import styles from "../../css/AboutPageCss/about-body-style.module.css" import mission_image from "../../images/familyCookingTogether.jpg" import vision_image from "../../images/familyMeal.jpg" import value_image from "../../images/womanSmiling.jpg" const AboutBody = () => { return
At CookCraft, we believe that cooking is more than just a necessity, it's an art form that brings people together. Whether you're an experienced chef or just starting in the kitchen, CookCraft is here to inspire, guide, and support your culinary journey.
To make cooking accessible to everyone by providing easy-to-follow recipes, detailed guides, and a supportive community.
To become the go-to platform for all things cooking, where everyone can find inspiration, knowledge, and a sense of belonging.
We value creativity, community, and the joy of cooking. We are committed to helping everyone discover the chef within.
Our team of passionate cooks, developers, and content creators work tirelessly to bring you the best cooking experience possible.
Role: Lead Developer
Role: Head Chef
Role: Content Creator