1 | package mk.ukim.finki.eglas.services.Impl;
2 |
3 | import mk.ukim.finki.eglas.model.Citizen;
4 | import mk.ukim.finki.eglas.model.ElectionRealization;
5 | import mk.ukim.finki.eglas.model.VotingCode;
6 | import mk.ukim.finki.eglas.repository.VotingCodeRepository;
7 | import mk.ukim.finki.eglas.services.CitizenService;
8 | import mk.ukim.finki.eglas.services.ElectionRealizationService;
9 | import mk.ukim.finki.eglas.services.TurnoutService;
10 | import mk.ukim.finki.eglas.services.VotingCodeService;
11 | import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
12 |
13 | import java.util.List;
14 | import java.util.UUID;
15 |
16 | @Service
17 | public class VotingCodeServiceImpl implements VotingCodeService {
18 |
19 | private final VotingCodeRepository votingCodeRepository;
20 | private final TurnoutService turnoutService;
21 | private final CitizenService citizenService;
22 | private final ElectionRealizationService electionRealizationService;
23 |
24 | public VotingCodeServiceImpl(VotingCodeRepository votingCodeRepository, TurnoutService turnoutService, CitizenService citizenService, ElectionRealizationService electionRealizationService) {
25 | this.votingCodeRepository = votingCodeRepository;
26 | this.turnoutService = turnoutService;
27 | this.citizenService = citizenService;
28 | this.electionRealizationService = electionRealizationService;
29 | }
30 |
31 |
32 | @Override
33 | public List<VotingCode> findAll() {
34 | return votingCodeRepository.findAll();
35 | }
36 |
37 | @Override
38 | public VotingCode findByCode(String code) {
39 | return votingCodeRepository.findByCode(code);
40 | }
41 |
42 | @Override
43 | public VotingCode generateCode(Long citizenId, Long realizationId) {
44 | Boolean hasVoted = turnoutService.hasCitizenVotedOnRealization(citizenId, realizationId);
45 | if(hasVoted)
46 | {
47 | return null;
48 | }
49 | try
50 | {
51 | return findByCitizenIdAndRealizationId(citizenId, realizationId);
52 | }
53 | catch (Exception e)
54 | {
55 | Citizen citizen = citizenService.findById(citizenId);
56 | ElectionRealization electionRealization = electionRealizationService.findById(realizationId);
57 | VotingCode votingCode = new VotingCode(citizen, electionRealization);
58 | return votingCodeRepository.save(votingCode);
59 | }
60 |
61 | }
62 |
63 | @Override
64 | public VotingCode delete(Long id) {
65 | return null;
66 | }
67 |
68 | @Override
69 | public VotingCode findByCitizenIdAndRealizationId(Long citizenId, Long realizationId) {
70 | return votingCodeRepository.findByCitizen_IdAndElectionRealization_Id(citizenId, realizationId)
71 | .orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("Voting code for the citizen not found!"));
72 | }
73 |
74 | @Override
75 | public Citizen findCitizenByCode(UUID code) {
76 | String codeString = code.toString();
77 | return votingCodeRepository.findCitizenByCode(codeString)
78 | .orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("Citizen with given code not found or code expired!"));
79 | }
80 | }