= ISCM Use-case model == Actors * Managers * Coordinators * Modelers * Reviewers * ... == Use-cases Use-cases are grouped by functional area === Management functional area * Managers initiate a project * Coordinators define project structure (phases, iterations, tasks) * Coordinators list project members and their roles * Coordinators defines work to be done (tickets - per phases, iterations, tasks) * Coordinators assign work to members (based on type of work, and member competences) * Coordinators monitor work assignments and progress withing a project * Managers monitor overall progress for all projects * Managers assess overall work of a single person * ... === Modeling functional area * Modelers work on a diagram (within a modeling task, online collaborative drawing) * Modelers write documentation (related to a diagram within a modeling task) * Modelers update status for their work assignments * Reviewers assess, evaluate and critique diagrams * Reviewers approve diagrams * ... === General needs * All users update personal information (competence level and type of competencies, work calendars, preferences) * ...