Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of WikiProcessors

10/15/14 00:38:22 (10 years ago)



  • WikiProcessors

    v1 v1  
     1= Wiki Processors =
     3Processors are WikiMacros designed to provide alternative markup formats for the [TracWiki Wiki engine]. Processors can be thought of as ''macro functions to process user-edited text''.
     5Wiki processors can be used in any Wiki text throughout Trac,
     6for various different purposes, like:
     7 - [#CodeHighlightingSupport syntax highlighting] or for rendering text verbatim,
     8 - rendering [#HTMLrelated Wiki markup inside a context],
     9   like inside <div> blocks or <span> or within <td> or <th> table cells,
     10 - using an alternative markup syntax, like [wiki:WikiHtml raw HTML] and
     11   [wiki:WikiRestructuredText Restructured Text],
     12   or [ textile]
     15== Using Processors ==
     17To use a processor on a block of text, first delimit the lines using
     18a Wiki ''code block'':
     21The lines
     22that should be processed...
     26Immediately after the `{{{` or on the line just below,
     27add `#!` followed by the ''processor name''.
     32The lines
     33that should be processed...
     37This is the "shebang" notation, familiar to most UNIX users.
     39Besides their content, some Wiki processors can also accept ''parameters'',
     40which are then given as `key=value` pairs after the processor name,
     41on the same line. If `value` has to contain space, as it's often the case for
     42the style parameter, a quoted string can be used (`key="value with space"`).
     44As some processors are meant to process Wiki markup, it's quite possible to
     45''nest'' processor blocks.
     46You may want to indent the content of nested blocks for increased clarity,
     47this extra indentation will be ignored when processing the content.
     50== Examples ==
     52||= Wiki Markup =||= Display =||
     53{{{#!td colspan=2 align=center style="border: none"
     55                __Example 1__: Inserting raw HTML
     58{{{#!td style="border: none"
     61<h1 style="color: grey">This is raw HTML</h1>
     65{{{#!td valign=top style="border: none; padding-left: 2em"
     68<h1 style="color: grey">This is raw HTML</h1>
     72{{{#!td colspan=2 align=center style="border: none"
     74     __Example 2__: Highlighted Python code in a <div> block with custom style
     77{{{#!td style="border: none"
     78  {{{
     79  {{{#!div style="background: #ffd; border: 3px ridge"
     81  This is an example of embedded "code" block:
     83    {{{
     84    #!python
     85    def hello():
     86        return "world"
     87    }}}
     89  }}}
     90  }}}
     92{{{#!td valign=top style="border: none; padding: 1em"
     93  {{{#!div style="background: #ffd; border: 3px ridge"
     95  This is an example of embedded "code" block:
     97    {{{
     98    #!python
     99    def hello():
     100        return "world"
     101    }}}
     103  }}}
     106{{{#!td colspan=2 align=center style="border: none"
     108     __Example 3__: Searching tickets from a wiki page, by keywords.
     111{{{#!td style="border: none"
     112  {{{
     113  {{{
     114  #!html
     115  <form action="/query" method="get"><div>
     116  <input type="text" name="keywords" value="~" size="30"/>
     117  <input type="submit" value="Search by Keywords"/>
     118  <!-- To control what fields show up use hidden fields
     119  <input type="hidden" name="col" value="id"/>
     120  <input type="hidden" name="col" value="summary"/>
     121  <input type="hidden" name="col" value="status"/>
     122  <input type="hidden" name="col" value="milestone"/>
     123  <input type="hidden" name="col" value="version"/>
     124  <input type="hidden" name="col" value="owner"/>
     125  <input type="hidden" name="col" value="priority"/>
     126  <input type="hidden" name="col" value="component"/>
     127  -->
     128  </div></form>
     129  }}}
     130  }}}
     132{{{#!td valign=top style="border: none; padding: 1em"
     133  {{{
     134  #!html
     135  <form action="/query" method="get"><div>
     136  <input type="text" name="keywords" value="~" size="30"/>
     137  <input type="submit" value="Search by Keywords"/>
     138  <!-- To control what fields show up use hidden fields
     139  <input type="hidden" name="col" value="id"/>
     140  <input type="hidden" name="col" value="summary"/>
     141  <input type="hidden" name="col" value="status"/>
     142  <input type="hidden" name="col" value="milestone"/>
     143  <input type="hidden" name="col" value="version"/>
     144  <input type="hidden" name="col" value="owner"/>
     145  <input type="hidden" name="col" value="priority"/>
     146  <input type="hidden" name="col" value="component"/>
     147  -->
     148  </div></form>
     149  }}}
     151== Available Processors ==
     153The following processors are included in the Trac distribution:
     155 `#!default` :: Present the text verbatim in a preformatted text block.
     156                This is the same as specifying ''no'' processor name
     157                (and no `#!`)
     158 `#!comment` :: Do not process the text in this section (i.e. contents exist
     159                only in the plain text - not in the rendered page).
     161=== HTML related ===
     163 `#!html`        :: Insert custom HTML in a wiki page.
     164 `#!htmlcomment` :: Insert an HTML comment in a wiki page (''since 0.12'').
     166Note that `#!html` blocks have to be ''self-contained'',
     167i.e. you can't start an HTML element in one block and close it later in a second block. Use the following processors for achieving a similar effect.
     169  `#!div` :: Wrap an arbitrary Wiki content inside a <div> element
     170             (''since 0.11'').
     171 `#!span` :: Wrap an arbitrary Wiki content inside a <span> element
     172             (''since 0.11'').
     174 `#!td` :: Wrap an arbitrary Wiki content inside a <td> element (''since 0.12'')
     175 `#!th` :: Wrap an arbitrary Wiki content inside a <th> element (''since 0.12'')
     176 `#!tr` :: Can optionally be used for wrapping `#!td` and `#!th` blocks,
     177       either for specifying row attributes of better visual grouping
     178       (''since 0.12'')
     180See WikiHtml for example usage and more details about these processors.
     182=== Other Markups ===
     184     `#!rst` :: Trac support for Restructured Text. See WikiRestructuredText.
     185 `#!textile` :: Supported if [ Textile]
     186                is installed.
     187                See [ a Textile reference].
     190=== Code Highlighting Support ===
     192Trac includes processors to provide inline syntax highlighting:
     193 `#!c` (C), `#!cpp` (C++), `#!python` (Python), `#!perl` (Perl),
     194 `#!ruby` (Ruby), `#!php` (PHP), `#!asp` (ASP), `#!java` (Java),
     195 `#!js` (Javascript), `#!sql (SQL)`, `#!xml` (XML or HTML),
     196 `#!sh` (!Bourne/Bash shell), etc.
     198Trac relies on external software packages for syntax coloring,
     199like [ Pygments].
     201See TracSyntaxColoring for information about which languages
     202are supported and how to enable support for more languages.
     204Note also that by using the MIME type as processor, it is possible to syntax-highlight the same languages that are supported when browsing source code. For example, you can write:
     212The result will be syntax highlighted HTML code:
     218The same is valid for all other [TracSyntaxColoring#SyntaxColoringSupport mime types supported].
     221For more processor macros developed and/or contributed by users, visit:
     222 * [trac:ProcessorBazaar]
     223 * [trac:MacroBazaar]
     224 * [th:WikiStart Trac Hacks] community site
     226Developing processors is no different from Wiki macros.
     227In fact they work the same way, only the usage syntax differs.
     228See WikiMacros#DevelopingCustomMacros for more information.
     232See also: WikiMacros, WikiHtml, WikiRestructuredText, TracSyntaxColoring, WikiFormatting, TracGuide