
Version 20 (modified by 153093, 5 days ago) ( diff )


Напреден Апликативен Дизајн

Start Up Instructions

  1. Clone the repo
    • After cloning you should these two folders. (WineTrackerUI, WineTrackerWebApi, tunnel script and a StartUp read me file)

  1. If starting from an empty PostgreSQL database execute the Scripts from Phase 2 in a PostgreSQL DB on the public schema(The Api and Scripts use the public schema)
    • For this project the scripts are already executed on the given DB so no need to execute them again. The App is ready to go.
  1. Enter the connection string in appsettings.json in the API and your api should be good to go.
    • Please add Include Error Detail=True; at the end od the connection string so the errors we might have are more descriptive on the UI.
  1. Start up the API locally. Swagger should open and the api should be working.
  2. Next open the WineTrackerUI then go inside WineTracker Folder right click open in VS Code, execute npm install in the terminal.
  3. Then find the app-settings.ts file in the UI
    • Please change the ApiUrl, change the port to the one shown in the browser of the swagger of the API

export enum AppSettings{
    ApiUrl = 'https://localhost:44306/api/',
    OfflineMode = 0,

  1. Execute npm start in the terminal and the UI will be started.
  2. Both API and UI should be started and the project should be working.
  1. The initial mode of the app would be Delivery person mode.
    • We can change that by inserting a Manager or Storekeeper OTP in the modal.
    • Manager code -> MNG123
    • Storekeeper code -> STR321

Link To Repo

Link to the Repository of the project

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