1 |
2 | drop schema if exists project cascade;
3 | create schema project;
4 |
5 | drop table if exists Rezervacija ;
6 | drop table if exists Ocenka;
7 | drop table if exists Termin;
8 | drop table if exists Tip;
9 | drop table if exists Trening;
10 | drop table if exists Fitnes_instruktor;
11 | drop table if exists Klient cascade;
12 | drop table if exists Sopstvenik;
13 | drop table if exists Fitnes_Centar;
14 | drop table if exists Korisnici cascade;
15 |
16 |
17 | create table Korisnici (
18 | user_id int primary key,
19 | username varchar(50),
20 | password varchar(50)
21 | );
22 |
23 |
24 | create table Fitnes_Centar (
25 | ime varchar(100) not null,
26 | tel_br varchar(15),
27 | lokacija varchar(150)
28 | );
29 |
30 |
31 | create table Klient (
32 | user_id_klient int primary key,
33 | ime varchar(50) not null,
34 | prezime varchar(50) not null,
35 | email varchar(100) unique not null,
36 | tel_broj varchar(15),
37 | constraint fk20 foreign key (user_id_klient) references Korisnici(user_id)
38 | );
39 |
40 |
41 | create table Sopstvenik (
42 | user_id_sopstvenik int primary key,
43 | username varchar(30),
44 | ime varchar(100) not null,
45 | prezime varchar(100) not null,
46 | tel_br varchar(15),
47 | email varchar(150),
48 | constraint fk1 foreign key (user_id_sopstvenik) references Korisnici(user_id)
49 | );
50 | create table Fitnes_Instruktor (
51 | user_id_instruktor int primary key,
52 | ime varchar(100) not null,
53 | prezime varchar(100) not null,
54 | kratka_bio text,
55 | rab_iskustvo int,
56 | tel_broj varchar(15),
57 | email varchar(150),
58 | constraint fk2 foreign key (user_id_instruktor) references Korisnici(user_id)
59 | );
60 |
61 | create table Trening (
62 | trening_id int primary key,
63 | tip varchar(50) not null,
64 | user_id_instruktor_trening int not null,
65 | constraint fk4 foreign key (user_id_instruktor_trening) references Fitnes_Instruktor(user_id_instruktor)
66 | );
67 |
68 | create table Tip (
69 | trening_id_tip int primary key,
70 | individualen varchar(20) not null,
71 | grupen varchar(20) not null,
72 | constraint fk5 foreign key (trening_id_tip) references Trening(trening_id)
73 | );
74 |
75 | create table Termin (
76 | termin_id int,
77 | trening_id_termin int not null,
78 | user_id_klient_termin int,
79 | pocetok timestamp not null,
80 | vremetraenje int,
81 | primary key (termin_id, trening_id_termin, user_id_klient_termin),
82 | constraint fk6 foreign key (trening_id_termin) references Trening(trening_id),
83 | constraint fk7 foreign key (user_id_klient_termin) references Klient(user_id_klient)
84 | );
85 |
86 | create table Rezervacija (
87 | termin_id int not null,
88 | trening_id_rez int not null,
89 | user_id_klient_rez int not null,
90 | primary key (termin_id, trening_id_rez, user_id_klient_rez),
91 | constraint fk10 foreign key (termin_id, trening_id_rez, user_id_klient_rez) references Termin(termin_id, trening_id_termin, user_id_klient_termin)
92 | );
93 |
94 | create table Ocenka (
95 | trening_id_o int not null,
96 | user_id_klient_o int not null,
97 | vrednost int not null,
98 | komentar text,
99 | primary key(trening_id_o, user_id_klient_o),
100 | constraint fk11 foreign key (trening_id_o) references Trening(trening_id),
101 | constraint fk12 foreign key (user_id_klient_o) references Klient(user_id_klient)
102 | );
103 |
104 |
105 |
106 |
107 | INSERT INTO Fitnes_Centar (ime, tel_br, lokacija)
108 | VALUES
109 | ('Fitnes Center 1', '123456789', 'Location 1');
110 |
111 |
112 | insert into Korisnici (user_id, username, password) values
113 | (1, 'client1', 'pass1'),
114 | (2, 'client2', 'pass2'),
115 | (3, 'client3', 'pass3'),
116 | (4, 'client4', 'pass4'),
117 | (5, 'client5', 'pass5'),
118 | (6, 'client6', 'pass6'),
119 | (7, 'client7', 'pass7'),
120 | (8, 'client8', 'pass8'),
121 | (9, 'client9', 'pass9'),
122 | (10, 'client10', 'pass10'),
123 | (11, 'instructor1', 'pass11'),
124 | (12, 'instructor2', 'pass12'),
125 | (13, 'instructor3', 'pass13'),
126 | (14, 'instructor4', 'pass14'),
127 | (15, 'instructor5', 'pass15'),
128 | (16, 'instructor6', 'pass16'),
129 | (17, 'instructor7', 'pass17'),
130 | (18, 'instructor8', 'pass18'),
131 | (19, 'instructor9', 'pass19'),
132 | (20, 'owner', 'ownerpass');
133 |
134 | insert into Klient (user_id_klient, ime, prezime, email, tel_broj) values
135 | (1, 'John', 'Doe', 'john.doe@email.com', '0712345678'),
136 | (2, 'Jane', 'Smith', 'jane.smith@email.com', '0712345679'),
137 | (3, 'Alice', 'Johnson', 'alice.johnson@email.com', '0712345680'),
138 | (4, 'Bob', 'Williams', 'bob.williams@email.com', '0712345681'),
139 | (5, 'Charlie', 'Brown', 'charlie.brown@email.com', '0712345682'),
140 | (6, 'David', 'Davis', 'david.davis@email.com', '0712345683'),
141 | (7, 'Eve', 'Miller', 'eve.miller@email.com', '0712345684'),
142 | (8, 'Frank', 'Wilson', 'frank.wilson@email.com', '0712345685'),
143 | (9, 'Grace', 'Moore', 'grace.moore@email.com', '0712345686'),
144 | (10, 'Hannah', 'Taylor', 'hannah.taylor@email.com', '0712345687');
145 |
146 |
147 | insert into Sopstvenik (user_id_sopstvenik, username, ime, prezime, tel_br, email) values
148 | (20, 'owner', 'Michael', 'Jordan', '0712345690', 'michael.jordan@email.com');
149 |
150 | insert into Fitnes_Instruktor (user_id_instruktor, ime, prezime, kratka_bio, rab_iskustvo, tel_broj, email) values
151 | (11, 'Samuel', 'Lee', 'Experienced in strength training', 5, '0712345691', 'samuel.lee@email.com'),
152 | (12, 'Oliver', 'Adams', 'Specialist in cardio workouts', 4, '0712345692', 'oliver.adams@email.com'),
153 | (13, 'Lily', 'Clark', 'Expert in pilates and yoga', 6, '0712345693', 'lily.clark@email.com'),
154 | (14, 'George', 'Lewis', 'Strength coach', 7, '0712345694', 'george.lewis@email.com'),
155 | (15, 'Nancy', 'Walker', 'Yoga instructor', 3, '0712345695', 'nancy.walker@email.com'),
156 | (16, 'Daniel', 'Harris', 'Cardio and flexibility expert', 4, '0712345696', 'daniel.harris@email.com'),
157 | (17, 'Jessica', 'Young', 'Pilates and injury recovery expert', 6, '0712345697', 'jessica.young@email.com'),
158 | (18, 'Michael', 'King', 'Trainer for muscle building', 8, '0712345698', 'michael.king@email.com'),
159 | (19, 'Sarah', 'Scott', 'Expert in group fitness', 5, '0712345699', 'sarah.scott@email.com');
160 |
161 | insert into Trening (trening_id, tip, user_id_instruktor_trening) values
162 | (1, 'Individualen', 11),
163 | (2, 'Grupen', 12),
164 | (3, 'Individualen', 13),
165 | (4, 'Individualen', 14),
166 | (5, 'Grupen', 15),
167 | (6, 'Grupen', 16),
168 | (7, 'Individualen', 17),
169 | (8, 'Grupen', 18),
170 | (9, 'Individualen', 19);
171 |
172 | insert into Tip (trening_id_tip, individualen, grupen) values
173 | (1, 'Yes', 'No'),
174 | (2, 'No', 'Yes'),
175 | (3, 'Yes', 'No'),
176 | (4, 'Yes', 'No'),
177 | (5, 'No', 'Yes'),
178 | (6, 'No', 'Yes'),
179 | (7, 'Yes', 'No'),
180 | (8, 'No', 'Yes'),
181 | (9, 'Yes', 'No');
182 |
183 | insert into Termin (termin_id, trening_id_termin, user_id_klient_termin, pocetok, vremetraenje) values
184 | (1, 1, 1, '2025-01-30 08:00:00', 60),
185 | (2, 2, 2, '2025-01-30 09:00:00', 60),
186 | (3, 3, 3, '2025-01-30 10:00:00', 60),
187 | (4, 4, 4, '2025-01-30 11:00:00', 60),
188 | (5, 5, 5, '2025-01-30 12:00:00', 60),
189 | (6, 6, 6, '2025-01-30 13:00:00', 60),
190 | (7, 7, 7, '2025-01-30 14:00:00', 60),
191 | (8, 8, 8, '2025-01-30 15:00:00', 60),
192 | (9, 9, 9, '2025-01-30 16:00:00', 60);
193 |
194 |
195 | insert into Rezervacija (termin_id, trening_id_rez, user_id_klient_rez) values
196 | (1, 1, 1),
197 | (2, 2, 2),
198 | (3, 3, 3),
199 | (4, 4, 4),
200 | (5, 5, 5),
201 | (6, 6, 6),
202 | (7, 7, 7),
203 | (8, 8, 8),
204 | (9, 9, 9);
205 |
206 | insert into Ocenka (trening_id_o, user_id_klient_o, vrednost, komentar) values
207 | (1, 1, 5, 'Great instructor!'),
208 | (2, 2, 4, 'Good workout, could be improved'),
209 | (3, 3, 5, 'Amazing session, very calming'),
210 | (4, 4, 4, 'It was good'),
211 | (5, 5, 5, 'Intense and fun!'),
212 | (6, 6, 3, 'It was okay'),
213 | (7, 7, 5, 'Loved the class!'),
214 | (8, 8, 4, 'It was great, good energy'),
215 | (9, 9, 5, 'Session was tough but amazing');
216 |
217 |