import { require_Ring } from "./chunk-D42GQH4N.js"; import { require_Rect } from "./chunk-6JNWGPFD.js"; import { require_Canvas, require_Context, require_DragAndDrop, require_Factory, require_Node, require_PointerEvents, require_Shape, require_Util, require_Validators } from "./chunk-HC2KSO22.js"; import { require_Global } from "./chunk-M3JPOOL7.js"; import { __commonJS } from "./chunk-V4OQ3NZ2.js"; // node_modules/konva/lib/Container.js var require_Container = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/Container.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Container = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Node_1 = require_Node(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var Container = class extends Node_1.Node { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.children = []; } getChildren(filterFunc) { if (!filterFunc) { return this.children || []; } const children = this.children || []; var results = []; children.forEach(function(child) { if (filterFunc(child)) { results.push(child); } }); return results; } hasChildren() { return this.getChildren().length > 0; } removeChildren() { this.getChildren().forEach((child) => { child.parent = null; child.index = 0; child.remove(); }); this.children = []; this._requestDraw(); return this; } destroyChildren() { this.getChildren().forEach((child) => { child.parent = null; child.index = 0; child.destroy(); }); this.children = []; this._requestDraw(); return this; } add(...children) { if (children.length === 0) { return this; } if (children.length > 1) { for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { this.add(children[i]); } return this; } const child = children[0]; if (child.getParent()) { child.moveTo(this); return this; } this._validateAdd(child); child.index = this.getChildren().length; child.parent = this; child._clearCaches(); this.getChildren().push(child); this._fire("add", { child }); this._requestDraw(); return this; } destroy() { if (this.hasChildren()) { this.destroyChildren(); } super.destroy(); return this; } find(selector) { return this._generalFind(selector, false); } findOne(selector) { var result = this._generalFind(selector, true); return result.length > 0 ? result[0] : void 0; } _generalFind(selector, findOne) { var retArr = []; this._descendants((node) => { const valid = node._isMatch(selector); if (valid) { retArr.push(node); } if (valid && findOne) { return true; } return false; }); return retArr; } _descendants(fn) { let shouldStop = false; const children = this.getChildren(); for (const child of children) { shouldStop = fn(child); if (shouldStop) { return true; } if (!child.hasChildren()) { continue; } shouldStop = child._descendants(fn); if (shouldStop) { return true; } } return false; } toObject() { var obj =; obj.children = []; this.getChildren().forEach((child) => { obj.children.push(child.toObject()); }); return obj; } isAncestorOf(node) { var parent = node.getParent(); while (parent) { if (parent._id === this._id) { return true; } parent = parent.getParent(); } return false; } clone(obj) { var node =, obj); this.getChildren().forEach(function(no) { node.add(no.clone()); }); return node; } getAllIntersections(pos) { var arr = []; this.find("Shape").forEach((shape) => { if (shape.isVisible() && shape.intersects(pos)) { arr.push(shape); } }); return arr; } _clearSelfAndDescendantCache(attr) { var _a; super._clearSelfAndDescendantCache(attr); if (this.isCached()) { return; } (_a = this.children) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.forEach(function(node) { node._clearSelfAndDescendantCache(attr); }); } _setChildrenIndices() { var _a; (_a = this.children) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.forEach(function(child, n) { child.index = n; }); this._requestDraw(); } drawScene(can, top, bufferCanvas) { var layer = this.getLayer(), canvas = can || layer && layer.getCanvas(), context = canvas && canvas.getContext(), cachedCanvas = this._getCanvasCache(), cachedSceneCanvas = cachedCanvas && cachedCanvas.scene; var caching = canvas && canvas.isCache; if (!this.isVisible() && !caching) { return this; } if (cachedSceneCanvas) {; var m = this.getAbsoluteTransform(top).getMatrix(); context.transform(m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4], m[5]); this._drawCachedSceneCanvas(context); context.restore(); } else { this._drawChildren("drawScene", canvas, top, bufferCanvas); } return this; } drawHit(can, top) { if (!this.shouldDrawHit(top)) { return this; } var layer = this.getLayer(), canvas = can || layer && layer.hitCanvas, context = canvas && canvas.getContext(), cachedCanvas = this._getCanvasCache(), cachedHitCanvas = cachedCanvas && cachedCanvas.hit; if (cachedHitCanvas) {; var m = this.getAbsoluteTransform(top).getMatrix(); context.transform(m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4], m[5]); this._drawCachedHitCanvas(context); context.restore(); } else { this._drawChildren("drawHit", canvas, top); } return this; } _drawChildren(drawMethod, canvas, top, bufferCanvas) { var _a; var context = canvas && canvas.getContext(), clipWidth = this.clipWidth(), clipHeight = this.clipHeight(), clipFunc = this.clipFunc(), hasClip = typeof clipWidth === "number" && typeof clipHeight === "number" || clipFunc; const selfCache = top === this; if (hasClip) {; var transform = this.getAbsoluteTransform(top); var m = transform.getMatrix(); context.transform(m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4], m[5]); context.beginPath(); let clipArgs; if (clipFunc) { clipArgs =, context, this); } else { var clipX = this.clipX(); var clipY = this.clipY(); context.rect(clipX || 0, clipY || 0, clipWidth, clipHeight); } context.clip.apply(context, clipArgs); m = transform.copy().invert().getMatrix(); context.transform(m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4], m[5]); } var hasComposition = !selfCache && this.globalCompositeOperation() !== "source-over" && drawMethod === "drawScene"; if (hasComposition) {; context._applyGlobalCompositeOperation(this); } (_a = this.children) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.forEach(function(child) { child[drawMethod](canvas, top, bufferCanvas); }); if (hasComposition) { context.restore(); } if (hasClip) { context.restore(); } } getClientRect(config = {}) { var _a; var skipTransform = config.skipTransform; var relativeTo = config.relativeTo; var minX, minY, maxX, maxY; var selfRect = { x: Infinity, y: Infinity, width: 0, height: 0 }; var that = this; (_a = this.children) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.forEach(function(child) { if (!child.visible()) { return; } var rect = child.getClientRect({ relativeTo: that, skipShadow: config.skipShadow, skipStroke: config.skipStroke }); if (rect.width === 0 && rect.height === 0) { return; } if (minX === void 0) { minX = rect.x; minY = rect.y; maxX = rect.x + rect.width; maxY = rect.y + rect.height; } else { minX = Math.min(minX, rect.x); minY = Math.min(minY, rect.y); maxX = Math.max(maxX, rect.x + rect.width); maxY = Math.max(maxY, rect.y + rect.height); } }); var shapes = this.find("Shape"); var hasVisible = false; for (var i = 0; i < shapes.length; i++) { var shape = shapes[i]; if (shape._isVisible(this)) { hasVisible = true; break; } } if (hasVisible && minX !== void 0) { selfRect = { x: minX, y: minY, width: maxX - minX, height: maxY - minY }; } else { selfRect = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }; } if (!skipTransform) { return this._transformedRect(selfRect, relativeTo); } return selfRect; } }; exports.Container = Container; Factory_1.Factory.addComponentsGetterSetter(Container, "clip", [ "x", "y", "width", "height" ]); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Container, "clipX", void 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Container, "clipY", void 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Container, "clipWidth", void 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Container, "clipHeight", void 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Container, "clipFunc"); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/Stage.js var require_Stage = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/Stage.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Stage = exports.stages = void 0; var Util_1 = require_Util(); var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Container_1 = require_Container(); var Global_1 = require_Global(); var Canvas_1 = require_Canvas(); var DragAndDrop_1 = require_DragAndDrop(); var Global_2 = require_Global(); var PointerEvents = require_PointerEvents(); var STAGE = "Stage"; var STRING = "string"; var PX = "px"; var MOUSEOUT = "mouseout"; var MOUSELEAVE = "mouseleave"; var MOUSEOVER = "mouseover"; var MOUSEENTER = "mouseenter"; var MOUSEMOVE = "mousemove"; var MOUSEDOWN = "mousedown"; var MOUSEUP = "mouseup"; var POINTERMOVE = "pointermove"; var POINTERDOWN = "pointerdown"; var POINTERUP = "pointerup"; var POINTERCANCEL = "pointercancel"; var LOSTPOINTERCAPTURE = "lostpointercapture"; var POINTEROUT = "pointerout"; var POINTERLEAVE = "pointerleave"; var POINTEROVER = "pointerover"; var POINTERENTER = "pointerenter"; var CONTEXTMENU = "contextmenu"; var TOUCHSTART = "touchstart"; var TOUCHEND = "touchend"; var TOUCHMOVE = "touchmove"; var TOUCHCANCEL = "touchcancel"; var WHEEL = "wheel"; var MAX_LAYERS_NUMBER = 5; var EVENTS = [ [MOUSEENTER, "_pointerenter"], [MOUSEDOWN, "_pointerdown"], [MOUSEMOVE, "_pointermove"], [MOUSEUP, "_pointerup"], [MOUSELEAVE, "_pointerleave"], [TOUCHSTART, "_pointerdown"], [TOUCHMOVE, "_pointermove"], [TOUCHEND, "_pointerup"], [TOUCHCANCEL, "_pointercancel"], [MOUSEOVER, "_pointerover"], [WHEEL, "_wheel"], [CONTEXTMENU, "_contextmenu"], [POINTERDOWN, "_pointerdown"], [POINTERMOVE, "_pointermove"], [POINTERUP, "_pointerup"], [POINTERCANCEL, "_pointercancel"], [LOSTPOINTERCAPTURE, "_lostpointercapture"] ]; var EVENTS_MAP = { mouse: { [POINTEROUT]: MOUSEOUT, [POINTERLEAVE]: MOUSELEAVE, [POINTEROVER]: MOUSEOVER, [POINTERENTER]: MOUSEENTER, [POINTERMOVE]: MOUSEMOVE, [POINTERDOWN]: MOUSEDOWN, [POINTERUP]: MOUSEUP, [POINTERCANCEL]: "mousecancel", pointerclick: "click", pointerdblclick: "dblclick" }, touch: { [POINTEROUT]: "touchout", [POINTERLEAVE]: "touchleave", [POINTEROVER]: "touchover", [POINTERENTER]: "touchenter", [POINTERMOVE]: TOUCHMOVE, [POINTERDOWN]: TOUCHSTART, [POINTERUP]: TOUCHEND, [POINTERCANCEL]: TOUCHCANCEL, pointerclick: "tap", pointerdblclick: "dbltap" }, pointer: { [POINTEROUT]: POINTEROUT, [POINTERLEAVE]: POINTERLEAVE, [POINTEROVER]: POINTEROVER, [POINTERENTER]: POINTERENTER, [POINTERMOVE]: POINTERMOVE, [POINTERDOWN]: POINTERDOWN, [POINTERUP]: POINTERUP, [POINTERCANCEL]: POINTERCANCEL, pointerclick: "pointerclick", pointerdblclick: "pointerdblclick" } }; var getEventType = (type) => { if (type.indexOf("pointer") >= 0) { return "pointer"; } if (type.indexOf("touch") >= 0) { return "touch"; } return "mouse"; }; var getEventsMap = (eventType) => { const type = getEventType(eventType); if (type === "pointer") { return Global_1.Konva.pointerEventsEnabled && EVENTS_MAP.pointer; } if (type === "touch") { return EVENTS_MAP.touch; } if (type === "mouse") { return EVENTS_MAP.mouse; } }; function checkNoClip(attrs = {}) { if (attrs.clipFunc || attrs.clipWidth || attrs.clipHeight) { Util_1.Util.warn("Stage does not support clipping. Please use clip for Layers or Groups."); } return attrs; } var NO_POINTERS_MESSAGE = `Pointer position is missing and not registered by the stage. Looks like it is outside of the stage container. You can set it manually from event: stage.setPointersPositions(event);`; exports.stages = []; var Stage = class extends Container_1.Container { constructor(config) { super(checkNoClip(config)); this._pointerPositions = []; this._changedPointerPositions = []; this._buildDOM(); this._bindContentEvents(); exports.stages.push(this); this.on("widthChange.konva heightChange.konva", this._resizeDOM); this.on("visibleChange.konva", this._checkVisibility); this.on("clipWidthChange.konva clipHeightChange.konva clipFuncChange.konva", () => { checkNoClip(this.attrs); }); this._checkVisibility(); } _validateAdd(child) { const isLayer = child.getType() === "Layer"; const isFastLayer = child.getType() === "FastLayer"; const valid = isLayer || isFastLayer; if (!valid) { Util_1.Util.throw("You may only add layers to the stage."); } } _checkVisibility() { if (!this.content) { return; } const style = this.visible() ? "" : "none"; = style; } setContainer(container) { if (typeof container === STRING) { if (container.charAt(0) === ".") { var className = container.slice(1); container = document.getElementsByClassName(className)[0]; } else { var id; if (container.charAt(0) !== "#") { id = container; } else { id = container.slice(1); } container = document.getElementById(id); } if (!container) { throw "Can not find container in document with id " + id; } } this._setAttr("container", container); if (this.content) { if (this.content.parentElement) { this.content.parentElement.removeChild(this.content); } container.appendChild(this.content); } return this; } shouldDrawHit() { return true; } clear() { var layers = this.children, len = layers.length, n; for (n = 0; n < len; n++) { layers[n].clear(); } return this; } clone(obj) { if (!obj) { obj = {}; } obj.container = typeof document !== "undefined" && document.createElement("div"); return, obj); } destroy() { super.destroy(); var content = this.content; if (content && Util_1.Util._isInDocument(content)) { this.container().removeChild(content); } var index = exports.stages.indexOf(this); if (index > -1) { exports.stages.splice(index, 1); } Util_1.Util.releaseCanvas(this.bufferCanvas._canvas, this.bufferHitCanvas._canvas); return this; } getPointerPosition() { const pos = this._pointerPositions[0] || this._changedPointerPositions[0]; if (!pos) { Util_1.Util.warn(NO_POINTERS_MESSAGE); return null; } return { x: pos.x, y: pos.y }; } _getPointerById(id) { return this._pointerPositions.find((p) => === id); } getPointersPositions() { return this._pointerPositions; } getStage() { return this; } getContent() { return this.content; } _toKonvaCanvas(config) { config = config || {}; config.x = config.x || 0; config.y = config.y || 0; config.width = config.width || this.width(); config.height = config.height || this.height(); var canvas = new Canvas_1.SceneCanvas({ width: config.width, height: config.height, pixelRatio: config.pixelRatio || 1 }); var _context = canvas.getContext()._context; var layers = this.children; if (config.x || config.y) { _context.translate(-1 * config.x, -1 * config.y); } layers.forEach(function(layer) { if (!layer.isVisible()) { return; } var layerCanvas = layer._toKonvaCanvas(config); _context.drawImage(layerCanvas._canvas, config.x, config.y, layerCanvas.getWidth() / layerCanvas.getPixelRatio(), layerCanvas.getHeight() / layerCanvas.getPixelRatio()); }); return canvas; } getIntersection(pos) { if (!pos) { return null; } var layers = this.children, len = layers.length, end = len - 1, n; for (n = end; n >= 0; n--) { const shape = layers[n].getIntersection(pos); if (shape) { return shape; } } return null; } _resizeDOM() { var width = this.width(); var height = this.height(); if (this.content) { = width + PX; = height + PX; } this.bufferCanvas.setSize(width, height); this.bufferHitCanvas.setSize(width, height); this.children.forEach((layer) => { layer.setSize({ width, height }); layer.draw(); }); } add(layer, { if (arguments.length > 1) { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { this.add(arguments[i]); } return this; } super.add(layer); var length = this.children.length; if (length > MAX_LAYERS_NUMBER) { Util_1.Util.warn("The stage has " + length + " layers. Recommended maximum number of layers is 3-5. Adding more layers into the stage may drop the performance. Rethink your tree structure, you can use Konva.Group."); } layer.setSize({ width: this.width(), height: this.height() }); layer.draw(); if (Global_1.Konva.isBrowser) { this.content.appendChild(layer.canvas._canvas); } return this; } getParent() { return null; } getLayer() { return null; } hasPointerCapture(pointerId) { return PointerEvents.hasPointerCapture(pointerId, this); } setPointerCapture(pointerId) { PointerEvents.setPointerCapture(pointerId, this); } releaseCapture(pointerId) { PointerEvents.releaseCapture(pointerId, this); } getLayers() { return this.children; } _bindContentEvents() { if (!Global_1.Konva.isBrowser) { return; } EVENTS.forEach(([event, methodName]) => { this.content.addEventListener(event, (evt) => { this[methodName](evt); }, { passive: false }); }); } _pointerenter(evt) { this.setPointersPositions(evt); const events = getEventsMap(evt.type); if (events) { this._fire(events.pointerenter, { evt, target: this, currentTarget: this }); } } _pointerover(evt) { this.setPointersPositions(evt); const events = getEventsMap(evt.type); if (events) { this._fire(events.pointerover, { evt, target: this, currentTarget: this }); } } _getTargetShape(evenType) { let shape = this[evenType + "targetShape"]; if (shape && !shape.getStage()) { shape = null; } return shape; } _pointerleave(evt) { const events = getEventsMap(evt.type); const eventType = getEventType(evt.type); if (!events) { return; } this.setPointersPositions(evt); var targetShape = this._getTargetShape(eventType); var eventsEnabled = !(Global_1.Konva.isDragging() || Global_1.Konva.isTransforming()) || Global_1.Konva.hitOnDragEnabled; if (targetShape && eventsEnabled) { targetShape._fireAndBubble(events.pointerout, { evt }); targetShape._fireAndBubble(events.pointerleave, { evt }); this._fire(events.pointerleave, { evt, target: this, currentTarget: this }); this[eventType + "targetShape"] = null; } else if (eventsEnabled) { this._fire(events.pointerleave, { evt, target: this, currentTarget: this }); this._fire(events.pointerout, { evt, target: this, currentTarget: this }); } this.pointerPos = null; this._pointerPositions = []; } _pointerdown(evt) { const events = getEventsMap(evt.type); const eventType = getEventType(evt.type); if (!events) { return; } this.setPointersPositions(evt); var triggeredOnShape = false; this._changedPointerPositions.forEach((pos) => { var shape = this.getIntersection(pos); DragAndDrop_1.DD.justDragged = false; Global_1.Konva["_" + eventType + "ListenClick"] = true; if (!shape || !shape.isListening()) { this[eventType + "ClickStartShape"] = void 0; return; } if (Global_1.Konva.capturePointerEventsEnabled) { shape.setPointerCapture(; } this[eventType + "ClickStartShape"] = shape; shape._fireAndBubble(events.pointerdown, { evt, pointerId: }); triggeredOnShape = true; const isTouch = evt.type.indexOf("touch") >= 0; if (shape.preventDefault() && evt.cancelable && isTouch) { evt.preventDefault(); } }); if (!triggeredOnShape) { this._fire(events.pointerdown, { evt, target: this, currentTarget: this, pointerId: this._pointerPositions[0].id }); } } _pointermove(evt) { const events = getEventsMap(evt.type); const eventType = getEventType(evt.type); if (!events) { return; } if (Global_1.Konva.isDragging() && DragAndDrop_1.DD.node.preventDefault() && evt.cancelable) { evt.preventDefault(); } this.setPointersPositions(evt); var eventsEnabled = !(Global_1.Konva.isDragging() || Global_1.Konva.isTransforming()) || Global_1.Konva.hitOnDragEnabled; if (!eventsEnabled) { return; } var processedShapesIds = {}; let triggeredOnShape = false; var targetShape = this._getTargetShape(eventType); this._changedPointerPositions.forEach((pos) => { const shape = PointerEvents.getCapturedShape( || this.getIntersection(pos); const pointerId =; const event = { evt, pointerId }; var differentTarget = targetShape !== shape; if (differentTarget && targetShape) { targetShape._fireAndBubble(events.pointerout, { ...event }, shape); targetShape._fireAndBubble(events.pointerleave, { ...event }, shape); } if (shape) { if (processedShapesIds[shape._id]) { return; } processedShapesIds[shape._id] = true; } if (shape && shape.isListening()) { triggeredOnShape = true; if (differentTarget) { shape._fireAndBubble(events.pointerover, { ...event }, targetShape); shape._fireAndBubble(events.pointerenter, { ...event }, targetShape); this[eventType + "targetShape"] = shape; } shape._fireAndBubble(events.pointermove, { ...event }); } else { if (targetShape) { this._fire(events.pointerover, { evt, target: this, currentTarget: this, pointerId }); this[eventType + "targetShape"] = null; } } }); if (!triggeredOnShape) { this._fire(events.pointermove, { evt, target: this, currentTarget: this, pointerId: this._changedPointerPositions[0].id }); } } _pointerup(evt) { const events = getEventsMap(evt.type); const eventType = getEventType(evt.type); if (!events) { return; } this.setPointersPositions(evt); const clickStartShape = this[eventType + "ClickStartShape"]; const clickEndShape = this[eventType + "ClickEndShape"]; var processedShapesIds = {}; let triggeredOnShape = false; this._changedPointerPositions.forEach((pos) => { const shape = PointerEvents.getCapturedShape( || this.getIntersection(pos); if (shape) { shape.releaseCapture(; if (processedShapesIds[shape._id]) { return; } processedShapesIds[shape._id] = true; } const pointerId =; const event = { evt, pointerId }; let fireDblClick = false; if (Global_1.Konva["_" + eventType + "InDblClickWindow"]) { fireDblClick = true; clearTimeout(this[eventType + "DblTimeout"]); } else if (!DragAndDrop_1.DD.justDragged) { Global_1.Konva["_" + eventType + "InDblClickWindow"] = true; clearTimeout(this[eventType + "DblTimeout"]); } this[eventType + "DblTimeout"] = setTimeout(function() { Global_1.Konva["_" + eventType + "InDblClickWindow"] = false; }, Global_1.Konva.dblClickWindow); if (shape && shape.isListening()) { triggeredOnShape = true; this[eventType + "ClickEndShape"] = shape; shape._fireAndBubble(events.pointerup, { ...event }); if (Global_1.Konva["_" + eventType + "ListenClick"] && clickStartShape && clickStartShape === shape) { shape._fireAndBubble(events.pointerclick, { ...event }); if (fireDblClick && clickEndShape && clickEndShape === shape) { shape._fireAndBubble(events.pointerdblclick, { ...event }); } } } else { this[eventType + "ClickEndShape"] = null; if (Global_1.Konva["_" + eventType + "ListenClick"]) { this._fire(events.pointerclick, { evt, target: this, currentTarget: this, pointerId }); } if (fireDblClick) { this._fire(events.pointerdblclick, { evt, target: this, currentTarget: this, pointerId }); } } }); if (!triggeredOnShape) { this._fire(events.pointerup, { evt, target: this, currentTarget: this, pointerId: this._changedPointerPositions[0].id }); } Global_1.Konva["_" + eventType + "ListenClick"] = false; if (evt.cancelable && eventType !== "touch") { evt.preventDefault(); } } _contextmenu(evt) { this.setPointersPositions(evt); var shape = this.getIntersection(this.getPointerPosition()); if (shape && shape.isListening()) { shape._fireAndBubble(CONTEXTMENU, { evt }); } else { this._fire(CONTEXTMENU, { evt, target: this, currentTarget: this }); } } _wheel(evt) { this.setPointersPositions(evt); var shape = this.getIntersection(this.getPointerPosition()); if (shape && shape.isListening()) { shape._fireAndBubble(WHEEL, { evt }); } else { this._fire(WHEEL, { evt, target: this, currentTarget: this }); } } _pointercancel(evt) { this.setPointersPositions(evt); const shape = PointerEvents.getCapturedShape(evt.pointerId) || this.getIntersection(this.getPointerPosition()); if (shape) { shape._fireAndBubble(POINTERUP, PointerEvents.createEvent(evt)); } PointerEvents.releaseCapture(evt.pointerId); } _lostpointercapture(evt) { PointerEvents.releaseCapture(evt.pointerId); } setPointersPositions(evt) { var contentPosition = this._getContentPosition(), x = null, y = null; evt = evt ? evt : window.event; if (evt.touches !== void 0) { this._pointerPositions = []; this._changedPointerPositions = [];, (touch) => { this._pointerPositions.push({ id: touch.identifier, x: (touch.clientX - contentPosition.left) / contentPosition.scaleX, y: (touch.clientY - / contentPosition.scaleY }); }); || evt.touches, (touch) => { this._changedPointerPositions.push({ id: touch.identifier, x: (touch.clientX - contentPosition.left) / contentPosition.scaleX, y: (touch.clientY - / contentPosition.scaleY }); }); } else { x = (evt.clientX - contentPosition.left) / contentPosition.scaleX; y = (evt.clientY - / contentPosition.scaleY; this.pointerPos = { x, y }; this._pointerPositions = [{ x, y, id: Util_1.Util._getFirstPointerId(evt) }]; this._changedPointerPositions = [ { x, y, id: Util_1.Util._getFirstPointerId(evt) } ]; } } _setPointerPosition(evt) { Util_1.Util.warn('Method _setPointerPosition is deprecated. Use "stage.setPointersPositions(event)" instead.'); this.setPointersPositions(evt); } _getContentPosition() { if (!this.content || !this.content.getBoundingClientRect) { return { top: 0, left: 0, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 }; } var rect = this.content.getBoundingClientRect(); return { top:, left: rect.left, scaleX: rect.width / this.content.clientWidth || 1, scaleY: rect.height / this.content.clientHeight || 1 }; } _buildDOM() { this.bufferCanvas = new Canvas_1.SceneCanvas({ width: this.width(), height: this.height() }); this.bufferHitCanvas = new Canvas_1.HitCanvas({ pixelRatio: 1, width: this.width(), height: this.height() }); if (!Global_1.Konva.isBrowser) { return; } var container = this.container(); if (!container) { throw "Stage has no container. A container is required."; } container.innerHTML = ""; this.content = document.createElement("div"); = "relative"; = "none"; this.content.className = "konvajs-content"; this.content.setAttribute("role", "presentation"); container.appendChild(this.content); this._resizeDOM(); } cache() { Util_1.Util.warn("Cache function is not allowed for stage. You may use cache only for layers, groups and shapes."); return this; } clearCache() { return this; } batchDraw() { this.getChildren().forEach(function(layer) { layer.batchDraw(); }); return this; } }; exports.Stage = Stage; Stage.prototype.nodeType = STAGE; (0, Global_2._registerNode)(Stage); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Stage, "container"); if (Global_1.Konva.isBrowser) { document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", () => { exports.stages.forEach((stage) => { stage.batchDraw(); }); }); } } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/Layer.js var require_Layer = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/Layer.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Layer = void 0; var Util_1 = require_Util(); var Container_1 = require_Container(); var Node_1 = require_Node(); var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Canvas_1 = require_Canvas(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var Shape_1 = require_Shape(); var Global_1 = require_Global(); var HASH = "#"; var BEFORE_DRAW = "beforeDraw"; var DRAW = "draw"; var INTERSECTION_OFFSETS = [ { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: -1, y: -1 }, { x: 1, y: -1 }, { x: 1, y: 1 }, { x: -1, y: 1 } ]; var INTERSECTION_OFFSETS_LEN = INTERSECTION_OFFSETS.length; var Layer = class extends Container_1.Container { constructor(config) { super(config); this.canvas = new Canvas_1.SceneCanvas(); this.hitCanvas = new Canvas_1.HitCanvas({ pixelRatio: 1 }); this._waitingForDraw = false; this.on("visibleChange.konva", this._checkVisibility); this._checkVisibility(); this.on("imageSmoothingEnabledChange.konva", this._setSmoothEnabled); this._setSmoothEnabled(); } createPNGStream() { const c = this.canvas._canvas; return c.createPNGStream(); } getCanvas() { return this.canvas; } getNativeCanvasElement() { return this.canvas._canvas; } getHitCanvas() { return this.hitCanvas; } getContext() { return this.getCanvas().getContext(); } clear(bounds) { this.getContext().clear(bounds); this.getHitCanvas().getContext().clear(bounds); return this; } setZIndex(index) { super.setZIndex(index); var stage = this.getStage(); if (stage && stage.content) { stage.content.removeChild(this.getNativeCanvasElement()); if (index < stage.children.length - 1) { stage.content.insertBefore(this.getNativeCanvasElement(), stage.children[index + 1].getCanvas()._canvas); } else { stage.content.appendChild(this.getNativeCanvasElement()); } } return this; } moveToTop() {; var stage = this.getStage(); if (stage && stage.content) { stage.content.removeChild(this.getNativeCanvasElement()); stage.content.appendChild(this.getNativeCanvasElement()); } return true; } moveUp() { var moved =; if (!moved) { return false; } var stage = this.getStage(); if (!stage || !stage.content) { return false; } stage.content.removeChild(this.getNativeCanvasElement()); if (this.index < stage.children.length - 1) { stage.content.insertBefore(this.getNativeCanvasElement(), stage.children[this.index + 1].getCanvas()._canvas); } else { stage.content.appendChild(this.getNativeCanvasElement()); } return true; } moveDown() { if ( { var stage = this.getStage(); if (stage) { var children = stage.children; if (stage.content) { stage.content.removeChild(this.getNativeCanvasElement()); stage.content.insertBefore(this.getNativeCanvasElement(), children[this.index + 1].getCanvas()._canvas); } } return true; } return false; } moveToBottom() { if ( { var stage = this.getStage(); if (stage) { var children = stage.children; if (stage.content) { stage.content.removeChild(this.getNativeCanvasElement()); stage.content.insertBefore(this.getNativeCanvasElement(), children[1].getCanvas()._canvas); } } return true; } return false; } getLayer() { return this; } remove() { var _canvas = this.getNativeCanvasElement();; if (_canvas && _canvas.parentNode && Util_1.Util._isInDocument(_canvas)) { _canvas.parentNode.removeChild(_canvas); } return this; } getStage() { return this.parent; } setSize({ width, height }) { this.canvas.setSize(width, height); this.hitCanvas.setSize(width, height); this._setSmoothEnabled(); return this; } _validateAdd(child) { var type = child.getType(); if (type !== "Group" && type !== "Shape") { Util_1.Util.throw("You may only add groups and shapes to a layer."); } } _toKonvaCanvas(config) { config = config || {}; config.width = config.width || this.getWidth(); config.height = config.height || this.getHeight(); config.x = config.x !== void 0 ? config.x : this.x(); config.y = config.y !== void 0 ? config.y : this.y(); return, config); } _checkVisibility() { const visible = this.visible(); if (visible) { = "block"; } else { = "none"; } } _setSmoothEnabled() { this.getContext()._context.imageSmoothingEnabled = this.imageSmoothingEnabled(); } getWidth() { if (this.parent) { return this.parent.width(); } } setWidth() { Util_1.Util.warn('Can not change width of layer. Use "stage.width(value)" function instead.'); } getHeight() { if (this.parent) { return this.parent.height(); } } setHeight() { Util_1.Util.warn('Can not change height of layer. Use "stage.height(value)" function instead.'); } batchDraw() { if (!this._waitingForDraw) { this._waitingForDraw = true; Util_1.Util.requestAnimFrame(() => { this.draw(); this._waitingForDraw = false; }); } return this; } getIntersection(pos) { if (!this.isListening() || !this.isVisible()) { return null; } var spiralSearchDistance = 1; var continueSearch = false; while (true) { for (let i = 0; i < INTERSECTION_OFFSETS_LEN; i++) { const intersectionOffset = INTERSECTION_OFFSETS[i]; const obj = this._getIntersection({ x: pos.x + intersectionOffset.x * spiralSearchDistance, y: pos.y + intersectionOffset.y * spiralSearchDistance }); const shape = obj.shape; if (shape) { return shape; } continueSearch = !!obj.antialiased; if (!obj.antialiased) { break; } } if (continueSearch) { spiralSearchDistance += 1; } else { return null; } } } _getIntersection(pos) { const ratio = this.hitCanvas.pixelRatio; const p = this.hitCanvas.context.getImageData(Math.round(pos.x * ratio), Math.round(pos.y * ratio), 1, 1).data; const p3 = p[3]; if (p3 === 255) { const colorKey = Util_1.Util._rgbToHex(p[0], p[1], p[2]); const shape = Shape_1.shapes[HASH + colorKey]; if (shape) { return { shape }; } return { antialiased: true }; } else if (p3 > 0) { return { antialiased: true }; } return {}; } drawScene(can, top) { var layer = this.getLayer(), canvas = can || layer && layer.getCanvas(); this._fire(BEFORE_DRAW, { node: this }); if (this.clearBeforeDraw()) { canvas.getContext().clear(); }, canvas, top); this._fire(DRAW, { node: this }); return this; } drawHit(can, top) { var layer = this.getLayer(), canvas = can || layer && layer.hitCanvas; if (layer && layer.clearBeforeDraw()) { layer.getHitCanvas().getContext().clear(); }, canvas, top); return this; } enableHitGraph() { this.hitGraphEnabled(true); return this; } disableHitGraph() { this.hitGraphEnabled(false); return this; } setHitGraphEnabled(val) { Util_1.Util.warn("hitGraphEnabled method is deprecated. Please use layer.listening() instead."); this.listening(val); } getHitGraphEnabled(val) { Util_1.Util.warn("hitGraphEnabled method is deprecated. Please use layer.listening() instead."); return this.listening(); } toggleHitCanvas() { if (!this.parent || !this.parent["content"]) { return; } var parent = this.parent; var added = !!this.hitCanvas._canvas.parentNode; if (added) { parent.content.removeChild(this.hitCanvas._canvas); } else { parent.content.appendChild(this.hitCanvas._canvas); } } destroy() { Util_1.Util.releaseCanvas(this.getNativeCanvasElement(), this.getHitCanvas()._canvas); return super.destroy(); } }; exports.Layer = Layer; Layer.prototype.nodeType = "Layer"; (0, Global_1._registerNode)(Layer); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Layer, "imageSmoothingEnabled", true); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Layer, "clearBeforeDraw", true); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Layer, "hitGraphEnabled", true, (0, Validators_1.getBooleanValidator)()); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/FastLayer.js var require_FastLayer = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/FastLayer.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.FastLayer = void 0; var Util_1 = require_Util(); var Layer_1 = require_Layer(); var Global_1 = require_Global(); var FastLayer = class extends Layer_1.Layer { constructor(attrs) { super(attrs); this.listening(false); Util_1.Util.warn('Konva.Fast layer is deprecated. Please use "new Konva.Layer({ listening: false })" instead.'); } }; exports.FastLayer = FastLayer; FastLayer.prototype.nodeType = "FastLayer"; (0, Global_1._registerNode)(FastLayer); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/Group.js var require_Group = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/Group.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Group = void 0; var Util_1 = require_Util(); var Container_1 = require_Container(); var Global_1 = require_Global(); var Group = class extends Container_1.Container { _validateAdd(child) { var type = child.getType(); if (type !== "Group" && type !== "Shape") { Util_1.Util.throw("You may only add groups and shapes to groups."); } } }; exports.Group = Group; Group.prototype.nodeType = "Group"; (0, Global_1._registerNode)(Group); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/Animation.js var require_Animation = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/Animation.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Animation = void 0; var Global_1 = require_Global(); var Util_1 = require_Util(); var now = function() { if (Global_1.glob.performance && { return function() { return; }; } return function() { return (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime(); }; }(); var Animation = class _Animation { constructor(func, layers) { = _Animation.animIdCounter++; this.frame = { time: 0, timeDiff: 0, lastTime: now(), frameRate: 0 }; this.func = func; this.setLayers(layers); } setLayers(layers) { let lays = []; if (layers) { lays = Array.isArray(layers) ? layers : [layers]; } this.layers = lays; return this; } getLayers() { return this.layers; } addLayer(layer) { const layers = this.layers; const len = layers.length; for (let n = 0; n < len; n++) { if (layers[n]._id === layer._id) { return false; } } this.layers.push(layer); return true; } isRunning() { const a = _Animation; const animations = a.animations; const len = animations.length; for (let n = 0; n < len; n++) { if (animations[n].id === { return true; } } return false; } start() { this.stop(); this.frame.timeDiff = 0; this.frame.lastTime = now(); _Animation._addAnimation(this); return this; } stop() { _Animation._removeAnimation(this); return this; } _updateFrameObject(time) { this.frame.timeDiff = time - this.frame.lastTime; this.frame.lastTime = time; this.frame.time += this.frame.timeDiff; this.frame.frameRate = 1e3 / this.frame.timeDiff; } static _addAnimation(anim) { this.animations.push(anim); this._handleAnimation(); } static _removeAnimation(anim) { const id =; const animations = this.animations; const len = animations.length; for (let n = 0; n < len; n++) { if (animations[n].id === id) { this.animations.splice(n, 1); break; } } } static _runFrames() { const layerHash = {}; const animations = this.animations; for (let n = 0; n < animations.length; n++) { const anim = animations[n]; const layers = anim.layers; const func = anim.func; anim._updateFrameObject(now()); const layersLen = layers.length; let needRedraw; if (func) { needRedraw =, anim.frame) !== false; } else { needRedraw = true; } if (!needRedraw) { continue; } for (let i = 0; i < layersLen; i++) { const layer = layers[i]; if (layer._id !== void 0) { layerHash[layer._id] = layer; } } } for (let key in layerHash) { if (!layerHash.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; } layerHash[key].batchDraw(); } } static _animationLoop() { const Anim = _Animation; if (Anim.animations.length) { Anim._runFrames(); Util_1.Util.requestAnimFrame(Anim._animationLoop); } else { Anim.animRunning = false; } } static _handleAnimation() { if (!this.animRunning) { this.animRunning = true; Util_1.Util.requestAnimFrame(this._animationLoop); } } }; exports.Animation = Animation; Animation.animations = []; Animation.animIdCounter = 0; Animation.animRunning = false; } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/Tween.js var require_Tween = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/Tween.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Easings = exports.Tween = void 0; var Util_1 = require_Util(); var Animation_1 = require_Animation(); var Node_1 = require_Node(); var Global_1 = require_Global(); var blacklist = { node: 1, duration: 1, easing: 1, onFinish: 1, yoyo: 1 }; var PAUSED = 1; var PLAYING = 2; var REVERSING = 3; var idCounter = 0; var colorAttrs = ["fill", "stroke", "shadowColor"]; var TweenEngine = class { constructor(prop, propFunc, func, begin, finish, duration, yoyo) { this.prop = prop; this.propFunc = propFunc; this.begin = begin; this._pos = begin; this.duration = duration; this._change = 0; this.prevPos = 0; this.yoyo = yoyo; this._time = 0; this._position = 0; this._startTime = 0; this._finish = 0; this.func = func; this._change = finish - this.begin; this.pause(); } fire(str) { var handler = this[str]; if (handler) { handler(); } } setTime(t) { if (t > this.duration) { if (this.yoyo) { this._time = this.duration; this.reverse(); } else { this.finish(); } } else if (t < 0) { if (this.yoyo) { this._time = 0;; } else { this.reset(); } } else { this._time = t; this.update(); } } getTime() { return this._time; } setPosition(p) { this.prevPos = this._pos; this.propFunc(p); this._pos = p; } getPosition(t) { if (t === void 0) { t = this._time; } return this.func(t, this.begin, this._change, this.duration); } play() { this.state = PLAYING; this._startTime = this.getTimer() - this._time; this.onEnterFrame();"onPlay"); } reverse() { this.state = REVERSING; this._time = this.duration - this._time; this._startTime = this.getTimer() - this._time; this.onEnterFrame();"onReverse"); } seek(t) { this.pause(); this._time = t; this.update();"onSeek"); } reset() { this.pause(); this._time = 0; this.update();"onReset"); } finish() { this.pause(); this._time = this.duration; this.update();"onFinish"); } update() { this.setPosition(this.getPosition(this._time));"onUpdate"); } onEnterFrame() { var t = this.getTimer() - this._startTime; if (this.state === PLAYING) { this.setTime(t); } else if (this.state === REVERSING) { this.setTime(this.duration - t); } } pause() { this.state = PAUSED;"onPause"); } getTimer() { return (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime(); } }; var Tween = class _Tween { constructor(config) { var that = this, node = config.node, nodeId = node._id, duration, easing = config.easing || exports.Easings.Linear, yoyo = !!config.yoyo, key; if (typeof config.duration === "undefined") { duration = 0.3; } else if (config.duration === 0) { duration = 1e-3; } else { duration = config.duration; } this.node = node; this._id = idCounter++; var layers = node.getLayer() || (node instanceof Global_1.Konva["Stage"] ? node.getLayers() : null); if (!layers) { Util_1.Util.error("Tween constructor have `node` that is not in a layer. Please add node into layer first."); } this.anim = new Animation_1.Animation(function() { that.tween.onEnterFrame(); }, layers); this.tween = new TweenEngine(key, function(i) { that._tweenFunc(i); }, easing, 0, 1, duration * 1e3, yoyo); this._addListeners(); if (!_Tween.attrs[nodeId]) { _Tween.attrs[nodeId] = {}; } if (!_Tween.attrs[nodeId][this._id]) { _Tween.attrs[nodeId][this._id] = {}; } if (!_Tween.tweens[nodeId]) { _Tween.tweens[nodeId] = {}; } for (key in config) { if (blacklist[key] === void 0) { this._addAttr(key, config[key]); } } this.reset(); this.onFinish = config.onFinish; this.onReset = config.onReset; this.onUpdate = config.onUpdate; } _addAttr(key, end) { var node = this.node, nodeId = node._id, start, diff, tweenId, n, len, trueEnd, trueStart, endRGBA; tweenId = _Tween.tweens[nodeId][key]; if (tweenId) { delete _Tween.attrs[nodeId][tweenId][key]; } start = node.getAttr(key); if (Util_1.Util._isArray(end)) { diff = []; len = Math.max(end.length, start.length); if (key === "points" && end.length !== start.length) { if (end.length > start.length) { trueStart = start; start = Util_1.Util._prepareArrayForTween(start, end, node.closed()); } else { trueEnd = end; end = Util_1.Util._prepareArrayForTween(end, start, node.closed()); } } if (key.indexOf("fill") === 0) { for (n = 0; n < len; n++) { if (n % 2 === 0) { diff.push(end[n] - start[n]); } else { var startRGBA = Util_1.Util.colorToRGBA(start[n]); endRGBA = Util_1.Util.colorToRGBA(end[n]); start[n] = startRGBA; diff.push({ r: endRGBA.r - startRGBA.r, g: endRGBA.g - startRGBA.g, b: endRGBA.b - startRGBA.b, a: endRGBA.a - startRGBA.a }); } } } else { for (n = 0; n < len; n++) { diff.push(end[n] - start[n]); } } } else if (colorAttrs.indexOf(key) !== -1) { start = Util_1.Util.colorToRGBA(start); endRGBA = Util_1.Util.colorToRGBA(end); diff = { r: endRGBA.r - start.r, g: endRGBA.g - start.g, b: endRGBA.b - start.b, a: endRGBA.a - start.a }; } else { diff = end - start; } _Tween.attrs[nodeId][this._id][key] = { start, diff, end, trueEnd, trueStart }; _Tween.tweens[nodeId][key] = this._id; } _tweenFunc(i) { var node = this.node, attrs = _Tween.attrs[node._id][this._id], key, attr, start, diff, newVal, n, len, end; for (key in attrs) { attr = attrs[key]; start = attr.start; diff = attr.diff; end = attr.end; if (Util_1.Util._isArray(start)) { newVal = []; len = Math.max(start.length, end.length); if (key.indexOf("fill") === 0) { for (n = 0; n < len; n++) { if (n % 2 === 0) { newVal.push((start[n] || 0) + diff[n] * i); } else { newVal.push("rgba(" + Math.round(start[n].r + diff[n].r * i) + "," + Math.round(start[n].g + diff[n].g * i) + "," + Math.round(start[n].b + diff[n].b * i) + "," + (start[n].a + diff[n].a * i) + ")"); } } } else { for (n = 0; n < len; n++) { newVal.push((start[n] || 0) + diff[n] * i); } } } else if (colorAttrs.indexOf(key) !== -1) { newVal = "rgba(" + Math.round(start.r + diff.r * i) + "," + Math.round(start.g + diff.g * i) + "," + Math.round(start.b + diff.b * i) + "," + (start.a + diff.a * i) + ")"; } else { newVal = start + diff * i; } node.setAttr(key, newVal); } } _addListeners() { this.tween.onPlay = () => { this.anim.start(); }; this.tween.onReverse = () => { this.anim.start(); }; this.tween.onPause = () => { this.anim.stop(); }; this.tween.onFinish = () => { var node = this.node; var attrs = _Tween.attrs[node._id][this._id]; if (attrs.points && attrs.points.trueEnd) { node.setAttr("points", attrs.points.trueEnd); } if (this.onFinish) {; } }; this.tween.onReset = () => { var node = this.node; var attrs = _Tween.attrs[node._id][this._id]; if (attrs.points && attrs.points.trueStart) { node.points(attrs.points.trueStart); } if (this.onReset) { this.onReset(); } }; this.tween.onUpdate = () => { if (this.onUpdate) {; } }; } play() {; return this; } reverse() { this.tween.reverse(); return this; } reset() { this.tween.reset(); return this; } seek(t) { * 1e3); return this; } pause() { this.tween.pause(); return this; } finish() { this.tween.finish(); return this; } destroy() { var nodeId = this.node._id, thisId = this._id, attrs = _Tween.tweens[nodeId], key; this.pause(); for (key in attrs) { delete _Tween.tweens[nodeId][key]; } delete _Tween.attrs[nodeId][thisId]; } }; exports.Tween = Tween; Tween.attrs = {}; Tween.tweens = {}; = function(params) { var onFinish = params.onFinish; params.node = this; params.onFinish = function() { this.destroy(); if (onFinish) { onFinish(); } }; var tween = new Tween(params);; }; exports.Easings = { BackEaseIn(t, b, c, d) { var s = 1.70158; return c * (t /= d) * t * ((s + 1) * t - s) + b; }, BackEaseOut(t, b, c, d) { var s = 1.70158; return c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * ((s + 1) * t + s) + 1) + b; }, BackEaseInOut(t, b, c, d) { var s = 1.70158; if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) { return c / 2 * (t * t * (((s *= 1.525) + 1) * t - s)) + b; } return c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * (((s *= 1.525) + 1) * t + s) + 2) + b; }, ElasticEaseIn(t, b, c, d, a, p) { var s = 0; if (t === 0) { return b; } if ((t /= d) === 1) { return b + c; } if (!p) { p = d * 0.3; } if (!a || a < Math.abs(c)) { a = c; s = p / 4; } else { s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(c / a); } return -(a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p)) + b; }, ElasticEaseOut(t, b, c, d, a, p) { var s = 0; if (t === 0) { return b; } if ((t /= d) === 1) { return b + c; } if (!p) { p = d * 0.3; } if (!a || a < Math.abs(c)) { a = c; s = p / 4; } else { s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(c / a); } return a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p) + c + b; }, ElasticEaseInOut(t, b, c, d, a, p) { var s = 0; if (t === 0) { return b; } if ((t /= d / 2) === 2) { return b + c; } if (!p) { p = d * (0.3 * 1.5); } if (!a || a < Math.abs(c)) { a = c; s = p / 4; } else { s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(c / a); } if (t < 1) { return -0.5 * (a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p)) + b; } return a * Math.pow(2, -10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p) * 0.5 + c + b; }, BounceEaseOut(t, b, c, d) { if ((t /= d) < 1 / 2.75) { return c * (7.5625 * t * t) + b; } else if (t < 2 / 2.75) { return c * (7.5625 * (t -= 1.5 / 2.75) * t + 0.75) + b; } else if (t < 2.5 / 2.75) { return c * (7.5625 * (t -= 2.25 / 2.75) * t + 0.9375) + b; } else { return c * (7.5625 * (t -= 2.625 / 2.75) * t + 0.984375) + b; } }, BounceEaseIn(t, b, c, d) { return c - exports.Easings.BounceEaseOut(d - t, 0, c, d) + b; }, BounceEaseInOut(t, b, c, d) { if (t < d / 2) { return exports.Easings.BounceEaseIn(t * 2, 0, c, d) * 0.5 + b; } else { return exports.Easings.BounceEaseOut(t * 2 - d, 0, c, d) * 0.5 + c * 0.5 + b; } }, EaseIn(t, b, c, d) { return c * (t /= d) * t + b; }, EaseOut(t, b, c, d) { return -c * (t /= d) * (t - 2) + b; }, EaseInOut(t, b, c, d) { if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) { return c / 2 * t * t + b; } return -c / 2 * (--t * (t - 2) - 1) + b; }, StrongEaseIn(t, b, c, d) { return c * (t /= d) * t * t * t * t + b; }, StrongEaseOut(t, b, c, d) { return c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * t * t * t + 1) + b; }, StrongEaseInOut(t, b, c, d) { if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) { return c / 2 * t * t * t * t * t + b; } return c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t * t + 2) + b; }, Linear(t, b, c, d) { return c * t / d + b; } }; } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/_CoreInternals.js var require_CoreInternals = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/_CoreInternals.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Konva = void 0; var Global_1 = require_Global(); var Util_1 = require_Util(); var Node_1 = require_Node(); var Container_1 = require_Container(); var Stage_1 = require_Stage(); var Layer_1 = require_Layer(); var FastLayer_1 = require_FastLayer(); var Group_1 = require_Group(); var DragAndDrop_1 = require_DragAndDrop(); var Shape_1 = require_Shape(); var Animation_1 = require_Animation(); var Tween_1 = require_Tween(); var Context_1 = require_Context(); var Canvas_1 = require_Canvas(); exports.Konva = Util_1.Util._assign(Global_1.Konva, { Util: Util_1.Util, Transform: Util_1.Transform, Node: Node_1.Node, Container: Container_1.Container, Stage: Stage_1.Stage, stages: Stage_1.stages, Layer: Layer_1.Layer, FastLayer: FastLayer_1.FastLayer, Group: Group_1.Group, DD: DragAndDrop_1.DD, Shape: Shape_1.Shape, shapes: Shape_1.shapes, Animation: Animation_1.Animation, Tween: Tween_1.Tween, Easings: Tween_1.Easings, Context: Context_1.Context, Canvas: Canvas_1.Canvas }); exports.default = exports.Konva; } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/Arc.js var require_Arc = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/Arc.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Arc = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Shape_1 = require_Shape(); var Global_1 = require_Global(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var Global_2 = require_Global(); var Arc = class extends Shape_1.Shape { _sceneFunc(context) { var angle = Global_1.Konva.getAngle(this.angle()), clockwise = this.clockwise(); context.beginPath(); context.arc(0, 0, this.outerRadius(), 0, angle, clockwise); context.arc(0, 0, this.innerRadius(), angle, 0, !clockwise); context.closePath(); context.fillStrokeShape(this); } getWidth() { return this.outerRadius() * 2; } getHeight() { return this.outerRadius() * 2; } setWidth(width) { this.outerRadius(width / 2); } setHeight(height) { this.outerRadius(height / 2); } getSelfRect() { const innerRadius = this.innerRadius(); const outerRadius = this.outerRadius(); const clockwise = this.clockwise(); const angle = Global_1.Konva.getAngle(clockwise ? 360 - this.angle() : this.angle()); const boundLeftRatio = Math.cos(Math.min(angle, Math.PI)); const boundRightRatio = 1; const boundTopRatio = Math.sin(Math.min(Math.max(Math.PI, angle), 3 * Math.PI / 2)); const boundBottomRatio = Math.sin(Math.min(angle, Math.PI / 2)); const boundLeft = boundLeftRatio * (boundLeftRatio > 0 ? innerRadius : outerRadius); const boundRight = boundRightRatio * (boundRightRatio > 0 ? outerRadius : innerRadius); const boundTop = boundTopRatio * (boundTopRatio > 0 ? innerRadius : outerRadius); const boundBottom = boundBottomRatio * (boundBottomRatio > 0 ? outerRadius : innerRadius); return { x: boundLeft, y: clockwise ? -1 * boundBottom : boundTop, width: boundRight - boundLeft, height: boundBottom - boundTop }; } }; exports.Arc = Arc; Arc.prototype._centroid = true; Arc.prototype.className = "Arc"; Arc.prototype._attrsAffectingSize = ["innerRadius", "outerRadius"]; (0, Global_2._registerNode)(Arc); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Arc, "innerRadius", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Arc, "outerRadius", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Arc, "angle", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Arc, "clockwise", false, (0, Validators_1.getBooleanValidator)()); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/Line.js var require_Line = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/Line.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Line = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Shape_1 = require_Shape(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var Global_1 = require_Global(); function getControlPoints(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, t) { var d01 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x1 - x0, 2) + Math.pow(y1 - y0, 2)), d12 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2)), fa = t * d01 / (d01 + d12), fb = t * d12 / (d01 + d12), p1x = x1 - fa * (x2 - x0), p1y = y1 - fa * (y2 - y0), p2x = x1 + fb * (x2 - x0), p2y = y1 + fb * (y2 - y0); return [p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y]; } function expandPoints(p, tension) { var len = p.length, allPoints = [], n, cp; for (n = 2; n < len - 2; n += 2) { cp = getControlPoints(p[n - 2], p[n - 1], p[n], p[n + 1], p[n + 2], p[n + 3], tension); if (isNaN(cp[0])) { continue; } allPoints.push(cp[0]); allPoints.push(cp[1]); allPoints.push(p[n]); allPoints.push(p[n + 1]); allPoints.push(cp[2]); allPoints.push(cp[3]); } return allPoints; } var Line = class extends Shape_1.Shape { constructor(config) { super(config); this.on("pointsChange.konva tensionChange.konva closedChange.konva bezierChange.konva", function() { this._clearCache("tensionPoints"); }); } _sceneFunc(context) { var points = this.points(), length = points.length, tension = this.tension(), closed = this.closed(), bezier = this.bezier(), tp, len, n; if (!length) { return; } context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(points[0], points[1]); if (tension !== 0 && length > 4) { tp = this.getTensionPoints(); len = tp.length; n = closed ? 0 : 4; if (!closed) { context.quadraticCurveTo(tp[0], tp[1], tp[2], tp[3]); } while (n < len - 2) { context.bezierCurveTo(tp[n++], tp[n++], tp[n++], tp[n++], tp[n++], tp[n++]); } if (!closed) { context.quadraticCurveTo(tp[len - 2], tp[len - 1], points[length - 2], points[length - 1]); } } else if (bezier) { n = 2; while (n < length) { context.bezierCurveTo(points[n++], points[n++], points[n++], points[n++], points[n++], points[n++]); } } else { for (n = 2; n < length; n += 2) { context.lineTo(points[n], points[n + 1]); } } if (closed) { context.closePath(); context.fillStrokeShape(this); } else { context.strokeShape(this); } } getTensionPoints() { return this._getCache("tensionPoints", this._getTensionPoints); } _getTensionPoints() { if (this.closed()) { return this._getTensionPointsClosed(); } else { return expandPoints(this.points(), this.tension()); } } _getTensionPointsClosed() { var p = this.points(), len = p.length, tension = this.tension(), firstControlPoints = getControlPoints(p[len - 2], p[len - 1], p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], tension), lastControlPoints = getControlPoints(p[len - 4], p[len - 3], p[len - 2], p[len - 1], p[0], p[1], tension), middle = expandPoints(p, tension), tp = [firstControlPoints[2], firstControlPoints[3]].concat(middle).concat([ lastControlPoints[0], lastControlPoints[1], p[len - 2], p[len - 1], lastControlPoints[2], lastControlPoints[3], firstControlPoints[0], firstControlPoints[1], p[0], p[1] ]); return tp; } getWidth() { return this.getSelfRect().width; } getHeight() { return this.getSelfRect().height; } getSelfRect() { var points = this.points(); if (points.length < 4) { return { x: points[0] || 0, y: points[1] || 0, width: 0, height: 0 }; } if (this.tension() !== 0) { points = [ points[0], points[1], ...this._getTensionPoints(), points[points.length - 2], points[points.length - 1] ]; } else { points = this.points(); } var minX = points[0]; var maxX = points[0]; var minY = points[1]; var maxY = points[1]; var x, y; for (var i = 0; i < points.length / 2; i++) { x = points[i * 2]; y = points[i * 2 + 1]; minX = Math.min(minX, x); maxX = Math.max(maxX, x); minY = Math.min(minY, y); maxY = Math.max(maxY, y); } return { x: minX, y: minY, width: maxX - minX, height: maxY - minY }; } }; exports.Line = Line; Line.prototype.className = "Line"; Line.prototype._attrsAffectingSize = ["points", "bezier", "tension"]; (0, Global_1._registerNode)(Line); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Line, "closed", false); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Line, "bezier", false); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Line, "tension", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Line, "points", [], (0, Validators_1.getNumberArrayValidator)()); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/BezierFunctions.js var require_BezierFunctions = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/BezierFunctions.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.t2length = exports.getQuadraticArcLength = exports.getCubicArcLength = exports.binomialCoefficients = exports.cValues = exports.tValues = void 0; exports.tValues = [ [], [], [ -0.5773502691896257, 0.5773502691896257 ], [ 0, -0.7745966692414834, 0.7745966692414834 ], [ -0.33998104358485626, 0.33998104358485626, -0.8611363115940526, 0.8611363115940526 ], [ 0, -0.5384693101056831, 0.5384693101056831, -0.906179845938664, 0.906179845938664 ], [ 0.6612093864662645, -0.6612093864662645, -0.2386191860831969, 0.2386191860831969, -0.932469514203152, 0.932469514203152 ], [ 0, 0.4058451513773972, -0.4058451513773972, -0.7415311855993945, 0.7415311855993945, -0.9491079123427585, 0.9491079123427585 ], [ -0.1834346424956498, 0.1834346424956498, -0.525532409916329, 0.525532409916329, -0.7966664774136267, 0.7966664774136267, -0.9602898564975363, 0.9602898564975363 ], [ 0, -0.8360311073266358, 0.8360311073266358, -0.9681602395076261, 0.9681602395076261, -0.3242534234038089, 0.3242534234038089, -0.6133714327005904, 0.6133714327005904 ], [ -0.14887433898163122, 0.14887433898163122, -0.4333953941292472, 0.4333953941292472, -0.6794095682990244, 0.6794095682990244, -0.8650633666889845, 0.8650633666889845, -0.9739065285171717, 0.9739065285171717 ], [ 0, -0.26954315595234496, 0.26954315595234496, -0.5190961292068118, 0.5190961292068118, -0.7301520055740494, 0.7301520055740494, -0.8870625997680953, 0.8870625997680953, -0.978228658146057, 0.978228658146057 ], [ -0.1252334085114689, 0.1252334085114689, -0.3678314989981802, 0.3678314989981802, -0.5873179542866175, 0.5873179542866175, -0.7699026741943047, 0.7699026741943047, -0.9041172563704749, 0.9041172563704749, -0.9815606342467192, 0.9815606342467192 ], [ 0, -0.2304583159551348, 0.2304583159551348, -0.44849275103644687, 0.44849275103644687, -0.6423493394403402, 0.6423493394403402, -0.8015780907333099, 0.8015780907333099, -0.9175983992229779, 0.9175983992229779, -0.9841830547185881, 0.9841830547185881 ], [ -0.10805494870734367, 0.10805494870734367, -0.31911236892788974, 0.31911236892788974, -0.5152486363581541, 0.5152486363581541, -0.6872929048116855, 0.6872929048116855, -0.827201315069765, 0.827201315069765, -0.9284348836635735, 0.9284348836635735, -0.9862838086968123, 0.9862838086968123 ], [ 0, -0.20119409399743451, 0.20119409399743451, -0.3941513470775634, 0.3941513470775634, -0.5709721726085388, 0.5709721726085388, -0.7244177313601701, 0.7244177313601701, -0.8482065834104272, 0.8482065834104272, -0.937273392400706, 0.937273392400706, -0.9879925180204854, 0.9879925180204854 ], [ -0.09501250983763744, 0.09501250983763744, -0.2816035507792589, 0.2816035507792589, -0.45801677765722737, 0.45801677765722737, -0.6178762444026438, 0.6178762444026438, -0.755404408355003, 0.755404408355003, -0.8656312023878318, 0.8656312023878318, -0.9445750230732326, 0.9445750230732326, -0.9894009349916499, 0.9894009349916499 ], [ 0, -0.17848418149584785, 0.17848418149584785, -0.3512317634538763, 0.3512317634538763, -0.5126905370864769, 0.5126905370864769, -0.6576711592166907, 0.6576711592166907, -0.7815140038968014, 0.7815140038968014, -0.8802391537269859, 0.8802391537269859, -0.9506755217687678, 0.9506755217687678, -0.9905754753144174, 0.9905754753144174 ], [ -0.0847750130417353, 0.0847750130417353, -0.2518862256915055, 0.2518862256915055, -0.41175116146284263, 0.41175116146284263, -0.5597708310739475, 0.5597708310739475, -0.6916870430603532, 0.6916870430603532, -0.8037049589725231, 0.8037049589725231, -0.8926024664975557, 0.8926024664975557, -0.9558239495713977, 0.9558239495713977, -0.9915651684209309, 0.9915651684209309 ], [ 0, -0.16035864564022537, 0.16035864564022537, -0.31656409996362983, 0.31656409996362983, -0.46457074137596094, 0.46457074137596094, -0.600545304661681, 0.600545304661681, -0.7209661773352294, 0.7209661773352294, -0.8227146565371428, 0.8227146565371428, -0.9031559036148179, 0.9031559036148179, -0.96020815213483, 0.96020815213483, -0.9924068438435844, 0.9924068438435844 ], [ -0.07652652113349734, 0.07652652113349734, -0.22778585114164507, 0.22778585114164507, -0.37370608871541955, 0.37370608871541955, -0.5108670019508271, 0.5108670019508271, -0.636053680726515, 0.636053680726515, -0.7463319064601508, 0.7463319064601508, -0.8391169718222188, 0.8391169718222188, -0.912234428251326, 0.912234428251326, -0.9639719272779138, 0.9639719272779138, -0.9931285991850949, 0.9931285991850949 ], [ 0, -0.1455618541608951, 0.1455618541608951, -0.2880213168024011, 0.2880213168024011, -0.4243421202074388, 0.4243421202074388, -0.5516188358872198, 0.5516188358872198, -0.6671388041974123, 0.6671388041974123, -0.7684399634756779, 0.7684399634756779, -0.8533633645833173, 0.8533633645833173, -0.9200993341504008, 0.9200993341504008, -0.9672268385663063, 0.9672268385663063, -0.9937521706203895, 0.9937521706203895 ], [ -0.06973927331972223, 0.06973927331972223, -0.20786042668822127, 0.20786042668822127, -0.34193582089208424, 0.34193582089208424, -0.469355837986757, 0.469355837986757, -0.5876404035069116, 0.5876404035069116, -0.6944872631866827, 0.6944872631866827, -0.7878168059792081, 0.7878168059792081, -0.8658125777203002, 0.8658125777203002, -0.926956772187174, 0.926956772187174, -0.9700604978354287, 0.9700604978354287, -0.9942945854823992, 0.9942945854823992 ], [ 0, -0.1332568242984661, 0.1332568242984661, -0.26413568097034495, 0.26413568097034495, -0.3903010380302908, 0.3903010380302908, -0.5095014778460075, 0.5095014778460075, -0.6196098757636461, 0.6196098757636461, -0.7186613631319502, 0.7186613631319502, -0.8048884016188399, 0.8048884016188399, -0.8767523582704416, 0.8767523582704416, -0.9329710868260161, 0.9329710868260161, -0.9725424712181152, 0.9725424712181152, -0.9947693349975522, 0.9947693349975522 ], [ -0.06405689286260563, 0.06405689286260563, -0.1911188674736163, 0.1911188674736163, -0.3150426796961634, 0.3150426796961634, -0.4337935076260451, 0.4337935076260451, -0.5454214713888396, 0.5454214713888396, -0.6480936519369755, 0.6480936519369755, -0.7401241915785544, 0.7401241915785544, -0.820001985973903, 0.820001985973903, -0.8864155270044011, 0.8864155270044011, -0.9382745520027328, 0.9382745520027328, -0.9747285559713095, 0.9747285559713095, -0.9951872199970213, 0.9951872199970213 ] ]; exports.cValues = [ [], [], [1, 1], [ 0.8888888888888888, 0.5555555555555556, 0.5555555555555556 ], [ 0.6521451548625461, 0.6521451548625461, 0.34785484513745385, 0.34785484513745385 ], [ 0.5688888888888889, 0.47862867049936647, 0.47862867049936647, 0.23692688505618908, 0.23692688505618908 ], [ 0.3607615730481386, 0.3607615730481386, 0.46791393457269104, 0.46791393457269104, 0.17132449237917036, 0.17132449237917036 ], [ 0.4179591836734694, 0.3818300505051189, 0.3818300505051189, 0.27970539148927664, 0.27970539148927664, 0.1294849661688697, 0.1294849661688697 ], [ 0.362683783378362, 0.362683783378362, 0.31370664587788727, 0.31370664587788727, 0.22238103445337448, 0.22238103445337448, 0.10122853629037626, 0.10122853629037626 ], [ 0.3302393550012598, 0.1806481606948574, 0.1806481606948574, 0.08127438836157441, 0.08127438836157441, 0.31234707704000286, 0.31234707704000286, 0.26061069640293544, 0.26061069640293544 ], [ 0.29552422471475287, 0.29552422471475287, 0.26926671930999635, 0.26926671930999635, 0.21908636251598204, 0.21908636251598204, 0.1494513491505806, 0.1494513491505806, 0.06667134430868814, 0.06667134430868814 ], [ 0.2729250867779006, 0.26280454451024665, 0.26280454451024665, 0.23319376459199048, 0.23319376459199048, 0.18629021092773426, 0.18629021092773426, 0.1255803694649046, 0.1255803694649046, 0.05566856711617366, 0.05566856711617366 ], [ 0.24914704581340277, 0.24914704581340277, 0.2334925365383548, 0.2334925365383548, 0.20316742672306592, 0.20316742672306592, 0.16007832854334622, 0.16007832854334622, 0.10693932599531843, 0.10693932599531843, 0.04717533638651183, 0.04717533638651183 ], [ 0.2325515532308739, 0.22628318026289723, 0.22628318026289723, 0.2078160475368885, 0.2078160475368885, 0.17814598076194574, 0.17814598076194574, 0.13887351021978725, 0.13887351021978725, 0.09212149983772845, 0.09212149983772845, 0.04048400476531588, 0.04048400476531588 ], [ 0.2152638534631578, 0.2152638534631578, 0.2051984637212956, 0.2051984637212956, 0.18553839747793782, 0.18553839747793782, 0.15720316715819355, 0.15720316715819355, 0.12151857068790319, 0.12151857068790319, 0.08015808715976021, 0.08015808715976021, 0.03511946033175186, 0.03511946033175186 ], [ 0.2025782419255613, 0.19843148532711158, 0.19843148532711158, 0.1861610000155622, 0.1861610000155622, 0.16626920581699392, 0.16626920581699392, 0.13957067792615432, 0.13957067792615432, 0.10715922046717194, 0.10715922046717194, 0.07036604748810812, 0.07036604748810812, 0.03075324199611727, 0.03075324199611727 ], [ 0.1894506104550685, 0.1894506104550685, 0.18260341504492358, 0.18260341504492358, 0.16915651939500254, 0.16915651939500254, 0.14959598881657674, 0.14959598881657674, 0.12462897125553388, 0.12462897125553388, 0.09515851168249279, 0.09515851168249279, 0.062253523938647894, 0.062253523938647894, 0.027152459411754096, 0.027152459411754096 ], [ 0.17944647035620653, 0.17656270536699264, 0.17656270536699264, 0.16800410215645004, 0.16800410215645004, 0.15404576107681028, 0.15404576107681028, 0.13513636846852548, 0.13513636846852548, 0.11188384719340397, 0.11188384719340397, 0.08503614831717918, 0.08503614831717918, 0.0554595293739872, 0.0554595293739872, 0.02414830286854793, 0.02414830286854793 ], [ 0.1691423829631436, 0.1691423829631436, 0.16427648374583273, 0.16427648374583273, 0.15468467512626524, 0.15468467512626524, 0.14064291467065065, 0.14064291467065065, 0.12255520671147846, 0.12255520671147846, 0.10094204410628717, 0.10094204410628717, 0.07642573025488905, 0.07642573025488905, 0.0497145488949698, 0.0497145488949698, 0.02161601352648331, 0.02161601352648331 ], [ 0.1610544498487837, 0.15896884339395434, 0.15896884339395434, 0.15276604206585967, 0.15276604206585967, 0.1426067021736066, 0.1426067021736066, 0.12875396253933621, 0.12875396253933621, 0.11156664554733399, 0.11156664554733399, 0.09149002162245, 0.09149002162245, 0.06904454273764123, 0.06904454273764123, 0.0448142267656996, 0.0448142267656996, 0.019461788229726478, 0.019461788229726478 ], [ 0.15275338713072584, 0.15275338713072584, 0.14917298647260374, 0.14917298647260374, 0.14209610931838204, 0.14209610931838204, 0.13168863844917664, 0.13168863844917664, 0.11819453196151841, 0.11819453196151841, 0.10193011981724044, 0.10193011981724044, 0.08327674157670475, 0.08327674157670475, 0.06267204833410907, 0.06267204833410907, 0.04060142980038694, 0.04060142980038694, 0.017614007139152118, 0.017614007139152118 ], [ 0.14608113364969041, 0.14452440398997005, 0.14452440398997005, 0.13988739479107315, 0.13988739479107315, 0.13226893863333747, 0.13226893863333747, 0.12183141605372853, 0.12183141605372853, 0.10879729916714838, 0.10879729916714838, 0.09344442345603386, 0.09344442345603386, 0.0761001136283793, 0.0761001136283793, 0.057134425426857205, 0.057134425426857205, 0.036953789770852494, 0.036953789770852494, 0.016017228257774335, 0.016017228257774335 ], [ 0.13925187285563198, 0.13925187285563198, 0.13654149834601517, 0.13654149834601517, 0.13117350478706238, 0.13117350478706238, 0.12325237681051242, 0.12325237681051242, 0.11293229608053922, 0.11293229608053922, 0.10041414444288096, 0.10041414444288096, 0.08594160621706773, 0.08594160621706773, 0.06979646842452049, 0.06979646842452049, 0.052293335152683286, 0.052293335152683286, 0.03377490158481415, 0.03377490158481415, 0.0146279952982722, 0.0146279952982722 ], [ 0.13365457218610619, 0.1324620394046966, 0.1324620394046966, 0.12890572218808216, 0.12890572218808216, 0.12304908430672953, 0.12304908430672953, 0.11499664022241136, 0.11499664022241136, 0.10489209146454141, 0.10489209146454141, 0.09291576606003515, 0.09291576606003515, 0.07928141177671895, 0.07928141177671895, 0.06423242140852585, 0.06423242140852585, 0.04803767173108467, 0.04803767173108467, 0.030988005856979445, 0.030988005856979445, 0.013411859487141771, 0.013411859487141771 ], [ 0.12793819534675216, 0.12793819534675216, 0.1258374563468283, 0.1258374563468283, 0.12167047292780339, 0.12167047292780339, 0.1155056680537256, 0.1155056680537256, 0.10744427011596563, 0.10744427011596563, 0.09761865210411388, 0.09761865210411388, 0.08619016153195327, 0.08619016153195327, 0.0733464814110803, 0.0733464814110803, 0.05929858491543678, 0.05929858491543678, 0.04427743881741981, 0.04427743881741981, 0.028531388628933663, 0.028531388628933663, 0.0123412297999872, 0.0123412297999872 ] ]; exports.binomialCoefficients = [[1], [1, 1], [1, 2, 1], [1, 3, 3, 1]]; var getCubicArcLength = (xs, ys, t) => { let z; let sum; let correctedT; const n = 20; z = t / 2; sum = 0; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { correctedT = z * exports.tValues[n][i] + z; sum += exports.cValues[n][i] * BFunc(xs, ys, correctedT); } return z * sum; }; exports.getCubicArcLength = getCubicArcLength; var getQuadraticArcLength = (xs, ys, t) => { if (t === void 0) { t = 1; } const ax = xs[0] - 2 * xs[1] + xs[2]; const ay = ys[0] - 2 * ys[1] + ys[2]; const bx = 2 * xs[1] - 2 * xs[0]; const by = 2 * ys[1] - 2 * ys[0]; const A = 4 * (ax * ax + ay * ay); const B = 4 * (ax * bx + ay * by); const C = bx * bx + by * by; if (A === 0) { return t * Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xs[2] - xs[0], 2) + Math.pow(ys[2] - ys[0], 2)); } const b = B / (2 * A); const c = C / A; const u = t + b; const k = c - b * b; const uuk = u * u + k > 0 ? Math.sqrt(u * u + k) : 0; const bbk = b * b + k > 0 ? Math.sqrt(b * b + k) : 0; const term = b + Math.sqrt(b * b + k) !== 0 ? k * Math.log(Math.abs((u + uuk) / (b + bbk))) : 0; return Math.sqrt(A) / 2 * (u * uuk - b * bbk + term); }; exports.getQuadraticArcLength = getQuadraticArcLength; function BFunc(xs, ys, t) { const xbase = getDerivative(1, t, xs); const ybase = getDerivative(1, t, ys); const combined = xbase * xbase + ybase * ybase; return Math.sqrt(combined); } var getDerivative = (derivative, t, vs) => { const n = vs.length - 1; let _vs; let value; if (n === 0) { return 0; } if (derivative === 0) { value = 0; for (let k = 0; k <= n; k++) { value += exports.binomialCoefficients[n][k] * Math.pow(1 - t, n - k) * Math.pow(t, k) * vs[k]; } return value; } else { _vs = new Array(n); for (let k = 0; k < n; k++) { _vs[k] = n * (vs[k + 1] - vs[k]); } return getDerivative(derivative - 1, t, _vs); } }; var t2length = (length, totalLength, func) => { let error = 1; let t = length / totalLength; let step = (length - func(t)) / totalLength; let numIterations = 0; while (error > 1e-3) { const increasedTLength = func(t + step); const increasedTError = Math.abs(length - increasedTLength) / totalLength; if (increasedTError < error) { error = increasedTError; t += step; } else { const decreasedTLength = func(t - step); const decreasedTError = Math.abs(length - decreasedTLength) / totalLength; if (decreasedTError < error) { error = decreasedTError; t -= step; } else { step /= 2; } } numIterations++; if (numIterations > 500) { break; } } return t; }; exports.t2length = t2length; } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/Path.js var require_Path = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/Path.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Path = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Shape_1 = require_Shape(); var Global_1 = require_Global(); var BezierFunctions_1 = require_BezierFunctions(); var Path = class _Path extends Shape_1.Shape { constructor(config) { super(config); this.dataArray = []; this.pathLength = 0; this._readDataAttribute(); this.on("dataChange.konva", function() { this._readDataAttribute(); }); } _readDataAttribute() { this.dataArray = _Path.parsePathData(; this.pathLength = _Path.getPathLength(this.dataArray); } _sceneFunc(context) { var ca = this.dataArray; context.beginPath(); var isClosed = false; for (var n = 0; n < ca.length; n++) { var c = ca[n].command; var p = ca[n].points; switch (c) { case "L": context.lineTo(p[0], p[1]); break; case "M": context.moveTo(p[0], p[1]); break; case "C": context.bezierCurveTo(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5]); break; case "Q": context.quadraticCurveTo(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]); break; case "A": var cx = p[0], cy = p[1], rx = p[2], ry = p[3], theta = p[4], dTheta = p[5], psi = p[6], fs = p[7]; var r = rx > ry ? rx : ry; var scaleX = rx > ry ? 1 : rx / ry; var scaleY = rx > ry ? ry / rx : 1; context.translate(cx, cy); context.rotate(psi); context.scale(scaleX, scaleY); context.arc(0, 0, r, theta, theta + dTheta, 1 - fs); context.scale(1 / scaleX, 1 / scaleY); context.rotate(-psi); context.translate(-cx, -cy); break; case "z": isClosed = true; context.closePath(); break; } } if (!isClosed && !this.hasFill()) { context.strokeShape(this); } else { context.fillStrokeShape(this); } } getSelfRect() { var points = []; this.dataArray.forEach(function(data) { if (data.command === "A") { var start = data.points[4]; var dTheta = data.points[5]; var end = data.points[4] + dTheta; var inc = Math.PI / 180; if (Math.abs(start - end) < inc) { inc = Math.abs(start - end); } if (dTheta < 0) { for (let t = start - inc; t > end; t -= inc) { const point = _Path.getPointOnEllipticalArc(data.points[0], data.points[1], data.points[2], data.points[3], t, 0); points.push(point.x, point.y); } } else { for (let t = start + inc; t < end; t += inc) { const point = _Path.getPointOnEllipticalArc(data.points[0], data.points[1], data.points[2], data.points[3], t, 0); points.push(point.x, point.y); } } } else if (data.command === "C") { for (let t = 0; t <= 1; t += 0.01) { const point = _Path.getPointOnCubicBezier(t, data.start.x, data.start.y, data.points[0], data.points[1], data.points[2], data.points[3], data.points[4], data.points[5]); points.push(point.x, point.y); } } else { points = points.concat(data.points); } }); var minX = points[0]; var maxX = points[0]; var minY = points[1]; var maxY = points[1]; var x, y; for (var i = 0; i < points.length / 2; i++) { x = points[i * 2]; y = points[i * 2 + 1]; if (!isNaN(x)) { minX = Math.min(minX, x); maxX = Math.max(maxX, x); } if (!isNaN(y)) { minY = Math.min(minY, y); maxY = Math.max(maxY, y); } } return { x: minX, y: minY, width: maxX - minX, height: maxY - minY }; } getLength() { return this.pathLength; } getPointAtLength(length) { return _Path.getPointAtLengthOfDataArray(length, this.dataArray); } static getLineLength(x1, y1, x2, y2) { return Math.sqrt((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)); } static getPathLength(dataArray) { let pathLength = 0; for (var i = 0; i < dataArray.length; ++i) { pathLength += dataArray[i].pathLength; } return pathLength; } static getPointAtLengthOfDataArray(length, dataArray) { var point, i = 0, ii = dataArray.length; if (!ii) { return null; } while (i < ii && length > dataArray[i].pathLength) { length -= dataArray[i].pathLength; ++i; } if (i === ii) { point = dataArray[i - 1].points.slice(-2); return { x: point[0], y: point[1] }; } if (length < 0.01) { point = dataArray[i].points.slice(0, 2); return { x: point[0], y: point[1] }; } var cp = dataArray[i]; var p = cp.points; switch (cp.command) { case "L": return _Path.getPointOnLine(length, cp.start.x, cp.start.y, p[0], p[1]); case "C": return _Path.getPointOnCubicBezier((0, BezierFunctions_1.t2length)(length, _Path.getPathLength(dataArray), (i2) => { return (0, BezierFunctions_1.getCubicArcLength)([cp.start.x, p[0], p[2], p[4]], [cp.start.y, p[1], p[3], p[5]], i2); }), cp.start.x, cp.start.y, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5]); case "Q": return _Path.getPointOnQuadraticBezier((0, BezierFunctions_1.t2length)(length, _Path.getPathLength(dataArray), (i2) => { return (0, BezierFunctions_1.getQuadraticArcLength)([cp.start.x, p[0], p[2]], [cp.start.y, p[1], p[3]], i2); }), cp.start.x, cp.start.y, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]); case "A": var cx = p[0], cy = p[1], rx = p[2], ry = p[3], theta = p[4], dTheta = p[5], psi = p[6]; theta += dTheta * length / cp.pathLength; return _Path.getPointOnEllipticalArc(cx, cy, rx, ry, theta, psi); } return null; } static getPointOnLine(dist, P1x, P1y, P2x, P2y, fromX, fromY) { fromX = fromX !== null && fromX !== void 0 ? fromX : P1x; fromY = fromY !== null && fromY !== void 0 ? fromY : P1y; const len = this.getLineLength(P1x, P1y, P2x, P2y); if (len < 1e-10) { return { x: P1x, y: P1y }; } if (P2x === P1x) { return { x: fromX, y: fromY + (P2y > P1y ? dist : -dist) }; } const m = (P2y - P1y) / (P2x - P1x); const run = Math.sqrt(dist * dist / (1 + m * m)) * (P2x < P1x ? -1 : 1); const rise = m * run; if (Math.abs(fromY - P1y - m * (fromX - P1x)) < 1e-10) { return { x: fromX + run, y: fromY + rise }; } const u = ((fromX - P1x) * (P2x - P1x) + (fromY - P1y) * (P2y - P1y)) / (len * len); const ix = P1x + u * (P2x - P1x); const iy = P1y + u * (P2y - P1y); const pRise = this.getLineLength(fromX, fromY, ix, iy); const pRun = Math.sqrt(dist * dist - pRise * pRise); const adjustedRun = Math.sqrt(pRun * pRun / (1 + m * m)) * (P2x < P1x ? -1 : 1); const adjustedRise = m * adjustedRun; return { x: ix + adjustedRun, y: iy + adjustedRise }; } static getPointOnCubicBezier(pct, P1x, P1y, P2x, P2y, P3x, P3y, P4x, P4y) { function CB1(t) { return t * t * t; } function CB2(t) { return 3 * t * t * (1 - t); } function CB3(t) { return 3 * t * (1 - t) * (1 - t); } function CB4(t) { return (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t); } var x = P4x * CB1(pct) + P3x * CB2(pct) + P2x * CB3(pct) + P1x * CB4(pct); var y = P4y * CB1(pct) + P3y * CB2(pct) + P2y * CB3(pct) + P1y * CB4(pct); return { x, y }; } static getPointOnQuadraticBezier(pct, P1x, P1y, P2x, P2y, P3x, P3y) { function QB1(t) { return t * t; } function QB2(t) { return 2 * t * (1 - t); } function QB3(t) { return (1 - t) * (1 - t); } var x = P3x * QB1(pct) + P2x * QB2(pct) + P1x * QB3(pct); var y = P3y * QB1(pct) + P2y * QB2(pct) + P1y * QB3(pct); return { x, y }; } static getPointOnEllipticalArc(cx, cy, rx, ry, theta, psi) { var cosPsi = Math.cos(psi), sinPsi = Math.sin(psi); var pt = { x: rx * Math.cos(theta), y: ry * Math.sin(theta) }; return { x: cx + (pt.x * cosPsi - pt.y * sinPsi), y: cy + (pt.x * sinPsi + pt.y * cosPsi) }; } static parsePathData(data) { if (!data) { return []; } var cs = data; var cc = [ "m", "M", "l", "L", "v", "V", "h", "H", "z", "Z", "c", "C", "q", "Q", "t", "T", "s", "S", "a", "A" ]; cs = cs.replace(new RegExp(" ", "g"), ","); for (var n = 0; n < cc.length; n++) { cs = cs.replace(new RegExp(cc[n], "g"), "|" + cc[n]); } var arr = cs.split("|"); var ca = []; var coords = []; var cpx = 0; var cpy = 0; var re = /([-+]?((\d+\.\d+)|((\d+)|(\.\d+)))(?:e[-+]?\d+)?)/gi; var match; for (n = 1; n < arr.length; n++) { var str = arr[n]; var c = str.charAt(0); str = str.slice(1); coords.length = 0; while (match = re.exec(str)) { coords.push(match[0]); } var p = []; for (var j = 0, jlen = coords.length; j < jlen; j++) { if (coords[j] === "00") { p.push(0, 0); continue; } var parsed = parseFloat(coords[j]); if (!isNaN(parsed)) { p.push(parsed); } else { p.push(0); } } while (p.length > 0) { if (isNaN(p[0])) { break; } var cmd = ""; var points = []; var startX = cpx, startY = cpy; var prevCmd, ctlPtx, ctlPty; var rx, ry, psi, fa, fs, x1, y1; switch (c) { case "l": cpx += p.shift(); cpy += p.shift(); cmd = "L"; points.push(cpx, cpy); break; case "L": cpx = p.shift(); cpy = p.shift(); points.push(cpx, cpy); break; case "m": var dx = p.shift(); var dy = p.shift(); cpx += dx; cpy += dy; cmd = "M"; if (ca.length > 2 && ca[ca.length - 1].command === "z") { for (var idx = ca.length - 2; idx >= 0; idx--) { if (ca[idx].command === "M") { cpx = ca[idx].points[0] + dx; cpy = ca[idx].points[1] + dy; break; } } } points.push(cpx, cpy); c = "l"; break; case "M": cpx = p.shift(); cpy = p.shift(); cmd = "M"; points.push(cpx, cpy); c = "L"; break; case "h": cpx += p.shift(); cmd = "L"; points.push(cpx, cpy); break; case "H": cpx = p.shift(); cmd = "L"; points.push(cpx, cpy); break; case "v": cpy += p.shift(); cmd = "L"; points.push(cpx, cpy); break; case "V": cpy = p.shift(); cmd = "L"; points.push(cpx, cpy); break; case "C": points.push(p.shift(), p.shift(), p.shift(), p.shift()); cpx = p.shift(); cpy = p.shift(); points.push(cpx, cpy); break; case "c": points.push(cpx + p.shift(), cpy + p.shift(), cpx + p.shift(), cpy + p.shift()); cpx += p.shift(); cpy += p.shift(); cmd = "C"; points.push(cpx, cpy); break; case "S": ctlPtx = cpx; ctlPty = cpy; prevCmd = ca[ca.length - 1]; if (prevCmd.command === "C") { ctlPtx = cpx + (cpx - prevCmd.points[2]); ctlPty = cpy + (cpy - prevCmd.points[3]); } points.push(ctlPtx, ctlPty, p.shift(), p.shift()); cpx = p.shift(); cpy = p.shift(); cmd = "C"; points.push(cpx, cpy); break; case "s": ctlPtx = cpx; ctlPty = cpy; prevCmd = ca[ca.length - 1]; if (prevCmd.command === "C") { ctlPtx = cpx + (cpx - prevCmd.points[2]); ctlPty = cpy + (cpy - prevCmd.points[3]); } points.push(ctlPtx, ctlPty, cpx + p.shift(), cpy + p.shift()); cpx += p.shift(); cpy += p.shift(); cmd = "C"; points.push(cpx, cpy); break; case "Q": points.push(p.shift(), p.shift()); cpx = p.shift(); cpy = p.shift(); points.push(cpx, cpy); break; case "q": points.push(cpx + p.shift(), cpy + p.shift()); cpx += p.shift(); cpy += p.shift(); cmd = "Q"; points.push(cpx, cpy); break; case "T": ctlPtx = cpx; ctlPty = cpy; prevCmd = ca[ca.length - 1]; if (prevCmd.command === "Q") { ctlPtx = cpx + (cpx - prevCmd.points[0]); ctlPty = cpy + (cpy - prevCmd.points[1]); } cpx = p.shift(); cpy = p.shift(); cmd = "Q"; points.push(ctlPtx, ctlPty, cpx, cpy); break; case "t": ctlPtx = cpx; ctlPty = cpy; prevCmd = ca[ca.length - 1]; if (prevCmd.command === "Q") { ctlPtx = cpx + (cpx - prevCmd.points[0]); ctlPty = cpy + (cpy - prevCmd.points[1]); } cpx += p.shift(); cpy += p.shift(); cmd = "Q"; points.push(ctlPtx, ctlPty, cpx, cpy); break; case "A": rx = p.shift(); ry = p.shift(); psi = p.shift(); fa = p.shift(); fs = p.shift(); x1 = cpx; y1 = cpy; cpx = p.shift(); cpy = p.shift(); cmd = "A"; points = this.convertEndpointToCenterParameterization(x1, y1, cpx, cpy, fa, fs, rx, ry, psi); break; case "a": rx = p.shift(); ry = p.shift(); psi = p.shift(); fa = p.shift(); fs = p.shift(); x1 = cpx; y1 = cpy; cpx += p.shift(); cpy += p.shift(); cmd = "A"; points = this.convertEndpointToCenterParameterization(x1, y1, cpx, cpy, fa, fs, rx, ry, psi); break; } ca.push({ command: cmd || c, points, start: { x: startX, y: startY }, pathLength: this.calcLength(startX, startY, cmd || c, points) }); } if (c === "z" || c === "Z") { ca.push({ command: "z", points: [], start: void 0, pathLength: 0 }); } } return ca; } static calcLength(x, y, cmd, points) { var len, p1, p2, t; var path = _Path; switch (cmd) { case "L": return path.getLineLength(x, y, points[0], points[1]); case "C": return (0, BezierFunctions_1.getCubicArcLength)([x, points[0], points[2], points[4]], [y, points[1], points[3], points[5]], 1); case "Q": return (0, BezierFunctions_1.getQuadraticArcLength)([x, points[0], points[2]], [y, points[1], points[3]], 1); case "A": len = 0; var start = points[4]; var dTheta = points[5]; var end = points[4] + dTheta; var inc = Math.PI / 180; if (Math.abs(start - end) < inc) { inc = Math.abs(start - end); } p1 = path.getPointOnEllipticalArc(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], start, 0); if (dTheta < 0) { for (t = start - inc; t > end; t -= inc) { p2 = path.getPointOnEllipticalArc(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], t, 0); len += path.getLineLength(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y); p1 = p2; } } else { for (t = start + inc; t < end; t += inc) { p2 = path.getPointOnEllipticalArc(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], t, 0); len += path.getLineLength(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y); p1 = p2; } } p2 = path.getPointOnEllipticalArc(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], end, 0); len += path.getLineLength(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y); return len; } return 0; } static convertEndpointToCenterParameterization(x1, y1, x2, y2, fa, fs, rx, ry, psiDeg) { var psi = psiDeg * (Math.PI / 180); var xp = Math.cos(psi) * (x1 - x2) / 2 + Math.sin(psi) * (y1 - y2) / 2; var yp = -1 * Math.sin(psi) * (x1 - x2) / 2 + Math.cos(psi) * (y1 - y2) / 2; var lambda = xp * xp / (rx * rx) + yp * yp / (ry * ry); if (lambda > 1) { rx *= Math.sqrt(lambda); ry *= Math.sqrt(lambda); } var f = Math.sqrt((rx * rx * (ry * ry) - rx * rx * (yp * yp) - ry * ry * (xp * xp)) / (rx * rx * (yp * yp) + ry * ry * (xp * xp))); if (fa === fs) { f *= -1; } if (isNaN(f)) { f = 0; } var cxp = f * rx * yp / ry; var cyp = f * -ry * xp / rx; var cx = (x1 + x2) / 2 + Math.cos(psi) * cxp - Math.sin(psi) * cyp; var cy = (y1 + y2) / 2 + Math.sin(psi) * cxp + Math.cos(psi) * cyp; var vMag = function(v2) { return Math.sqrt(v2[0] * v2[0] + v2[1] * v2[1]); }; var vRatio = function(u2, v2) { return (u2[0] * v2[0] + u2[1] * v2[1]) / (vMag(u2) * vMag(v2)); }; var vAngle = function(u2, v2) { return (u2[0] * v2[1] < u2[1] * v2[0] ? -1 : 1) * Math.acos(vRatio(u2, v2)); }; var theta = vAngle([1, 0], [(xp - cxp) / rx, (yp - cyp) / ry]); var u = [(xp - cxp) / rx, (yp - cyp) / ry]; var v = [(-1 * xp - cxp) / rx, (-1 * yp - cyp) / ry]; var dTheta = vAngle(u, v); if (vRatio(u, v) <= -1) { dTheta = Math.PI; } if (vRatio(u, v) >= 1) { dTheta = 0; } if (fs === 0 && dTheta > 0) { dTheta = dTheta - 2 * Math.PI; } if (fs === 1 && dTheta < 0) { dTheta = dTheta + 2 * Math.PI; } return [cx, cy, rx, ry, theta, dTheta, psi, fs]; } }; exports.Path = Path; Path.prototype.className = "Path"; Path.prototype._attrsAffectingSize = ["data"]; (0, Global_1._registerNode)(Path); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Path, "data"); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/Arrow.js var require_Arrow = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/Arrow.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Arrow = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Line_1 = require_Line(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var Global_1 = require_Global(); var Path_1 = require_Path(); var Arrow = class extends Line_1.Line { _sceneFunc(ctx) { super._sceneFunc(ctx); var PI2 = Math.PI * 2; var points = this.points(); var tp = points; var fromTension = this.tension() !== 0 && points.length > 4; if (fromTension) { tp = this.getTensionPoints(); } var length = this.pointerLength(); var n = points.length; var dx, dy; if (fromTension) { const lp = [ tp[tp.length - 4], tp[tp.length - 3], tp[tp.length - 2], tp[tp.length - 1], points[n - 2], points[n - 1] ]; const lastLength = Path_1.Path.calcLength(tp[tp.length - 4], tp[tp.length - 3], "C", lp); const previous = Path_1.Path.getPointOnQuadraticBezier(Math.min(1, 1 - length / lastLength), lp[0], lp[1], lp[2], lp[3], lp[4], lp[5]); dx = points[n - 2] - previous.x; dy = points[n - 1] - previous.y; } else { dx = points[n - 2] - points[n - 4]; dy = points[n - 1] - points[n - 3]; } var radians = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) + PI2) % PI2; var width = this.pointerWidth(); if (this.pointerAtEnding()) {; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.translate(points[n - 2], points[n - 1]); ctx.rotate(radians); ctx.moveTo(0, 0); ctx.lineTo(-length, width / 2); ctx.lineTo(-length, -width / 2); ctx.closePath(); ctx.restore(); this.__fillStroke(ctx); } if (this.pointerAtBeginning()) {; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.translate(points[0], points[1]); if (fromTension) { dx = (tp[0] + tp[2]) / 2 - points[0]; dy = (tp[1] + tp[3]) / 2 - points[1]; } else { dx = points[2] - points[0]; dy = points[3] - points[1]; } ctx.rotate((Math.atan2(-dy, -dx) + PI2) % PI2); ctx.moveTo(0, 0); ctx.lineTo(-length, width / 2); ctx.lineTo(-length, -width / 2); ctx.closePath(); ctx.restore(); this.__fillStroke(ctx); } } __fillStroke(ctx) { var isDashEnabled = this.dashEnabled(); if (isDashEnabled) { this.attrs.dashEnabled = false; ctx.setLineDash([]); } ctx.fillStrokeShape(this); if (isDashEnabled) { this.attrs.dashEnabled = true; } } getSelfRect() { const lineRect = super.getSelfRect(); const offset = this.pointerWidth() / 2; return { x: lineRect.x - offset, y: lineRect.y - offset, width: lineRect.width + offset * 2, height: lineRect.height + offset * 2 }; } }; exports.Arrow = Arrow; Arrow.prototype.className = "Arrow"; (0, Global_1._registerNode)(Arrow); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Arrow, "pointerLength", 10, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Arrow, "pointerWidth", 10, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Arrow, "pointerAtBeginning", false); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Arrow, "pointerAtEnding", true); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/Circle.js var require_Circle = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/Circle.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Circle = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Shape_1 = require_Shape(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var Global_1 = require_Global(); var Circle = class extends Shape_1.Shape { _sceneFunc(context) { context.beginPath(); context.arc(0, 0, this.attrs.radius || 0, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); context.closePath(); context.fillStrokeShape(this); } getWidth() { return this.radius() * 2; } getHeight() { return this.radius() * 2; } setWidth(width) { if (this.radius() !== width / 2) { this.radius(width / 2); } } setHeight(height) { if (this.radius() !== height / 2) { this.radius(height / 2); } } }; exports.Circle = Circle; Circle.prototype._centroid = true; Circle.prototype.className = "Circle"; Circle.prototype._attrsAffectingSize = ["radius"]; (0, Global_1._registerNode)(Circle); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Circle, "radius", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/Ellipse.js var require_Ellipse = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/Ellipse.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Ellipse = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Shape_1 = require_Shape(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var Global_1 = require_Global(); var Ellipse = class extends Shape_1.Shape { _sceneFunc(context) { var rx = this.radiusX(), ry = this.radiusY(); context.beginPath();; if (rx !== ry) { context.scale(1, ry / rx); } context.arc(0, 0, rx, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); context.restore(); context.closePath(); context.fillStrokeShape(this); } getWidth() { return this.radiusX() * 2; } getHeight() { return this.radiusY() * 2; } setWidth(width) { this.radiusX(width / 2); } setHeight(height) { this.radiusY(height / 2); } }; exports.Ellipse = Ellipse; Ellipse.prototype.className = "Ellipse"; Ellipse.prototype._centroid = true; Ellipse.prototype._attrsAffectingSize = ["radiusX", "radiusY"]; (0, Global_1._registerNode)(Ellipse); Factory_1.Factory.addComponentsGetterSetter(Ellipse, "radius", ["x", "y"]); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Ellipse, "radiusX", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Ellipse, "radiusY", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/Image.js var require_Image = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/Image.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Image = void 0; var Util_1 = require_Util(); var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Shape_1 = require_Shape(); var Global_1 = require_Global(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var Image = class _Image extends Shape_1.Shape { constructor(attrs) { super(attrs); this.on("imageChange.konva", () => { this._setImageLoad(); }); this._setImageLoad(); } _setImageLoad() { const image = this.image(); if (image && image.complete) { return; } if (image && image.readyState === 4) { return; } if (image && image["addEventListener"]) { image["addEventListener"]("load", () => { this._requestDraw(); }); } } _useBufferCanvas() { const hasCornerRadius = !!this.cornerRadius(); const hasShadow = this.hasShadow(); if (hasCornerRadius && hasShadow) { return true; } return super._useBufferCanvas(true); } _sceneFunc(context) { const width = this.getWidth(); const height = this.getHeight(); const cornerRadius = this.cornerRadius(); const image = this.attrs.image; let params; if (image) { const cropWidth = this.attrs.cropWidth; const cropHeight = this.attrs.cropHeight; if (cropWidth && cropHeight) { params = [ image, this.cropX(), this.cropY(), cropWidth, cropHeight, 0, 0, width, height ]; } else { params = [image, 0, 0, width, height]; } } if (this.hasFill() || this.hasStroke() || cornerRadius) { context.beginPath(); cornerRadius ? Util_1.Util.drawRoundedRectPath(context, width, height, cornerRadius) : context.rect(0, 0, width, height); context.closePath(); context.fillStrokeShape(this); } if (image) { if (cornerRadius) { context.clip(); } context.drawImage.apply(context, params); } } _hitFunc(context) { var width = this.width(), height = this.height(), cornerRadius = this.cornerRadius(); context.beginPath(); if (!cornerRadius) { context.rect(0, 0, width, height); } else { Util_1.Util.drawRoundedRectPath(context, width, height, cornerRadius); } context.closePath(); context.fillStrokeShape(this); } getWidth() { var _a, _b; return (_a = this.attrs.width) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (_b = this.image()) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.width; } getHeight() { var _a, _b; return (_a = this.attrs.height) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (_b = this.image()) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.height; } static fromURL(url, callback, onError = null) { var img = Util_1.Util.createImageElement(); img.onload = function() { var image = new _Image({ image: img }); callback(image); }; img.onerror = onError; img.crossOrigin = "Anonymous"; img.src = url; } }; exports.Image = Image; Image.prototype.className = "Image"; (0, Global_1._registerNode)(Image); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Image, "cornerRadius", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberOrArrayOfNumbersValidator)(4)); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Image, "image"); Factory_1.Factory.addComponentsGetterSetter(Image, "crop", ["x", "y", "width", "height"]); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Image, "cropX", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Image, "cropY", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Image, "cropWidth", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Image, "cropHeight", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/Label.js var require_Label = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/Label.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Tag = exports.Label = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Shape_1 = require_Shape(); var Group_1 = require_Group(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var Global_1 = require_Global(); var ATTR_CHANGE_LIST = [ "fontFamily", "fontSize", "fontStyle", "padding", "lineHeight", "text", "width", "height", "pointerDirection", "pointerWidth", "pointerHeight" ]; var CHANGE_KONVA = "Change.konva"; var NONE = "none"; var UP = "up"; var RIGHT = "right"; var DOWN = "down"; var LEFT = "left"; var attrChangeListLen = ATTR_CHANGE_LIST.length; var Label = class extends Group_1.Group { constructor(config) { super(config); this.on("add.konva", function(evt) { this._addListeners(evt.child); this._sync(); }); } getText() { return this.find("Text")[0]; } getTag() { return this.find("Tag")[0]; } _addListeners(text) { var that = this, n; var func = function() { that._sync(); }; for (n = 0; n < attrChangeListLen; n++) { text.on(ATTR_CHANGE_LIST[n] + CHANGE_KONVA, func); } } getWidth() { return this.getText().width(); } getHeight() { return this.getText().height(); } _sync() { var text = this.getText(), tag = this.getTag(), width, height, pointerDirection, pointerWidth, x, y, pointerHeight; if (text && tag) { width = text.width(); height = text.height(); pointerDirection = tag.pointerDirection(); pointerWidth = tag.pointerWidth(); pointerHeight = tag.pointerHeight(); x = 0; y = 0; switch (pointerDirection) { case UP: x = width / 2; y = -1 * pointerHeight; break; case RIGHT: x = width + pointerWidth; y = height / 2; break; case DOWN: x = width / 2; y = height + pointerHeight; break; case LEFT: x = -1 * pointerWidth; y = height / 2; break; } tag.setAttrs({ x: -1 * x, y: -1 * y, width, height }); text.setAttrs({ x: -1 * x, y: -1 * y }); } } }; exports.Label = Label; Label.prototype.className = "Label"; (0, Global_1._registerNode)(Label); var Tag = class extends Shape_1.Shape { _sceneFunc(context) { var width = this.width(), height = this.height(), pointerDirection = this.pointerDirection(), pointerWidth = this.pointerWidth(), pointerHeight = this.pointerHeight(), cornerRadius = this.cornerRadius(); let topLeft = 0; let topRight = 0; let bottomLeft = 0; let bottomRight = 0; if (typeof cornerRadius === "number") { topLeft = topRight = bottomLeft = bottomRight = Math.min(cornerRadius, width / 2, height / 2); } else { topLeft = Math.min(cornerRadius[0] || 0, width / 2, height / 2); topRight = Math.min(cornerRadius[1] || 0, width / 2, height / 2); bottomRight = Math.min(cornerRadius[2] || 0, width / 2, height / 2); bottomLeft = Math.min(cornerRadius[3] || 0, width / 2, height / 2); } context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(topLeft, 0); if (pointerDirection === UP) { context.lineTo((width - pointerWidth) / 2, 0); context.lineTo(width / 2, -1 * pointerHeight); context.lineTo((width + pointerWidth) / 2, 0); } context.lineTo(width - topRight, 0); context.arc(width - topRight, topRight, topRight, Math.PI * 3 / 2, 0, false); if (pointerDirection === RIGHT) { context.lineTo(width, (height - pointerHeight) / 2); context.lineTo(width + pointerWidth, height / 2); context.lineTo(width, (height + pointerHeight) / 2); } context.lineTo(width, height - bottomRight); context.arc(width - bottomRight, height - bottomRight, bottomRight, 0, Math.PI / 2, false); if (pointerDirection === DOWN) { context.lineTo((width + pointerWidth) / 2, height); context.lineTo(width / 2, height + pointerHeight); context.lineTo((width - pointerWidth) / 2, height); } context.lineTo(bottomLeft, height); context.arc(bottomLeft, height - bottomLeft, bottomLeft, Math.PI / 2, Math.PI, false); if (pointerDirection === LEFT) { context.lineTo(0, (height + pointerHeight) / 2); context.lineTo(-1 * pointerWidth, height / 2); context.lineTo(0, (height - pointerHeight) / 2); } context.lineTo(0, topLeft); context.arc(topLeft, topLeft, topLeft, Math.PI, Math.PI * 3 / 2, false); context.closePath(); context.fillStrokeShape(this); } getSelfRect() { var x = 0, y = 0, pointerWidth = this.pointerWidth(), pointerHeight = this.pointerHeight(), direction = this.pointerDirection(), width = this.width(), height = this.height(); if (direction === UP) { y -= pointerHeight; height += pointerHeight; } else if (direction === DOWN) { height += pointerHeight; } else if (direction === LEFT) { x -= pointerWidth * 1.5; width += pointerWidth; } else if (direction === RIGHT) { width += pointerWidth * 1.5; } return { x, y, width, height }; } }; exports.Tag = Tag; Tag.prototype.className = "Tag"; (0, Global_1._registerNode)(Tag); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Tag, "pointerDirection", NONE); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Tag, "pointerWidth", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Tag, "pointerHeight", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Tag, "cornerRadius", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberOrArrayOfNumbersValidator)(4)); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/RegularPolygon.js var require_RegularPolygon = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/RegularPolygon.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.RegularPolygon = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Shape_1 = require_Shape(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var Global_1 = require_Global(); var RegularPolygon = class extends Shape_1.Shape { _sceneFunc(context) { const points = this._getPoints(); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y); for (var n = 1; n < points.length; n++) { context.lineTo(points[n].x, points[n].y); } context.closePath(); context.fillStrokeShape(this); } _getPoints() { const sides = this.attrs.sides; const radius = this.attrs.radius || 0; const points = []; for (var n = 0; n < sides; n++) { points.push({ x: radius * Math.sin(n * 2 * Math.PI / sides), y: -1 * radius * Math.cos(n * 2 * Math.PI / sides) }); } return points; } getSelfRect() { const points = this._getPoints(); var minX = points[0].x; var maxX = points[0].y; var minY = points[0].x; var maxY = points[0].y; points.forEach((point) => { minX = Math.min(minX, point.x); maxX = Math.max(maxX, point.x); minY = Math.min(minY, point.y); maxY = Math.max(maxY, point.y); }); return { x: minX, y: minY, width: maxX - minX, height: maxY - minY }; } getWidth() { return this.radius() * 2; } getHeight() { return this.radius() * 2; } setWidth(width) { this.radius(width / 2); } setHeight(height) { this.radius(height / 2); } }; exports.RegularPolygon = RegularPolygon; RegularPolygon.prototype.className = "RegularPolygon"; RegularPolygon.prototype._centroid = true; RegularPolygon.prototype._attrsAffectingSize = ["radius"]; (0, Global_1._registerNode)(RegularPolygon); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(RegularPolygon, "radius", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(RegularPolygon, "sides", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/Sprite.js var require_Sprite = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/Sprite.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Sprite = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Shape_1 = require_Shape(); var Animation_1 = require_Animation(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var Global_1 = require_Global(); var Sprite = class extends Shape_1.Shape { constructor(config) { super(config); this._updated = true; this.anim = new Animation_1.Animation(() => { var updated = this._updated; this._updated = false; return updated; }); this.on("animationChange.konva", function() { this.frameIndex(0); }); this.on("frameIndexChange.konva", function() { this._updated = true; }); this.on("frameRateChange.konva", function() { if (!this.anim.isRunning()) { return; } clearInterval(this.interval); this._setInterval(); }); } _sceneFunc(context) { var anim = this.animation(), index = this.frameIndex(), ix4 = index * 4, set = this.animations()[anim], offsets = this.frameOffsets(), x = set[ix4 + 0], y = set[ix4 + 1], width = set[ix4 + 2], height = set[ix4 + 3], image = this.image(); if (this.hasFill() || this.hasStroke()) { context.beginPath(); context.rect(0, 0, width, height); context.closePath(); context.fillStrokeShape(this); } if (image) { if (offsets) { var offset = offsets[anim], ix2 = index * 2; context.drawImage(image, x, y, width, height, offset[ix2 + 0], offset[ix2 + 1], width, height); } else { context.drawImage(image, x, y, width, height, 0, 0, width, height); } } } _hitFunc(context) { var anim = this.animation(), index = this.frameIndex(), ix4 = index * 4, set = this.animations()[anim], offsets = this.frameOffsets(), width = set[ix4 + 2], height = set[ix4 + 3]; context.beginPath(); if (offsets) { var offset = offsets[anim]; var ix2 = index * 2; context.rect(offset[ix2 + 0], offset[ix2 + 1], width, height); } else { context.rect(0, 0, width, height); } context.closePath(); context.fillShape(this); } _useBufferCanvas() { return super._useBufferCanvas(true); } _setInterval() { var that = this; this.interval = setInterval(function() { that._updateIndex(); }, 1e3 / this.frameRate()); } start() { if (this.isRunning()) { return; } var layer = this.getLayer(); this.anim.setLayers(layer); this._setInterval(); this.anim.start(); } stop() { this.anim.stop(); clearInterval(this.interval); } isRunning() { return this.anim.isRunning(); } _updateIndex() { var index = this.frameIndex(), animation = this.animation(), animations = this.animations(), anim = animations[animation], len = anim.length / 4; if (index < len - 1) { this.frameIndex(index + 1); } else { this.frameIndex(0); } } }; exports.Sprite = Sprite; Sprite.prototype.className = "Sprite"; (0, Global_1._registerNode)(Sprite); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Sprite, "animation"); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Sprite, "animations"); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Sprite, "frameOffsets"); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Sprite, "image"); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Sprite, "frameIndex", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Sprite, "frameRate", 17, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.backCompat(Sprite, { index: "frameIndex", getIndex: "getFrameIndex", setIndex: "setFrameIndex" }); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/Star.js var require_Star = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/Star.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Star = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Shape_1 = require_Shape(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var Global_1 = require_Global(); var Star = class extends Shape_1.Shape { _sceneFunc(context) { var innerRadius = this.innerRadius(), outerRadius = this.outerRadius(), numPoints = this.numPoints(); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(0, 0 - outerRadius); for (var n = 1; n < numPoints * 2; n++) { var radius = n % 2 === 0 ? outerRadius : innerRadius; var x = radius * Math.sin(n * Math.PI / numPoints); var y = -1 * radius * Math.cos(n * Math.PI / numPoints); context.lineTo(x, y); } context.closePath(); context.fillStrokeShape(this); } getWidth() { return this.outerRadius() * 2; } getHeight() { return this.outerRadius() * 2; } setWidth(width) { this.outerRadius(width / 2); } setHeight(height) { this.outerRadius(height / 2); } }; exports.Star = Star; Star.prototype.className = "Star"; Star.prototype._centroid = true; Star.prototype._attrsAffectingSize = ["innerRadius", "outerRadius"]; (0, Global_1._registerNode)(Star); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Star, "numPoints", 5, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Star, "innerRadius", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Star, "outerRadius", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/Text.js var require_Text = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/Text.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Text = exports.stringToArray = void 0; var Util_1 = require_Util(); var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Shape_1 = require_Shape(); var Global_1 = require_Global(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var Global_2 = require_Global(); function stringToArray(string) { return Array.from(string); } exports.stringToArray = stringToArray; var AUTO = "auto"; var CENTER = "center"; var INHERIT = "inherit"; var JUSTIFY = "justify"; var CHANGE_KONVA = "Change.konva"; var CONTEXT_2D = "2d"; var DASH = "-"; var LEFT = "left"; var TEXT = "text"; var TEXT_UPPER = "Text"; var TOP = "top"; var BOTTOM = "bottom"; var MIDDLE = "middle"; var NORMAL = "normal"; var PX_SPACE = "px "; var SPACE = " "; var RIGHT = "right"; var RTL = "rtl"; var WORD = "word"; var CHAR = "char"; var NONE = "none"; var ELLIPSIS = "…"; var ATTR_CHANGE_LIST = [ "direction", "fontFamily", "fontSize", "fontStyle", "fontVariant", "padding", "align", "verticalAlign", "lineHeight", "text", "width", "height", "wrap", "ellipsis", "letterSpacing" ]; var attrChangeListLen = ATTR_CHANGE_LIST.length; function normalizeFontFamily(fontFamily) { return fontFamily.split(",").map((family) => { family = family.trim(); const hasSpace = family.indexOf(" ") >= 0; const hasQuotes = family.indexOf('"') >= 0 || family.indexOf("'") >= 0; if (hasSpace && !hasQuotes) { family = `"${family}"`; } return family; }).join(", "); } var dummyContext; function getDummyContext() { if (dummyContext) { return dummyContext; } dummyContext = Util_1.Util.createCanvasElement().getContext(CONTEXT_2D); return dummyContext; } function _fillFunc(context) { context.fillText(this._partialText, this._partialTextX, this._partialTextY); } function _strokeFunc(context) { context.setAttr("miterLimit", 2); context.strokeText(this._partialText, this._partialTextX, this._partialTextY); } function checkDefaultFill(config) { config = config || {}; if (!config.fillLinearGradientColorStops && !config.fillRadialGradientColorStops && !config.fillPatternImage) { config.fill = config.fill || "black"; } return config; } var Text = class extends Shape_1.Shape { constructor(config) { super(checkDefaultFill(config)); this._partialTextX = 0; this._partialTextY = 0; for (var n = 0; n < attrChangeListLen; n++) { this.on(ATTR_CHANGE_LIST[n] + CHANGE_KONVA, this._setTextData); } this._setTextData(); } _sceneFunc(context) { var textArr = this.textArr, textArrLen = textArr.length; if (!this.text()) { return; } var padding = this.padding(), fontSize = this.fontSize(), lineHeightPx = this.lineHeight() * fontSize, verticalAlign = this.verticalAlign(), direction = this.direction(), alignY = 0, align = this.align(), totalWidth = this.getWidth(), letterSpacing = this.letterSpacing(), fill = this.fill(), textDecoration = this.textDecoration(), shouldUnderline = textDecoration.indexOf("underline") !== -1, shouldLineThrough = textDecoration.indexOf("line-through") !== -1, n; direction = direction === INHERIT ? context.direction : direction; var translateY = lineHeightPx / 2; var baseline = MIDDLE; if (Global_1.Konva._fixTextRendering) { var metrics = this.measureSize("M"); baseline = "alphabetic"; translateY = (metrics.fontBoundingBoxAscent - metrics.fontBoundingBoxDescent) / 2 + lineHeightPx / 2; } var lineTranslateX = 0; var lineTranslateY = 0; if (direction === RTL) { context.setAttr("direction", direction); } context.setAttr("font", this._getContextFont()); context.setAttr("textBaseline", baseline); context.setAttr("textAlign", LEFT); if (verticalAlign === MIDDLE) { alignY = (this.getHeight() - textArrLen * lineHeightPx - padding * 2) / 2; } else if (verticalAlign === BOTTOM) { alignY = this.getHeight() - textArrLen * lineHeightPx - padding * 2; } context.translate(padding, alignY + padding); for (n = 0; n < textArrLen; n++) { var lineTranslateX = 0; var lineTranslateY = 0; var obj = textArr[n], text = obj.text, width = obj.width, lastLine = obj.lastInParagraph, spacesNumber, oneWord, lineWidth;; if (align === RIGHT) { lineTranslateX += totalWidth - width - padding * 2; } else if (align === CENTER) { lineTranslateX += (totalWidth - width - padding * 2) / 2; } if (shouldUnderline) {; context.beginPath(); let yOffset = Global_1.Konva._fixTextRendering ? Math.round(fontSize / 4) : Math.round(fontSize / 2); const x = lineTranslateX; const y = translateY + lineTranslateY + yOffset; context.moveTo(x, y); spacesNumber = text.split(" ").length - 1; oneWord = spacesNumber === 0; lineWidth = align === JUSTIFY && !lastLine ? totalWidth - padding * 2 : width; context.lineTo(x + Math.round(lineWidth), y); context.lineWidth = fontSize / 15; const gradient = this._getLinearGradient(); context.strokeStyle = gradient || fill; context.stroke(); context.restore(); } if (shouldLineThrough) {; context.beginPath(); let yOffset = Global_1.Konva._fixTextRendering ? -Math.round(fontSize / 4) : 0; context.moveTo(lineTranslateX, translateY + lineTranslateY + yOffset); spacesNumber = text.split(" ").length - 1; oneWord = spacesNumber === 0; lineWidth = align === JUSTIFY && lastLine && !oneWord ? totalWidth - padding * 2 : width; context.lineTo(lineTranslateX + Math.round(lineWidth), translateY + lineTranslateY + yOffset); context.lineWidth = fontSize / 15; const gradient = this._getLinearGradient(); context.strokeStyle = gradient || fill; context.stroke(); context.restore(); } if (direction !== RTL && (letterSpacing !== 0 || align === JUSTIFY)) { spacesNumber = text.split(" ").length - 1; var array = stringToArray(text); for (var li = 0; li < array.length; li++) { var letter = array[li]; if (letter === " " && !lastLine && align === JUSTIFY) { lineTranslateX += (totalWidth - padding * 2 - width) / spacesNumber; } this._partialTextX = lineTranslateX; this._partialTextY = translateY + lineTranslateY; this._partialText = letter; context.fillStrokeShape(this); lineTranslateX += this.measureSize(letter).width + letterSpacing; } } else { if (letterSpacing !== 0) { context.setAttr("letterSpacing", `${letterSpacing}px`); } this._partialTextX = lineTranslateX; this._partialTextY = translateY + lineTranslateY; this._partialText = text; context.fillStrokeShape(this); } context.restore(); if (textArrLen > 1) { translateY += lineHeightPx; } } } _hitFunc(context) { var width = this.getWidth(), height = this.getHeight(); context.beginPath(); context.rect(0, 0, width, height); context.closePath(); context.fillStrokeShape(this); } setText(text) { var str = Util_1.Util._isString(text) ? text : text === null || text === void 0 ? "" : text + ""; this._setAttr(TEXT, str); return this; } getWidth() { var isAuto = this.attrs.width === AUTO || this.attrs.width === void 0; return isAuto ? this.getTextWidth() + this.padding() * 2 : this.attrs.width; } getHeight() { var isAuto = this.attrs.height === AUTO || this.attrs.height === void 0; return isAuto ? this.fontSize() * this.textArr.length * this.lineHeight() + this.padding() * 2 : this.attrs.height; } getTextWidth() { return this.textWidth; } getTextHeight() { Util_1.Util.warn("text.getTextHeight() method is deprecated. Use text.height() - for full height and text.fontSize() - for one line height."); return this.textHeight; } measureSize(text) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k, _l; var _context = getDummyContext(), fontSize = this.fontSize(), metrics;; _context.font = this._getContextFont(); metrics = _context.measureText(text); _context.restore(); const scaleFactor = fontSize / 100; return { actualBoundingBoxAscent: (_a = metrics.actualBoundingBoxAscent) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 71.58203125 * scaleFactor, actualBoundingBoxDescent: (_b = metrics.actualBoundingBoxDescent) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0, actualBoundingBoxLeft: (_c = metrics.actualBoundingBoxLeft) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : -7.421875 * scaleFactor, actualBoundingBoxRight: (_d = metrics.actualBoundingBoxRight) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : 75.732421875 * scaleFactor, alphabeticBaseline: (_e = metrics.alphabeticBaseline) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : 0, emHeightAscent: (_f = metrics.emHeightAscent) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : 100 * scaleFactor, emHeightDescent: (_g = metrics.emHeightDescent) !== null && _g !== void 0 ? _g : -20 * scaleFactor, fontBoundingBoxAscent: (_h = metrics.fontBoundingBoxAscent) !== null && _h !== void 0 ? _h : 91 * scaleFactor, fontBoundingBoxDescent: (_j = metrics.fontBoundingBoxDescent) !== null && _j !== void 0 ? _j : 21 * scaleFactor, hangingBaseline: (_k = metrics.hangingBaseline) !== null && _k !== void 0 ? _k : 72.80000305175781 * scaleFactor, ideographicBaseline: (_l = metrics.ideographicBaseline) !== null && _l !== void 0 ? _l : -21 * scaleFactor, width: metrics.width, height: fontSize }; } _getContextFont() { return this.fontStyle() + SPACE + this.fontVariant() + SPACE + (this.fontSize() + PX_SPACE) + normalizeFontFamily(this.fontFamily()); } _addTextLine(line) { const align = this.align(); if (align === JUSTIFY) { line = line.trim(); } var width = this._getTextWidth(line); return this.textArr.push({ text: line, width, lastInParagraph: false }); } _getTextWidth(text) { var letterSpacing = this.letterSpacing(); var length = text.length; return getDummyContext().measureText(text).width + (length ? letterSpacing * (length - 1) : 0); } _setTextData() { var lines = this.text().split("\n"), fontSize = +this.fontSize(), textWidth = 0, lineHeightPx = this.lineHeight() * fontSize, width = this.attrs.width, height = this.attrs.height, fixedWidth = width !== AUTO && width !== void 0, fixedHeight = height !== AUTO && height !== void 0, padding = this.padding(), maxWidth = width - padding * 2, maxHeightPx = height - padding * 2, currentHeightPx = 0, wrap = this.wrap(), shouldWrap = wrap !== NONE, wrapAtWord = wrap !== CHAR && shouldWrap, shouldAddEllipsis = this.ellipsis(); this.textArr = []; getDummyContext().font = this._getContextFont(); var additionalWidth = shouldAddEllipsis ? this._getTextWidth(ELLIPSIS) : 0; for (var i = 0, max = lines.length; i < max; ++i) { var line = lines[i]; var lineWidth = this._getTextWidth(line); if (fixedWidth && lineWidth > maxWidth) { while (line.length > 0) { var low = 0, high = line.length, match = "", matchWidth = 0; while (low < high) { var mid = low + high >>> 1, substr = line.slice(0, mid + 1), substrWidth = this._getTextWidth(substr) + additionalWidth; if (substrWidth <= maxWidth) { low = mid + 1; match = substr; matchWidth = substrWidth; } else { high = mid; } } if (match) { if (wrapAtWord) { var wrapIndex; var nextChar = line[match.length]; var nextIsSpaceOrDash = nextChar === SPACE || nextChar === DASH; if (nextIsSpaceOrDash && matchWidth <= maxWidth) { wrapIndex = match.length; } else { wrapIndex = Math.max(match.lastIndexOf(SPACE), match.lastIndexOf(DASH)) + 1; } if (wrapIndex > 0) { low = wrapIndex; match = match.slice(0, low); matchWidth = this._getTextWidth(match); } } match = match.trimRight(); this._addTextLine(match); textWidth = Math.max(textWidth, matchWidth); currentHeightPx += lineHeightPx; var shouldHandleEllipsis = this._shouldHandleEllipsis(currentHeightPx); if (shouldHandleEllipsis) { this._tryToAddEllipsisToLastLine(); break; } line = line.slice(low); line = line.trimLeft(); if (line.length > 0) { lineWidth = this._getTextWidth(line); if (lineWidth <= maxWidth) { this._addTextLine(line); currentHeightPx += lineHeightPx; textWidth = Math.max(textWidth, lineWidth); break; } } } else { break; } } } else { this._addTextLine(line); currentHeightPx += lineHeightPx; textWidth = Math.max(textWidth, lineWidth); if (this._shouldHandleEllipsis(currentHeightPx) && i < max - 1) { this._tryToAddEllipsisToLastLine(); } } if (this.textArr[this.textArr.length - 1]) { this.textArr[this.textArr.length - 1].lastInParagraph = true; } if (fixedHeight && currentHeightPx + lineHeightPx > maxHeightPx) { break; } } this.textHeight = fontSize; this.textWidth = textWidth; } _shouldHandleEllipsis(currentHeightPx) { var fontSize = +this.fontSize(), lineHeightPx = this.lineHeight() * fontSize, height = this.attrs.height, fixedHeight = height !== AUTO && height !== void 0, padding = this.padding(), maxHeightPx = height - padding * 2, wrap = this.wrap(), shouldWrap = wrap !== NONE; return !shouldWrap || fixedHeight && currentHeightPx + lineHeightPx > maxHeightPx; } _tryToAddEllipsisToLastLine() { var width = this.attrs.width, fixedWidth = width !== AUTO && width !== void 0, padding = this.padding(), maxWidth = width - padding * 2, shouldAddEllipsis = this.ellipsis(); var lastLine = this.textArr[this.textArr.length - 1]; if (!lastLine || !shouldAddEllipsis) { return; } if (fixedWidth) { var haveSpace = this._getTextWidth(lastLine.text + ELLIPSIS) < maxWidth; if (!haveSpace) { lastLine.text = lastLine.text.slice(0, lastLine.text.length - 3); } } this.textArr.splice(this.textArr.length - 1, 1); this._addTextLine(lastLine.text + ELLIPSIS); } getStrokeScaleEnabled() { return true; } _useBufferCanvas() { const hasLine = this.textDecoration().indexOf("underline") !== -1 || this.textDecoration().indexOf("line-through") !== -1; const hasShadow = this.hasShadow(); if (hasLine && hasShadow) { return true; } return super._useBufferCanvas(); } }; exports.Text = Text; Text.prototype._fillFunc = _fillFunc; Text.prototype._strokeFunc = _strokeFunc; Text.prototype.className = TEXT_UPPER; Text.prototype._attrsAffectingSize = [ "text", "fontSize", "padding", "wrap", "lineHeight", "letterSpacing" ]; (0, Global_2._registerNode)(Text); Factory_1.Factory.overWriteSetter(Text, "width", (0, Validators_1.getNumberOrAutoValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.overWriteSetter(Text, "height", (0, Validators_1.getNumberOrAutoValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Text, "direction", INHERIT); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Text, "fontFamily", "Arial"); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Text, "fontSize", 12, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Text, "fontStyle", NORMAL); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Text, "fontVariant", NORMAL); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Text, "padding", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Text, "align", LEFT); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Text, "verticalAlign", TOP); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Text, "lineHeight", 1, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Text, "wrap", WORD); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Text, "ellipsis", false, (0, Validators_1.getBooleanValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Text, "letterSpacing", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Text, "text", "", (0, Validators_1.getStringValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Text, "textDecoration", ""); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/TextPath.js var require_TextPath = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/TextPath.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.TextPath = void 0; var Util_1 = require_Util(); var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Shape_1 = require_Shape(); var Path_1 = require_Path(); var Text_1 = require_Text(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var Global_1 = require_Global(); var EMPTY_STRING = ""; var NORMAL = "normal"; function _fillFunc(context) { context.fillText(this.partialText, 0, 0); } function _strokeFunc(context) { context.strokeText(this.partialText, 0, 0); } var TextPath = class extends Shape_1.Shape { constructor(config) { super(config); this.dummyCanvas = Util_1.Util.createCanvasElement(); this.dataArray = []; this._readDataAttribute(); this.on("dataChange.konva", function() { this._readDataAttribute(); this._setTextData(); }); this.on("textChange.konva alignChange.konva letterSpacingChange.konva kerningFuncChange.konva fontSizeChange.konva fontFamilyChange.konva", this._setTextData); this._setTextData(); } _getTextPathLength() { return Path_1.Path.getPathLength(this.dataArray); } _getPointAtLength(length) { if (! { return null; } const totalLength = this.pathLength; if (length - 1 > totalLength) { return null; } return Path_1.Path.getPointAtLengthOfDataArray(length, this.dataArray); } _readDataAttribute() { this.dataArray = Path_1.Path.parsePathData(; this.pathLength = this._getTextPathLength(); } _sceneFunc(context) { context.setAttr("font", this._getContextFont()); context.setAttr("textBaseline", this.textBaseline()); context.setAttr("textAlign", "left");; var textDecoration = this.textDecoration(); var fill = this.fill(); var fontSize = this.fontSize(); var glyphInfo = this.glyphInfo; if (textDecoration === "underline") { context.beginPath(); } for (var i = 0; i < glyphInfo.length; i++) {; var p0 = glyphInfo[i].p0; context.translate(p0.x, p0.y); context.rotate(glyphInfo[i].rotation); this.partialText = glyphInfo[i].text; context.fillStrokeShape(this); if (textDecoration === "underline") { if (i === 0) { context.moveTo(0, fontSize / 2 + 1); } context.lineTo(fontSize, fontSize / 2 + 1); } context.restore(); } if (textDecoration === "underline") { context.strokeStyle = fill; context.lineWidth = fontSize / 20; context.stroke(); } context.restore(); } _hitFunc(context) { context.beginPath(); var glyphInfo = this.glyphInfo; if (glyphInfo.length >= 1) { var p0 = glyphInfo[0].p0; context.moveTo(p0.x, p0.y); } for (var i = 0; i < glyphInfo.length; i++) { var p1 = glyphInfo[i].p1; context.lineTo(p1.x, p1.y); } context.setAttr("lineWidth", this.fontSize()); context.setAttr("strokeStyle", this.colorKey); context.stroke(); } getTextWidth() { return this.textWidth; } getTextHeight() { Util_1.Util.warn("text.getTextHeight() method is deprecated. Use text.height() - for full height and text.fontSize() - for one line height."); return this.textHeight; } setText(text) { return, text); } _getContextFont() { return; } _getTextSize(text) { var dummyCanvas = this.dummyCanvas; var _context = dummyCanvas.getContext("2d");; _context.font = this._getContextFont(); var metrics = _context.measureText(text); _context.restore(); return { width: metrics.width, height: parseInt(`${this.fontSize()}`, 10) }; } _setTextData() { const { width, height } = this._getTextSize(this.attrs.text); this.textWidth = width; this.textHeight = height; this.glyphInfo = []; if (! { return null; } const letterSpacing = this.letterSpacing(); const align = this.align(); const kerningFunc = this.kerningFunc(); const textWidth = Math.max(this.textWidth + ((this.attrs.text || "").length - 1) * letterSpacing, 0); let offset = 0; if (align === "center") { offset = Math.max(0, this.pathLength / 2 - textWidth / 2); } if (align === "right") { offset = Math.max(0, this.pathLength - textWidth); } const charArr = (0, Text_1.stringToArray)(this.text()); let offsetToGlyph = offset; for (var i = 0; i < charArr.length; i++) { const charStartPoint = this._getPointAtLength(offsetToGlyph); if (!charStartPoint) return; let glyphWidth = this._getTextSize(charArr[i]).width + letterSpacing; if (charArr[i] === " " && align === "justify") { const numberOfSpaces = this.text().split(" ").length - 1; glyphWidth += (this.pathLength - textWidth) / numberOfSpaces; } const charEndPoint = this._getPointAtLength(offsetToGlyph + glyphWidth); if (!charEndPoint) return; const width2 = Path_1.Path.getLineLength(charStartPoint.x, charStartPoint.y, charEndPoint.x, charEndPoint.y); let kern = 0; if (kerningFunc) { try { kern = kerningFunc(charArr[i - 1], charArr[i]) * this.fontSize(); } catch (e) { kern = 0; } } charStartPoint.x += kern; charEndPoint.x += kern; this.textWidth += kern; const midpoint = Path_1.Path.getPointOnLine(kern + width2 / 2, charStartPoint.x, charStartPoint.y, charEndPoint.x, charEndPoint.y); const rotation = Math.atan2(charEndPoint.y - charStartPoint.y, charEndPoint.x - charStartPoint.x); this.glyphInfo.push({ transposeX: midpoint.x, transposeY: midpoint.y, text: charArr[i], rotation, p0: charStartPoint, p1: charEndPoint }); offsetToGlyph += glyphWidth; } } getSelfRect() { if (!this.glyphInfo.length) { return { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }; } var points = []; this.glyphInfo.forEach(function(info) { points.push(info.p0.x); points.push(info.p0.y); points.push(info.p1.x); points.push(info.p1.y); }); var minX = points[0] || 0; var maxX = points[0] || 0; var minY = points[1] || 0; var maxY = points[1] || 0; var x, y; for (var i = 0; i < points.length / 2; i++) { x = points[i * 2]; y = points[i * 2 + 1]; minX = Math.min(minX, x); maxX = Math.max(maxX, x); minY = Math.min(minY, y); maxY = Math.max(maxY, y); } var fontSize = this.fontSize(); return { x: minX - fontSize / 2, y: minY - fontSize / 2, width: maxX - minX + fontSize, height: maxY - minY + fontSize }; } destroy() { Util_1.Util.releaseCanvas(this.dummyCanvas); return super.destroy(); } }; exports.TextPath = TextPath; TextPath.prototype._fillFunc = _fillFunc; TextPath.prototype._strokeFunc = _strokeFunc; TextPath.prototype._fillFuncHit = _fillFunc; TextPath.prototype._strokeFuncHit = _strokeFunc; TextPath.prototype.className = "TextPath"; TextPath.prototype._attrsAffectingSize = ["text", "fontSize", "data"]; (0, Global_1._registerNode)(TextPath); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(TextPath, "data"); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(TextPath, "fontFamily", "Arial"); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(TextPath, "fontSize", 12, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(TextPath, "fontStyle", NORMAL); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(TextPath, "align", "left"); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(TextPath, "letterSpacing", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(TextPath, "textBaseline", "middle"); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(TextPath, "fontVariant", NORMAL); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(TextPath, "text", EMPTY_STRING); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(TextPath, "textDecoration", null); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(TextPath, "kerningFunc", null); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/Transformer.js var require_Transformer = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/Transformer.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Transformer = void 0; var Util_1 = require_Util(); var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Node_1 = require_Node(); var Shape_1 = require_Shape(); var Rect_1 = require_Rect(); var Group_1 = require_Group(); var Global_1 = require_Global(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var Global_2 = require_Global(); var EVENTS_NAME = "tr-konva"; var ATTR_CHANGE_LIST = [ "resizeEnabledChange", "rotateAnchorOffsetChange", "rotateEnabledChange", "enabledAnchorsChange", "anchorSizeChange", "borderEnabledChange", "borderStrokeChange", "borderStrokeWidthChange", "borderDashChange", "anchorStrokeChange", "anchorStrokeWidthChange", "anchorFillChange", "anchorCornerRadiusChange", "ignoreStrokeChange", "anchorStyleFuncChange" ].map((e) => e + `.${EVENTS_NAME}`).join(" "); var NODES_RECT = "nodesRect"; var TRANSFORM_CHANGE_STR = [ "widthChange", "heightChange", "scaleXChange", "scaleYChange", "skewXChange", "skewYChange", "rotationChange", "offsetXChange", "offsetYChange", "transformsEnabledChange", "strokeWidthChange" ]; var ANGLES = { "top-left": -45, "top-center": 0, "top-right": 45, "middle-right": -90, "middle-left": 90, "bottom-left": -135, "bottom-center": 180, "bottom-right": 135 }; var TOUCH_DEVICE = "ontouchstart" in Global_1.Konva._global; function getCursor(anchorName, rad, rotateCursor) { if (anchorName === "rotater") { return rotateCursor; } rad += Util_1.Util.degToRad(ANGLES[anchorName] || 0); var angle = (Util_1.Util.radToDeg(rad) % 360 + 360) % 360; if (Util_1.Util._inRange(angle, 315 + 22.5, 360) || Util_1.Util._inRange(angle, 0, 22.5)) { return "ns-resize"; } else if (Util_1.Util._inRange(angle, 45 - 22.5, 45 + 22.5)) { return "nesw-resize"; } else if (Util_1.Util._inRange(angle, 90 - 22.5, 90 + 22.5)) { return "ew-resize"; } else if (Util_1.Util._inRange(angle, 135 - 22.5, 135 + 22.5)) { return "nwse-resize"; } else if (Util_1.Util._inRange(angle, 180 - 22.5, 180 + 22.5)) { return "ns-resize"; } else if (Util_1.Util._inRange(angle, 225 - 22.5, 225 + 22.5)) { return "nesw-resize"; } else if (Util_1.Util._inRange(angle, 270 - 22.5, 270 + 22.5)) { return "ew-resize"; } else if (Util_1.Util._inRange(angle, 315 - 22.5, 315 + 22.5)) { return "nwse-resize"; } else { Util_1.Util.error("Transformer has unknown angle for cursor detection: " + angle); return "pointer"; } } var ANCHORS_NAMES = [ "top-left", "top-center", "top-right", "middle-right", "middle-left", "bottom-left", "bottom-center", "bottom-right" ]; var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 1e8; function getCenter(shape) { return { x: shape.x + shape.width / 2 * Math.cos(shape.rotation) + shape.height / 2 * Math.sin(-shape.rotation), y: shape.y + shape.height / 2 * Math.cos(shape.rotation) + shape.width / 2 * Math.sin(shape.rotation) }; } function rotateAroundPoint(shape, angleRad, point) { const x = point.x + (shape.x - point.x) * Math.cos(angleRad) - (shape.y - point.y) * Math.sin(angleRad); const y = point.y + (shape.x - point.x) * Math.sin(angleRad) + (shape.y - point.y) * Math.cos(angleRad); return { ...shape, rotation: shape.rotation + angleRad, x, y }; } function rotateAroundCenter(shape, deltaRad) { const center = getCenter(shape); return rotateAroundPoint(shape, deltaRad, center); } function getSnap(snaps, newRotationRad, tol) { let snapped = newRotationRad; for (let i = 0; i < snaps.length; i++) { const angle = Global_1.Konva.getAngle(snaps[i]); const absDiff = Math.abs(angle - newRotationRad) % (Math.PI * 2); const dif = Math.min(absDiff, Math.PI * 2 - absDiff); if (dif < tol) { snapped = angle; } } return snapped; } var activeTransformersCount = 0; var Transformer = class extends Group_1.Group { constructor(config) { super(config); this._movingAnchorName = null; this._transforming = false; this._createElements(); this._handleMouseMove = this._handleMouseMove.bind(this); this._handleMouseUp = this._handleMouseUp.bind(this); this.update = this.update.bind(this); this.on(ATTR_CHANGE_LIST, this.update); if (this.getNode()) { this.update(); } } attachTo(node) { this.setNode(node); return this; } setNode(node) { Util_1.Util.warn("tr.setNode(shape), tr.node(shape) and tr.attachTo(shape) methods are deprecated. Please use tr.nodes(nodesArray) instead."); return this.setNodes([node]); } getNode() { return this._nodes && this._nodes[0]; } _getEventNamespace() { return EVENTS_NAME + this._id; } setNodes(nodes = []) { if (this._nodes && this._nodes.length) { this.detach(); } const filteredNodes = nodes.filter((node) => { if (node.isAncestorOf(this)) { Util_1.Util.error("Konva.Transformer cannot be an a child of the node you are trying to attach"); return false; } return true; }); this._nodes = nodes = filteredNodes; if (nodes.length === 1 && this.useSingleNodeRotation()) { this.rotation(nodes[0].getAbsoluteRotation()); } else { this.rotation(0); } this._nodes.forEach((node) => { const onChange = () => { if (this.nodes().length === 1 && this.useSingleNodeRotation()) { this.rotation(this.nodes()[0].getAbsoluteRotation()); } this._resetTransformCache(); if (!this._transforming && !this.isDragging()) { this.update(); } }; const additionalEvents = => prop + "Change." + this._getEventNamespace()).join(" "); node.on(additionalEvents, onChange); node.on( => e + `.${this._getEventNamespace()}`).join(" "), onChange); node.on(`absoluteTransformChange.${this._getEventNamespace()}`, onChange); this._proxyDrag(node); }); this._resetTransformCache(); var elementsCreated = !!this.findOne(".top-left"); if (elementsCreated) { this.update(); } return this; } _proxyDrag(node) { let lastPos; node.on(`dragstart.${this._getEventNamespace()}`, (e) => { lastPos = node.getAbsolutePosition(); if (!this.isDragging() && node !== this.findOne(".back")) { this.startDrag(e, false); } }); node.on(`dragmove.${this._getEventNamespace()}`, (e) => { if (!lastPos) { return; } const abs = node.getAbsolutePosition(); const dx = abs.x - lastPos.x; const dy = abs.y - lastPos.y; this.nodes().forEach((otherNode) => { if (otherNode === node) { return; } if (otherNode.isDragging()) { return; } const otherAbs = otherNode.getAbsolutePosition(); otherNode.setAbsolutePosition({ x: otherAbs.x + dx, y: otherAbs.y + dy }); otherNode.startDrag(e); }); lastPos = null; }); } getNodes() { return this._nodes || []; } getActiveAnchor() { return this._movingAnchorName; } detach() { if (this._nodes) { this._nodes.forEach((node) => {"." + this._getEventNamespace()); }); } this._nodes = []; this._resetTransformCache(); } _resetTransformCache() { this._clearCache(NODES_RECT); this._clearCache("transform"); this._clearSelfAndDescendantCache("absoluteTransform"); } _getNodeRect() { return this._getCache(NODES_RECT, this.__getNodeRect); } __getNodeShape(node, rot = this.rotation(), relative) { var rect = node.getClientRect({ skipTransform: true, skipShadow: true, skipStroke: this.ignoreStroke() }); var absScale = node.getAbsoluteScale(relative); var absPos = node.getAbsolutePosition(relative); var dx = rect.x * absScale.x - node.offsetX() * absScale.x; var dy = rect.y * absScale.y - node.offsetY() * absScale.y; const rotation = (Global_1.Konva.getAngle(node.getAbsoluteRotation()) + Math.PI * 2) % (Math.PI * 2); const box = { x: absPos.x + dx * Math.cos(rotation) + dy * Math.sin(-rotation), y: absPos.y + dy * Math.cos(rotation) + dx * Math.sin(rotation), width: rect.width * absScale.x, height: rect.height * absScale.y, rotation }; return rotateAroundPoint(box, -Global_1.Konva.getAngle(rot), { x: 0, y: 0 }); } __getNodeRect() { var node = this.getNode(); if (!node) { return { x: -MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, y: -MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, width: 0, height: 0, rotation: 0 }; } const totalPoints = []; this.nodes().map((node2) => { const box = node2.getClientRect({ skipTransform: true, skipShadow: true, skipStroke: this.ignoreStroke() }); var points = [ { x: box.x, y: box.y }, { x: box.x + box.width, y: box.y }, { x: box.x + box.width, y: box.y + box.height }, { x: box.x, y: box.y + box.height } ]; var trans = node2.getAbsoluteTransform(); points.forEach(function(point) { var transformed = trans.point(point); totalPoints.push(transformed); }); }); const tr = new Util_1.Transform(); tr.rotate(-Global_1.Konva.getAngle(this.rotation())); var minX = Infinity, minY = Infinity, maxX = -Infinity, maxY = -Infinity; totalPoints.forEach(function(point) { var transformed = tr.point(point); if (minX === void 0) { minX = maxX = transformed.x; minY = maxY = transformed.y; } minX = Math.min(minX, transformed.x); minY = Math.min(minY, transformed.y); maxX = Math.max(maxX, transformed.x); maxY = Math.max(maxY, transformed.y); }); tr.invert(); const p = tr.point({ x: minX, y: minY }); return { x: p.x, y: p.y, width: maxX - minX, height: maxY - minY, rotation: Global_1.Konva.getAngle(this.rotation()) }; } getX() { return this._getNodeRect().x; } getY() { return this._getNodeRect().y; } getWidth() { return this._getNodeRect().width; } getHeight() { return this._getNodeRect().height; } _createElements() { this._createBack(); ANCHORS_NAMES.forEach((name) => { this._createAnchor(name); }); this._createAnchor("rotater"); } _createAnchor(name) { var anchor = new Rect_1.Rect({ stroke: "rgb(0, 161, 255)", fill: "white", strokeWidth: 1, name: name + " _anchor", dragDistance: 0, draggable: true, hitStrokeWidth: TOUCH_DEVICE ? 10 : "auto" }); var self = this; anchor.on("mousedown touchstart", function(e) { self._handleMouseDown(e); }); anchor.on("dragstart", (e) => { anchor.stopDrag(); e.cancelBubble = true; }); anchor.on("dragend", (e) => { e.cancelBubble = true; }); anchor.on("mouseenter", () => { var rad = Global_1.Konva.getAngle(this.rotation()); var rotateCursor = this.rotateAnchorCursor(); var cursor = getCursor(name, rad, rotateCursor); anchor.getStage().content && (anchor.getStage() = cursor); this._cursorChange = true; }); anchor.on("mouseout", () => { anchor.getStage().content && (anchor.getStage() = ""); this._cursorChange = false; }); this.add(anchor); } _createBack() { var back = new Shape_1.Shape({ name: "back", width: 0, height: 0, draggable: true, sceneFunc(ctx, shape) { var tr = shape.getParent(); var padding = tr.padding(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(-padding, -padding, shape.width() + padding * 2, shape.height() + padding * 2); ctx.moveTo(shape.width() / 2, -padding); if (tr.rotateEnabled() && tr.rotateLineVisible()) { ctx.lineTo(shape.width() / 2, -tr.rotateAnchorOffset() * Util_1.Util._sign(shape.height()) - padding); } ctx.fillStrokeShape(shape); }, hitFunc: (ctx, shape) => { if (!this.shouldOverdrawWholeArea()) { return; } var padding = this.padding(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(-padding, -padding, shape.width() + padding * 2, shape.height() + padding * 2); ctx.fillStrokeShape(shape); } }); this.add(back); this._proxyDrag(back); back.on("dragstart", (e) => { e.cancelBubble = true; }); back.on("dragmove", (e) => { e.cancelBubble = true; }); back.on("dragend", (e) => { e.cancelBubble = true; }); this.on("dragmove", (e) => { this.update(); }); } _handleMouseDown(e) { if (this._transforming) { return; } this._movingAnchorName =" ")[0]; var attrs = this._getNodeRect(); var width = attrs.width; var height = attrs.height; var hypotenuse = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(width, 2) + Math.pow(height, 2)); this.sin = Math.abs(height / hypotenuse); this.cos = Math.abs(width / hypotenuse); if (typeof window !== "undefined") { window.addEventListener("mousemove", this._handleMouseMove); window.addEventListener("touchmove", this._handleMouseMove); window.addEventListener("mouseup", this._handleMouseUp, true); window.addEventListener("touchend", this._handleMouseUp, true); } this._transforming = true; var ap =; var pos =; this._anchorDragOffset = { x: pos.x - ap.x, y: pos.y - ap.y }; activeTransformersCount++; this._fire("transformstart", { evt: e.evt, target: this.getNode() }); this._nodes.forEach((target) => { target._fire("transformstart", { evt: e.evt, target }); }); } _handleMouseMove(e) { var x, y, newHypotenuse; var anchorNode = this.findOne("." + this._movingAnchorName); var stage = anchorNode.getStage(); stage.setPointersPositions(e); const pp = stage.getPointerPosition(); let newNodePos = { x: pp.x - this._anchorDragOffset.x, y: pp.y - this._anchorDragOffset.y }; const oldAbs = anchorNode.getAbsolutePosition(); if (this.anchorDragBoundFunc()) { newNodePos = this.anchorDragBoundFunc()(oldAbs, newNodePos, e); } anchorNode.setAbsolutePosition(newNodePos); const newAbs = anchorNode.getAbsolutePosition(); if (oldAbs.x === newAbs.x && oldAbs.y === newAbs.y) { return; } if (this._movingAnchorName === "rotater") { var attrs = this._getNodeRect(); x = anchorNode.x() - attrs.width / 2; y = -anchorNode.y() + attrs.height / 2; let delta = Math.atan2(-y, x) + Math.PI / 2; if (attrs.height < 0) { delta -= Math.PI; } var oldRotation = Global_1.Konva.getAngle(this.rotation()); const newRotation = oldRotation + delta; const tol = Global_1.Konva.getAngle(this.rotationSnapTolerance()); const snappedRot = getSnap(this.rotationSnaps(), newRotation, tol); const diff = snappedRot - attrs.rotation; const shape = rotateAroundCenter(attrs, diff); this._fitNodesInto(shape, e); return; } var shiftBehavior = this.shiftBehavior(); var keepProportion; if (shiftBehavior === "inverted") { keepProportion = this.keepRatio() && !e.shiftKey; } else if (shiftBehavior === "none") { keepProportion = this.keepRatio(); } else { keepProportion = this.keepRatio() || e.shiftKey; } var centeredScaling = this.centeredScaling() || e.altKey; if (this._movingAnchorName === "top-left") { if (keepProportion) { var comparePoint = centeredScaling ? { x: this.width() / 2, y: this.height() / 2 } : { x: this.findOne(".bottom-right").x(), y: this.findOne(".bottom-right").y() }; newHypotenuse = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(comparePoint.x - anchorNode.x(), 2) + Math.pow(comparePoint.y - anchorNode.y(), 2)); var reverseX = this.findOne(".top-left").x() > comparePoint.x ? -1 : 1; var reverseY = this.findOne(".top-left").y() > comparePoint.y ? -1 : 1; x = newHypotenuse * this.cos * reverseX; y = newHypotenuse * this.sin * reverseY; this.findOne(".top-left").x(comparePoint.x - x); this.findOne(".top-left").y(comparePoint.y - y); } } else if (this._movingAnchorName === "top-center") { this.findOne(".top-left").y(anchorNode.y()); } else if (this._movingAnchorName === "top-right") { if (keepProportion) { var comparePoint = centeredScaling ? { x: this.width() / 2, y: this.height() / 2 } : { x: this.findOne(".bottom-left").x(), y: this.findOne(".bottom-left").y() }; newHypotenuse = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(anchorNode.x() - comparePoint.x, 2) + Math.pow(comparePoint.y - anchorNode.y(), 2)); var reverseX = this.findOne(".top-right").x() < comparePoint.x ? -1 : 1; var reverseY = this.findOne(".top-right").y() > comparePoint.y ? -1 : 1; x = newHypotenuse * this.cos * reverseX; y = newHypotenuse * this.sin * reverseY; this.findOne(".top-right").x(comparePoint.x + x); this.findOne(".top-right").y(comparePoint.y - y); } var pos = anchorNode.position(); this.findOne(".top-left").y(pos.y); this.findOne(".bottom-right").x(pos.x); } else if (this._movingAnchorName === "middle-left") { this.findOne(".top-left").x(anchorNode.x()); } else if (this._movingAnchorName === "middle-right") { this.findOne(".bottom-right").x(anchorNode.x()); } else if (this._movingAnchorName === "bottom-left") { if (keepProportion) { var comparePoint = centeredScaling ? { x: this.width() / 2, y: this.height() / 2 } : { x: this.findOne(".top-right").x(), y: this.findOne(".top-right").y() }; newHypotenuse = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(comparePoint.x - anchorNode.x(), 2) + Math.pow(anchorNode.y() - comparePoint.y, 2)); var reverseX = comparePoint.x < anchorNode.x() ? -1 : 1; var reverseY = anchorNode.y() < comparePoint.y ? -1 : 1; x = newHypotenuse * this.cos * reverseX; y = newHypotenuse * this.sin * reverseY; anchorNode.x(comparePoint.x - x); anchorNode.y(comparePoint.y + y); } pos = anchorNode.position(); this.findOne(".top-left").x(pos.x); this.findOne(".bottom-right").y(pos.y); } else if (this._movingAnchorName === "bottom-center") { this.findOne(".bottom-right").y(anchorNode.y()); } else if (this._movingAnchorName === "bottom-right") { if (keepProportion) { var comparePoint = centeredScaling ? { x: this.width() / 2, y: this.height() / 2 } : { x: this.findOne(".top-left").x(), y: this.findOne(".top-left").y() }; newHypotenuse = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(anchorNode.x() - comparePoint.x, 2) + Math.pow(anchorNode.y() - comparePoint.y, 2)); var reverseX = this.findOne(".bottom-right").x() < comparePoint.x ? -1 : 1; var reverseY = this.findOne(".bottom-right").y() < comparePoint.y ? -1 : 1; x = newHypotenuse * this.cos * reverseX; y = newHypotenuse * this.sin * reverseY; this.findOne(".bottom-right").x(comparePoint.x + x); this.findOne(".bottom-right").y(comparePoint.y + y); } } else { console.error(new Error("Wrong position argument of selection resizer: " + this._movingAnchorName)); } var centeredScaling = this.centeredScaling() || e.altKey; if (centeredScaling) { var topLeft = this.findOne(".top-left"); var bottomRight = this.findOne(".bottom-right"); var topOffsetX = topLeft.x(); var topOffsetY = topLeft.y(); var bottomOffsetX = this.getWidth() - bottomRight.x(); var bottomOffsetY = this.getHeight() - bottomRight.y(); bottomRight.move({ x: -topOffsetX, y: -topOffsetY }); topLeft.move({ x: bottomOffsetX, y: bottomOffsetY }); } var absPos = this.findOne(".top-left").getAbsolutePosition(); x = absPos.x; y = absPos.y; var width = this.findOne(".bottom-right").x() - this.findOne(".top-left").x(); var height = this.findOne(".bottom-right").y() - this.findOne(".top-left").y(); this._fitNodesInto({ x, y, width, height, rotation: Global_1.Konva.getAngle(this.rotation()) }, e); } _handleMouseUp(e) { this._removeEvents(e); } getAbsoluteTransform() { return this.getTransform(); } _removeEvents(e) { var _a; if (this._transforming) { this._transforming = false; if (typeof window !== "undefined") { window.removeEventListener("mousemove", this._handleMouseMove); window.removeEventListener("touchmove", this._handleMouseMove); window.removeEventListener("mouseup", this._handleMouseUp, true); window.removeEventListener("touchend", this._handleMouseUp, true); } var node = this.getNode(); activeTransformersCount--; this._fire("transformend", { evt: e, target: node }); (_a = this.getLayer()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.batchDraw(); if (node) { this._nodes.forEach((target) => { var _a2; target._fire("transformend", { evt: e, target }); (_a2 = target.getLayer()) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.batchDraw(); }); } this._movingAnchorName = null; } } _fitNodesInto(newAttrs, evt) { var oldAttrs = this._getNodeRect(); const minSize = 1; if (Util_1.Util._inRange(newAttrs.width, -this.padding() * 2 - minSize, minSize)) { this.update(); return; } if (Util_1.Util._inRange(newAttrs.height, -this.padding() * 2 - minSize, minSize)) { this.update(); return; } var t = new Util_1.Transform(); t.rotate(Global_1.Konva.getAngle(this.rotation())); if (this._movingAnchorName && newAttrs.width < 0 && this._movingAnchorName.indexOf("left") >= 0) { const offset = t.point({ x: -this.padding() * 2, y: 0 }); newAttrs.x += offset.x; newAttrs.y += offset.y; newAttrs.width += this.padding() * 2; this._movingAnchorName = this._movingAnchorName.replace("left", "right"); this._anchorDragOffset.x -= offset.x; this._anchorDragOffset.y -= offset.y; } else if (this._movingAnchorName && newAttrs.width < 0 && this._movingAnchorName.indexOf("right") >= 0) { const offset = t.point({ x: this.padding() * 2, y: 0 }); this._movingAnchorName = this._movingAnchorName.replace("right", "left"); this._anchorDragOffset.x -= offset.x; this._anchorDragOffset.y -= offset.y; newAttrs.width += this.padding() * 2; } if (this._movingAnchorName && newAttrs.height < 0 && this._movingAnchorName.indexOf("top") >= 0) { const offset = t.point({ x: 0, y: -this.padding() * 2 }); newAttrs.x += offset.x; newAttrs.y += offset.y; this._movingAnchorName = this._movingAnchorName.replace("top", "bottom"); this._anchorDragOffset.x -= offset.x; this._anchorDragOffset.y -= offset.y; newAttrs.height += this.padding() * 2; } else if (this._movingAnchorName && newAttrs.height < 0 && this._movingAnchorName.indexOf("bottom") >= 0) { const offset = t.point({ x: 0, y: this.padding() * 2 }); this._movingAnchorName = this._movingAnchorName.replace("bottom", "top"); this._anchorDragOffset.x -= offset.x; this._anchorDragOffset.y -= offset.y; newAttrs.height += this.padding() * 2; } if (this.boundBoxFunc()) { const bounded = this.boundBoxFunc()(oldAttrs, newAttrs); if (bounded) { newAttrs = bounded; } else { Util_1.Util.warn("boundBoxFunc returned falsy. You should return new bound rect from it!"); } } const baseSize = 1e7; const oldTr = new Util_1.Transform(); oldTr.translate(oldAttrs.x, oldAttrs.y); oldTr.rotate(oldAttrs.rotation); oldTr.scale(oldAttrs.width / baseSize, oldAttrs.height / baseSize); const newTr = new Util_1.Transform(); const newScaleX = newAttrs.width / baseSize; const newScaleY = newAttrs.height / baseSize; if (this.flipEnabled() === false) { newTr.translate(newAttrs.x, newAttrs.y); newTr.rotate(newAttrs.rotation); newTr.translate(newAttrs.width < 0 ? newAttrs.width : 0, newAttrs.height < 0 ? newAttrs.height : 0); newTr.scale(Math.abs(newScaleX), Math.abs(newScaleY)); } else { newTr.translate(newAttrs.x, newAttrs.y); newTr.rotate(newAttrs.rotation); newTr.scale(newScaleX, newScaleY); } const delta = newTr.multiply(oldTr.invert()); this._nodes.forEach((node) => { var _a; const parentTransform = node.getParent().getAbsoluteTransform(); const localTransform = node.getTransform().copy(); localTransform.translate(node.offsetX(), node.offsetY()); const newLocalTransform = new Util_1.Transform(); newLocalTransform.multiply(parentTransform.copy().invert()).multiply(delta).multiply(parentTransform).multiply(localTransform); const attrs = newLocalTransform.decompose(); node.setAttrs(attrs); (_a = node.getLayer()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.batchDraw(); }); this.rotation(Util_1.Util._getRotation(newAttrs.rotation)); this._nodes.forEach((node) => { this._fire("transform", { evt, target: node }); node._fire("transform", { evt, target: node }); }); this._resetTransformCache(); this.update(); this.getLayer().batchDraw(); } forceUpdate() { this._resetTransformCache(); this.update(); } _batchChangeChild(selector, attrs) { const anchor = this.findOne(selector); anchor.setAttrs(attrs); } update() { var _a; var attrs = this._getNodeRect(); this.rotation(Util_1.Util._getRotation(attrs.rotation)); var width = attrs.width; var height = attrs.height; var enabledAnchors = this.enabledAnchors(); var resizeEnabled = this.resizeEnabled(); var padding = this.padding(); var anchorSize = this.anchorSize(); const anchors = this.find("._anchor"); anchors.forEach((node) => { node.setAttrs({ width: anchorSize, height: anchorSize, offsetX: anchorSize / 2, offsetY: anchorSize / 2, stroke: this.anchorStroke(), strokeWidth: this.anchorStrokeWidth(), fill: this.anchorFill(), cornerRadius: this.anchorCornerRadius() }); }); this._batchChangeChild(".top-left", { x: 0, y: 0, offsetX: anchorSize / 2 + padding, offsetY: anchorSize / 2 + padding, visible: resizeEnabled && enabledAnchors.indexOf("top-left") >= 0 }); this._batchChangeChild(".top-center", { x: width / 2, y: 0, offsetY: anchorSize / 2 + padding, visible: resizeEnabled && enabledAnchors.indexOf("top-center") >= 0 }); this._batchChangeChild(".top-right", { x: width, y: 0, offsetX: anchorSize / 2 - padding, offsetY: anchorSize / 2 + padding, visible: resizeEnabled && enabledAnchors.indexOf("top-right") >= 0 }); this._batchChangeChild(".middle-left", { x: 0, y: height / 2, offsetX: anchorSize / 2 + padding, visible: resizeEnabled && enabledAnchors.indexOf("middle-left") >= 0 }); this._batchChangeChild(".middle-right", { x: width, y: height / 2, offsetX: anchorSize / 2 - padding, visible: resizeEnabled && enabledAnchors.indexOf("middle-right") >= 0 }); this._batchChangeChild(".bottom-left", { x: 0, y: height, offsetX: anchorSize / 2 + padding, offsetY: anchorSize / 2 - padding, visible: resizeEnabled && enabledAnchors.indexOf("bottom-left") >= 0 }); this._batchChangeChild(".bottom-center", { x: width / 2, y: height, offsetY: anchorSize / 2 - padding, visible: resizeEnabled && enabledAnchors.indexOf("bottom-center") >= 0 }); this._batchChangeChild(".bottom-right", { x: width, y: height, offsetX: anchorSize / 2 - padding, offsetY: anchorSize / 2 - padding, visible: resizeEnabled && enabledAnchors.indexOf("bottom-right") >= 0 }); this._batchChangeChild(".rotater", { x: width / 2, y: -this.rotateAnchorOffset() * Util_1.Util._sign(height) - padding, visible: this.rotateEnabled() }); this._batchChangeChild(".back", { width, height, visible: this.borderEnabled(), stroke: this.borderStroke(), strokeWidth: this.borderStrokeWidth(), dash: this.borderDash(), x: 0, y: 0 }); const styleFunc = this.anchorStyleFunc(); if (styleFunc) { anchors.forEach((node) => { styleFunc(node); }); } (_a = this.getLayer()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.batchDraw(); } isTransforming() { return this._transforming; } stopTransform() { if (this._transforming) { this._removeEvents(); var anchorNode = this.findOne("." + this._movingAnchorName); if (anchorNode) { anchorNode.stopDrag(); } } } destroy() { if (this.getStage() && this._cursorChange) { this.getStage().content && (this.getStage() = ""); }; this.detach(); this._removeEvents(); return this; } toObject() { return; } clone(obj) { var node =, obj); return node; } getClientRect() { if (this.nodes().length > 0) { return super.getClientRect(); } else { return { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }; } } }; exports.Transformer = Transformer; Transformer.isTransforming = () => { return activeTransformersCount > 0; }; function validateAnchors(val) { if (!(val instanceof Array)) { Util_1.Util.warn("enabledAnchors value should be an array"); } if (val instanceof Array) { val.forEach(function(name) { if (ANCHORS_NAMES.indexOf(name) === -1) { Util_1.Util.warn("Unknown anchor name: " + name + ". Available names are: " + ANCHORS_NAMES.join(", ")); } }); } return val || []; } Transformer.prototype.className = "Transformer"; (0, Global_2._registerNode)(Transformer); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "enabledAnchors", ANCHORS_NAMES, validateAnchors); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "flipEnabled", true, (0, Validators_1.getBooleanValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "resizeEnabled", true); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "anchorSize", 10, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "rotateEnabled", true); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "rotateLineVisible", true); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "rotationSnaps", []); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "rotateAnchorOffset", 50, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "rotateAnchorCursor", "crosshair"); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "rotationSnapTolerance", 5, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "borderEnabled", true); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "anchorStroke", "rgb(0, 161, 255)"); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "anchorStrokeWidth", 1, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "anchorFill", "white"); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "anchorCornerRadius", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "borderStroke", "rgb(0, 161, 255)"); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "borderStrokeWidth", 1, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "borderDash"); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "keepRatio", true); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "shiftBehavior", "default"); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "centeredScaling", false); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "ignoreStroke", false); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "padding", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "node"); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "nodes"); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "boundBoxFunc"); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "anchorDragBoundFunc"); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "anchorStyleFunc"); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "shouldOverdrawWholeArea", false); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Transformer, "useSingleNodeRotation", true); Factory_1.Factory.backCompat(Transformer, { lineEnabled: "borderEnabled", rotateHandlerOffset: "rotateAnchorOffset", enabledHandlers: "enabledAnchors" }); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/Wedge.js var require_Wedge = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/shapes/Wedge.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Wedge = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Shape_1 = require_Shape(); var Global_1 = require_Global(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var Global_2 = require_Global(); var Wedge = class extends Shape_1.Shape { _sceneFunc(context) { context.beginPath(); context.arc(0, 0, this.radius(), 0, Global_1.Konva.getAngle(this.angle()), this.clockwise()); context.lineTo(0, 0); context.closePath(); context.fillStrokeShape(this); } getWidth() { return this.radius() * 2; } getHeight() { return this.radius() * 2; } setWidth(width) { this.radius(width / 2); } setHeight(height) { this.radius(height / 2); } }; exports.Wedge = Wedge; Wedge.prototype.className = "Wedge"; Wedge.prototype._centroid = true; Wedge.prototype._attrsAffectingSize = ["radius"]; (0, Global_2._registerNode)(Wedge); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Wedge, "radius", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Wedge, "angle", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)()); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Wedge, "clockwise", false); Factory_1.Factory.backCompat(Wedge, { angleDeg: "angle", getAngleDeg: "getAngle", setAngleDeg: "setAngle" }); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Blur.js var require_Blur = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Blur.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Blur = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Node_1 = require_Node(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); function BlurStack() { this.r = 0; this.g = 0; this.b = 0; this.a = 0; = null; } var mul_table = [ 512, 512, 456, 512, 328, 456, 335, 512, 405, 328, 271, 456, 388, 335, 292, 512, 454, 405, 364, 328, 298, 271, 496, 456, 420, 388, 360, 335, 312, 292, 273, 512, 482, 454, 428, 405, 383, 364, 345, 328, 312, 298, 284, 271, 259, 496, 475, 456, 437, 420, 404, 388, 374, 360, 347, 335, 323, 312, 302, 292, 282, 273, 265, 512, 497, 482, 468, 454, 441, 428, 417, 405, 394, 383, 373, 364, 354, 345, 337, 328, 320, 312, 305, 298, 291, 284, 278, 271, 265, 259, 507, 496, 485, 475, 465, 456, 446, 437, 428, 420, 412, 404, 396, 388, 381, 374, 367, 360, 354, 347, 341, 335, 329, 323, 318, 312, 307, 302, 297, 292, 287, 282, 278, 273, 269, 265, 261, 512, 505, 497, 489, 482, 475, 468, 461, 454, 447, 441, 435, 428, 422, 417, 411, 405, 399, 394, 389, 383, 378, 373, 368, 364, 359, 354, 350, 345, 341, 337, 332, 328, 324, 320, 316, 312, 309, 305, 301, 298, 294, 291, 287, 284, 281, 278, 274, 271, 268, 265, 262, 259, 257, 507, 501, 496, 491, 485, 480, 475, 470, 465, 460, 456, 451, 446, 442, 437, 433, 428, 424, 420, 416, 412, 408, 404, 400, 396, 392, 388, 385, 381, 377, 374, 370, 367, 363, 360, 357, 354, 350, 347, 344, 341, 338, 335, 332, 329, 326, 323, 320, 318, 315, 312, 310, 307, 304, 302, 299, 297, 294, 292, 289, 287, 285, 282, 280, 278, 275, 273, 271, 269, 267, 265, 263, 261, 259 ]; var shg_table = [ 9, 11, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24 ]; function filterGaussBlurRGBA(imageData, radius) { var pixels =, width = imageData.width, height = imageData.height; var x, y, i, p, yp, yi, yw, r_sum, g_sum, b_sum, a_sum, r_out_sum, g_out_sum, b_out_sum, a_out_sum, r_in_sum, g_in_sum, b_in_sum, a_in_sum, pr, pg, pb, pa, rbs; var div = radius + radius + 1, widthMinus1 = width - 1, heightMinus1 = height - 1, radiusPlus1 = radius + 1, sumFactor = radiusPlus1 * (radiusPlus1 + 1) / 2, stackStart = new BlurStack(), stackEnd = null, stack = stackStart, stackIn = null, stackOut = null, mul_sum = mul_table[radius], shg_sum = shg_table[radius]; for (i = 1; i < div; i++) { stack = = new BlurStack(); if (i === radiusPlus1) { stackEnd = stack; } } = stackStart; yw = yi = 0; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { r_in_sum = g_in_sum = b_in_sum = a_in_sum = r_sum = g_sum = b_sum = a_sum = 0; r_out_sum = radiusPlus1 * (pr = pixels[yi]); g_out_sum = radiusPlus1 * (pg = pixels[yi + 1]); b_out_sum = radiusPlus1 * (pb = pixels[yi + 2]); a_out_sum = radiusPlus1 * (pa = pixels[yi + 3]); r_sum += sumFactor * pr; g_sum += sumFactor * pg; b_sum += sumFactor * pb; a_sum += sumFactor * pa; stack = stackStart; for (i = 0; i < radiusPlus1; i++) { stack.r = pr; stack.g = pg; stack.b = pb; stack.a = pa; stack =; } for (i = 1; i < radiusPlus1; i++) { p = yi + ((widthMinus1 < i ? widthMinus1 : i) << 2); r_sum += (stack.r = pr = pixels[p]) * (rbs = radiusPlus1 - i); g_sum += (stack.g = pg = pixels[p + 1]) * rbs; b_sum += (stack.b = pb = pixels[p + 2]) * rbs; a_sum += (stack.a = pa = pixels[p + 3]) * rbs; r_in_sum += pr; g_in_sum += pg; b_in_sum += pb; a_in_sum += pa; stack =; } stackIn = stackStart; stackOut = stackEnd; for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { pixels[yi + 3] = pa = a_sum * mul_sum >> shg_sum; if (pa !== 0) { pa = 255 / pa; pixels[yi] = (r_sum * mul_sum >> shg_sum) * pa; pixels[yi + 1] = (g_sum * mul_sum >> shg_sum) * pa; pixels[yi + 2] = (b_sum * mul_sum >> shg_sum) * pa; } else { pixels[yi] = pixels[yi + 1] = pixels[yi + 2] = 0; } r_sum -= r_out_sum; g_sum -= g_out_sum; b_sum -= b_out_sum; a_sum -= a_out_sum; r_out_sum -= stackIn.r; g_out_sum -= stackIn.g; b_out_sum -= stackIn.b; a_out_sum -= stackIn.a; p = yw + ((p = x + radius + 1) < widthMinus1 ? p : widthMinus1) << 2; r_in_sum += stackIn.r = pixels[p]; g_in_sum += stackIn.g = pixels[p + 1]; b_in_sum += stackIn.b = pixels[p + 2]; a_in_sum += stackIn.a = pixels[p + 3]; r_sum += r_in_sum; g_sum += g_in_sum; b_sum += b_in_sum; a_sum += a_in_sum; stackIn =; r_out_sum += pr = stackOut.r; g_out_sum += pg = stackOut.g; b_out_sum += pb = stackOut.b; a_out_sum += pa = stackOut.a; r_in_sum -= pr; g_in_sum -= pg; b_in_sum -= pb; a_in_sum -= pa; stackOut =; yi += 4; } yw += width; } for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { g_in_sum = b_in_sum = a_in_sum = r_in_sum = g_sum = b_sum = a_sum = r_sum = 0; yi = x << 2; r_out_sum = radiusPlus1 * (pr = pixels[yi]); g_out_sum = radiusPlus1 * (pg = pixels[yi + 1]); b_out_sum = radiusPlus1 * (pb = pixels[yi + 2]); a_out_sum = radiusPlus1 * (pa = pixels[yi + 3]); r_sum += sumFactor * pr; g_sum += sumFactor * pg; b_sum += sumFactor * pb; a_sum += sumFactor * pa; stack = stackStart; for (i = 0; i < radiusPlus1; i++) { stack.r = pr; stack.g = pg; stack.b = pb; stack.a = pa; stack =; } yp = width; for (i = 1; i <= radius; i++) { yi = yp + x << 2; r_sum += (stack.r = pr = pixels[yi]) * (rbs = radiusPlus1 - i); g_sum += (stack.g = pg = pixels[yi + 1]) * rbs; b_sum += (stack.b = pb = pixels[yi + 2]) * rbs; a_sum += (stack.a = pa = pixels[yi + 3]) * rbs; r_in_sum += pr; g_in_sum += pg; b_in_sum += pb; a_in_sum += pa; stack =; if (i < heightMinus1) { yp += width; } } yi = x; stackIn = stackStart; stackOut = stackEnd; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { p = yi << 2; pixels[p + 3] = pa = a_sum * mul_sum >> shg_sum; if (pa > 0) { pa = 255 / pa; pixels[p] = (r_sum * mul_sum >> shg_sum) * pa; pixels[p + 1] = (g_sum * mul_sum >> shg_sum) * pa; pixels[p + 2] = (b_sum * mul_sum >> shg_sum) * pa; } else { pixels[p] = pixels[p + 1] = pixels[p + 2] = 0; } r_sum -= r_out_sum; g_sum -= g_out_sum; b_sum -= b_out_sum; a_sum -= a_out_sum; r_out_sum -= stackIn.r; g_out_sum -= stackIn.g; b_out_sum -= stackIn.b; a_out_sum -= stackIn.a; p = x + ((p = y + radiusPlus1) < heightMinus1 ? p : heightMinus1) * width << 2; r_sum += r_in_sum += stackIn.r = pixels[p]; g_sum += g_in_sum += stackIn.g = pixels[p + 1]; b_sum += b_in_sum += stackIn.b = pixels[p + 2]; a_sum += a_in_sum += stackIn.a = pixels[p + 3]; stackIn =; r_out_sum += pr = stackOut.r; g_out_sum += pg = stackOut.g; b_out_sum += pb = stackOut.b; a_out_sum += pa = stackOut.a; r_in_sum -= pr; g_in_sum -= pg; b_in_sum -= pb; a_in_sum -= pa; stackOut =; yi += width; } } } var Blur = function Blur2(imageData) { var radius = Math.round(this.blurRadius()); if (radius > 0) { filterGaussBlurRGBA(imageData, radius); } }; exports.Blur = Blur; Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "blurRadius", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)(), Factory_1.Factory.afterSetFilter); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Brighten.js var require_Brighten = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Brighten.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Brighten = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Node_1 = require_Node(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var Brighten = function(imageData) { var brightness = this.brightness() * 255, data =, len = data.length, i; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4) { data[i] += brightness; data[i + 1] += brightness; data[i + 2] += brightness; } }; exports.Brighten = Brighten; Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "brightness", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)(), Factory_1.Factory.afterSetFilter); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Contrast.js var require_Contrast = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Contrast.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Contrast = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Node_1 = require_Node(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var Contrast = function(imageData) { var adjust = Math.pow((this.contrast() + 100) / 100, 2); var data =, nPixels = data.length, red = 150, green = 150, blue = 150, i; for (i = 0; i < nPixels; i += 4) { red = data[i]; green = data[i + 1]; blue = data[i + 2]; red /= 255; red -= 0.5; red *= adjust; red += 0.5; red *= 255; green /= 255; green -= 0.5; green *= adjust; green += 0.5; green *= 255; blue /= 255; blue -= 0.5; blue *= adjust; blue += 0.5; blue *= 255; red = red < 0 ? 0 : red > 255 ? 255 : red; green = green < 0 ? 0 : green > 255 ? 255 : green; blue = blue < 0 ? 0 : blue > 255 ? 255 : blue; data[i] = red; data[i + 1] = green; data[i + 2] = blue; } }; exports.Contrast = Contrast; Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "contrast", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)(), Factory_1.Factory.afterSetFilter); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Emboss.js var require_Emboss = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Emboss.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Emboss = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Node_1 = require_Node(); var Util_1 = require_Util(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var Emboss = function(imageData) { var strength = this.embossStrength() * 10, greyLevel = this.embossWhiteLevel() * 255, direction = this.embossDirection(), blend = this.embossBlend(), dirY = 0, dirX = 0, data =, w = imageData.width, h = imageData.height, w4 = w * 4, y = h; switch (direction) { case "top-left": dirY = -1; dirX = -1; break; case "top": dirY = -1; dirX = 0; break; case "top-right": dirY = -1; dirX = 1; break; case "right": dirY = 0; dirX = 1; break; case "bottom-right": dirY = 1; dirX = 1; break; case "bottom": dirY = 1; dirX = 0; break; case "bottom-left": dirY = 1; dirX = -1; break; case "left": dirY = 0; dirX = -1; break; default: Util_1.Util.error("Unknown emboss direction: " + direction); } do { var offsetY = (y - 1) * w4; var otherY = dirY; if (y + otherY < 1) { otherY = 0; } if (y + otherY > h) { otherY = 0; } var offsetYOther = (y - 1 + otherY) * w * 4; var x = w; do { var offset = offsetY + (x - 1) * 4; var otherX = dirX; if (x + otherX < 1) { otherX = 0; } if (x + otherX > w) { otherX = 0; } var offsetOther = offsetYOther + (x - 1 + otherX) * 4; var dR = data[offset] - data[offsetOther]; var dG = data[offset + 1] - data[offsetOther + 1]; var dB = data[offset + 2] - data[offsetOther + 2]; var dif = dR; var absDif = dif > 0 ? dif : -dif; var absG = dG > 0 ? dG : -dG; var absB = dB > 0 ? dB : -dB; if (absG > absDif) { dif = dG; } if (absB > absDif) { dif = dB; } dif *= strength; if (blend) { var r = data[offset] + dif; var g = data[offset + 1] + dif; var b = data[offset + 2] + dif; data[offset] = r > 255 ? 255 : r < 0 ? 0 : r; data[offset + 1] = g > 255 ? 255 : g < 0 ? 0 : g; data[offset + 2] = b > 255 ? 255 : b < 0 ? 0 : b; } else { var grey = greyLevel - dif; if (grey < 0) { grey = 0; } else if (grey > 255) { grey = 255; } data[offset] = data[offset + 1] = data[offset + 2] = grey; } } while (--x); } while (--y); }; exports.Emboss = Emboss; Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "embossStrength", 0.5, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)(), Factory_1.Factory.afterSetFilter); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "embossWhiteLevel", 0.5, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)(), Factory_1.Factory.afterSetFilter); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "embossDirection", "top-left", null, Factory_1.Factory.afterSetFilter); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "embossBlend", false, null, Factory_1.Factory.afterSetFilter); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Enhance.js var require_Enhance = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Enhance.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Enhance = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Node_1 = require_Node(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); function remap(fromValue, fromMin, fromMax, toMin, toMax) { var fromRange = fromMax - fromMin, toRange = toMax - toMin, toValue; if (fromRange === 0) { return toMin + toRange / 2; } if (toRange === 0) { return toMin; } toValue = (fromValue - fromMin) / fromRange; toValue = toRange * toValue + toMin; return toValue; } var Enhance = function(imageData) { var data =, nSubPixels = data.length, rMin = data[0], rMax = rMin, r, gMin = data[1], gMax = gMin, g, bMin = data[2], bMax = bMin, b, i; var enhanceAmount = this.enhance(); if (enhanceAmount === 0) { return; } for (i = 0; i < nSubPixels; i += 4) { r = data[i + 0]; if (r < rMin) { rMin = r; } else if (r > rMax) { rMax = r; } g = data[i + 1]; if (g < gMin) { gMin = g; } else if (g > gMax) { gMax = g; } b = data[i + 2]; if (b < bMin) { bMin = b; } else if (b > bMax) { bMax = b; } } if (rMax === rMin) { rMax = 255; rMin = 0; } if (gMax === gMin) { gMax = 255; gMin = 0; } if (bMax === bMin) { bMax = 255; bMin = 0; } var rMid, rGoalMax, rGoalMin, gMid, gGoalMax, gGoalMin, bMid, bGoalMax, bGoalMin; if (enhanceAmount > 0) { rGoalMax = rMax + enhanceAmount * (255 - rMax); rGoalMin = rMin - enhanceAmount * (rMin - 0); gGoalMax = gMax + enhanceAmount * (255 - gMax); gGoalMin = gMin - enhanceAmount * (gMin - 0); bGoalMax = bMax + enhanceAmount * (255 - bMax); bGoalMin = bMin - enhanceAmount * (bMin - 0); } else { rMid = (rMax + rMin) * 0.5; rGoalMax = rMax + enhanceAmount * (rMax - rMid); rGoalMin = rMin + enhanceAmount * (rMin - rMid); gMid = (gMax + gMin) * 0.5; gGoalMax = gMax + enhanceAmount * (gMax - gMid); gGoalMin = gMin + enhanceAmount * (gMin - gMid); bMid = (bMax + bMin) * 0.5; bGoalMax = bMax + enhanceAmount * (bMax - bMid); bGoalMin = bMin + enhanceAmount * (bMin - bMid); } for (i = 0; i < nSubPixels; i += 4) { data[i + 0] = remap(data[i + 0], rMin, rMax, rGoalMin, rGoalMax); data[i + 1] = remap(data[i + 1], gMin, gMax, gGoalMin, gGoalMax); data[i + 2] = remap(data[i + 2], bMin, bMax, bGoalMin, bGoalMax); } }; exports.Enhance = Enhance; Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "enhance", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)(), Factory_1.Factory.afterSetFilter); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Grayscale.js var require_Grayscale = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Grayscale.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Grayscale = void 0; var Grayscale = function(imageData) { var data =, len = data.length, i, brightness; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4) { brightness = 0.34 * data[i] + 0.5 * data[i + 1] + 0.16 * data[i + 2]; data[i] = brightness; data[i + 1] = brightness; data[i + 2] = brightness; } }; exports.Grayscale = Grayscale; } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/filters/HSL.js var require_HSL = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/filters/HSL.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.HSL = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Node_1 = require_Node(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "hue", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)(), Factory_1.Factory.afterSetFilter); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "saturation", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)(), Factory_1.Factory.afterSetFilter); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "luminance", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)(), Factory_1.Factory.afterSetFilter); var HSL = function(imageData) { var data =, nPixels = data.length, v = 1, s = Math.pow(2, this.saturation()), h = Math.abs(this.hue() + 360) % 360, l = this.luminance() * 127, i; var vsu = v * s * Math.cos(h * Math.PI / 180), vsw = v * s * Math.sin(h * Math.PI / 180); var rr = 0.299 * v + 0.701 * vsu + 0.167 * vsw, rg = 0.587 * v - 0.587 * vsu + 0.33 * vsw, rb = 0.114 * v - 0.114 * vsu - 0.497 * vsw; var gr = 0.299 * v - 0.299 * vsu - 0.328 * vsw, gg = 0.587 * v + 0.413 * vsu + 0.035 * vsw, gb = 0.114 * v - 0.114 * vsu + 0.293 * vsw; var br = 0.299 * v - 0.3 * vsu + 1.25 * vsw, bg = 0.587 * v - 0.586 * vsu - 1.05 * vsw, bb = 0.114 * v + 0.886 * vsu - 0.2 * vsw; var r, g, b, a; for (i = 0; i < nPixels; i += 4) { r = data[i + 0]; g = data[i + 1]; b = data[i + 2]; a = data[i + 3]; data[i + 0] = rr * r + rg * g + rb * b + l; data[i + 1] = gr * r + gg * g + gb * b + l; data[i + 2] = br * r + bg * g + bb * b + l; data[i + 3] = a; } }; exports.HSL = HSL; } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/filters/HSV.js var require_HSV = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/filters/HSV.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.HSV = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Node_1 = require_Node(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var HSV = function(imageData) { var data =, nPixels = data.length, v = Math.pow(2, this.value()), s = Math.pow(2, this.saturation()), h = Math.abs(this.hue() + 360) % 360, i; var vsu = v * s * Math.cos(h * Math.PI / 180), vsw = v * s * Math.sin(h * Math.PI / 180); var rr = 0.299 * v + 0.701 * vsu + 0.167 * vsw, rg = 0.587 * v - 0.587 * vsu + 0.33 * vsw, rb = 0.114 * v - 0.114 * vsu - 0.497 * vsw; var gr = 0.299 * v - 0.299 * vsu - 0.328 * vsw, gg = 0.587 * v + 0.413 * vsu + 0.035 * vsw, gb = 0.114 * v - 0.114 * vsu + 0.293 * vsw; var br = 0.299 * v - 0.3 * vsu + 1.25 * vsw, bg = 0.587 * v - 0.586 * vsu - 1.05 * vsw, bb = 0.114 * v + 0.886 * vsu - 0.2 * vsw; var r, g, b, a; for (i = 0; i < nPixels; i += 4) { r = data[i + 0]; g = data[i + 1]; b = data[i + 2]; a = data[i + 3]; data[i + 0] = rr * r + rg * g + rb * b; data[i + 1] = gr * r + gg * g + gb * b; data[i + 2] = br * r + bg * g + bb * b; data[i + 3] = a; } }; exports.HSV = HSV; Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "hue", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)(), Factory_1.Factory.afterSetFilter); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "saturation", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)(), Factory_1.Factory.afterSetFilter); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "value", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)(), Factory_1.Factory.afterSetFilter); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Invert.js var require_Invert = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Invert.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Invert = void 0; var Invert = function(imageData) { var data =, len = data.length, i; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4) { data[i] = 255 - data[i]; data[i + 1] = 255 - data[i + 1]; data[i + 2] = 255 - data[i + 2]; } }; exports.Invert = Invert; } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Kaleidoscope.js var require_Kaleidoscope = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Kaleidoscope.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Kaleidoscope = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Node_1 = require_Node(); var Util_1 = require_Util(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var ToPolar = function(src, dst, opt) { var srcPixels =, dstPixels =, xSize = src.width, ySize = src.height, xMid = opt.polarCenterX || xSize / 2, yMid = opt.polarCenterY || ySize / 2, i, x, y, r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0; var rad, rMax = Math.sqrt(xMid * xMid + yMid * yMid); x = xSize - xMid; y = ySize - yMid; rad = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); rMax = rad > rMax ? rad : rMax; var rSize = ySize, tSize = xSize, radius, theta; var conversion = 360 / tSize * Math.PI / 180, sin, cos; for (theta = 0; theta < tSize; theta += 1) { sin = Math.sin(theta * conversion); cos = Math.cos(theta * conversion); for (radius = 0; radius < rSize; radius += 1) { x = Math.floor(xMid + rMax * radius / rSize * cos); y = Math.floor(yMid + rMax * radius / rSize * sin); i = (y * xSize + x) * 4; r = srcPixels[i + 0]; g = srcPixels[i + 1]; b = srcPixels[i + 2]; a = srcPixels[i + 3]; i = (theta + radius * xSize) * 4; dstPixels[i + 0] = r; dstPixels[i + 1] = g; dstPixels[i + 2] = b; dstPixels[i + 3] = a; } } }; var FromPolar = function(src, dst, opt) { var srcPixels =, dstPixels =, xSize = src.width, ySize = src.height, xMid = opt.polarCenterX || xSize / 2, yMid = opt.polarCenterY || ySize / 2, i, x, y, dx, dy, r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0; var rad, rMax = Math.sqrt(xMid * xMid + yMid * yMid); x = xSize - xMid; y = ySize - yMid; rad = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); rMax = rad > rMax ? rad : rMax; var rSize = ySize, tSize = xSize, radius, theta, phaseShift = opt.polarRotation || 0; var x1, y1; for (x = 0; x < xSize; x += 1) { for (y = 0; y < ySize; y += 1) { dx = x - xMid; dy = y - yMid; radius = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) * rSize / rMax; theta = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 180 / Math.PI + 360 + phaseShift) % 360; theta = theta * tSize / 360; x1 = Math.floor(theta); y1 = Math.floor(radius); i = (y1 * xSize + x1) * 4; r = srcPixels[i + 0]; g = srcPixels[i + 1]; b = srcPixels[i + 2]; a = srcPixels[i + 3]; i = (y * xSize + x) * 4; dstPixels[i + 0] = r; dstPixels[i + 1] = g; dstPixels[i + 2] = b; dstPixels[i + 3] = a; } } }; var Kaleidoscope = function(imageData) { var xSize = imageData.width, ySize = imageData.height; var x, y, xoff, i, r, g, b, a, srcPos, dstPos; var power = Math.round(this.kaleidoscopePower()); var angle = Math.round(this.kaleidoscopeAngle()); var offset = Math.floor(xSize * (angle % 360) / 360); if (power < 1) { return; } var tempCanvas = Util_1.Util.createCanvasElement(); tempCanvas.width = xSize; tempCanvas.height = ySize; var scratchData = tempCanvas.getContext("2d").getImageData(0, 0, xSize, ySize); Util_1.Util.releaseCanvas(tempCanvas); ToPolar(imageData, scratchData, { polarCenterX: xSize / 2, polarCenterY: ySize / 2 }); var minSectionSize = xSize / Math.pow(2, power); while (minSectionSize <= 8) { minSectionSize = minSectionSize * 2; power -= 1; } minSectionSize = Math.ceil(minSectionSize); var sectionSize = minSectionSize; var xStart = 0, xEnd = sectionSize, xDelta = 1; if (offset + minSectionSize > xSize) { xStart = sectionSize; xEnd = 0; xDelta = -1; } for (y = 0; y < ySize; y += 1) { for (x = xStart; x !== xEnd; x += xDelta) { xoff = Math.round(x + offset) % xSize; srcPos = (xSize * y + xoff) * 4; r =[srcPos + 0]; g =[srcPos + 1]; b =[srcPos + 2]; a =[srcPos + 3]; dstPos = (xSize * y + x) * 4;[dstPos + 0] = r;[dstPos + 1] = g;[dstPos + 2] = b;[dstPos + 3] = a; } } for (y = 0; y < ySize; y += 1) { sectionSize = Math.floor(minSectionSize); for (i = 0; i < power; i += 1) { for (x = 0; x < sectionSize + 1; x += 1) { srcPos = (xSize * y + x) * 4; r =[srcPos + 0]; g =[srcPos + 1]; b =[srcPos + 2]; a =[srcPos + 3]; dstPos = (xSize * y + sectionSize * 2 - x - 1) * 4;[dstPos + 0] = r;[dstPos + 1] = g;[dstPos + 2] = b;[dstPos + 3] = a; } sectionSize *= 2; } } FromPolar(scratchData, imageData, { polarRotation: 0 }); }; exports.Kaleidoscope = Kaleidoscope; Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "kaleidoscopePower", 2, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)(), Factory_1.Factory.afterSetFilter); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "kaleidoscopeAngle", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)(), Factory_1.Factory.afterSetFilter); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Mask.js var require_Mask = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Mask.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Mask = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Node_1 = require_Node(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); function pixelAt(idata, x, y) { var idx = (y * idata.width + x) * 4; var d = []; d.push([idx++],[idx++],[idx++],[idx++]); return d; } function rgbDistance(p1, p2) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p1[0] - p2[0], 2) + Math.pow(p1[1] - p2[1], 2) + Math.pow(p1[2] - p2[2], 2)); } function rgbMean(pTab) { var m = [0, 0, 0]; for (var i = 0; i < pTab.length; i++) { m[0] += pTab[i][0]; m[1] += pTab[i][1]; m[2] += pTab[i][2]; } m[0] /= pTab.length; m[1] /= pTab.length; m[2] /= pTab.length; return m; } function backgroundMask(idata, threshold) { var rgbv_no = pixelAt(idata, 0, 0); var rgbv_ne = pixelAt(idata, idata.width - 1, 0); var rgbv_so = pixelAt(idata, 0, idata.height - 1); var rgbv_se = pixelAt(idata, idata.width - 1, idata.height - 1); var thres = threshold || 10; if (rgbDistance(rgbv_no, rgbv_ne) < thres && rgbDistance(rgbv_ne, rgbv_se) < thres && rgbDistance(rgbv_se, rgbv_so) < thres && rgbDistance(rgbv_so, rgbv_no) < thres) { var mean = rgbMean([rgbv_ne, rgbv_no, rgbv_se, rgbv_so]); var mask = []; for (var i = 0; i < idata.width * idata.height; i++) { var d = rgbDistance(mean, [[i * 4],[i * 4 + 1],[i * 4 + 2] ]); mask[i] = d < thres ? 0 : 255; } return mask; } } function applyMask(idata, mask) { for (var i = 0; i < idata.width * idata.height; i++) {[4 * i + 3] = mask[i]; } } function erodeMask(mask, sw, sh) { var weights = [1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]; var side = Math.round(Math.sqrt(weights.length)); var halfSide = Math.floor(side / 2); var maskResult = []; for (var y = 0; y < sh; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < sw; x++) { var so = y * sw + x; var a = 0; for (var cy = 0; cy < side; cy++) { for (var cx = 0; cx < side; cx++) { var scy = y + cy - halfSide; var scx = x + cx - halfSide; if (scy >= 0 && scy < sh && scx >= 0 && scx < sw) { var srcOff = scy * sw + scx; var wt = weights[cy * side + cx]; a += mask[srcOff] * wt; } } } maskResult[so] = a === 255 * 8 ? 255 : 0; } } return maskResult; } function dilateMask(mask, sw, sh) { var weights = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; var side = Math.round(Math.sqrt(weights.length)); var halfSide = Math.floor(side / 2); var maskResult = []; for (var y = 0; y < sh; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < sw; x++) { var so = y * sw + x; var a = 0; for (var cy = 0; cy < side; cy++) { for (var cx = 0; cx < side; cx++) { var scy = y + cy - halfSide; var scx = x + cx - halfSide; if (scy >= 0 && scy < sh && scx >= 0 && scx < sw) { var srcOff = scy * sw + scx; var wt = weights[cy * side + cx]; a += mask[srcOff] * wt; } } } maskResult[so] = a >= 255 * 4 ? 255 : 0; } } return maskResult; } function smoothEdgeMask(mask, sw, sh) { var weights = [1 / 9, 1 / 9, 1 / 9, 1 / 9, 1 / 9, 1 / 9, 1 / 9, 1 / 9, 1 / 9]; var side = Math.round(Math.sqrt(weights.length)); var halfSide = Math.floor(side / 2); var maskResult = []; for (var y = 0; y < sh; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < sw; x++) { var so = y * sw + x; var a = 0; for (var cy = 0; cy < side; cy++) { for (var cx = 0; cx < side; cx++) { var scy = y + cy - halfSide; var scx = x + cx - halfSide; if (scy >= 0 && scy < sh && scx >= 0 && scx < sw) { var srcOff = scy * sw + scx; var wt = weights[cy * side + cx]; a += mask[srcOff] * wt; } } } maskResult[so] = a; } } return maskResult; } var Mask = function(imageData) { var threshold = this.threshold(), mask = backgroundMask(imageData, threshold); if (mask) { mask = erodeMask(mask, imageData.width, imageData.height); mask = dilateMask(mask, imageData.width, imageData.height); mask = smoothEdgeMask(mask, imageData.width, imageData.height); applyMask(imageData, mask); } return imageData; }; exports.Mask = Mask; Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "threshold", 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)(), Factory_1.Factory.afterSetFilter); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Noise.js var require_Noise = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Noise.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Noise = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Node_1 = require_Node(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var Noise = function(imageData) { var amount = this.noise() * 255, data =, nPixels = data.length, half = amount / 2, i; for (i = 0; i < nPixels; i += 4) { data[i + 0] += half - 2 * half * Math.random(); data[i + 1] += half - 2 * half * Math.random(); data[i + 2] += half - 2 * half * Math.random(); } }; exports.Noise = Noise; Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "noise", 0.2, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)(), Factory_1.Factory.afterSetFilter); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Pixelate.js var require_Pixelate = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Pixelate.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Pixelate = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Util_1 = require_Util(); var Node_1 = require_Node(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var Pixelate = function(imageData) { var pixelSize = Math.ceil(this.pixelSize()), width = imageData.width, height = imageData.height, x, y, i, red, green, blue, alpha, nBinsX = Math.ceil(width / pixelSize), nBinsY = Math.ceil(height / pixelSize), xBinStart, xBinEnd, yBinStart, yBinEnd, xBin, yBin, pixelsInBin, data =; if (pixelSize <= 0) { Util_1.Util.error("pixelSize value can not be <= 0"); return; } for (xBin = 0; xBin < nBinsX; xBin += 1) { for (yBin = 0; yBin < nBinsY; yBin += 1) { red = 0; green = 0; blue = 0; alpha = 0; xBinStart = xBin * pixelSize; xBinEnd = xBinStart + pixelSize; yBinStart = yBin * pixelSize; yBinEnd = yBinStart + pixelSize; pixelsInBin = 0; for (x = xBinStart; x < xBinEnd; x += 1) { if (x >= width) { continue; } for (y = yBinStart; y < yBinEnd; y += 1) { if (y >= height) { continue; } i = (width * y + x) * 4; red += data[i + 0]; green += data[i + 1]; blue += data[i + 2]; alpha += data[i + 3]; pixelsInBin += 1; } } red = red / pixelsInBin; green = green / pixelsInBin; blue = blue / pixelsInBin; alpha = alpha / pixelsInBin; for (x = xBinStart; x < xBinEnd; x += 1) { if (x >= width) { continue; } for (y = yBinStart; y < yBinEnd; y += 1) { if (y >= height) { continue; } i = (width * y + x) * 4; data[i + 0] = red; data[i + 1] = green; data[i + 2] = blue; data[i + 3] = alpha; } } } } }; exports.Pixelate = Pixelate; Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "pixelSize", 8, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)(), Factory_1.Factory.afterSetFilter); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Posterize.js var require_Posterize = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Posterize.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Posterize = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Node_1 = require_Node(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var Posterize = function(imageData) { var levels = Math.round(this.levels() * 254) + 1, data =, len = data.length, scale = 255 / levels, i; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { data[i] = Math.floor(data[i] / scale) * scale; } }; exports.Posterize = Posterize; Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "levels", 0.5, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)(), Factory_1.Factory.afterSetFilter); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/filters/RGB.js var require_RGB = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/filters/RGB.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.RGB = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Node_1 = require_Node(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var RGB = function(imageData) { var data =, nPixels = data.length, red =, green =, blue =, i, brightness; for (i = 0; i < nPixels; i += 4) { brightness = (0.34 * data[i] + 0.5 * data[i + 1] + 0.16 * data[i + 2]) / 255; data[i] = brightness * red; data[i + 1] = brightness * green; data[i + 2] = brightness * blue; data[i + 3] = data[i + 3]; } }; exports.RGB = RGB; Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "red", 0, function(val) { this._filterUpToDate = false; if (val > 255) { return 255; } else if (val < 0) { return 0; } else { return Math.round(val); } }); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "green", 0, function(val) { this._filterUpToDate = false; if (val > 255) { return 255; } else if (val < 0) { return 0; } else { return Math.round(val); } }); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "blue", 0, Validators_1.RGBComponent, Factory_1.Factory.afterSetFilter); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/filters/RGBA.js var require_RGBA = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/filters/RGBA.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.RGBA = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Node_1 = require_Node(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var RGBA = function(imageData) { var data =, nPixels = data.length, red =, green =, blue =, alpha = this.alpha(), i, ia; for (i = 0; i < nPixels; i += 4) { ia = 1 - alpha; data[i] = red * alpha + data[i] * ia; data[i + 1] = green * alpha + data[i + 1] * ia; data[i + 2] = blue * alpha + data[i + 2] * ia; } }; exports.RGBA = RGBA; Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "red", 0, function(val) { this._filterUpToDate = false; if (val > 255) { return 255; } else if (val < 0) { return 0; } else { return Math.round(val); } }); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "green", 0, function(val) { this._filterUpToDate = false; if (val > 255) { return 255; } else if (val < 0) { return 0; } else { return Math.round(val); } }); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "blue", 0, Validators_1.RGBComponent, Factory_1.Factory.afterSetFilter); Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "alpha", 1, function(val) { this._filterUpToDate = false; if (val > 1) { return 1; } else if (val < 0) { return 0; } else { return val; } }); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Sepia.js var require_Sepia = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Sepia.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Sepia = void 0; var Sepia = function(imageData) { var data =, nPixels = data.length, i, r, g, b; for (i = 0; i < nPixels; i += 4) { r = data[i + 0]; g = data[i + 1]; b = data[i + 2]; data[i + 0] = Math.min(255, r * 0.393 + g * 0.769 + b * 0.189); data[i + 1] = Math.min(255, r * 0.349 + g * 0.686 + b * 0.168); data[i + 2] = Math.min(255, r * 0.272 + g * 0.534 + b * 0.131); } }; exports.Sepia = Sepia; } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Solarize.js var require_Solarize = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Solarize.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Solarize = void 0; var Solarize = function(imageData) { var data =, w = imageData.width, h = imageData.height, w4 = w * 4, y = h; do { var offsetY = (y - 1) * w4; var x = w; do { var offset = offsetY + (x - 1) * 4; var r = data[offset]; var g = data[offset + 1]; var b = data[offset + 2]; if (r > 127) { r = 255 - r; } if (g > 127) { g = 255 - g; } if (b > 127) { b = 255 - b; } data[offset] = r; data[offset + 1] = g; data[offset + 2] = b; } while (--x); } while (--y); }; exports.Solarize = Solarize; } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Threshold.js var require_Threshold = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/filters/Threshold.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Threshold = void 0; var Factory_1 = require_Factory(); var Node_1 = require_Node(); var Validators_1 = require_Validators(); var Threshold = function(imageData) { var level = this.threshold() * 255, data =, len = data.length, i; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { data[i] = data[i] < level ? 0 : 255; } }; exports.Threshold = Threshold; Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Node_1.Node, "threshold", 0.5, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)(), Factory_1.Factory.afterSetFilter); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/_FullInternals.js var require_FullInternals = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/_FullInternals.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Konva = void 0; var _CoreInternals_1 = require_CoreInternals(); var Arc_1 = require_Arc(); var Arrow_1 = require_Arrow(); var Circle_1 = require_Circle(); var Ellipse_1 = require_Ellipse(); var Image_1 = require_Image(); var Label_1 = require_Label(); var Line_1 = require_Line(); var Path_1 = require_Path(); var Rect_1 = require_Rect(); var RegularPolygon_1 = require_RegularPolygon(); var Ring_1 = require_Ring(); var Sprite_1 = require_Sprite(); var Star_1 = require_Star(); var Text_1 = require_Text(); var TextPath_1 = require_TextPath(); var Transformer_1 = require_Transformer(); var Wedge_1 = require_Wedge(); var Blur_1 = require_Blur(); var Brighten_1 = require_Brighten(); var Contrast_1 = require_Contrast(); var Emboss_1 = require_Emboss(); var Enhance_1 = require_Enhance(); var Grayscale_1 = require_Grayscale(); var HSL_1 = require_HSL(); var HSV_1 = require_HSV(); var Invert_1 = require_Invert(); var Kaleidoscope_1 = require_Kaleidoscope(); var Mask_1 = require_Mask(); var Noise_1 = require_Noise(); var Pixelate_1 = require_Pixelate(); var Posterize_1 = require_Posterize(); var RGB_1 = require_RGB(); var RGBA_1 = require_RGBA(); var Sepia_1 = require_Sepia(); var Solarize_1 = require_Solarize(); var Threshold_1 = require_Threshold(); exports.Konva = _CoreInternals_1.Konva.Util._assign(_CoreInternals_1.Konva, { Arc: Arc_1.Arc, Arrow: Arrow_1.Arrow, Circle: Circle_1.Circle, Ellipse: Ellipse_1.Ellipse, Image: Image_1.Image, Label: Label_1.Label, Tag: Label_1.Tag, Line: Line_1.Line, Path: Path_1.Path, Rect: Rect_1.Rect, RegularPolygon: RegularPolygon_1.RegularPolygon, Ring: Ring_1.Ring, Sprite: Sprite_1.Sprite, Star: Star_1.Star, Text: Text_1.Text, TextPath: TextPath_1.TextPath, Transformer: Transformer_1.Transformer, Wedge: Wedge_1.Wedge, Filters: { Blur: Blur_1.Blur, Brighten: Brighten_1.Brighten, Contrast: Contrast_1.Contrast, Emboss: Emboss_1.Emboss, Enhance: Enhance_1.Enhance, Grayscale: Grayscale_1.Grayscale, HSL: HSL_1.HSL, HSV: HSV_1.HSV, Invert: Invert_1.Invert, Kaleidoscope: Kaleidoscope_1.Kaleidoscope, Mask: Mask_1.Mask, Noise: Noise_1.Noise, Pixelate: Pixelate_1.Pixelate, Posterize: Posterize_1.Posterize, RGB: RGB_1.RGB, RGBA: RGBA_1.RGBA, Sepia: Sepia_1.Sepia, Solarize: Solarize_1.Solarize, Threshold: Threshold_1.Threshold } }); } }); // node_modules/konva/lib/index.js var require_lib = __commonJS({ "node_modules/konva/lib/index.js"(exports, module) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var _FullInternals_1 = require_FullInternals(); module.exports = _FullInternals_1.Konva; } }); export default require_lib(); //#