1 | INSERT INTO AppUser (UserId, FirstName, LastName, Email, Username, Password, City, Neighborhood, Bio, Quote)
2 | VALUES (1, 'Ana', 'Aneva', 'ana.aneva@mail.com', 'anna3aneva', '123456', 'Skopje', 'Karpos', 'Avid reader', 'Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde'),
3 | (2, 'Mila', 'Mileva', 'mila.mileva@mail.com', 'mileva00', '123123', 'Skopje', 'Kisela Voda', 'Scuba diver and instructor', NULL),
4 | (3, 'Marko', 'Markov', 'marko.markov@mail.com', 'mark2', '321321', 'Skopje', 'Centar', NULL, NULL),
5 | (4, 'Daniela', 'Daneva', 'danii@mail.com', 'danidani', '456465', 'Skopje', 'Cair', NULL, NULL),
6 | (5, 'Davor', 'Davorov', 'davorov@mail.com', 'davorov1', '123456', 'Skopje', 'Karpos', NULL, NULL);
7 |
8 | INSERT INTO Book (BookId, Title, Author, Language, ImageURL)
9 | VALUES (01, 'The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August', 'Claire North', 'English', 'https://www.google.mk/books/edition/The_First_Fifteen_Lives_of_Harry_August/AZShAQAAQBAJ?hl=en'),
10 | (2, 'Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow', 'Gabrielle Zevin', 'English', 'https://www.google.mk/books/edition/Tomorrow_and_Tomorrow_and_Tomorrow/JrpHEAAAQBAJ?hl=en'),
11 | (3, 'The Midnight Library', 'Matt Haig', 'Spanish', 'https://www.google.mk/books/edition/The_Midnight_Library/exTZzQEACAAJ?hl=en'),
12 | (4, 'Daisy Jones & The Six', 'Taylor Jenkins Reid', 'French', NULL),
13 | (5, 'The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo', 'Taylor Jenkins Reid', 'English', 'https://www.google.mk/books/edition/The_Seven_Husbands_of_Evelyn_Hugo/NdAmDwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=The+Seven+Husbands+of+Evelyn+Hugo&printsec=frontcover');
14 |
16 | VALUES (1, 1, '0-356-50257-0'),
17 | (2, 2, '0-356-50257-0'),
18 | (3, 3, '978-0593321201'),
19 | (4, 4, '0-323-12333-2'),
20 | (5, 5, '0-116-5577-1');
21 |
22 | INSERT INTO Genre (GenreId, BookId, Genre)
23 | VALUES (1, 1, 'Historical Fiction'),
24 | (2, 2, 'Adventure fiction'),
25 | (3, 3, 'Science fiction'),
26 | (4 ,4, 'Historical Fiction'),
27 | (5, 5, 'Historical Fiction');
28 |
29 | INSERT INTO Library (InventoryId, UserId, Availability, Condition)
30 | VALUES (1, 1, 'Not Available', 'New'),
31 | (2, 3, 'Available', 'Like New'),
32 | (3, 3, 'Reserved', 'Poor'),
33 | (4, 5, 'Not Available', 'Good'),
34 | (5, 5, 'Available', 'Like New');
35 |
36 | INSERT INTO ContainsLibraryBook(InventoryId, BookId)
37 | VALUES(1,1),
38 | (2,2),
39 | (3,3),
40 | (4,4),
41 | (5,5);
42 |
43 | INSERT INTO Wishlist (WishId, UserId, Priority)
44 | VALUES (1, 1, 'High'),
45 | (2, 2, NULL),
46 | (3, 3, NULL),
47 | (4, 4, 'Medium'),
48 | (5, 5, 'Low');
49 |
50 | INSERT INTO ContainsWishlistBook(WishId, BookId)
51 | VALUES(1,1),
52 | (2,2),
53 | (3,3),
54 | (4,4),
55 | (5,5);
56 |
57 | INSERT INTO BookRequest(RequestId, RequesterId, OwnerId, BookId, InventoryId, RequestStatus, RequestDate)
58 | VALUES (1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 'Approved', '2024-04-15'),
59 | (2, 1, 4, 3, 2, 'Pending', '2024-06-23'),
60 | (3, 3, 2, 2, 4, 'Approved', '2024-03-11'),
61 | (4, 2, 5, 3, 1, 'Pending', '2024-02-16'),
62 | (5, 3, 3, 4, 5, 'Declined', '2024-01-09');
63 |
64 | INSERT INTO Transaction (TransactionId, RequestId, BorrowerId, LenderId, InventoryId, BorrowDate, ReturnDate, BorrowDuration)
65 | VALUES (1, 1, 2, 3, 1, '2024-04-15', '2024-04-25', 10),
66 | (2, 2, 3, 2, 2, '2024-06-23', '2024-06-28', 5),
67 | (3, 3, 2, 1, 3, '2024-06-23', '2024-06-28', 5),
68 | (4, 4, 1, 2, 4, '2024-02-16', '2024-02-26', 10),
69 | (5, 5, 4, 5, 5, '2024-02-16', '2024-02-26', 10);
70 |
71 | INSERT INTO Swap(SwapId, TransactionId1, TransactionId2)
72 | VALUES(1, 2,3);
73 |
74 | INSERT INTO ExchangingBook (TransactionId, BookId)
75 | VALUES (1, 1),
76 | (2, 2),
77 | (3, 3),
78 | (4, 4),
79 | (5, 5);
80 |
81 | INSERT INTO Review (ReviewId, TransactionId, ReceiverId, GiverId, Rating, ReviewerComment, ReviewDate)
82 | VALUES (1, 1, 2, 1, 5, 'They were great!', '2025-10-10'),
83 | (2, 2, 3, 2, 4, 'Returned my book on time!', '2025-02-22'),
84 | (3, 3, 4, 1, 5, NULL, '2025-11-12'),
85 | (4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 'Destoryed my book!', '2025-04-25'),
86 | (5, 5, 5, 4, 5, NULL, '2025-02-01');
87 |
88 | INSERT INTO Message (MessageId, SenderId, ReceiverId, MsgTime, MsgDate, MessageContent)
89 | VALUES ( 1, 1, 2, '14:34:54', '2024-05-01' , 'Hi! I finished the book early!'),
90 | ( 2, 2, 1, '22:14:47', '2024-03-08' , 'Did you like Daisy Jones?'),
91 | ( 3, 3, 2, '12:02:04', '2024-05-01' , 'I did not get to read it yet.'),
92 | ( 4, 4, 2, '11:53:11', '2024-05-21' , 'Would you consider buying the hardcover?'),
93 | ( 5, 5, 4, '23:34:32', '2024-05-07' , 'I love this book!');
94 |
95 | INSERT INTO FriendRequest (FriendshipId, SenderId, ReceiverId, DateCreated, FriendshipStatus)
96 | VALUES (1, 2, 1, '2025-01-01', 'Accepted'),
97 | (2, 2, 3, '2025-02-04', 'Accepted'),
98 | (3, 3, 4, '2025-03-05', 'Declined'),
99 | (4, 1, 4, '2025-04-09', 'Blocked'),
100 | (5, 5, 2, '2025-04-11', 'Pending');
101 |
102 | INSERT INTO Report (ReportId, ReportedUserId, ReportingUserId, ReportType, ReportDate, Details, ReportStatus, ReportedEntity)
103 | VALUES (1, 2, 1, 'Harassment', '2025-01-05', NULL, 'Accepted', 'Message'),
104 | (2, 3, 2, 'Harassment', '2025-02-04', NULL, 'Pending', 'Rating'),
105 | (3, 1, 5, 'Bullying', '2025-03-08', NULL, 'Rejected', 'Profile'),
106 | (4, 4, 2, 'Hate speech', '2025-05-09', 'Example text', 'Resolved', 'Message'),
107 | (5, 5, 3, 'Spamming', '2025-06-21', 'Example text', 'Pending', 'Library');
108 |
109 | INSERT INTO Notification (NotificationId, TransactionId, MessageId, FriendRequestId, BookRequestId, Type, NotifTime, NotifDate, Description, NotificationStatus)
110 | VALUES (1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Transaction', '14:34:54', '2025-01-02', 'Ongoing Transaction!', 'Unread'),
111 | (2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'System Update', '22:14:47', '2025-02-03', 'System update!', 'Dismissed'),
112 | (3, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, 'Message', '12:02:04', '2025-03-04', 'Anya sent you a message!', 'Unread'),
113 | (4, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, 'Friend Request', '11:53:11', '2025-04-01', 'Sonny sent you a friend request!', 'Read'),
114 | (5, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, 'Book Request', '23:34:32', '2025-07-27', 'Elena sent you a book request!', 'Unread');
115 |
116 | INSERT INTO ReceivesNotification (UserId, NotificationId)
117 | VALUES (1, 1),
118 | (2, 2),
119 | (3, 3),
120 | (4, 4),
121 | (5, 5);