db.Open(); using (var transaction = db.BeginTransaction()) // Start a transaction { var parameters = new { VehicleId = int.Parse(shipment.VehicleId), ShipmentDate= DateTime.Parse(shipment.ShipmentDate), EmployeeId = int.Parse(shipment.EmployeeId) }; await ModelValidation.IsVehicleAlreadyBooked((NpgsqlConnection)db, (NpgsqlTransaction)transaction, parameters.VehicleId, parameters.ShipmentDate); string addPayment = @"INSERT INTO public.Payment (Payment_Status) VALUES (0) RETURNING Payment_Id;"; var paymentId = await db.ExecuteScalarAsync(addPayment, transaction: transaction); string addShipment = $@"INSERT INTO public.Shipment (Employee_Id, Payment_Id, Vehicle_Id, Shipment_Date) VALUES (@EmployeeId, {paymentId}, @VehicleId, @ShipmentDate) RETURNING Shipment_Id;"; var shipmentId = await db.ExecuteScalarAsync(addShipment, parameters, transaction: transaction); //make a regular nested list for each loop to insert the shipment_load rows var updateRows = shipment.Customers.SelectMany(s => s.Wines.Select(x => $"({shipmentId}, {int.Parse(s.CustomerId)}, {x.WineId}, {Math.Round((x.AgreedPrice / x.Quantity), 2)}, {x.BasePrice}, {x.Quantity})")).ToList(); string updateRowsString = string.Join(",", updateRows); string addShipmentLoad = $@"INSERT INTO public.shipment_load (Shipment_Id, Customer_Id, Wine_Id, Wine_Agreed_Price, Wine_Base_Price, Wine_Quantity) VALUES {updateRowsString};"; var shipmentLoadId = await db.ExecuteAsync(addShipmentLoad, transaction: transaction); transaction.Commit(); return Ok(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { return BadRequest(new ErrorHandler { Name = "Error", Description = ex.Message }); } } [HttpGet("getBaseShipmentDetails/{shipmentId}")] public async Task> GetBaseShipmentDetails(string shipmentId) { using (IDbConnection db = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString)) // Use NpgsqlConnection for PostgreSQL { string query = $@" SELECT s.shipment_id AS ShipmentId, p.payment_status AS PaymentStatus, CONCAT(e.employee_name, ' ', e.employee_surname) AS EmployeeFullName, CONCAT(vd.make, ' ', vd.model, ' (', v.registration, ')') AS VehicleInfo, TO_CHAR(s.shipment_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY') AS ShipmentDate, COUNT(DISTINCT sl.customer_id) AS NumberOfCustomers, SUM(sl.wine_quantity) AS WineQuantityShipped, SUM(sl.wine_base_price * sl.wine_quantity) AS ShipmentBasePrice, SUM(sl.wine_agreed_price * sl.wine_quantity) AS ShipmentAgreedPrice, COALESCE(ex.shipment_expenses, 0) AS ShipmentExpenses, ROUND( (SUM(sl.wine_agreed_price * sl.wine_quantity) - SUM(sl.wine_base_price * sl.wine_quantity) - COALESCE(ex.shipment_expenses, 0))::NUMERIC , 2) AS ShipmentProfit FROM shipment s JOIN payment p ON s.payment_id = p.payment_id JOIN employee e ON s.employee_id = e.employee_id JOIN vehicle v ON s.vehicle_id = v.vehicle_id join vehicle_details vd on vd.vehicle_details_id = v.vehicle_details_id JOIN shipment_load sl ON s.shipment_id = sl.shipment_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT shipment_id, SUM(amount) AS shipment_expenses FROM shipment_has_expense_of_expense_type GROUP BY shipment_id) ex ON s.shipment_id = ex.shipment_id WHERE s.shipment_id = {int.Parse(shipmentId)} GROUP BY s.shipment_id, p.payment_status, e.employee_name, e.employee_surname, vd.make, vd.model, v.registration, s.shipment_date, ex.shipment_expenses;"; var shipmentDetails = await db.QueryFirstAsync(query); return Ok(shipmentDetails); } } [HttpGet("getCustomerShipmentDetails/{shipmentId}")] public async Task>> GetCustomerShipmentDetails(string shipmentId) { using (IDbConnection db = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString)) // Use NpgsqlConnection for PostgreSQL { string query = $@" select c.customer_name as CustomerName, CONCAT( , ', ', a.street, ', ',a.building_number, ', ', a.postcode) AS CustomerAddress, w.wine_name as WineName, sl.wine_base_price as WineBasePrice, sl.wine_agreed_price as WineAgreedPrice, sl.wine_quantity as WineQuantity from shipment_load sl join customer c on sl.customer_id = c.customer_id join address a on c.address_id = a.address_id join wine w on sl.wine_id = w.wine_id where sl.shipment_id = {int.Parse(shipmentId)}"; var shipmentCustomerDetails = await db.QueryAsync(query); return Ok(shipmentCustomerDetails); } } // PUT: api/Shipment/PayShipment/5 // To protect from overposting attacks, see [HttpPut("PayShipment/{paymentId}")] public async Task PayShipment(int paymentId) { try { using (IDbConnection db = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString)) // Use NpgsqlConnection for PostgreSQL { var parameters = new { PaymentId = paymentId }; string query = $@"update payment set payment_status = 1 where payment_Id = @PaymentId"; await db.ExecuteAsync(query, parameters); return Ok(); } } catch (Exception ex) { return BadRequest(new ErrorHandler { Name = "Error", Description = ex.Message }); } } // PUT: api/Shipment/AddShipmentExpense // To protect from overposting attacks, see [HttpPost("AddShipmentExpense")] public async Task AddShipmentExpense([FromBody] ShipmentExpense shipmentExpense) { try { using (IDbConnection db = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString)) // Use NpgsqlConnection for PostgreSQL { var parameters = new { ShipmentId = shipmentExpense.ShipmentId, ExpenseTypeId = shipmentExpense.ExpenseTypeId, Amount = shipmentExpense.Amount }; string query = $@"insert into shipment_has_expense_of_expense_type (expense_type_id, shipment_id, amount) values (@ExpenseTypeId, @ShipmentId, @Amount)"; await db.ExecuteAsync(query, parameters); return Ok(); } } catch (Exception ex) { return BadRequest(new ErrorHandler { Name = "Error", Description = ex.Message }); } } // GET: api/Shipment/GetShipmentExpenses/5 [HttpGet("GetShipmentExpenses/{shipmentId}")] public async Task>> GetShipmentExpenses(int shipmentId) { using (IDbConnection db = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString)) // Use NpgsqlConnection for PostgreSQL { var parameters = new { ShipmentId = shipmentId }; const string query = $@" select sheoet.shipment_id as ShipmentId, sheoet.expense_type_id as ExpenseTypeId, et.expense_type_name as ExpenseTypeName, sheoet.amount as Amount from shipment_has_expense_of_expense_type sheoet join expense_type et on et.expense_type_id = sheoet.expense_type_id where sheoet.shipment_id = @ShipmentId "; var vehicleDetails = await db.QueryAsync(query, parameters); return Ok(vehicleDetails); } } // DELETE: api/Shipment/removeShipmentExpense/5 [HttpDelete("removeShipmentExpense/{shipmentId}/{expenseTypeId}")] public async Task RemoveShipmentExpense(int shipmentId, int expenseTypeId) { try { using (IDbConnection db = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString)) // Use NpgsqlConnection for PostgreSQL { var parameters = new { ShipmentId = shipmentId, ExpenseTypeId = expenseTypeId }; string query = $@"delete from shipment_has_expense_of_expense_type where shipment_id = @ShipmentId and expense_type_id = @ExpenseTypeId"; await db.ExecuteAsync(query, parameters); return Ok(); } } catch (Exception ex) { return BadRequest(new ErrorHandler { Name = "Error", Description = ex.Message }); } } // DELETE: api/Shipment/deleteShipment/5 [HttpDelete("deleteShipment/{shipmentId}/{paymentId}")] public async Task DeleteShipment(int shipmentId, int paymentId) { try { using (IDbConnection db = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString)) // Use NpgsqlConnection for PostgreSQL { db.Open(); using (var transaction = db.BeginTransaction()) // Start a transaction { var parameters = new { ShipmentId = shipmentId, PaymentId = paymentId }; string deleteShipmentExpenses = $@"delete from shipment_has_expense_of_expense_type where shipment_id = @ShipmentId"; await db.ExecuteAsync(deleteShipmentExpenses, parameters, transaction: transaction); string deleteShipmentLoads = $@"delete from shipment_load where shipment_id = @ShipmentId"; await db.ExecuteAsync(deleteShipmentLoads, parameters, transaction: transaction); string deleteShipment = $@"delete from shipment where shipment_id = @ShipmentId"; await db.ExecuteAsync(deleteShipment, parameters, transaction: transaction); string deletePayment = $@"delete from payment where payment_id = @PaymentId"; await db.ExecuteAsync(deletePayment, parameters, transaction: transaction); transaction.Commit(); return Ok(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { return BadRequest(new ErrorHandler { Name = "Error", Description = ex.Message }); } } // GET: api/Shipment/GetEditableShipment/5 [HttpGet("GetEditableShipment/{shipmentId}")] public async Task>> GetEditableShipment(int shipmentId) { using (IDbConnection db = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString)) // Use NpgsqlConnection for PostgreSQL { var parameters = new { ShipmentId = shipmentId }; string getShipment = $@" select shipment_id as ShipmentId, TO_CHAR(shipment_date , 'yyyy-MM-dd') as ShipmentDate, employee_id as EmployeeId, vehicle_id as VehicleId from shipment s where shipment_id = @ShipmentId"; var editableShipment = await db.QueryFirstAsync(getShipment, parameters); string getCustomersPerShipment = $@" select distinct c.customer_id as CustomerId from shipment_load sl join customer c on sl.customer_id = c.customer_id where sl.shipment_id = @ShipmentId"; var customersPerShipmentIds = await db.QueryAsync(getCustomersPerShipment, parameters); var wineParameters = new { CustomerIds = customersPerShipmentIds.Select(x => int.Parse(x.CustomerId)).ToList(), ShipmentId = shipmentId }; string getWinesPerCustomer = $@" select sl.wine_id as WineId, customer_id as CustomerId, sl.wine_quantity as Quantity, sl.wine_agreed_price * sl.wine_quantity as AgreedPrice, sl.wine_base_price as BasePrice from shipment_load sl WHERE sl.customer_id = ANY(@CustomerIds) and sl.shipment_id = @ShipmentId"; var winesPerCustomersDynamic = await db.QueryAsync(getWinesPerCustomer, wineParameters); var customersPerShipmentMapped = winesPerCustomersDynamic.GroupBy(x => (int)x.customerid).Select(x => new AddCustomerToShipment { CustomerId = x.Key.ToString(), Wines = x.Select(y => new AddWineToShipment { WineId = y.wineid.ToString(), Quantity = y.quantity, AgreedPrice = (decimal)y.agreedprice, BasePrice = (decimal)y.baseprice }).ToList() }).ToList(); editableShipment.Customers = customersPerShipmentMapped; return Ok(editableShipment); } } [HttpPost("EditShipment")] public async Task> EditShipment([FromBody] AddShipment shipment) { try { using (IDbConnection db = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString)) // Use NpgsqlConnection for PostgreSQL { db.Open(); using (var transaction = db.BeginTransaction()) // Start a transaction { var parameters = new { ShipmentId = int.Parse(shipment.ShipmentId), EmployeeId = int.Parse(shipment.EmployeeId), VehicleId = int.Parse(shipment.VehicleId), ShipmentDate = DateTime.Parse(shipment.ShipmentDate) }; await ModelValidation.IsVehicleAlreadyBooked((NpgsqlConnection)db, (NpgsqlTransaction)transaction, parameters.VehicleId, parameters.ShipmentDate, parameters.ShipmentId); string editShipment = $@" update public.Shipment set Employee_Id = @EmployeeId, Vehicle_Id = @VehicleId, Shipment_Date = @ShipmentDate where shipment_id = @ShipmentId"; await db.ExecuteAsync(editShipment, parameters, transaction: transaction); string deleteShipmentLoads = $@"delete from shipment_load where shipment_id = @ShipmentId"; await db.ExecuteAsync(deleteShipmentLoads, parameters, transaction: transaction); //make a regular nested for each loop to insert the shipment_load rows var updateRows = shipment.Customers.SelectMany(s => s.Wines.Select(x => $"({int.Parse(shipment.ShipmentId)}, {int.Parse(s.CustomerId)}, {x.WineId}, {Math.Round((x.AgreedPrice / x.Quantity), 2)}, {x.BasePrice}, {x.Quantity})")).ToList(); string updateRowsString = string.Join(",", updateRows); string addShipmentLoad = $@"INSERT INTO public.shipment_load (Shipment_Id, Customer_Id, Wine_Id, Wine_Agreed_Price, Wine_Base_Price, Wine_Quantity) VALUES {updateRowsString};"; var shipmentLoadId = await db.ExecuteAsync(addShipmentLoad, transaction: transaction); transaction.Commit(); return Ok(true); } } } catch (Exception ex) { return BadRequest(ex.Message); } } } }