1 | <nav class="navbar bg-secondary bg-gradient container-fluid px-0">
2 | <div class="container-fluid">
3 | <span class="navbar-brand mb-0 h1">Податоци за кандидатски листи</span>
4 | </div>
5 | </nav>
6 |
7 | <div class="container-fluid">
8 | <div class="container my-3">
9 |
10 | <form th:object="${candidatesList}" action="/admin/candidatesList" method="post">
11 | <input type="hidden" th:field="*{id}" name="id">
12 | <div class="mb-3">
13 | <label for="name" class="form-label">Име</label>
14 | <input type="text" th:field="*{description}" class="form-control" id="name"
15 | aria-describedby="emailHelp">
16 | </div>
17 |
18 | <div class="mb-3">
19 | <label class="form-label">Партија</label>
20 | <select class="form-select" id="party" th:field="*{party}">
21 | <option value=""></option>
22 | <option th:each="party : ${parties}" th:value="${party.id}"
23 | th:text="${party.name}"></option>
24 | </select>
25 | </div>
26 | <div class="mb-3">
27 | <label class="form-label">Реализација на избори</label>
28 | <select class="form-select" id="eletionsRealizations" th:field="*{candidatesListElectionRealization}">
29 | <option value=""></option>
30 | <option th:each="realization : ${candidatesListElectionRealizations}" th:value="${realization.id}"
31 | th:text="${realization.name}"></option>
32 | </select>
33 | </div>
34 | <div class="mb-3">
35 | <label class="form-label">Општина</label>
36 | <select class="form-select" id="municipality" th:field="*{municipality}">
37 | <option value="">Цела држава</option>
38 | <option th:each="municipality : ${municipalities}" th:value="${municipality.id}"
39 | th:text="${municipality.name}"></option>
40 | </select>
41 | </div>
42 | <div class="mb-3">
43 | <label class="form-label">Изборна Е</label>
44 | <select class="form-select" id="electoralUnit" th:field="*{electoralUnit}">
45 | <option value="">Цела држава</option>
46 | <option th:each="unit : ${electoralUnits}" th:value="${unit.id}"
47 | th:text="${unit.name}"></option>
48 | </select>
49 | </div>
50 |
51 | <div class="container mt-5">
52 | <div class="row">
53 | <div class="col-md-5">
54 | <label for="leftSelect">Сите кандидати</label>
55 | <select id="leftSelect" class="form-control" size="20" multiple>
56 | <option th:each="candidate : ${candidatesNames}" th:value="${candidate?.id}" th:text="${candidate?.name + ' ' + candidate?.surname}">Избери членови</option>
57 | </select>
58 | </div>
59 | <div class="col-md-2 text-center">
60 | <button id="moveRight" class="btn btn-primary mb-2">>></button>
61 | <button id="moveLeft" class="btn btn-primary mb-2"><<</button>
62 | </div>
63 | <div class="col-md-5">
64 | <label for="rightSelect">Избрани кандидати</label>
65 | <select id="rightSelect" class="form-control" size="20" name="candidatesInList" multiple>
66 | <!-- Options moved from left select will appear here -->
67 | </select>
68 | </div>
69 | </div>
70 | </div>
71 |
72 | <!-- <div class="container">-->
73 | <!-- <table class="table">-->
74 | <!-- <thead class="table-header">-->
75 | <!-- <tr>-->
76 | <!-- <th>#</th>-->
77 | <!-- <th>Кандидат</th>-->
78 | <!-- </tr>-->
79 | <!-- </thead>-->
80 | <!-- <tbody>-->
81 | <!-- <tr class="lista" th:each="candidate, iter : ${candidates}">-->
82 | <!-- <td th:text="${iter.index + 1}"></td>-->
83 | <!-- <td>-->
84 | <!-- <select class="form-select" th:id="|${candidate.id}-${iter.index}|"-->
85 | <!-- th:name="${'candidatesInList'}" th:value="${candidate.id}">-->
86 | <!-- <option></option>-->
87 | <!-- <option th:each="cand : ${candidatesNames}" th:value="${cand.id}"-->
88 | <!-- th:text="|${cand.idNum} ${cand.name} ${cand.surname}|"-->
89 | <!-- th:selected="${cand.id == candidate.id}"></option>-->
90 | <!-- </select>-->
91 | <!-- </td>-->
92 | <!-- </tr>-->
93 | <!-- </tbody>-->
94 | <!-- </table>-->
95 | <!-- </div>-->
96 | <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Запиши</button>
97 | </form>
98 | </div>
99 |
100 | <div class="container-fluid">
101 | <table class="table table-striped table-hover">
102 | <thead class="table-header">
103 | <tr>
104 | <th>#</th>
105 | <th>Име</th>
106 | <th>Партија</th>
107 | <th>Реализација на избори</th>
108 | <th>Општина</th>
109 | <th>Изборна единица</th>
110 | </tr>
111 | </thead>
112 | <tbody class="accordion" id="accordionExample">
113 | <div th:each="list, iter : ${candidatesLists}">
114 | <tr class="accordion-item" th:id="${list.id}">
115 | <td th:text="${iter.count}"></td>
116 | <td th:text="${list.description}"></td>
117 | <td th:text="${list?.party?.name}"></td>
118 | <td th:text="${list?.candidatesListElectionRealization?.name}"></td>
119 | <td th:text="${list?.municipality?.name}"></td>
120 | <td th:text="${list?.electoralUnit?.name}"></td>
121 | <td>
122 | <button class="btn btn-primary collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse"
123 | th:data-bs-target="'#collapse' + ${list.id}" aria-expanded="false"
124 | aria-controls="'collapse' + ${list.id}">
125 | Прикажи кандидати
126 | </button>
127 | </td>
128 | </tr>
129 | <tr>
130 | <td colspan="7" class="hiddenRow">
131 | <div class="collapse" th:id="'collapse' + ${list?.id}">
132 | <div class="accordion-body">
133 | <table class="table">
134 | <thead class="table-header">
135 | <tr>
136 | <th>#</th>
137 | <th>Име</th>
138 | <th>Презиме</th>
139 | <th>ЕМБГ</th>
140 | </tr>
141 | </thead>
142 | <tbody>
143 | <tr th:each="candidate, iter : ${list.candidates}">
144 | <td th:text="${iter.index + 1}"></td>
145 | <td th:text="${candidate.name}"></td>
146 | <td th:text="${candidate.surname}"></td>
147 | <td th:text="${candidate.idNum}"></td>
148 | </tr>
149 | </tbody>
150 | </table>
151 | </div>
152 | </div>
153 | </td>
154 | </tr>
155 | </div>
156 | </tbody>
157 | </table>
158 | </div>
159 |
160 | </div>
161 |
162 | <script>
163 |
164 | document.querySelectorAll("tr.accordion-item").forEach(x => x.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
165 | console.log(e.target.parentElement)
166 | if(e.target.tagName !== 'BUTTON' && !e.target.parentElement.classList.contains("lista"))
167 | {
168 | window.location.href = `/admin/candidatesList/${e.target.parentElement.id}`
169 | }
170 | }))
171 | </script>
172 |
173 | <script>
174 | document.getElementById('moveRight').addEventListener('click', function(e) {
175 | e.preventDefault();
176 | moveSelectedOptions('leftSelect', 'rightSelect', true);
177 | });
178 |
179 | document.getElementById('moveLeft').addEventListener('click', function(e) {
180 | e.preventDefault();
181 | moveSelectedOptions('rightSelect', 'leftSelect', false);
182 | });
183 |
184 | function moveSelectedOptions(sourceId, destinationId, addNumbers) {
185 | let sourceSelect = document.getElementById(sourceId);
186 | let destinationSelect = document.getElementById(destinationId);
187 |
188 | let selectedOptions = Array.from(sourceSelect.selectedOptions);
189 |
190 | console.log(destinationSelect.selectedOptions.length)
191 | if (destinationId === 'rightSelect' && destinationSelect.selectedOptions.length >= 20){
192 | alert("Бројот на пратеници во изборна единица мора да биде 20")
193 | return;
194 | }
195 |
196 | selectedOptions.forEach(option => {
197 | if (addNumbers) {
198 | destinationSelect.appendChild(option);
199 | } else {
200 | // Remove numbers when moving back to the left side
201 | console.log('replace')
202 | option.text = option.text.replace(/^\d+\.\s*/, '');
203 | destinationSelect.appendChild(option);
204 | }
205 | });
206 |
207 | updateRightSelectNumbers();
208 |
209 |
210 | }
211 |
212 | function updateRightSelectNumbers() {
213 | const options = document.getElementById("rightSelect").options;
214 | for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
215 | options[i].text = `${i + 1}. ${options[i].text.replace(/^\d+\.\s*/, '')}`;
216 | }
217 | }
218 | </script>
219 |
220 | <!--th:onclick="|window.location.href='/admin/candidatesList/${candidatesList.id}/edit';|"-->