import { createFilter } from 'vite'; import fs from 'node:fs'; import path from 'node:path'; import { createRequire } from 'node:module'; const runtimePublicPath = "/@react-refresh"; const _require = createRequire(import.meta.url); const reactRefreshDir = path.dirname( _require.resolve("react-refresh/package.json") ); const runtimeFilePath = path.join( reactRefreshDir, "cjs/react-refresh-runtime.development.js" ); const runtimeCode = ` const exports = {} ${fs.readFileSync(runtimeFilePath, "utf-8")} ${fs.readFileSync(_require.resolve("./refreshUtils.js"), "utf-8")} export default exports `; const preambleCode = ` import RefreshRuntime from "__BASE__${runtimePublicPath.slice(1)}" RefreshRuntime.injectIntoGlobalHook(window) window.$RefreshReg$ = () => {} window.$RefreshSig$ = () => (type) => type window.__vite_plugin_react_preamble_installed__ = true `; const sharedHeader = ` import RefreshRuntime from "${runtimePublicPath}"; const inWebWorker = typeof WorkerGlobalScope !== 'undefined' && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope; `.replace(/\n+/g, ""); const functionHeader = ` let prevRefreshReg; let prevRefreshSig; if ( && !inWebWorker) { if (!window.__vite_plugin_react_preamble_installed__) { throw new Error( "@vitejs/plugin-react can't detect preamble. Something is wrong. " + "See" ); } prevRefreshReg = window.$RefreshReg$; prevRefreshSig = window.$RefreshSig$; window.$RefreshReg$ = (type, id) => { RefreshRuntime.register(type, __SOURCE__ + " " + id) }; window.$RefreshSig$ = RefreshRuntime.createSignatureFunctionForTransform; }`.replace(/\n+/g, ""); const functionFooter = ` if ( && !inWebWorker) { window.$RefreshReg$ = prevRefreshReg; window.$RefreshSig$ = prevRefreshSig; }`; const sharedFooter = (id) => ` if ( && !inWebWorker) { RefreshRuntime.__hmr_import(import.meta.url).then((currentExports) => { RefreshRuntime.registerExportsForReactRefresh(${JSON.stringify( id )}, currentExports); => { if (!nextExports) return; const invalidateMessage = RefreshRuntime.validateRefreshBoundaryAndEnqueueUpdate(${JSON.stringify( id )}, currentExports, nextExports); if (invalidateMessage); }); }); }`; function addRefreshWrapper(code, id) { return sharedHeader + functionHeader.replace("__SOURCE__", JSON.stringify(id)) + code + functionFooter + sharedFooter(id); } function addClassComponentRefreshWrapper(code, id) { return sharedHeader + code + sharedFooter(id); } let babel; async function loadBabel() { if (!babel) { babel = await import('@babel/core'); } return babel; } const reactCompRE = /extends\s+(?:React\.)?(?:Pure)?Component/; const refreshContentRE = /\$Refresh(?:Reg|Sig)\$\(/; const defaultIncludeRE = /\.[tj]sx?$/; const tsRE = /\.tsx?$/; function viteReact(opts = {}) { let devBase = "/"; const filter = createFilter(opts.include ?? defaultIncludeRE, opts.exclude); const jsxImportSource = opts.jsxImportSource ?? "react"; const jsxImportRuntime = `${jsxImportSource}/jsx-runtime`; const jsxImportDevRuntime = `${jsxImportSource}/jsx-dev-runtime`; let isProduction = true; let projectRoot = process.cwd(); let skipFastRefresh = false; let runPluginOverrides; let staticBabelOptions; const importReactRE = /\bimport\s+(?:\*\s+as\s+)?React\b/; const viteBabel = { name: "vite:react-babel", enforce: "pre", config() { if (opts.jsxRuntime === "classic") { return { esbuild: { jsx: "transform" } }; } else { return { esbuild: { jsx: "automatic", jsxImportSource: opts.jsxImportSource }, optimizeDeps: { esbuildOptions: { jsx: "automatic" } } }; } }, configResolved(config) { devBase = config.base; projectRoot = config.root; isProduction = config.isProduction; skipFastRefresh = isProduction || config.command === "build" || config.server.hmr === false; if ("jsxPure" in opts) { config.logger.warnOnce( "[@vitejs/plugin-react] jsxPure was removed. You can configure esbuild.jsxSideEffects directly." ); } const hooks = => plugin.api?.reactBabel).filter(defined); if (hooks.length > 0) { runPluginOverrides = (babelOptions, context) => { hooks.forEach((hook) => hook(babelOptions, context, config)); }; } else if (typeof opts.babel !== "function") { staticBabelOptions = createBabelOptions(opts.babel); } }, async transform(code, id, options) { if (id.includes("/node_modules/")) return; const [filepath] = id.split("?"); if (!filter(filepath)) return; const ssr = options?.ssr === true; const babelOptions = (() => { if (staticBabelOptions) return staticBabelOptions; const newBabelOptions = createBabelOptions( typeof opts.babel === "function" ? opts.babel(id, { ssr }) : opts.babel ); runPluginOverrides?.(newBabelOptions, { id, ssr }); return newBabelOptions; })(); const plugins = [...babelOptions.plugins]; const isJSX = filepath.endsWith("x"); const useFastRefresh = !skipFastRefresh && !ssr && (isJSX || (opts.jsxRuntime === "classic" ? importReactRE.test(code) : code.includes(jsxImportDevRuntime) || code.includes(jsxImportRuntime))); if (useFastRefresh) { plugins.push([ await loadPlugin("react-refresh/babel"), { skipEnvCheck: true } ]); } if (opts.jsxRuntime === "classic" && isJSX) { if (!isProduction) { plugins.push( await loadPlugin("@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-self"), await loadPlugin("@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-source") ); } } if (!plugins.length && !babelOptions.presets.length && !babelOptions.configFile && !babelOptions.babelrc) { return; } const parserPlugins = [...babelOptions.parserOpts.plugins]; if (!filepath.endsWith(".ts")) { parserPlugins.push("jsx"); } if (tsRE.test(filepath)) { parserPlugins.push("typescript"); } const babel2 = await loadBabel(); const result = await babel2.transformAsync(code, { ...babelOptions, root: projectRoot, filename: id, sourceFileName: filepath, // Required for esbuild.jsxDev to provide correct line numbers // This crates issues the react compiler because the re-order is too important // People should use @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-development to get back good line numbers retainLines: getReactCompilerPlugin(plugins) != null ? false : !isProduction && isJSX && opts.jsxRuntime !== "classic", parserOpts: { ...babelOptions.parserOpts, sourceType: "module", allowAwaitOutsideFunction: true, plugins: parserPlugins }, generatorOpts: { ...babelOptions.generatorOpts, // import attributes parsing available without plugin since 7.26 importAttributesKeyword: "with", decoratorsBeforeExport: true }, plugins, sourceMaps: true }); if (result) { let code2 = result.code; if (useFastRefresh) { if (refreshContentRE.test(code2)) { code2 = addRefreshWrapper(code2, id); } else if (reactCompRE.test(code2)) { code2 = addClassComponentRefreshWrapper(code2, id); } } return { code: code2, map: }; } } }; const dependencies = [ "react", "react-dom", jsxImportDevRuntime, jsxImportRuntime ]; const staticBabelPlugins = typeof opts.babel === "object" ? opts.babel?.plugins ?? [] : []; const reactCompilerPlugin = getReactCompilerPlugin(staticBabelPlugins); if (reactCompilerPlugin != null) { const reactCompilerRuntimeModule = getReactCompilerRuntimeModule(reactCompilerPlugin); dependencies.push(reactCompilerRuntimeModule); } const viteReactRefresh = { name: "vite:react-refresh", enforce: "pre", config: (userConfig) => ({ build: silenceUseClientWarning(userConfig), optimizeDeps: { include: dependencies }, resolve: { dedupe: ["react", "react-dom"] } }), resolveId(id) { if (id === runtimePublicPath) { return id; } }, load(id) { if (id === runtimePublicPath) { return runtimeCode; } }, transformIndexHtml() { if (!skipFastRefresh) return [ { tag: "script", attrs: { type: "module" }, children: preambleCode.replace(`__BASE__`, devBase) } ]; } }; return [viteBabel, viteReactRefresh]; } viteReact.preambleCode = preambleCode; const silenceUseClientWarning = (userConfig) => ({ rollupOptions: { onwarn(warning, defaultHandler) { if (warning.code === "MODULE_LEVEL_DIRECTIVE" && warning.message.includes("use client")) { return; } if (warning.code === "SOURCEMAP_ERROR" && warning.message.includes("resolve original location") && warning.pos === 0) { return; } if ( {, defaultHandler); } else { defaultHandler(warning); } } } }); const loadedPlugin = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); function loadPlugin(path) { const cached = loadedPlugin.get(path); if (cached) return cached; const promise = import(path).then((module) => { const value = module.default || module; loadedPlugin.set(path, value); return value; }); loadedPlugin.set(path, promise); return promise; } function createBabelOptions(rawOptions) { var _a; const babelOptions = { babelrc: false, configFile: false, ...rawOptions }; babelOptions.plugins || (babelOptions.plugins = []); babelOptions.presets || (babelOptions.presets = []); babelOptions.overrides || (babelOptions.overrides = []); babelOptions.parserOpts || (babelOptions.parserOpts = {}); (_a = babelOptions.parserOpts).plugins || (_a.plugins = []); return babelOptions; } function defined(value) { return value !== void 0; } function getReactCompilerPlugin(plugins) { return plugins.find( (p) => p === "babel-plugin-react-compiler" || Array.isArray(p) && p[0] === "babel-plugin-react-compiler" ); } function getReactCompilerRuntimeModule(plugin) { let moduleName = "react/compiler-runtime"; if (Array.isArray(plugin)) { if (plugin[1]?.target === "17" || plugin[1]?.target === "18") { moduleName = "react-compiler-runtime"; } else if (typeof plugin[1]?.runtimeModule === "string") { moduleName = plugin[1]?.runtimeModule; } } return moduleName; } export { viteReact as default };