== Генерирање на мелодија и текст Генерираната мелодија е достапна на следниот линк [https://finkiukim-my.sharepoint.com/personal/vangel_ajanovski_finki_ukim_mk/_layouts/15/stream.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fvangel%5Fajanovski%5Ffinki%5Fukim%5Fmk%2FDocuments%2FCompSnd%2F2022%2D2023%2FProekti%2FA%20donkey%20eating%20a%20fig%20in%20ancient%20greece%2Fmelodija%2FMelodija%2Emp3&referrer=OneDriveForBusiness&referrerScenario=OpenFile мелодија] Откако ја изгенериравме мелодијата која што сакаме да ја претвориме во песна со гласовен ден, потребно беше да се изгенерира текст. Текстот за песната беше смислен по инспирација од мелодијата. **Far from home**\\ ''As far as I go, as far as I know''\\ ''I always got a place called home''\\ ''Across all the seas, it's fine by me''\\ ''cause I'll never be far from home''\\ ''I've found they're right and now I see''\\ ''I'm gonna have my fun and what will be will be''\\ ''Now I'm walking up the street, whistling this''\\ ''Everything's in place 'cause I can't miss''\\ ''As far as I go, as far as I know''\\ ''I always got a place called home''\\ ''Across all the seas, it's fine by me''\\ ''cause I'll never be far from home''\\ ''As far as I go, as far as I know''\\ ''I always got a place called home''\\ ''Across all the seas, it's fine by me''\\ ''cause I'll never be far from home''\\