import 'core-js/modules/es.promise.js'; import _asyncToGenerator from '@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator'; import 'core-js/modules/es.string.match.js'; import 'core-js/modules/es.string.replace.js'; import 'core-js/modules/es.string.starts-with.js'; import 'core-js/modules/es.array.iterator.js'; import 'core-js/modules/web.dom-collections.iterator.js'; import _defineProperty from '@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty'; import 'core-js/modules/es.array.reduce.js'; import 'core-js/modules/es.string.ends-with.js'; import 'core-js/modules/es.string.split.js'; import requestAnimationFrame from 'raf'; import 'core-js/modules/es.string.trim.js'; import RGBColor from 'rgbcolor'; import 'core-js/modules/es.array.index-of.js'; import 'core-js/modules/es.string.includes.js'; import 'core-js/modules/es.array.reverse.js'; import { SVGPathData } from 'svg-pathdata'; import 'core-js/modules/'; import { canvasRGBA } from 'stackblur-canvas'; /** * Options preset for `OffscreenCanvas`. * @param config - Preset requirements. * @param config.DOMParser - XML/HTML parser from string into DOM Document. * @returns Preset object. */ function offscreen() { var { DOMParser: DOMParserFallback } = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; var preset = { window: null, ignoreAnimation: true, ignoreMouse: true, DOMParser: DOMParserFallback, createCanvas(width, height) { return new OffscreenCanvas(width, height); }, createImage(url) { return _asyncToGenerator(function* () { var response = yield fetch(url); var blob = yield response.blob(); var img = yield createImageBitmap(blob); return img; })(); } }; if (typeof DOMParser !== 'undefined' || typeof DOMParserFallback === 'undefined') { Reflect.deleteProperty(preset, 'DOMParser'); } return preset; } /** * Options preset for `node-canvas`. * @param config - Preset requirements. * @param config.DOMParser - XML/HTML parser from string into DOM Document. * @param config.canvas - `node-canvas` exports. * @param config.fetch - WHATWG-compatible `fetch` function. * @returns Preset object. */ function node(_ref) { var { DOMParser, canvas, fetch } = _ref; return { window: null, ignoreAnimation: true, ignoreMouse: true, DOMParser, fetch, createCanvas: canvas.createCanvas, createImage: canvas.loadImage }; } var index = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, offscreen: offscreen, node: node }); /** * HTML-safe compress white-spaces. * @param str - String to compress. * @returns String. */ function compressSpaces(str) { return str.replace(/(?!\u3000)\s+/gm, ' '); } /** * HTML-safe left trim. * @param str - String to trim. * @returns String. */ function trimLeft(str) { return str.replace(/^[\n \t]+/, ''); } /** * HTML-safe right trim. * @param str - String to trim. * @returns String. */ function trimRight(str) { return str.replace(/[\n \t]+$/, ''); } /** * String to numbers array. * @param str - Numbers string. * @returns Numbers array. */ function toNumbers(str) { var matches = (str || '').match(/-?(\d+(?:\.\d*(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?)?|\.\d+)(?=\D|$)/gm) || []; return; } // Microsoft Edge fix var allUppercase = /^[A-Z-]+$/; /** * Normalize attribute name. * @param name - Attribute name. * @returns Normalized attribute name. */ function normalizeAttributeName(name) { if (allUppercase.test(name)) { return name.toLowerCase(); } return name; } /** * Parse external URL. * @param url - CSS url string. * @returns Parsed URL. */ function parseExternalUrl(url) { // single quotes [2] // v double quotes [3] // v v no quotes [4] // v v v var urlMatch = /url\(('([^']+)'|"([^"]+)"|([^'")]+))\)/.exec(url) || []; return urlMatch[2] || urlMatch[3] || urlMatch[4]; } /** * Transform floats to integers in rgb colors. * @param color - Color to normalize. * @returns Normalized color. */ function normalizeColor(color) { if (!color.startsWith('rgb')) { return color; } var rgbParts = 3; var normalizedColor = color.replace(/\d+(\.\d+)?/g, (num, isFloat) => rgbParts-- && isFloat ? String(Math.round(parseFloat(num))) : num); return normalizedColor; } // slightly modified version of var attributeRegex = /(\[[^\]]+\])/g; var idRegex = /(#[^\s+>~.[:]+)/g; var classRegex = /(\.[^\s+>~.[:]+)/g; var pseudoElementRegex = /(::[^\s+>~.[:]+|:first-line|:first-letter|:before|:after)/gi; var pseudoClassWithBracketsRegex = /(:[\w-]+\([^)]*\))/gi; var pseudoClassRegex = /(:[^\s+>~.[:]+)/g; var elementRegex = /([^\s+>~.[:]+)/g; function findSelectorMatch(selector, regex) { var matches = regex.exec(selector); if (!matches) { return [selector, 0]; } return [selector.replace(regex, ' '), matches.length]; } /** * Measure selector specificity. * @param selector - Selector to measure. * @returns Specificity. */ function getSelectorSpecificity(selector) { var specificity = [0, 0, 0]; var currentSelector = selector.replace(/:not\(([^)]*)\)/g, ' $1 ').replace(/{[\s\S]*/gm, ' '); var delta = 0; [currentSelector, delta] = findSelectorMatch(currentSelector, attributeRegex); specificity[1] += delta; [currentSelector, delta] = findSelectorMatch(currentSelector, idRegex); specificity[0] += delta; [currentSelector, delta] = findSelectorMatch(currentSelector, classRegex); specificity[1] += delta; [currentSelector, delta] = findSelectorMatch(currentSelector, pseudoElementRegex); specificity[2] += delta; [currentSelector, delta] = findSelectorMatch(currentSelector, pseudoClassWithBracketsRegex); specificity[1] += delta; [currentSelector, delta] = findSelectorMatch(currentSelector, pseudoClassRegex); specificity[1] += delta; currentSelector = currentSelector.replace(/[*\s+>~]/g, ' ').replace(/[#.]/g, ' '); [currentSelector, delta] = findSelectorMatch(currentSelector, elementRegex); // lgtm [js/useless-assignment-to-local] specificity[2] += delta; return specificity.join(''); } var PSEUDO_ZERO = .00000001; /** * Vector magnitude. * @param v * @returns Number result. */ function vectorMagnitude(v) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(v[0], 2) + Math.pow(v[1], 2)); } /** * Ratio between two vectors. * @param u * @param v * @returns Number result. */ function vectorsRatio(u, v) { return (u[0] * v[0] + u[1] * v[1]) / (vectorMagnitude(u) * vectorMagnitude(v)); } /** * Angle between two vectors. * @param u * @param v * @returns Number result. */ function vectorsAngle(u, v) { return (u[0] * v[1] < u[1] * v[0] ? -1 : 1) * Math.acos(vectorsRatio(u, v)); } function CB1(t) { return t * t * t; } function CB2(t) { return 3 * t * t * (1 - t); } function CB3(t) { return 3 * t * (1 - t) * (1 - t); } function CB4(t) { return (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t); } function QB1(t) { return t * t; } function QB2(t) { return 2 * t * (1 - t); } function QB3(t) { return (1 - t) * (1 - t); } class Property { constructor(document, name, value) { this.document = document; = name; this.value = value; this.isNormalizedColor = false; } static empty(document) { return new Property(document, 'EMPTY', ''); } split() { var separator = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : ' '; var { document, name } = this; return compressSpaces(this.getString()).trim().split(separator).map(value => new Property(document, name, value)); } hasValue(zeroIsValue) { var { value } = this; return value !== null && value !== '' && (zeroIsValue || value !== 0) && typeof value !== 'undefined'; } isString(regexp) { var { value } = this; var result = typeof value === 'string'; if (!result || !regexp) { return result; } return regexp.test(value); } isUrlDefinition() { return this.isString(/^url\(/); } isPixels() { if (!this.hasValue()) { return false; } var asString = this.getString(); switch (true) { case asString.endsWith('px'): case /^[0-9]+$/.test(asString): return true; default: return false; } } setValue(value) { this.value = value; return this; } getValue(def) { if (typeof def === 'undefined' || this.hasValue()) { return this.value; } return def; } getNumber(def) { if (!this.hasValue()) { if (typeof def === 'undefined') { return 0; } return parseFloat(def); } var { value } = this; var n = parseFloat(value); if (this.isString(/%$/)) { n /= 100.0; } return n; } getString(def) { if (typeof def === 'undefined' || this.hasValue()) { return typeof this.value === 'undefined' ? '' : String(this.value); } return String(def); } getColor(def) { var color = this.getString(def); if (this.isNormalizedColor) { return color; } this.isNormalizedColor = true; color = normalizeColor(color); this.value = color; return color; } getDpi() { return 96.0; // TODO: compute? } getRem() { return this.document.rootEmSize; } getEm() { return this.document.emSize; } getUnits() { return this.getString().replace(/[0-9.-]/g, ''); } getPixels(axisOrIsFontSize) { var processPercent = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false; if (!this.hasValue()) { return 0; } var [axis, isFontSize] = typeof axisOrIsFontSize === 'boolean' ? [undefined, axisOrIsFontSize] : [axisOrIsFontSize]; var { viewPort } = this.document.screen; switch (true) { case this.isString(/vmin$/): return this.getNumber() / 100.0 * Math.min(viewPort.computeSize('x'), viewPort.computeSize('y')); case this.isString(/vmax$/): return this.getNumber() / 100.0 * Math.max(viewPort.computeSize('x'), viewPort.computeSize('y')); case this.isString(/vw$/): return this.getNumber() / 100.0 * viewPort.computeSize('x'); case this.isString(/vh$/): return this.getNumber() / 100.0 * viewPort.computeSize('y'); case this.isString(/rem$/): return this.getNumber() * this.getRem(); case this.isString(/em$/): return this.getNumber() * this.getEm(); case this.isString(/ex$/): return this.getNumber() * this.getEm() / 2.0; case this.isString(/px$/): return this.getNumber(); case this.isString(/pt$/): return this.getNumber() * this.getDpi() * (1.0 / 72.0); case this.isString(/pc$/): return this.getNumber() * 15; case this.isString(/cm$/): return this.getNumber() * this.getDpi() / 2.54; case this.isString(/mm$/): return this.getNumber() * this.getDpi() / 25.4; case this.isString(/in$/): return this.getNumber() * this.getDpi(); case this.isString(/%$/) && isFontSize: return this.getNumber() * this.getEm(); case this.isString(/%$/): return this.getNumber() * viewPort.computeSize(axis); default: { var n = this.getNumber(); if (processPercent && n < 1.0) { return n * viewPort.computeSize(axis); } return n; } } } getMilliseconds() { if (!this.hasValue()) { return 0; } if (this.isString(/ms$/)) { return this.getNumber(); } return this.getNumber() * 1000; } getRadians() { if (!this.hasValue()) { return 0; } switch (true) { case this.isString(/deg$/): return this.getNumber() * (Math.PI / 180.0); case this.isString(/grad$/): return this.getNumber() * (Math.PI / 200.0); case this.isString(/rad$/): return this.getNumber(); default: return this.getNumber() * (Math.PI / 180.0); } } getDefinition() { var asString = this.getString(); var name = /#([^)'"]+)/.exec(asString); if (name) { name = name[1]; } if (!name) { name = asString; } return this.document.definitions[name]; } getFillStyleDefinition(element, opacity) { var def = this.getDefinition(); if (!def) { return null; } // gradient if (typeof def.createGradient === 'function') { return def.createGradient(this.document.ctx, element, opacity); } // pattern if (typeof def.createPattern === 'function') { if (def.getHrefAttribute().hasValue()) { var patternTransform = def.getAttribute('patternTransform'); def = def.getHrefAttribute().getDefinition(); if (patternTransform.hasValue()) { def.getAttribute('patternTransform', true).setValue(patternTransform.value); } } return def.createPattern(this.document.ctx, element, opacity); } return null; } getTextBaseline() { if (!this.hasValue()) { return null; } return Property.textBaselineMapping[this.getString()]; } addOpacity(opacity) { var value = this.getColor(); var len = value.length; var commas = 0; // Simulate old RGBColor version, which can't parse rgba. for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (value[i] === ',') { commas++; } if (commas === 3) { break; } } if (opacity.hasValue() && this.isString() && commas !== 3) { var color = new RGBColor(value); if (color.ok) { color.alpha = opacity.getNumber(); value = color.toRGBA(); } } return new Property(this.document,, value); } } Property.textBaselineMapping = { 'baseline': 'alphabetic', 'before-edge': 'top', 'text-before-edge': 'top', 'middle': 'middle', 'central': 'middle', 'after-edge': 'bottom', 'text-after-edge': 'bottom', 'ideographic': 'ideographic', 'alphabetic': 'alphabetic', 'hanging': 'hanging', 'mathematical': 'alphabetic' }; class ViewPort { constructor() { this.viewPorts = []; } clear() { this.viewPorts = []; } setCurrent(width, height) { this.viewPorts.push({ width, height }); } removeCurrent() { this.viewPorts.pop(); } getCurrent() { var { viewPorts } = this; return viewPorts[viewPorts.length - 1]; } get width() { return this.getCurrent().width; } get height() { return this.getCurrent().height; } computeSize(d) { if (typeof d === 'number') { return d; } if (d === 'x') { return this.width; } if (d === 'y') { return this.height; } return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.width, 2) + Math.pow(this.height, 2)) / Math.sqrt(2); } } class Point { constructor(x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } static parse(point) { var defaultValue = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0; var [x = defaultValue, y = defaultValue] = toNumbers(point); return new Point(x, y); } static parseScale(scale) { var defaultValue = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 1; var [x = defaultValue, y = x] = toNumbers(scale); return new Point(x, y); } static parsePath(path) { var points = toNumbers(path); var len = points.length; var pathPoints = []; for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 2) { pathPoints.push(new Point(points[i], points[i + 1])); } return pathPoints; } angleTo(point) { return Math.atan2(point.y - this.y, point.x - this.x); } applyTransform(transform) { var { x, y } = this; var xp = x * transform[0] + y * transform[2] + transform[4]; var yp = x * transform[1] + y * transform[3] + transform[5]; this.x = xp; this.y = yp; } } class Mouse { constructor(screen) { this.screen = screen; this.working = false; = []; this.eventElements = []; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment this.onMouseMove = this.onMouseMove.bind(this); } isWorking() { return this.working; } start() { if (this.working) { return; } var { screen, onClick, onMouseMove } = this; var canvas = screen.ctx.canvas; canvas.onclick = onClick; canvas.onmousemove = onMouseMove; this.working = true; } stop() { if (!this.working) { return; } var canvas = this.screen.ctx.canvas; this.working = false; canvas.onclick = null; canvas.onmousemove = null; } hasEvents() { return this.working && > 0; } runEvents() { if (!this.working) { return; } var { screen: document, events, eventElements } = this; var { style } = document.ctx.canvas; if (style) { style.cursor = ''; } events.forEach((_ref, i) => { var { run } = _ref; var element = eventElements[i]; while (element) { run(element); element = element.parent; } }); // done running, clear = []; this.eventElements = []; } checkPath(element, ctx) { if (!this.working || !ctx) { return; } var { events, eventElements } = this; events.forEach((_ref2, i) => { var { x, y } = _ref2; if (!eventElements[i] && ctx.isPointInPath && ctx.isPointInPath(x, y)) { eventElements[i] = element; } }); } checkBoundingBox(element, boundingBox) { if (!this.working || !boundingBox) { return; } var { events, eventElements } = this; events.forEach((_ref3, i) => { var { x, y } = _ref3; if (!eventElements[i] && boundingBox.isPointInBox(x, y)) { eventElements[i] = element; } }); } mapXY(x, y) { var { window, ctx } = this.screen; var point = new Point(x, y); var element = ctx.canvas; while (element) { point.x -= element.offsetLeft; point.y -= element.offsetTop; element = element.offsetParent; } if (window.scrollX) { point.x += window.scrollX; } if (window.scrollY) { point.y += window.scrollY; } return point; } onClick(event) { var { x, y } = this.mapXY(event.clientX, event.clientY);{ type: 'onclick', x, y, run(eventTarget) { if (eventTarget.onClick) { eventTarget.onClick(); } } }); } onMouseMove(event) { var { x, y } = this.mapXY(event.clientX, event.clientY);{ type: 'onmousemove', x, y, run(eventTarget) { if (eventTarget.onMouseMove) { eventTarget.onMouseMove(); } } }); } } var defaultWindow = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : null; var defaultFetch$1 = typeof fetch !== 'undefined' ? fetch.bind(undefined) // `fetch` depends on context: `someObject.fetch(...)` will throw error. : null; class Screen { constructor(ctx) { var { fetch = defaultFetch$1, window = defaultWindow } = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; this.ctx = ctx; this.FRAMERATE = 30; this.MAX_VIRTUAL_PIXELS = 30000; this.CLIENT_WIDTH = 800; this.CLIENT_HEIGHT = 600; this.viewPort = new ViewPort(); this.mouse = new Mouse(this); this.animations = []; this.waits = []; this.frameDuration = 0; this.isReadyLock = false; this.isFirstRender = true; this.intervalId = null; this.window = window; this.fetch = fetch; } wait(checker) { this.waits.push(checker); } ready() { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises if (!this.readyPromise) { return Promise.resolve(); } return this.readyPromise; } isReady() { if (this.isReadyLock) { return true; } var isReadyLock = this.waits.every(_ => _()); if (isReadyLock) { this.waits = []; if (this.resolveReady) { this.resolveReady(); } } this.isReadyLock = isReadyLock; return isReadyLock; } setDefaults(ctx) { // initial values and defaults ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'; ctx.lineCap = 'butt'; ctx.lineJoin = 'miter'; ctx.miterLimit = 4; } setViewBox(_ref) { var { document, ctx, aspectRatio, width, desiredWidth, height, desiredHeight, minX = 0, minY = 0, refX, refY, clip = false, clipX = 0, clipY = 0 } = _ref; // aspect ratio - var cleanAspectRatio = compressSpaces(aspectRatio).replace(/^defer\s/, ''); // ignore defer var [aspectRatioAlign, aspectRatioMeetOrSlice] = cleanAspectRatio.split(' '); var align = aspectRatioAlign || 'xMidYMid'; var meetOrSlice = aspectRatioMeetOrSlice || 'meet'; // calculate scale var scaleX = width / desiredWidth; var scaleY = height / desiredHeight; var scaleMin = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY); var scaleMax = Math.max(scaleX, scaleY); var finalDesiredWidth = desiredWidth; var finalDesiredHeight = desiredHeight; if (meetOrSlice === 'meet') { finalDesiredWidth *= scaleMin; finalDesiredHeight *= scaleMin; } if (meetOrSlice === 'slice') { finalDesiredWidth *= scaleMax; finalDesiredHeight *= scaleMax; } var refXProp = new Property(document, 'refX', refX); var refYProp = new Property(document, 'refY', refY); var hasRefs = refXProp.hasValue() && refYProp.hasValue(); if (hasRefs) { ctx.translate(-scaleMin * refXProp.getPixels('x'), -scaleMin * refYProp.getPixels('y')); } if (clip) { var scaledClipX = scaleMin * clipX; var scaledClipY = scaleMin * clipY; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(scaledClipX, scaledClipY); ctx.lineTo(width, scaledClipY); ctx.lineTo(width, height); ctx.lineTo(scaledClipX, height); ctx.closePath(); ctx.clip(); } if (!hasRefs) { var isMeetMinY = meetOrSlice === 'meet' && scaleMin === scaleY; var isSliceMaxY = meetOrSlice === 'slice' && scaleMax === scaleY; var isMeetMinX = meetOrSlice === 'meet' && scaleMin === scaleX; var isSliceMaxX = meetOrSlice === 'slice' && scaleMax === scaleX; if (align.startsWith('xMid') && (isMeetMinY || isSliceMaxY)) { ctx.translate(width / 2.0 - finalDesiredWidth / 2.0, 0); } if (align.endsWith('YMid') && (isMeetMinX || isSliceMaxX)) { ctx.translate(0, height / 2.0 - finalDesiredHeight / 2.0); } if (align.startsWith('xMax') && (isMeetMinY || isSliceMaxY)) { ctx.translate(width - finalDesiredWidth, 0); } if (align.endsWith('YMax') && (isMeetMinX || isSliceMaxX)) { ctx.translate(0, height - finalDesiredHeight); } } // scale switch (true) { case align === 'none': ctx.scale(scaleX, scaleY); break; case meetOrSlice === 'meet': ctx.scale(scaleMin, scaleMin); break; case meetOrSlice === 'slice': ctx.scale(scaleMax, scaleMax); break; } // translate ctx.translate(-minX, -minY); } start(element) { var { enableRedraw = false, ignoreMouse = false, ignoreAnimation = false, ignoreDimensions = false, ignoreClear = false, forceRedraw, scaleWidth, scaleHeight, offsetX, offsetY } = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; var { FRAMERATE, mouse } = this; var frameDuration = 1000 / FRAMERATE; this.frameDuration = frameDuration; this.readyPromise = new Promise(resolve => { this.resolveReady = resolve; }); if (this.isReady()) { this.render(element, ignoreDimensions, ignoreClear, scaleWidth, scaleHeight, offsetX, offsetY); } if (!enableRedraw) { return; } var now =; var then = now; var delta = 0; var tick = () => { now =; delta = now - then; if (delta >= frameDuration) { then = now - delta % frameDuration; if (this.shouldUpdate(ignoreAnimation, forceRedraw)) { this.render(element, ignoreDimensions, ignoreClear, scaleWidth, scaleHeight, offsetX, offsetY); mouse.runEvents(); } } this.intervalId = requestAnimationFrame(tick); }; if (!ignoreMouse) { mouse.start(); } this.intervalId = requestAnimationFrame(tick); } stop() { if (this.intervalId) { requestAnimationFrame.cancel(this.intervalId); this.intervalId = null; } this.mouse.stop(); } shouldUpdate(ignoreAnimation, forceRedraw) { // need update from animations? if (!ignoreAnimation) { var { frameDuration } = this; var shouldUpdate = this.animations.reduce((shouldUpdate, animation) => animation.update(frameDuration) || shouldUpdate, false); if (shouldUpdate) { return true; } } // need update from redraw? if (typeof forceRedraw === 'function' && forceRedraw()) { return true; } if (!this.isReadyLock && this.isReady()) { return true; } // need update from mouse events? if (this.mouse.hasEvents()) { return true; } return false; } render(element, ignoreDimensions, ignoreClear, scaleWidth, scaleHeight, offsetX, offsetY) { var { CLIENT_WIDTH, CLIENT_HEIGHT, viewPort, ctx, isFirstRender } = this; var canvas = ctx.canvas; viewPort.clear(); if (canvas.width && canvas.height) { viewPort.setCurrent(canvas.width, canvas.height); } else { viewPort.setCurrent(CLIENT_WIDTH, CLIENT_HEIGHT); } var widthStyle = element.getStyle('width'); var heightStyle = element.getStyle('height'); if (!ignoreDimensions && (isFirstRender || typeof scaleWidth !== 'number' && typeof scaleHeight !== 'number')) { // set canvas size if (widthStyle.hasValue()) { canvas.width = widthStyle.getPixels('x'); if ( { = "".concat(canvas.width, "px"); } } if (heightStyle.hasValue()) { canvas.height = heightStyle.getPixels('y'); if ( { = "".concat(canvas.height, "px"); } } } var cWidth = canvas.clientWidth || canvas.width; var cHeight = canvas.clientHeight || canvas.height; if (ignoreDimensions && widthStyle.hasValue() && heightStyle.hasValue()) { cWidth = widthStyle.getPixels('x'); cHeight = heightStyle.getPixels('y'); } viewPort.setCurrent(cWidth, cHeight); if (typeof offsetX === 'number') { element.getAttribute('x', true).setValue(offsetX); } if (typeof offsetY === 'number') { element.getAttribute('y', true).setValue(offsetY); } if (typeof scaleWidth === 'number' || typeof scaleHeight === 'number') { var viewBox = toNumbers(element.getAttribute('viewBox').getString()); var xRatio = 0; var yRatio = 0; if (typeof scaleWidth === 'number') { var _widthStyle = element.getStyle('width'); if (_widthStyle.hasValue()) { xRatio = _widthStyle.getPixels('x') / scaleWidth; } else if (!isNaN(viewBox[2])) { xRatio = viewBox[2] / scaleWidth; } } if (typeof scaleHeight === 'number') { var _heightStyle = element.getStyle('height'); if (_heightStyle.hasValue()) { yRatio = _heightStyle.getPixels('y') / scaleHeight; } else if (!isNaN(viewBox[3])) { yRatio = viewBox[3] / scaleHeight; } } if (!xRatio) { xRatio = yRatio; } if (!yRatio) { yRatio = xRatio; } element.getAttribute('width', true).setValue(scaleWidth); element.getAttribute('height', true).setValue(scaleHeight); var transformStyle = element.getStyle('transform', true, true); transformStyle.setValue("".concat(transformStyle.getString(), " scale(").concat(1.0 / xRatio, ", ").concat(1.0 / yRatio, ")")); } // clear and render if (!ignoreClear) { ctx.clearRect(0, 0, cWidth, cHeight); } element.render(ctx); if (isFirstRender) { this.isFirstRender = false; } } } Screen.defaultWindow = defaultWindow; Screen.defaultFetch = defaultFetch$1; var { defaultFetch } = Screen; var DefaultDOMParser = typeof DOMParser !== 'undefined' ? DOMParser : null; class Parser { constructor() { var { fetch = defaultFetch, DOMParser = DefaultDOMParser } = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; this.fetch = fetch; this.DOMParser = DOMParser; } parse(resource) { var _this = this; return _asyncToGenerator(function* () { if (resource.startsWith('<')) { return _this.parseFromString(resource); } return _this.load(resource); })(); } parseFromString(xml) { var parser = new this.DOMParser(); try { return this.checkDocument(parser.parseFromString(xml, 'image/svg+xml')); } catch (err) { return this.checkDocument(parser.parseFromString(xml, 'text/xml')); } } checkDocument(document) { var parserError = document.getElementsByTagName('parsererror')[0]; if (parserError) { throw new Error(parserError.textContent); } return document; } load(url) { var _this2 = this; return _asyncToGenerator(function* () { var response = yield _this2.fetch(url); var xml = yield response.text(); return _this2.parseFromString(xml); })(); } } class Translate { constructor(_, point) { this.type = 'translate'; this.point = null; this.point = Point.parse(point); } apply(ctx) { var { x, y } = this.point; ctx.translate(x || 0.0, y || 0.0); } unapply(ctx) { var { x, y } = this.point; ctx.translate(-1.0 * x || 0.0, -1.0 * y || 0.0); } applyToPoint(point) { var { x, y } = this.point; point.applyTransform([1, 0, 0, 1, x || 0.0, y || 0.0]); } } class Rotate { constructor(document, rotate, transformOrigin) { this.type = 'rotate'; this.angle = null; this.originX = null; this.originY = null; = 0; = 0; var numbers = toNumbers(rotate); this.angle = new Property(document, 'angle', numbers[0]); this.originX = transformOrigin[0]; this.originY = transformOrigin[1]; = numbers[1] || 0; = numbers[2] || 0; } apply(ctx) { var { cx, cy, originX, originY, angle } = this; var tx = cx + originX.getPixels('x'); var ty = cy + originY.getPixels('y'); ctx.translate(tx, ty); ctx.rotate(angle.getRadians()); ctx.translate(-tx, -ty); } unapply(ctx) { var { cx, cy, originX, originY, angle } = this; var tx = cx + originX.getPixels('x'); var ty = cy + originY.getPixels('y'); ctx.translate(tx, ty); ctx.rotate(-1.0 * angle.getRadians()); ctx.translate(-tx, -ty); } applyToPoint(point) { var { cx, cy, angle } = this; var rad = angle.getRadians(); point.applyTransform([1, 0, 0, 1, cx || 0.0, cy || 0.0 // this.p.y ]); point.applyTransform([Math.cos(rad), Math.sin(rad), -Math.sin(rad), Math.cos(rad), 0, 0]); point.applyTransform([1, 0, 0, 1, -cx || 0.0, -cy || 0.0 // -this.p.y ]); } } class Scale { constructor(_, scale, transformOrigin) { this.type = 'scale'; this.scale = null; this.originX = null; this.originY = null; var scaleSize = Point.parseScale(scale); // Workaround for node-canvas if (scaleSize.x === 0 || scaleSize.y === 0) { scaleSize.x = PSEUDO_ZERO; scaleSize.y = PSEUDO_ZERO; } this.scale = scaleSize; this.originX = transformOrigin[0]; this.originY = transformOrigin[1]; } apply(ctx) { var { scale: { x, y }, originX, originY } = this; var tx = originX.getPixels('x'); var ty = originY.getPixels('y'); ctx.translate(tx, ty); ctx.scale(x, y || x); ctx.translate(-tx, -ty); } unapply(ctx) { var { scale: { x, y }, originX, originY } = this; var tx = originX.getPixels('x'); var ty = originY.getPixels('y'); ctx.translate(tx, ty); ctx.scale(1.0 / x, 1.0 / y || x); ctx.translate(-tx, -ty); } applyToPoint(point) { var { x, y } = this.scale; point.applyTransform([x || 0.0, 0, 0, y || 0.0, 0, 0]); } } class Matrix { constructor(_, matrix, transformOrigin) { this.type = 'matrix'; this.matrix = []; this.originX = null; this.originY = null; this.matrix = toNumbers(matrix); this.originX = transformOrigin[0]; this.originY = transformOrigin[1]; } apply(ctx) { var { originX, originY, matrix } = this; var tx = originX.getPixels('x'); var ty = originY.getPixels('y'); ctx.translate(tx, ty); ctx.transform(matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[2], matrix[3], matrix[4], matrix[5]); ctx.translate(-tx, -ty); } unapply(ctx) { var { originX, originY, matrix } = this; var a = matrix[0]; var b = matrix[2]; var c = matrix[4]; var d = matrix[1]; var e = matrix[3]; var f = matrix[5]; var g = 0.0; var h = 0.0; var i = 1.0; var det = 1 / (a * (e * i - f * h) - b * (d * i - f * g) + c * (d * h - e * g)); var tx = originX.getPixels('x'); var ty = originY.getPixels('y'); ctx.translate(tx, ty); ctx.transform(det * (e * i - f * h), det * (f * g - d * i), det * (c * h - b * i), det * (a * i - c * g), det * (b * f - c * e), det * (c * d - a * f)); ctx.translate(-tx, -ty); } applyToPoint(point) { point.applyTransform(this.matrix); } } class Skew extends Matrix { constructor(document, skew, transformOrigin) { super(document, skew, transformOrigin); this.type = 'skew'; this.angle = null; this.angle = new Property(document, 'angle', skew); } } class SkewX extends Skew { constructor(document, skew, transformOrigin) { super(document, skew, transformOrigin); this.type = 'skewX'; this.matrix = [1, 0, Math.tan(this.angle.getRadians()), 1, 0, 0]; } } class SkewY extends Skew { constructor(document, skew, transformOrigin) { super(document, skew, transformOrigin); this.type = 'skewY'; this.matrix = [1, Math.tan(this.angle.getRadians()), 0, 1, 0, 0]; } } function parseTransforms(transform) { return compressSpaces(transform).trim().replace(/\)([a-zA-Z])/g, ') $1').replace(/\)(\s?,\s?)/g, ') ').split(/\s(?=[a-z])/); } function parseTransform(transform) { var [type, value] = transform.split('('); return [type.trim(), value.trim().replace(')', '')]; } class Transform { constructor(document, transform, transformOrigin) { this.document = document; this.transforms = []; var data = parseTransforms(transform); data.forEach(transform => { if (transform === 'none') { return; } var [type, value] = parseTransform(transform); var TransformType = Transform.transformTypes[type]; if (typeof TransformType !== 'undefined') { this.transforms.push(new TransformType(this.document, value, transformOrigin)); } }); } static fromElement(document, element) { var transformStyle = element.getStyle('transform', false, true); var [transformOriginXProperty, transformOriginYProperty = transformOriginXProperty] = element.getStyle('transform-origin', false, true).split(); var transformOrigin = [transformOriginXProperty, transformOriginYProperty]; if (transformStyle.hasValue()) { return new Transform(document, transformStyle.getString(), transformOrigin); } return null; } apply(ctx) { var { transforms } = this; var len = transforms.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { transforms[i].apply(ctx); } } unapply(ctx) { var { transforms } = this; var len = transforms.length; for (var i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { transforms[i].unapply(ctx); } } // TODO: applyToPoint unused ... remove? applyToPoint(point) { var { transforms } = this; var len = transforms.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { transforms[i].applyToPoint(point); } } } Transform.transformTypes = { translate: Translate, rotate: Rotate, scale: Scale, matrix: Matrix, skewX: SkewX, skewY: SkewY }; class Element { constructor(document, node) { var captureTextNodes = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false; this.document = document; this.node = node; this.captureTextNodes = captureTextNodes; this.attributes = {}; this.styles = {}; this.stylesSpecificity = {}; this.animationFrozen = false; this.animationFrozenValue = ''; this.parent = null; this.children = []; if (!node || node.nodeType !== 1) { // ELEMENT_NODE return; } // add attributes Array.from(node.attributes).forEach(attribute => { var nodeName = normalizeAttributeName(attribute.nodeName); this.attributes[nodeName] = new Property(document, nodeName, attribute.value); }); this.addStylesFromStyleDefinition(); // add inline styles if (this.getAttribute('style').hasValue()) { var styles = this.getAttribute('style').getString().split(';').map(_ => _.trim()); styles.forEach(style => { if (!style) { return; } var [name, value] = style.split(':').map(_ => _.trim()); this.styles[name] = new Property(document, name, value); }); } var { definitions } = document; var id = this.getAttribute('id'); // add id if (id.hasValue()) { if (!definitions[id.getString()]) { definitions[id.getString()] = this; } } Array.from(node.childNodes).forEach(childNode => { if (childNode.nodeType === 1) { this.addChild(childNode); // ELEMENT_NODE } else if (captureTextNodes && (childNode.nodeType === 3 || childNode.nodeType === 4)) { var textNode = document.createTextNode(childNode); if (textNode.getText().length > 0) { this.addChild(textNode); // TEXT_NODE } } }); } getAttribute(name) { var createIfNotExists = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false; var attr = this.attributes[name]; if (!attr && createIfNotExists) { var _attr = new Property(this.document, name, ''); this.attributes[name] = _attr; return _attr; } return attr || Property.empty(this.document); } getHrefAttribute() { for (var key in this.attributes) { if (key === 'href' || key.endsWith(':href')) { return this.attributes[key]; } } return Property.empty(this.document); } getStyle(name) { var createIfNotExists = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false; var skipAncestors = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false; var style = this.styles[name]; if (style) { return style; } var attr = this.getAttribute(name); if (attr !== null && attr !== void 0 && attr.hasValue()) { this.styles[name] = attr; // move up to me to cache return attr; } if (!skipAncestors) { var { parent } = this; if (parent) { var parentStyle = parent.getStyle(name); if (parentStyle !== null && parentStyle !== void 0 && parentStyle.hasValue()) { return parentStyle; } } } if (createIfNotExists) { var _style = new Property(this.document, name, ''); this.styles[name] = _style; return _style; } return style || Property.empty(this.document); } render(ctx) { // don't render display=none // don't render visibility=hidden if (this.getStyle('display').getString() === 'none' || this.getStyle('visibility').getString() === 'hidden') { return; }; if (this.getStyle('mask').hasValue()) { // mask var mask = this.getStyle('mask').getDefinition(); if (mask) { this.applyEffects(ctx); mask.apply(ctx, this); } } else if (this.getStyle('filter').getValue('none') !== 'none') { // filter var filter = this.getStyle('filter').getDefinition(); if (filter) { this.applyEffects(ctx); filter.apply(ctx, this); } } else { this.setContext(ctx); this.renderChildren(ctx); this.clearContext(ctx); } ctx.restore(); } setContext(_) {// NO RENDER } applyEffects(ctx) { // transform var transform = Transform.fromElement(this.document, this); if (transform) { transform.apply(ctx); } // clip var clipPathStyleProp = this.getStyle('clip-path', false, true); if (clipPathStyleProp.hasValue()) { var clip = clipPathStyleProp.getDefinition(); if (clip) { clip.apply(ctx); } } } clearContext(_) {// NO RENDER } renderChildren(ctx) { this.children.forEach(child => { child.render(ctx); }); } addChild(childNode) { var child = childNode instanceof Element ? childNode : this.document.createElement(childNode); child.parent = this; if (!Element.ignoreChildTypes.includes(child.type)) { this.children.push(child); } } matchesSelector(selector) { var _node$getAttribute; var { node } = this; if (typeof node.matches === 'function') { return node.matches(selector); } var styleClasses = (_node$getAttribute = node.getAttribute) === null || _node$getAttribute === void 0 ? void 0 : _node$, 'class'); if (!styleClasses || styleClasses === '') { return false; } return styleClasses.split(' ').some(styleClass => ".".concat(styleClass) === selector); } addStylesFromStyleDefinition() { var { styles, stylesSpecificity } = this.document; for (var selector in styles) { if (!selector.startsWith('@') && this.matchesSelector(selector)) { var style = styles[selector]; var specificity = stylesSpecificity[selector]; if (style) { for (var name in style) { var existingSpecificity = this.stylesSpecificity[name]; if (typeof existingSpecificity === 'undefined') { existingSpecificity = '000'; } if (specificity >= existingSpecificity) { this.styles[name] = style[name]; this.stylesSpecificity[name] = specificity; } } } } } } removeStyles(element, ignoreStyles) { var toRestore = ignoreStyles.reduce((toRestore, name) => { var styleProp = element.getStyle(name); if (!styleProp.hasValue()) { return toRestore; } var value = styleProp.getString(); styleProp.setValue(''); return [...toRestore, [name, value]]; }, []); return toRestore; } restoreStyles(element, styles) { styles.forEach(_ref => { var [name, value] = _ref; element.getStyle(name, true).setValue(value); }); } isFirstChild() { var _this$parent; return ((_this$parent = this.parent) === null || _this$parent === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$parent.children.indexOf(this)) === 0; } } Element.ignoreChildTypes = ['title']; class UnknownElement extends Element { constructor(document, node, captureTextNodes) { super(document, node, captureTextNodes); } } function wrapFontFamily(fontFamily) { var trimmed = fontFamily.trim(); return /^('|")/.test(trimmed) ? trimmed : "\"".concat(trimmed, "\""); } function prepareFontFamily(fontFamily) { return typeof process === 'undefined' ? fontFamily : fontFamily.trim().split(',').map(wrapFontFamily).join(','); } /** * * @param fontStyle * @returns CSS font style. */ function prepareFontStyle(fontStyle) { if (!fontStyle) { return ''; } var targetFontStyle = fontStyle.trim().toLowerCase(); switch (targetFontStyle) { case 'normal': case 'italic': case 'oblique': case 'inherit': case 'initial': case 'unset': return targetFontStyle; default: if (/^oblique\s+(-|)\d+deg$/.test(targetFontStyle)) { return targetFontStyle; } return ''; } } /** * * @param fontWeight * @returns CSS font weight. */ function prepareFontWeight(fontWeight) { if (!fontWeight) { return ''; } var targetFontWeight = fontWeight.trim().toLowerCase(); switch (targetFontWeight) { case 'normal': case 'bold': case 'lighter': case 'bolder': case 'inherit': case 'initial': case 'unset': return targetFontWeight; default: if (/^[\d.]+$/.test(targetFontWeight)) { return targetFontWeight; } return ''; } } class Font { constructor(fontStyle, fontVariant, fontWeight, fontSize, fontFamily, inherit) { var inheritFont = inherit ? typeof inherit === 'string' ? Font.parse(inherit) : inherit : {}; this.fontFamily = fontFamily || inheritFont.fontFamily; this.fontSize = fontSize || inheritFont.fontSize; this.fontStyle = fontStyle || inheritFont.fontStyle; this.fontWeight = fontWeight || inheritFont.fontWeight; this.fontVariant = fontVariant || inheritFont.fontVariant; } static parse() { var font = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : ''; var inherit = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; var fontStyle = ''; var fontVariant = ''; var fontWeight = ''; var fontSize = ''; var fontFamily = ''; var parts = compressSpaces(font).trim().split(' '); var set = { fontSize: false, fontStyle: false, fontWeight: false, fontVariant: false }; parts.forEach(part => { switch (true) { case !set.fontStyle && Font.styles.includes(part): if (part !== 'inherit') { fontStyle = part; } set.fontStyle = true; break; case !set.fontVariant && Font.variants.includes(part): if (part !== 'inherit') { fontVariant = part; } set.fontStyle = true; set.fontVariant = true; break; case !set.fontWeight && Font.weights.includes(part): if (part !== 'inherit') { fontWeight = part; } set.fontStyle = true; set.fontVariant = true; set.fontWeight = true; break; case !set.fontSize: if (part !== 'inherit') { [fontSize] = part.split('/'); } set.fontStyle = true; set.fontVariant = true; set.fontWeight = true; set.fontSize = true; break; default: if (part !== 'inherit') { fontFamily += part; } } }); return new Font(fontStyle, fontVariant, fontWeight, fontSize, fontFamily, inherit); } toString() { return [prepareFontStyle(this.fontStyle), this.fontVariant, prepareFontWeight(this.fontWeight), this.fontSize, // Wrap fontFamily only on nodejs and only for canvas.ctx prepareFontFamily(this.fontFamily)].join(' ').trim(); } } Font.styles = 'normal|italic|oblique|inherit'; Font.variants = 'normal|small-caps|inherit'; Font.weights = 'normal|bold|bolder|lighter|100|200|300|400|500|600|700|800|900|inherit'; class BoundingBox { constructor() { var x1 = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : Number.NaN; var y1 = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : Number.NaN; var x2 = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : Number.NaN; var y2 = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : Number.NaN; this.x1 = x1; this.y1 = y1; this.x2 = x2; this.y2 = y2; this.addPoint(x1, y1); this.addPoint(x2, y2); } get x() { return this.x1; } get y() { return this.y1; } get width() { return this.x2 - this.x1; } get height() { return this.y2 - this.y1; } addPoint(x, y) { if (typeof x !== 'undefined') { if (isNaN(this.x1) || isNaN(this.x2)) { this.x1 = x; this.x2 = x; } if (x < this.x1) { this.x1 = x; } if (x > this.x2) { this.x2 = x; } } if (typeof y !== 'undefined') { if (isNaN(this.y1) || isNaN(this.y2)) { this.y1 = y; this.y2 = y; } if (y < this.y1) { this.y1 = y; } if (y > this.y2) { this.y2 = y; } } } addX(x) { this.addPoint(x, null); } addY(y) { this.addPoint(null, y); } addBoundingBox(boundingBox) { if (!boundingBox) { return; } var { x1, y1, x2, y2 } = boundingBox; this.addPoint(x1, y1); this.addPoint(x2, y2); } sumCubic(t, p0, p1, p2, p3) { return Math.pow(1 - t, 3) * p0 + 3 * Math.pow(1 - t, 2) * t * p1 + 3 * (1 - t) * Math.pow(t, 2) * p2 + Math.pow(t, 3) * p3; } bezierCurveAdd(forX, p0, p1, p2, p3) { var b = 6 * p0 - 12 * p1 + 6 * p2; var a = -3 * p0 + 9 * p1 - 9 * p2 + 3 * p3; var c = 3 * p1 - 3 * p0; if (a === 0) { if (b === 0) { return; } var t = -c / b; if (0 < t && t < 1) { if (forX) { this.addX(this.sumCubic(t, p0, p1, p2, p3)); } else { this.addY(this.sumCubic(t, p0, p1, p2, p3)); } } return; } var b2ac = Math.pow(b, 2) - 4 * c * a; if (b2ac < 0) { return; } var t1 = (-b + Math.sqrt(b2ac)) / (2 * a); if (0 < t1 && t1 < 1) { if (forX) { this.addX(this.sumCubic(t1, p0, p1, p2, p3)); } else { this.addY(this.sumCubic(t1, p0, p1, p2, p3)); } } var t2 = (-b - Math.sqrt(b2ac)) / (2 * a); if (0 < t2 && t2 < 1) { if (forX) { this.addX(this.sumCubic(t2, p0, p1, p2, p3)); } else { this.addY(this.sumCubic(t2, p0, p1, p2, p3)); } } } // from addBezierCurve(p0x, p0y, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y) { this.addPoint(p0x, p0y); this.addPoint(p3x, p3y); this.bezierCurveAdd(true, p0x, p1x, p2x, p3x); this.bezierCurveAdd(false, p0y, p1y, p2y, p3y); } addQuadraticCurve(p0x, p0y, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y) { var cp1x = p0x + 2 / 3 * (p1x - p0x); // CP1 = QP0 + 2/3 *(QP1-QP0) var cp1y = p0y + 2 / 3 * (p1y - p0y); // CP1 = QP0 + 2/3 *(QP1-QP0) var cp2x = cp1x + 1 / 3 * (p2x - p0x); // CP2 = CP1 + 1/3 *(QP2-QP0) var cp2y = cp1y + 1 / 3 * (p2y - p0y); // CP2 = CP1 + 1/3 *(QP2-QP0) this.addBezierCurve(p0x, p0y, cp1x, cp2x, cp1y, cp2y, p2x, p2y); } isPointInBox(x, y) { var { x1, y1, x2, y2 } = this; return x1 <= x && x <= x2 && y1 <= y && y <= y2; } } class PathParser extends SVGPathData { constructor(path) { super(path // Fix spaces after signs. .replace(/([+\-.])\s+/gm, '$1') // Remove invalid part. .replace(/[^MmZzLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAae\d\s.,+-].*/g, '')); this.control = null; this.start = null; this.current = null; this.command = null; this.commands = this.commands; this.i = -1; this.previousCommand = null; this.points = []; this.angles = []; } reset() { this.i = -1; this.command = null; this.previousCommand = null; this.start = new Point(0, 0); this.control = new Point(0, 0); this.current = new Point(0, 0); this.points = []; this.angles = []; } isEnd() { var { i, commands } = this; return i >= commands.length - 1; } next() { var command = this.commands[++this.i]; this.previousCommand = this.command; this.command = command; return command; } getPoint() { var xProp = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 'x'; var yProp = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 'y'; var point = new Point(this.command[xProp], this.command[yProp]); return this.makeAbsolute(point); } getAsControlPoint(xProp, yProp) { var point = this.getPoint(xProp, yProp); this.control = point; return point; } getAsCurrentPoint(xProp, yProp) { var point = this.getPoint(xProp, yProp); this.current = point; return point; } getReflectedControlPoint() { var previousCommand = this.previousCommand.type; if (previousCommand !== SVGPathData.CURVE_TO && previousCommand !== SVGPathData.SMOOTH_CURVE_TO && previousCommand !== SVGPathData.QUAD_TO && previousCommand !== SVGPathData.SMOOTH_QUAD_TO) { return this.current; } // reflect point var { current: { x: cx, y: cy }, control: { x: ox, y: oy } } = this; var point = new Point(2 * cx - ox, 2 * cy - oy); return point; } makeAbsolute(point) { if (this.command.relative) { var { x, y } = this.current; point.x += x; point.y += y; } return point; } addMarker(point, from, priorTo) { var { points, angles } = this; // if the last angle isn't filled in because we didn't have this point yet ... if (priorTo && angles.length > 0 && !angles[angles.length - 1]) { angles[angles.length - 1] = points[points.length - 1].angleTo(priorTo); } this.addMarkerAngle(point, from ? from.angleTo(point) : null); } addMarkerAngle(point, angle) { this.points.push(point); this.angles.push(angle); } getMarkerPoints() { return this.points; } getMarkerAngles() { var { angles } = this; var len = angles.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!angles[i]) { for (var j = i + 1; j < len; j++) { if (angles[j]) { angles[i] = angles[j]; break; } } } } return angles; } } class RenderedElement extends Element { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.modifiedEmSizeStack = false; } calculateOpacity() { var opacity = 1.0; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias, consistent-this var element = this; while (element) { var opacityStyle = element.getStyle('opacity', false, true); // no ancestors on style call if (opacityStyle.hasValue(true)) { opacity *= opacityStyle.getNumber(); } element = element.parent; } return opacity; } setContext(ctx) { var fromMeasure = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false; if (!fromMeasure) { // causes stack overflow when measuring text with gradients // fill var fillStyleProp = this.getStyle('fill'); var fillOpacityStyleProp = this.getStyle('fill-opacity'); var strokeStyleProp = this.getStyle('stroke'); var strokeOpacityProp = this.getStyle('stroke-opacity'); if (fillStyleProp.isUrlDefinition()) { var fillStyle = fillStyleProp.getFillStyleDefinition(this, fillOpacityStyleProp); if (fillStyle) { ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle; } } else if (fillStyleProp.hasValue()) { if (fillStyleProp.getString() === 'currentColor') { fillStyleProp.setValue(this.getStyle('color').getColor()); } var _fillStyle = fillStyleProp.getColor(); if (_fillStyle !== 'inherit') { ctx.fillStyle = _fillStyle === 'none' ? 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' : _fillStyle; } } if (fillOpacityStyleProp.hasValue()) { var _fillStyle2 = new Property(this.document, 'fill', ctx.fillStyle).addOpacity(fillOpacityStyleProp).getColor(); ctx.fillStyle = _fillStyle2; } // stroke if (strokeStyleProp.isUrlDefinition()) { var strokeStyle = strokeStyleProp.getFillStyleDefinition(this, strokeOpacityProp); if (strokeStyle) { ctx.strokeStyle = strokeStyle; } } else if (strokeStyleProp.hasValue()) { if (strokeStyleProp.getString() === 'currentColor') { strokeStyleProp.setValue(this.getStyle('color').getColor()); } var _strokeStyle = strokeStyleProp.getString(); if (_strokeStyle !== 'inherit') { ctx.strokeStyle = _strokeStyle === 'none' ? 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' : _strokeStyle; } } if (strokeOpacityProp.hasValue()) { var _strokeStyle2 = new Property(this.document, 'stroke', ctx.strokeStyle).addOpacity(strokeOpacityProp).getString(); ctx.strokeStyle = _strokeStyle2; } var strokeWidthStyleProp = this.getStyle('stroke-width'); if (strokeWidthStyleProp.hasValue()) { var newLineWidth = strokeWidthStyleProp.getPixels(); ctx.lineWidth = !newLineWidth ? PSEUDO_ZERO // browsers don't respect 0 (or node-canvas? :-) : newLineWidth; } var strokeLinecapStyleProp = this.getStyle('stroke-linecap'); var strokeLinejoinStyleProp = this.getStyle('stroke-linejoin'); var strokeMiterlimitProp = this.getStyle('stroke-miterlimit'); // NEED TEST // const pointOrderStyleProp = this.getStyle('paint-order'); var strokeDasharrayStyleProp = this.getStyle('stroke-dasharray'); var strokeDashoffsetProp = this.getStyle('stroke-dashoffset'); if (strokeLinecapStyleProp.hasValue()) { ctx.lineCap = strokeLinecapStyleProp.getString(); } if (strokeLinejoinStyleProp.hasValue()) { ctx.lineJoin = strokeLinejoinStyleProp.getString(); } if (strokeMiterlimitProp.hasValue()) { ctx.miterLimit = strokeMiterlimitProp.getNumber(); } // NEED TEST // if (pointOrderStyleProp.hasValue()) { // // ? // ctx.paintOrder = pointOrderStyleProp.getValue(); // } if (strokeDasharrayStyleProp.hasValue() && strokeDasharrayStyleProp.getString() !== 'none') { var gaps = toNumbers(strokeDasharrayStyleProp.getString()); if (typeof ctx.setLineDash !== 'undefined') { ctx.setLineDash(gaps); } else // @ts-expect-error Handle browser prefix. if (typeof ctx.webkitLineDash !== 'undefined') { // @ts-expect-error Handle browser prefix. ctx.webkitLineDash = gaps; } else // @ts-expect-error Handle browser prefix. if (typeof ctx.mozDash !== 'undefined' && !(gaps.length === 1 && gaps[0] === 0)) { // @ts-expect-error Handle browser prefix. ctx.mozDash = gaps; } var offset = strokeDashoffsetProp.getPixels(); if (typeof ctx.lineDashOffset !== 'undefined') { ctx.lineDashOffset = offset; } else // @ts-expect-error Handle browser prefix. if (typeof ctx.webkitLineDashOffset !== 'undefined') { // @ts-expect-error Handle browser prefix. ctx.webkitLineDashOffset = offset; } else // @ts-expect-error Handle browser prefix. if (typeof ctx.mozDashOffset !== 'undefined') { // @ts-expect-error Handle browser prefix. ctx.mozDashOffset = offset; } } } // font this.modifiedEmSizeStack = false; if (typeof ctx.font !== 'undefined') { var fontStyleProp = this.getStyle('font'); var fontStyleStyleProp = this.getStyle('font-style'); var fontVariantStyleProp = this.getStyle('font-variant'); var fontWeightStyleProp = this.getStyle('font-weight'); var fontSizeStyleProp = this.getStyle('font-size'); var fontFamilyStyleProp = this.getStyle('font-family'); var font = new Font(fontStyleStyleProp.getString(), fontVariantStyleProp.getString(), fontWeightStyleProp.getString(), fontSizeStyleProp.hasValue() ? "".concat(fontSizeStyleProp.getPixels(true), "px") : '', fontFamilyStyleProp.getString(), Font.parse(fontStyleProp.getString(), ctx.font)); fontStyleStyleProp.setValue(font.fontStyle); fontVariantStyleProp.setValue(font.fontVariant); fontWeightStyleProp.setValue(font.fontWeight); fontSizeStyleProp.setValue(font.fontSize); fontFamilyStyleProp.setValue(font.fontFamily); ctx.font = font.toString(); if (fontSizeStyleProp.isPixels()) { this.document.emSize = fontSizeStyleProp.getPixels(); this.modifiedEmSizeStack = true; } } if (!fromMeasure) { // effects this.applyEffects(ctx); // opacity ctx.globalAlpha = this.calculateOpacity(); } } clearContext(ctx) { super.clearContext(ctx); if (this.modifiedEmSizeStack) { this.document.popEmSize(); } } } class PathElement extends RenderedElement { constructor(document, node, captureTextNodes) { super(document, node, captureTextNodes); this.type = 'path'; this.pathParser = null; this.pathParser = new PathParser(this.getAttribute('d').getString()); } path(ctx) { var { pathParser } = this; var boundingBox = new BoundingBox(); pathParser.reset(); if (ctx) { ctx.beginPath(); } while (!pathParser.isEnd()) { switch ( { case PathParser.MOVE_TO: this.pathM(ctx, boundingBox); break; case PathParser.LINE_TO: this.pathL(ctx, boundingBox); break; case PathParser.HORIZ_LINE_TO: this.pathH(ctx, boundingBox); break; case PathParser.VERT_LINE_TO: this.pathV(ctx, boundingBox); break; case PathParser.CURVE_TO: this.pathC(ctx, boundingBox); break; case PathParser.SMOOTH_CURVE_TO: this.pathS(ctx, boundingBox); break; case PathParser.QUAD_TO: this.pathQ(ctx, boundingBox); break; case PathParser.SMOOTH_QUAD_TO: this.pathT(ctx, boundingBox); break; case PathParser.ARC: this.pathA(ctx, boundingBox); break; case PathParser.CLOSE_PATH: this.pathZ(ctx, boundingBox); break; } } return boundingBox; } getBoundingBox(_) { return this.path(); } getMarkers() { var { pathParser } = this; var points = pathParser.getMarkerPoints(); var angles = pathParser.getMarkerAngles(); var markers =, i) => [point, angles[i]]); return markers; } renderChildren(ctx) { this.path(ctx); this.document.screen.mouse.checkPath(this, ctx); var fillRuleStyleProp = this.getStyle('fill-rule'); if (ctx.fillStyle !== '') { if (fillRuleStyleProp.getString('inherit') !== 'inherit') { ctx.fill(fillRuleStyleProp.getString()); } else { ctx.fill(); } } if (ctx.strokeStyle !== '') { if (this.getAttribute('vector-effect').getString() === 'non-scaling-stroke') {; ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); } else { ctx.stroke(); } } var markers = this.getMarkers(); if (markers) { var markersLastIndex = markers.length - 1; var markerStartStyleProp = this.getStyle('marker-start'); var markerMidStyleProp = this.getStyle('marker-mid'); var markerEndStyleProp = this.getStyle('marker-end'); if (markerStartStyleProp.isUrlDefinition()) { var marker = markerStartStyleProp.getDefinition(); var [point, angle] = markers[0]; marker.render(ctx, point, angle); } if (markerMidStyleProp.isUrlDefinition()) { var _marker = markerMidStyleProp.getDefinition(); for (var i = 1; i < markersLastIndex; i++) { var [_point, _angle] = markers[i]; _marker.render(ctx, _point, _angle); } } if (markerEndStyleProp.isUrlDefinition()) { var _marker2 = markerEndStyleProp.getDefinition(); var [_point2, _angle2] = markers[markersLastIndex]; _marker2.render(ctx, _point2, _angle2); } } } static pathM(pathParser) { var point = pathParser.getAsCurrentPoint(); pathParser.start = pathParser.current; return { point }; } pathM(ctx, boundingBox) { var { pathParser } = this; var { point } = PathElement.pathM(pathParser); var { x, y } = point; pathParser.addMarker(point); boundingBox.addPoint(x, y); if (ctx) { ctx.moveTo(x, y); } } static pathL(pathParser) { var { current } = pathParser; var point = pathParser.getAsCurrentPoint(); return { current, point }; } pathL(ctx, boundingBox) { var { pathParser } = this; var { current, point } = PathElement.pathL(pathParser); var { x, y } = point; pathParser.addMarker(point, current); boundingBox.addPoint(x, y); if (ctx) { ctx.lineTo(x, y); } } static pathH(pathParser) { var { current, command } = pathParser; var point = new Point((command.relative ? current.x : 0) + command.x, current.y); pathParser.current = point; return { current, point }; } pathH(ctx, boundingBox) { var { pathParser } = this; var { current, point } = PathElement.pathH(pathParser); var { x, y } = point; pathParser.addMarker(point, current); boundingBox.addPoint(x, y); if (ctx) { ctx.lineTo(x, y); } } static pathV(pathParser) { var { current, command } = pathParser; var point = new Point(current.x, (command.relative ? current.y : 0) + command.y); pathParser.current = point; return { current, point }; } pathV(ctx, boundingBox) { var { pathParser } = this; var { current, point } = PathElement.pathV(pathParser); var { x, y } = point; pathParser.addMarker(point, current); boundingBox.addPoint(x, y); if (ctx) { ctx.lineTo(x, y); } } static pathC(pathParser) { var { current } = pathParser; var point = pathParser.getPoint('x1', 'y1'); var controlPoint = pathParser.getAsControlPoint('x2', 'y2'); var currentPoint = pathParser.getAsCurrentPoint(); return { current, point, controlPoint, currentPoint }; } pathC(ctx, boundingBox) { var { pathParser } = this; var { current, point, controlPoint, currentPoint } = PathElement.pathC(pathParser); pathParser.addMarker(currentPoint, controlPoint, point); boundingBox.addBezierCurve(current.x, current.y, point.x, point.y, controlPoint.x, controlPoint.y, currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y); if (ctx) { ctx.bezierCurveTo(point.x, point.y, controlPoint.x, controlPoint.y, currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y); } } static pathS(pathParser) { var { current } = pathParser; var point = pathParser.getReflectedControlPoint(); var controlPoint = pathParser.getAsControlPoint('x2', 'y2'); var currentPoint = pathParser.getAsCurrentPoint(); return { current, point, controlPoint, currentPoint }; } pathS(ctx, boundingBox) { var { pathParser } = this; var { current, point, controlPoint, currentPoint } = PathElement.pathS(pathParser); pathParser.addMarker(currentPoint, controlPoint, point); boundingBox.addBezierCurve(current.x, current.y, point.x, point.y, controlPoint.x, controlPoint.y, currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y); if (ctx) { ctx.bezierCurveTo(point.x, point.y, controlPoint.x, controlPoint.y, currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y); } } static pathQ(pathParser) { var { current } = pathParser; var controlPoint = pathParser.getAsControlPoint('x1', 'y1'); var currentPoint = pathParser.getAsCurrentPoint(); return { current, controlPoint, currentPoint }; } pathQ(ctx, boundingBox) { var { pathParser } = this; var { current, controlPoint, currentPoint } = PathElement.pathQ(pathParser); pathParser.addMarker(currentPoint, controlPoint, controlPoint); boundingBox.addQuadraticCurve(current.x, current.y, controlPoint.x, controlPoint.y, currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y); if (ctx) { ctx.quadraticCurveTo(controlPoint.x, controlPoint.y, currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y); } } static pathT(pathParser) { var { current } = pathParser; var controlPoint = pathParser.getReflectedControlPoint(); pathParser.control = controlPoint; var currentPoint = pathParser.getAsCurrentPoint(); return { current, controlPoint, currentPoint }; } pathT(ctx, boundingBox) { var { pathParser } = this; var { current, controlPoint, currentPoint } = PathElement.pathT(pathParser); pathParser.addMarker(currentPoint, controlPoint, controlPoint); boundingBox.addQuadraticCurve(current.x, current.y, controlPoint.x, controlPoint.y, currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y); if (ctx) { ctx.quadraticCurveTo(controlPoint.x, controlPoint.y, currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y); } } static pathA(pathParser) { var { current, command } = pathParser; var { rX, rY, xRot, lArcFlag, sweepFlag } = command; var xAxisRotation = xRot * (Math.PI / 180.0); var currentPoint = pathParser.getAsCurrentPoint(); // Conversion from endpoint to center parameterization // // x1', y1' var currp = new Point(Math.cos(xAxisRotation) * (current.x - currentPoint.x) / 2.0 + Math.sin(xAxisRotation) * (current.y - currentPoint.y) / 2.0, -Math.sin(xAxisRotation) * (current.x - currentPoint.x) / 2.0 + Math.cos(xAxisRotation) * (current.y - currentPoint.y) / 2.0); // adjust radii var l = Math.pow(currp.x, 2) / Math.pow(rX, 2) + Math.pow(currp.y, 2) / Math.pow(rY, 2); if (l > 1) { rX *= Math.sqrt(l); rY *= Math.sqrt(l); } // cx', cy' var s = (lArcFlag === sweepFlag ? -1 : 1) * Math.sqrt((Math.pow(rX, 2) * Math.pow(rY, 2) - Math.pow(rX, 2) * Math.pow(currp.y, 2) - Math.pow(rY, 2) * Math.pow(currp.x, 2)) / (Math.pow(rX, 2) * Math.pow(currp.y, 2) + Math.pow(rY, 2) * Math.pow(currp.x, 2))); if (isNaN(s)) { s = 0; } var cpp = new Point(s * rX * currp.y / rY, s * -rY * currp.x / rX); // cx, cy var centp = new Point((current.x + currentPoint.x) / 2.0 + Math.cos(xAxisRotation) * cpp.x - Math.sin(xAxisRotation) * cpp.y, (current.y + currentPoint.y) / 2.0 + Math.sin(xAxisRotation) * cpp.x + Math.cos(xAxisRotation) * cpp.y); // initial angle var a1 = vectorsAngle([1, 0], [(currp.x - cpp.x) / rX, (currp.y - cpp.y) / rY]); // θ1 // angle delta var u = [(currp.x - cpp.x) / rX, (currp.y - cpp.y) / rY]; var v = [(-currp.x - cpp.x) / rX, (-currp.y - cpp.y) / rY]; var ad = vectorsAngle(u, v); // Δθ if (vectorsRatio(u, v) <= -1) { ad = Math.PI; } if (vectorsRatio(u, v) >= 1) { ad = 0; } return { currentPoint, rX, rY, sweepFlag, xAxisRotation, centp, a1, ad }; } pathA(ctx, boundingBox) { var { pathParser } = this; var { currentPoint, rX, rY, sweepFlag, xAxisRotation, centp, a1, ad } = PathElement.pathA(pathParser); // for markers var dir = 1 - sweepFlag ? 1.0 : -1.0; var ah = a1 + dir * (ad / 2.0); var halfWay = new Point(centp.x + rX * Math.cos(ah), centp.y + rY * Math.sin(ah)); pathParser.addMarkerAngle(halfWay, ah - dir * Math.PI / 2); pathParser.addMarkerAngle(currentPoint, ah - dir * Math.PI); boundingBox.addPoint(currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y); // TODO: this is too naive, make it better if (ctx && !isNaN(a1) && !isNaN(ad)) { var r = rX > rY ? rX : rY; var sx = rX > rY ? 1 : rX / rY; var sy = rX > rY ? rY / rX : 1; ctx.translate(centp.x, centp.y); ctx.rotate(xAxisRotation); ctx.scale(sx, sy); ctx.arc(0, 0, r, a1, a1 + ad, Boolean(1 - sweepFlag)); ctx.scale(1 / sx, 1 / sy); ctx.rotate(-xAxisRotation); ctx.translate(-centp.x, -centp.y); } } static pathZ(pathParser) { pathParser.current = pathParser.start; } pathZ(ctx, boundingBox) { PathElement.pathZ(this.pathParser); if (ctx) { // only close path if it is not a straight line if (boundingBox.x1 !== boundingBox.x2 && boundingBox.y1 !== boundingBox.y2) { ctx.closePath(); } } } } class GlyphElement extends PathElement { constructor(document, node, captureTextNodes) { super(document, node, captureTextNodes); this.type = 'glyph'; this.horizAdvX = this.getAttribute('horiz-adv-x').getNumber(); this.unicode = this.getAttribute('unicode').getString(); this.arabicForm = this.getAttribute('arabic-form').getString(); } } class TextElement extends RenderedElement { constructor(document, node, captureTextNodes) { super(document, node, === TextElement ? true : captureTextNodes); this.type = 'text'; this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.measureCache = -1; } setContext(ctx) { var fromMeasure = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false; super.setContext(ctx, fromMeasure); var textBaseline = this.getStyle('dominant-baseline').getTextBaseline() || this.getStyle('alignment-baseline').getTextBaseline(); if (textBaseline) { ctx.textBaseline = textBaseline; } } initializeCoordinates() { this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.leafTexts = []; this.textChunkStart = 0; this.minX = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; this.maxX = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } getBoundingBox(ctx) { if (this.type !== 'text') { return this.getTElementBoundingBox(ctx); } // first, calculate child positions this.initializeCoordinates(); this.adjustChildCoordinatesRecursive(ctx); var boundingBox = null; // then calculate bounding box this.children.forEach((_, i) => { var childBoundingBox = this.getChildBoundingBox(ctx, this, this, i); if (!boundingBox) { boundingBox = childBoundingBox; } else { boundingBox.addBoundingBox(childBoundingBox); } }); return boundingBox; } getFontSize() { var { document, parent } = this; var inheritFontSize = Font.parse(document.ctx.font).fontSize; var fontSize = parent.getStyle('font-size').getNumber(inheritFontSize); return fontSize; } getTElementBoundingBox(ctx) { var fontSize = this.getFontSize(); return new BoundingBox(this.x, this.y - fontSize, this.x + this.measureText(ctx), this.y); } getGlyph(font, text, i) { var char = text[i]; var glyph = null; if (font.isArabic) { var len = text.length; var prevChar = text[i - 1]; var nextChar = text[i + 1]; var arabicForm = 'isolated'; if ((i === 0 || prevChar === ' ') && i < len - 1 && nextChar !== ' ') { arabicForm = 'terminal'; } if (i > 0 && prevChar !== ' ' && i < len - 1 && nextChar !== ' ') { arabicForm = 'medial'; } if (i > 0 && prevChar !== ' ' && (i === len - 1 || nextChar === ' ')) { arabicForm = 'initial'; } if (typeof font.glyphs[char] !== 'undefined') { // NEED TEST var maybeGlyph = font.glyphs[char]; glyph = maybeGlyph instanceof GlyphElement ? maybeGlyph : maybeGlyph[arabicForm]; } } else { glyph = font.glyphs[char]; } if (!glyph) { glyph = font.missingGlyph; } return glyph; } getText() { return ''; } getTextFromNode(node) { var textNode = node || this.node; var childNodes = Array.from(textNode.parentNode.childNodes); var index = childNodes.indexOf(textNode); var lastIndex = childNodes.length - 1; var text = compressSpaces( // textNode.value // || textNode.text textNode.textContent || ''); if (index === 0) { text = trimLeft(text); } if (index === lastIndex) { text = trimRight(text); } return text; } renderChildren(ctx) { if (this.type !== 'text') { this.renderTElementChildren(ctx); return; } // first, calculate child positions this.initializeCoordinates(); this.adjustChildCoordinatesRecursive(ctx); // then render this.children.forEach((_, i) => { this.renderChild(ctx, this, this, i); }); var { mouse } = this.document.screen; // Do not calc bounding box if mouse is not working. if (mouse.isWorking()) { mouse.checkBoundingBox(this, this.getBoundingBox(ctx)); } } renderTElementChildren(ctx) { var { document, parent } = this; var renderText = this.getText(); var customFont = parent.getStyle('font-family').getDefinition(); if (customFont) { var { unitsPerEm } = customFont.fontFace; var ctxFont = Font.parse(document.ctx.font); var fontSize = parent.getStyle('font-size').getNumber(ctxFont.fontSize); var fontStyle = parent.getStyle('font-style').getString(ctxFont.fontStyle); var scale = fontSize / unitsPerEm; var text = customFont.isRTL ? renderText.split('').reverse().join('') : renderText; var dx = toNumbers(parent.getAttribute('dx').getString()); var len = text.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var glyph = this.getGlyph(customFont, text, i); ctx.translate(this.x, this.y); ctx.scale(scale, -scale); var lw = ctx.lineWidth; ctx.lineWidth = ctx.lineWidth * unitsPerEm / fontSize; if (fontStyle === 'italic') { ctx.transform(1, 0, .4, 1, 0, 0); } glyph.render(ctx); if (fontStyle === 'italic') { ctx.transform(1, 0, -.4, 1, 0, 0); } ctx.lineWidth = lw; ctx.scale(1 / scale, -1 / scale); ctx.translate(-this.x, -this.y); this.x += fontSize * (glyph.horizAdvX || customFont.horizAdvX) / unitsPerEm; if (typeof dx[i] !== 'undefined' && !isNaN(dx[i])) { this.x += dx[i]; } } return; } var { x, y } = this; // NEED TEST // if (ctx.paintOrder === 'stroke') { // if (ctx.strokeStyle) { // ctx.strokeText(renderText, x, y); // } // if (ctx.fillStyle) { // ctx.fillText(renderText, x, y); // } // } else { if (ctx.fillStyle) { ctx.fillText(renderText, x, y); } if (ctx.strokeStyle) { ctx.strokeText(renderText, x, y); } // } } applyAnchoring() { if (this.textChunkStart >= this.leafTexts.length) { return; } // This is basically the "Apply anchoring" part of // The difference is that we apply the anchoring as soon as a chunk is finished. This saves some extra looping. // Vertical text is not supported. var firstElement = this.leafTexts[this.textChunkStart]; var textAnchor = firstElement.getStyle('text-anchor').getString('start'); var isRTL = false; // we treat RTL like LTR var shift = 0; if (textAnchor === 'start' && !isRTL || textAnchor === 'end' && isRTL) { shift = firstElement.x - this.minX; } else if (textAnchor === 'end' && !isRTL || textAnchor === 'start' && isRTL) { shift = firstElement.x - this.maxX; } else { shift = firstElement.x - (this.minX + this.maxX) / 2; } for (var i = this.textChunkStart; i < this.leafTexts.length; i++) { this.leafTexts[i].x += shift; } // start new chunk this.minX = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; this.maxX = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; this.textChunkStart = this.leafTexts.length; } adjustChildCoordinatesRecursive(ctx) { this.children.forEach((_, i) => { this.adjustChildCoordinatesRecursiveCore(ctx, this, this, i); }); this.applyAnchoring(); } adjustChildCoordinatesRecursiveCore(ctx, textParent, parent, i) { var child = parent.children[i]; if (child.children.length > 0) { child.children.forEach((_, i) => { textParent.adjustChildCoordinatesRecursiveCore(ctx, textParent, child, i); }); } else { // only leafs are relevant this.adjustChildCoordinates(ctx, textParent, parent, i); } } adjustChildCoordinates(ctx, textParent, parent, i) { var child = parent.children[i]; if (typeof child.measureText !== 'function') { return child; }; child.setContext(ctx, true); var xAttr = child.getAttribute('x'); var yAttr = child.getAttribute('y'); var dxAttr = child.getAttribute('dx'); var dyAttr = child.getAttribute('dy'); var customFont = child.getStyle('font-family').getDefinition(); var isRTL = Boolean(customFont) && customFont.isRTL; if (i === 0) { // First children inherit attributes from parent(s). Positional attributes // are only inherited from a parent to it's first child. if (!xAttr.hasValue()) { xAttr.setValue(child.getInheritedAttribute('x')); } if (!yAttr.hasValue()) { yAttr.setValue(child.getInheritedAttribute('y')); } if (!dxAttr.hasValue()) { dxAttr.setValue(child.getInheritedAttribute('dx')); } if (!dyAttr.hasValue()) { dyAttr.setValue(child.getInheritedAttribute('dy')); } } var width = child.measureText(ctx); if (isRTL) { textParent.x -= width; } if (xAttr.hasValue()) { // an "x" attribute marks the start of a new chunk textParent.applyAnchoring(); child.x = xAttr.getPixels('x'); if (dxAttr.hasValue()) { child.x += dxAttr.getPixels('x'); } } else { if (dxAttr.hasValue()) { textParent.x += dxAttr.getPixels('x'); } child.x = textParent.x; } textParent.x = child.x; if (!isRTL) { textParent.x += width; } if (yAttr.hasValue()) { child.y = yAttr.getPixels('y'); if (dyAttr.hasValue()) { child.y += dyAttr.getPixels('y'); } } else { if (dyAttr.hasValue()) { textParent.y += dyAttr.getPixels('y'); } child.y = textParent.y; } textParent.y = child.y; // update the current chunk and it's bounds textParent.leafTexts.push(child); textParent.minX = Math.min(textParent.minX, child.x, child.x + width); textParent.maxX = Math.max(textParent.maxX, child.x, child.x + width); child.clearContext(ctx); ctx.restore(); return child; } getChildBoundingBox(ctx, textParent, parent, i) { var child = parent.children[i]; // not a text node? if (typeof child.getBoundingBox !== 'function') { return null; } var boundingBox = child.getBoundingBox(ctx); if (!boundingBox) { return null; } child.children.forEach((_, i) => { var childBoundingBox = textParent.getChildBoundingBox(ctx, textParent, child, i); boundingBox.addBoundingBox(childBoundingBox); }); return boundingBox; } renderChild(ctx, textParent, parent, i) { var child = parent.children[i]; child.render(ctx); child.children.forEach((_, i) => { textParent.renderChild(ctx, textParent, child, i); }); } measureText(ctx) { var { measureCache } = this; if (~measureCache) { return measureCache; } var renderText = this.getText(); var measure = this.measureTargetText(ctx, renderText); this.measureCache = measure; return measure; } measureTargetText(ctx, targetText) { if (!targetText.length) { return 0; } var { parent } = this; var customFont = parent.getStyle('font-family').getDefinition(); if (customFont) { var fontSize = this.getFontSize(); var text = customFont.isRTL ? targetText.split('').reverse().join('') : targetText; var dx = toNumbers(parent.getAttribute('dx').getString()); var len = text.length; var _measure = 0; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var glyph = this.getGlyph(customFont, text, i); _measure += (glyph.horizAdvX || customFont.horizAdvX) * fontSize / customFont.fontFace.unitsPerEm; if (typeof dx[i] !== 'undefined' && !isNaN(dx[i])) { _measure += dx[i]; } } return _measure; } if (!ctx.measureText) { return targetText.length * 10; }; this.setContext(ctx, true); var { width: measure } = ctx.measureText(targetText); this.clearContext(ctx); ctx.restore(); return measure; } /** * Inherits positional attributes from {@link TextElement} parent(s). Attributes * are only inherited from a parent to its first child. * @param name - The attribute name. * @returns The attribute value or null. */ getInheritedAttribute(name) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias,consistent-this var current = this; while (current instanceof TextElement && current.isFirstChild()) { var parentAttr = current.parent.getAttribute(name); if (parentAttr.hasValue(true)) { return parentAttr.getValue('0'); } current = current.parent; } return null; } } class TSpanElement extends TextElement { constructor(document, node, captureTextNodes) { super(document, node, === TSpanElement ? true : captureTextNodes); this.type = 'tspan'; // if this node has children, then they own the text this.text = this.children.length > 0 ? '' : this.getTextFromNode(); } getText() { return this.text; } } class TextNode extends TSpanElement { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.type = 'textNode'; } } class SVGElement extends RenderedElement { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.type = 'svg'; this.root = false; } setContext(ctx) { var _this$node$parentNode; var { document } = this; var { screen, window } = document; var canvas = ctx.canvas; screen.setDefaults(ctx); if ( && typeof ctx.font !== 'undefined' && window && typeof window.getComputedStyle !== 'undefined') { ctx.font = window.getComputedStyle(canvas).getPropertyValue('font'); var fontSizeProp = new Property(document, 'fontSize', Font.parse(ctx.font).fontSize); if (fontSizeProp.hasValue()) { document.rootEmSize = fontSizeProp.getPixels('y'); document.emSize = document.rootEmSize; } } // create new view port if (!this.getAttribute('x').hasValue()) { this.getAttribute('x', true).setValue(0); } if (!this.getAttribute('y').hasValue()) { this.getAttribute('y', true).setValue(0); } var { width, height } = screen.viewPort; if (!this.getStyle('width').hasValue()) { this.getStyle('width', true).setValue('100%'); } if (!this.getStyle('height').hasValue()) { this.getStyle('height', true).setValue('100%'); } if (!this.getStyle('color').hasValue()) { this.getStyle('color', true).setValue('black'); } var refXAttr = this.getAttribute('refX'); var refYAttr = this.getAttribute('refY'); var viewBoxAttr = this.getAttribute('viewBox'); var viewBox = viewBoxAttr.hasValue() ? toNumbers(viewBoxAttr.getString()) : null; var clip = !this.root && this.getStyle('overflow').getValue('hidden') !== 'visible'; var minX = 0; var minY = 0; var clipX = 0; var clipY = 0; if (viewBox) { minX = viewBox[0]; minY = viewBox[1]; } if (!this.root) { width = this.getStyle('width').getPixels('x'); height = this.getStyle('height').getPixels('y'); if (this.type === 'marker') { clipX = minX; clipY = minY; minX = 0; minY = 0; } } screen.viewPort.setCurrent(width, height); // Default value of transform-origin is center only for root SVG elements // if (this.node // is not temporary SVGElement && (!this.parent || ((_this$node$parentNode = this.node.parentNode) === null || _this$node$parentNode === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$node$parentNode.nodeName) === 'foreignObject') && this.getStyle('transform', false, true).hasValue() && !this.getStyle('transform-origin', false, true).hasValue()) { this.getStyle('transform-origin', true, true).setValue('50% 50%'); } super.setContext(ctx); ctx.translate(this.getAttribute('x').getPixels('x'), this.getAttribute('y').getPixels('y')); if (viewBox) { width = viewBox[2]; height = viewBox[3]; } document.setViewBox({ ctx, aspectRatio: this.getAttribute('preserveAspectRatio').getString(), width: screen.viewPort.width, desiredWidth: width, height: screen.viewPort.height, desiredHeight: height, minX, minY, refX: refXAttr.getValue(), refY: refYAttr.getValue(), clip, clipX, clipY }); if (viewBox) { screen.viewPort.removeCurrent(); screen.viewPort.setCurrent(width, height); } } clearContext(ctx) { super.clearContext(ctx); this.document.screen.viewPort.removeCurrent(); } /** * Resize SVG to fit in given size. * @param width * @param height * @param preserveAspectRatio */ resize(width) { var height = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : width; var preserveAspectRatio = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false; var widthAttr = this.getAttribute('width', true); var heightAttr = this.getAttribute('height', true); var viewBoxAttr = this.getAttribute('viewBox'); var styleAttr = this.getAttribute('style'); var originWidth = widthAttr.getNumber(0); var originHeight = heightAttr.getNumber(0); if (preserveAspectRatio) { if (typeof preserveAspectRatio === 'string') { this.getAttribute('preserveAspectRatio', true).setValue(preserveAspectRatio); } else { var preserveAspectRatioAttr = this.getAttribute('preserveAspectRatio'); if (preserveAspectRatioAttr.hasValue()) { preserveAspectRatioAttr.setValue(preserveAspectRatioAttr.getString().replace(/^\s*(\S.*\S)\s*$/, '$1')); } } } widthAttr.setValue(width); heightAttr.setValue(height); if (!viewBoxAttr.hasValue()) { viewBoxAttr.setValue("0 0 ".concat(originWidth || width, " ").concat(originHeight || height)); } if (styleAttr.hasValue()) { var widthStyle = this.getStyle('width'); var heightStyle = this.getStyle('height'); if (widthStyle.hasValue()) { widthStyle.setValue("".concat(width, "px")); } if (heightStyle.hasValue()) { heightStyle.setValue("".concat(height, "px")); } } } } class RectElement extends PathElement { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.type = 'rect'; } path(ctx) { var x = this.getAttribute('x').getPixels('x'); var y = this.getAttribute('y').getPixels('y'); var width = this.getStyle('width', false, true).getPixels('x'); var height = this.getStyle('height', false, true).getPixels('y'); var rxAttr = this.getAttribute('rx'); var ryAttr = this.getAttribute('ry'); var rx = rxAttr.getPixels('x'); var ry = ryAttr.getPixels('y'); if (rxAttr.hasValue() && !ryAttr.hasValue()) { ry = rx; } if (ryAttr.hasValue() && !rxAttr.hasValue()) { rx = ry; } rx = Math.min(rx, width / 2.0); ry = Math.min(ry, height / 2.0); if (ctx) { var KAPPA = 4 * ((Math.sqrt(2) - 1) / 3); ctx.beginPath(); // always start the path so we don't fill prior paths if (height > 0 && width > 0) { ctx.moveTo(x + rx, y); ctx.lineTo(x + width - rx, y); ctx.bezierCurveTo(x + width - rx + KAPPA * rx, y, x + width, y + ry - KAPPA * ry, x + width, y + ry); ctx.lineTo(x + width, y + height - ry); ctx.bezierCurveTo(x + width, y + height - ry + KAPPA * ry, x + width - rx + KAPPA * rx, y + height, x + width - rx, y + height); ctx.lineTo(x + rx, y + height); ctx.bezierCurveTo(x + rx - KAPPA * rx, y + height, x, y + height - ry + KAPPA * ry, x, y + height - ry); ctx.lineTo(x, y + ry); ctx.bezierCurveTo(x, y + ry - KAPPA * ry, x + rx - KAPPA * rx, y, x + rx, y); ctx.closePath(); } } return new BoundingBox(x, y, x + width, y + height); } getMarkers() { return null; } } class CircleElement extends PathElement { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.type = 'circle'; } path(ctx) { var cx = this.getAttribute('cx').getPixels('x'); var cy = this.getAttribute('cy').getPixels('y'); var r = this.getAttribute('r').getPixels(); if (ctx && r > 0) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(cx, cy, r, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); ctx.closePath(); } return new BoundingBox(cx - r, cy - r, cx + r, cy + r); } getMarkers() { return null; } } class EllipseElement extends PathElement { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.type = 'ellipse'; } path(ctx) { var KAPPA = 4 * ((Math.sqrt(2) - 1) / 3); var rx = this.getAttribute('rx').getPixels('x'); var ry = this.getAttribute('ry').getPixels('y'); var cx = this.getAttribute('cx').getPixels('x'); var cy = this.getAttribute('cy').getPixels('y'); if (ctx && rx > 0 && ry > 0) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(cx + rx, cy); ctx.bezierCurveTo(cx + rx, cy + KAPPA * ry, cx + KAPPA * rx, cy + ry, cx, cy + ry); ctx.bezierCurveTo(cx - KAPPA * rx, cy + ry, cx - rx, cy + KAPPA * ry, cx - rx, cy); ctx.bezierCurveTo(cx - rx, cy - KAPPA * ry, cx - KAPPA * rx, cy - ry, cx, cy - ry); ctx.bezierCurveTo(cx + KAPPA * rx, cy - ry, cx + rx, cy - KAPPA * ry, cx + rx, cy); ctx.closePath(); } return new BoundingBox(cx - rx, cy - ry, cx + rx, cy + ry); } getMarkers() { return null; } } class LineElement extends PathElement { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.type = 'line'; } getPoints() { return [new Point(this.getAttribute('x1').getPixels('x'), this.getAttribute('y1').getPixels('y')), new Point(this.getAttribute('x2').getPixels('x'), this.getAttribute('y2').getPixels('y'))]; } path(ctx) { var [{ x: x0, y: y0 }, { x: x1, y: y1 }] = this.getPoints(); if (ctx) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x0, y0); ctx.lineTo(x1, y1); } return new BoundingBox(x0, y0, x1, y1); } getMarkers() { var [p0, p1] = this.getPoints(); var a = p0.angleTo(p1); return [[p0, a], [p1, a]]; } } class PolylineElement extends PathElement { constructor(document, node, captureTextNodes) { super(document, node, captureTextNodes); this.type = 'polyline'; this.points = []; this.points = Point.parsePath(this.getAttribute('points').getString()); } path(ctx) { var { points } = this; var [{ x: x0, y: y0 }] = points; var boundingBox = new BoundingBox(x0, y0); if (ctx) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x0, y0); } points.forEach(_ref => { var { x, y } = _ref; boundingBox.addPoint(x, y); if (ctx) { ctx.lineTo(x, y); } }); return boundingBox; } getMarkers() { var { points } = this; var lastIndex = points.length - 1; var markers = []; points.forEach((point, i) => { if (i === lastIndex) { return; } markers.push([point, point.angleTo(points[i + 1])]); }); if (markers.length > 0) { markers.push([points[points.length - 1], markers[markers.length - 1][1]]); } return markers; } } class PolygonElement extends PolylineElement { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.type = 'polygon'; } path(ctx) { var boundingBox = super.path(ctx); var [{ x, y }] = this.points; if (ctx) { ctx.lineTo(x, y); ctx.closePath(); } return boundingBox; } } class PatternElement extends Element { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.type = 'pattern'; } createPattern(ctx, _, parentOpacityProp) { var width = this.getStyle('width').getPixels('x', true); var height = this.getStyle('height').getPixels('y', true); // render me using a temporary svg element var patternSvg = new SVGElement(this.document, null); patternSvg.attributes.viewBox = new Property(this.document, 'viewBox', this.getAttribute('viewBox').getValue()); patternSvg.attributes.width = new Property(this.document, 'width', "".concat(width, "px")); patternSvg.attributes.height = new Property(this.document, 'height', "".concat(height, "px")); patternSvg.attributes.transform = new Property(this.document, 'transform', this.getAttribute('patternTransform').getValue()); patternSvg.children = this.children; var patternCanvas = this.document.createCanvas(width, height); var patternCtx = patternCanvas.getContext('2d'); var xAttr = this.getAttribute('x'); var yAttr = this.getAttribute('y'); if (xAttr.hasValue() && yAttr.hasValue()) { patternCtx.translate(xAttr.getPixels('x', true), yAttr.getPixels('y', true)); } if (parentOpacityProp.hasValue()) { this.styles['fill-opacity'] = parentOpacityProp; } else { Reflect.deleteProperty(this.styles, 'fill-opacity'); } // render 3x3 grid so when we transform there's no white space on edges for (var x = -1; x <= 1; x++) { for (var y = -1; y <= 1; y++) {; patternSvg.attributes.x = new Property(this.document, 'x', x * patternCanvas.width); patternSvg.attributes.y = new Property(this.document, 'y', y * patternCanvas.height); patternSvg.render(patternCtx); patternCtx.restore(); } } var pattern = ctx.createPattern(patternCanvas, 'repeat'); return pattern; } } class MarkerElement extends Element { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.type = 'marker'; } render(ctx, point, angle) { if (!point) { return; } var { x, y } = point; var orient = this.getAttribute('orient').getString('auto'); var markerUnits = this.getAttribute('markerUnits').getString('strokeWidth'); ctx.translate(x, y); if (orient === 'auto') { ctx.rotate(angle); } if (markerUnits === 'strokeWidth') { ctx.scale(ctx.lineWidth, ctx.lineWidth); }; // render me using a temporary svg element var markerSvg = new SVGElement(this.document, null); markerSvg.type = this.type; markerSvg.attributes.viewBox = new Property(this.document, 'viewBox', this.getAttribute('viewBox').getValue()); markerSvg.attributes.refX = new Property(this.document, 'refX', this.getAttribute('refX').getValue()); markerSvg.attributes.refY = new Property(this.document, 'refY', this.getAttribute('refY').getValue()); markerSvg.attributes.width = new Property(this.document, 'width', this.getAttribute('markerWidth').getValue()); markerSvg.attributes.height = new Property(this.document, 'height', this.getAttribute('markerHeight').getValue()); markerSvg.attributes.overflow = new Property(this.document, 'overflow', this.getAttribute('overflow').getValue()); markerSvg.attributes.fill = new Property(this.document, 'fill', this.getAttribute('fill').getColor('black')); markerSvg.attributes.stroke = new Property(this.document, 'stroke', this.getAttribute('stroke').getValue('none')); markerSvg.children = this.children; markerSvg.render(ctx); ctx.restore(); if (markerUnits === 'strokeWidth') { ctx.scale(1 / ctx.lineWidth, 1 / ctx.lineWidth); } if (orient === 'auto') { ctx.rotate(-angle); } ctx.translate(-x, -y); } } class DefsElement extends Element { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.type = 'defs'; } render() {// NOOP } } class GElement extends RenderedElement { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.type = 'g'; } getBoundingBox(ctx) { var boundingBox = new BoundingBox(); this.children.forEach(child => { boundingBox.addBoundingBox(child.getBoundingBox(ctx)); }); return boundingBox; } } class GradientElement extends Element { constructor(document, node, captureTextNodes) { super(document, node, captureTextNodes); this.attributesToInherit = ['gradientUnits']; this.stops = []; var { stops, children } = this; children.forEach(child => { if (child.type === 'stop') { stops.push(child); } }); } getGradientUnits() { return this.getAttribute('gradientUnits').getString('objectBoundingBox'); } createGradient(ctx, element, parentOpacityProp) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias, consistent-this var stopsContainer = this; if (this.getHrefAttribute().hasValue()) { stopsContainer = this.getHrefAttribute().getDefinition(); this.inheritStopContainer(stopsContainer); } var { stops } = stopsContainer; var gradient = this.getGradient(ctx, element); if (!gradient) { return this.addParentOpacity(parentOpacityProp, stops[stops.length - 1].color); } stops.forEach(stop => { gradient.addColorStop(stop.offset, this.addParentOpacity(parentOpacityProp, stop.color)); }); if (this.getAttribute('gradientTransform').hasValue()) { // render as transformed pattern on temporary canvas var { document } = this; var { MAX_VIRTUAL_PIXELS, viewPort } = document.screen; var [rootView] = viewPort.viewPorts; var rect = new RectElement(document, null); rect.attributes.x = new Property(document, 'x', -MAX_VIRTUAL_PIXELS / 3.0); rect.attributes.y = new Property(document, 'y', -MAX_VIRTUAL_PIXELS / 3.0); rect.attributes.width = new Property(document, 'width', MAX_VIRTUAL_PIXELS); rect.attributes.height = new Property(document, 'height', MAX_VIRTUAL_PIXELS); var group = new GElement(document, null); group.attributes.transform = new Property(document, 'transform', this.getAttribute('gradientTransform').getValue()); group.children = [rect]; var patternSvg = new SVGElement(document, null); patternSvg.attributes.x = new Property(document, 'x', 0); patternSvg.attributes.y = new Property(document, 'y', 0); patternSvg.attributes.width = new Property(document, 'width', rootView.width); patternSvg.attributes.height = new Property(document, 'height', rootView.height); patternSvg.children = [group]; var patternCanvas = document.createCanvas(rootView.width, rootView.height); var patternCtx = patternCanvas.getContext('2d'); patternCtx.fillStyle = gradient; patternSvg.render(patternCtx); return patternCtx.createPattern(patternCanvas, 'no-repeat'); } return gradient; } inheritStopContainer(stopsContainer) { this.attributesToInherit.forEach(attributeToInherit => { if (!this.getAttribute(attributeToInherit).hasValue() && stopsContainer.getAttribute(attributeToInherit).hasValue()) { this.getAttribute(attributeToInherit, true).setValue(stopsContainer.getAttribute(attributeToInherit).getValue()); } }); } addParentOpacity(parentOpacityProp, color) { if (parentOpacityProp.hasValue()) { var colorProp = new Property(this.document, 'color', color); return colorProp.addOpacity(parentOpacityProp).getColor(); } return color; } } class LinearGradientElement extends GradientElement { constructor(document, node, captureTextNodes) { super(document, node, captureTextNodes); this.type = 'linearGradient'; this.attributesToInherit.push('x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2'); } getGradient(ctx, element) { var isBoundingBoxUnits = this.getGradientUnits() === 'objectBoundingBox'; var boundingBox = isBoundingBoxUnits ? element.getBoundingBox(ctx) : null; if (isBoundingBoxUnits && !boundingBox) { return null; } if (!this.getAttribute('x1').hasValue() && !this.getAttribute('y1').hasValue() && !this.getAttribute('x2').hasValue() && !this.getAttribute('y2').hasValue()) { this.getAttribute('x1', true).setValue(0); this.getAttribute('y1', true).setValue(0); this.getAttribute('x2', true).setValue(1); this.getAttribute('y2', true).setValue(0); } var x1 = isBoundingBoxUnits ? boundingBox.x + boundingBox.width * this.getAttribute('x1').getNumber() : this.getAttribute('x1').getPixels('x'); var y1 = isBoundingBoxUnits ? boundingBox.y + boundingBox.height * this.getAttribute('y1').getNumber() : this.getAttribute('y1').getPixels('y'); var x2 = isBoundingBoxUnits ? boundingBox.x + boundingBox.width * this.getAttribute('x2').getNumber() : this.getAttribute('x2').getPixels('x'); var y2 = isBoundingBoxUnits ? boundingBox.y + boundingBox.height * this.getAttribute('y2').getNumber() : this.getAttribute('y2').getPixels('y'); if (x1 === x2 && y1 === y2) { return null; } return ctx.createLinearGradient(x1, y1, x2, y2); } } class RadialGradientElement extends GradientElement { constructor(document, node, captureTextNodes) { super(document, node, captureTextNodes); this.type = 'radialGradient'; this.attributesToInherit.push('cx', 'cy', 'r', 'fx', 'fy', 'fr'); } getGradient(ctx, element) { var isBoundingBoxUnits = this.getGradientUnits() === 'objectBoundingBox'; var boundingBox = element.getBoundingBox(ctx); if (isBoundingBoxUnits && !boundingBox) { return null; } if (!this.getAttribute('cx').hasValue()) { this.getAttribute('cx', true).setValue('50%'); } if (!this.getAttribute('cy').hasValue()) { this.getAttribute('cy', true).setValue('50%'); } if (!this.getAttribute('r').hasValue()) { this.getAttribute('r', true).setValue('50%'); } var cx = isBoundingBoxUnits ? boundingBox.x + boundingBox.width * this.getAttribute('cx').getNumber() : this.getAttribute('cx').getPixels('x'); var cy = isBoundingBoxUnits ? boundingBox.y + boundingBox.height * this.getAttribute('cy').getNumber() : this.getAttribute('cy').getPixels('y'); var fx = cx; var fy = cy; if (this.getAttribute('fx').hasValue()) { fx = isBoundingBoxUnits ? boundingBox.x + boundingBox.width * this.getAttribute('fx').getNumber() : this.getAttribute('fx').getPixels('x'); } if (this.getAttribute('fy').hasValue()) { fy = isBoundingBoxUnits ? boundingBox.y + boundingBox.height * this.getAttribute('fy').getNumber() : this.getAttribute('fy').getPixels('y'); } var r = isBoundingBoxUnits ? (boundingBox.width + boundingBox.height) / 2.0 * this.getAttribute('r').getNumber() : this.getAttribute('r').getPixels(); var fr = this.getAttribute('fr').getPixels(); return ctx.createRadialGradient(fx, fy, fr, cx, cy, r); } } class StopElement extends Element { constructor(document, node, captureTextNodes) { super(document, node, captureTextNodes); this.type = 'stop'; var offset = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, this.getAttribute('offset').getNumber())); var stopOpacity = this.getStyle('stop-opacity'); var stopColor = this.getStyle('stop-color', true); if (stopColor.getString() === '') { stopColor.setValue('#000'); } if (stopOpacity.hasValue()) { stopColor = stopColor.addOpacity(stopOpacity); } this.offset = offset; this.color = stopColor.getColor(); } } class AnimateElement extends Element { constructor(document, node, captureTextNodes) { super(document, node, captureTextNodes); this.type = 'animate'; this.duration = 0; this.initialValue = null; this.initialUnits = ''; this.removed = false; this.frozen = false; document.screen.animations.push(this); this.begin = this.getAttribute('begin').getMilliseconds(); this.maxDuration = this.begin + this.getAttribute('dur').getMilliseconds(); this.from = this.getAttribute('from'); = this.getAttribute('to'); this.values = new Property(document, 'values', null); var valuesAttr = this.getAttribute('values'); if (valuesAttr.hasValue()) { this.values.setValue(valuesAttr.getString().split(';')); } } getProperty() { var attributeType = this.getAttribute('attributeType').getString(); var attributeName = this.getAttribute('attributeName').getString(); if (attributeType === 'CSS') { return this.parent.getStyle(attributeName, true); } return this.parent.getAttribute(attributeName, true); } calcValue() { var { initialUnits } = this; var { progress, from, to } = this.getProgress(); // tween value linearly var newValue = from.getNumber() + (to.getNumber() - from.getNumber()) * progress; if (initialUnits === '%') { newValue *= 100.0; // numValue() returns 0-1 whereas properties are 0-100 } return "".concat(newValue).concat(initialUnits); } update(delta) { var { parent } = this; var prop = this.getProperty(); // set initial value if (!this.initialValue) { this.initialValue = prop.getString(); this.initialUnits = prop.getUnits(); } // if we're past the end time if (this.duration > this.maxDuration) { var fill = this.getAttribute('fill').getString('remove'); // loop for indefinitely repeating animations if (this.getAttribute('repeatCount').getString() === 'indefinite' || this.getAttribute('repeatDur').getString() === 'indefinite') { this.duration = 0; } else if (fill === 'freeze' && !this.frozen) { this.frozen = true; parent.animationFrozen = true; parent.animationFrozenValue = prop.getString(); } else if (fill === 'remove' && !this.removed) { this.removed = true; prop.setValue(parent.animationFrozen ? parent.animationFrozenValue : this.initialValue); return true; } return false; } this.duration += delta; // if we're past the begin time var updated = false; if (this.begin < this.duration) { var newValue = this.calcValue(); // tween var typeAttr = this.getAttribute('type'); if (typeAttr.hasValue()) { // for transform, etc. var type = typeAttr.getString(); newValue = "".concat(type, "(").concat(newValue, ")"); } prop.setValue(newValue); updated = true; } return updated; } getProgress() { var { document, values } = this; var result = { progress: (this.duration - this.begin) / (this.maxDuration - this.begin) }; if (values.hasValue()) { var p = result.progress * (values.getValue().length - 1); var lb = Math.floor(p); var ub = Math.ceil(p); result.from = new Property(document, 'from', parseFloat(values.getValue()[lb])); = new Property(document, 'to', parseFloat(values.getValue()[ub])); result.progress = (p - lb) / (ub - lb); } else { result.from = this.from; =; } return result; } } class AnimateColorElement extends AnimateElement { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.type = 'animateColor'; } calcValue() { var { progress, from, to } = this.getProgress(); var colorFrom = new RGBColor(from.getColor()); var colorTo = new RGBColor(to.getColor()); if (colorFrom.ok && colorTo.ok) { // tween color linearly var r = colorFrom.r + (colorTo.r - colorFrom.r) * progress; var g = colorFrom.g + (colorTo.g - colorFrom.g) * progress; var b = colorFrom.b + (colorTo.b - colorFrom.b) * progress; // ? alpha return "rgb(".concat(Math.floor(r), ", ").concat(Math.floor(g), ", ").concat(Math.floor(b), ")"); } return this.getAttribute('from').getColor(); } } class AnimateTransformElement extends AnimateElement { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.type = 'animateTransform'; } calcValue() { var { progress, from, to } = this.getProgress(); // tween value linearly var transformFrom = toNumbers(from.getString()); var transformTo = toNumbers(to.getString()); var newValue =, i) => { var to = transformTo[i]; return from + (to - from) * progress; }).join(' '); return newValue; } } class FontElement extends Element { constructor(document, node, captureTextNodes) { super(document, node, captureTextNodes); this.type = 'font'; this.glyphs = {}; this.horizAdvX = this.getAttribute('horiz-adv-x').getNumber(); var { definitions } = document; var { children } = this; for (var child of children) { switch (child.type) { case 'font-face': { this.fontFace = child; var fontFamilyStyle = child.getStyle('font-family'); if (fontFamilyStyle.hasValue()) { definitions[fontFamilyStyle.getString()] = this; } break; } case 'missing-glyph': this.missingGlyph = child; break; case 'glyph': { var glyph = child; if (glyph.arabicForm) { this.isRTL = true; this.isArabic = true; if (typeof this.glyphs[glyph.unicode] === 'undefined') { this.glyphs[glyph.unicode] = {}; } this.glyphs[glyph.unicode][glyph.arabicForm] = glyph; } else { this.glyphs[glyph.unicode] = glyph; } break; } } } } render() {// NO RENDER } } class FontFaceElement extends Element { constructor(document, node, captureTextNodes) { super(document, node, captureTextNodes); this.type = 'font-face'; this.ascent = this.getAttribute('ascent').getNumber(); this.descent = this.getAttribute('descent').getNumber(); this.unitsPerEm = this.getAttribute('units-per-em').getNumber(); } } class MissingGlyphElement extends PathElement { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.type = 'missing-glyph'; this.horizAdvX = 0; } } class TRefElement extends TextElement { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.type = 'tref'; } getText() { var element = this.getHrefAttribute().getDefinition(); if (element) { var firstChild = element.children[0]; if (firstChild) { return firstChild.getText(); } } return ''; } } class AElement extends TextElement { constructor(document, node, captureTextNodes) { super(document, node, captureTextNodes); this.type = 'a'; var { childNodes } = node; var firstChild = childNodes[0]; var hasText = childNodes.length > 0 && Array.from(childNodes).every(node => node.nodeType === 3); this.hasText = hasText; this.text = hasText ? this.getTextFromNode(firstChild) : ''; } getText() { return this.text; } renderChildren(ctx) { if (this.hasText) { // render as text element super.renderChildren(ctx); var { document, x, y } = this; var { mouse } = document.screen; var fontSize = new Property(document, 'fontSize', Font.parse(document.ctx.font).fontSize); // Do not calc bounding box if mouse is not working. if (mouse.isWorking()) { mouse.checkBoundingBox(this, new BoundingBox(x, y - fontSize.getPixels('y'), x + this.measureText(ctx), y)); } } else if (this.children.length > 0) { // render as temporary group var g = new GElement(this.document, null); g.children = this.children; g.parent = this; g.render(ctx); } } onClick() { var { window } = this.document; if (window) {; } } onMouseMove() { var ctx = this.document.ctx; = 'pointer'; } } function ownKeys$2(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) { symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); } keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; } function _objectSpread$2(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys$2(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys$2(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; } class TextPathElement extends TextElement { constructor(document, node, captureTextNodes) { super(document, node, captureTextNodes); this.type = 'textPath'; this.textWidth = 0; this.textHeight = 0; this.pathLength = -1; this.glyphInfo = null; this.letterSpacingCache = []; this.measuresCache = new Map([['', 0]]); var pathElement = this.getHrefAttribute().getDefinition(); this.text = this.getTextFromNode(); this.dataArray = this.parsePathData(pathElement); } getText() { return this.text; } path(ctx) { var { dataArray } = this; if (ctx) { ctx.beginPath(); } dataArray.forEach(_ref => { var { type, points } = _ref; switch (type) { case PathParser.LINE_TO: if (ctx) { ctx.lineTo(points[0], points[1]); } break; case PathParser.MOVE_TO: if (ctx) { ctx.moveTo(points[0], points[1]); } break; case PathParser.CURVE_TO: if (ctx) { ctx.bezierCurveTo(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], points[4], points[5]); } break; case PathParser.QUAD_TO: if (ctx) { ctx.quadraticCurveTo(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]); } break; case PathParser.ARC: { var [cx, cy, rx, ry, theta, dTheta, psi, fs] = points; var r = rx > ry ? rx : ry; var scaleX = rx > ry ? 1 : rx / ry; var scaleY = rx > ry ? ry / rx : 1; if (ctx) { ctx.translate(cx, cy); ctx.rotate(psi); ctx.scale(scaleX, scaleY); ctx.arc(0, 0, r, theta, theta + dTheta, Boolean(1 - fs)); ctx.scale(1 / scaleX, 1 / scaleY); ctx.rotate(-psi); ctx.translate(-cx, -cy); } break; } case PathParser.CLOSE_PATH: if (ctx) { ctx.closePath(); } break; } }); } renderChildren(ctx) { this.setTextData(ctx);; var textDecoration = this.parent.getStyle('text-decoration').getString(); var fontSize = this.getFontSize(); var { glyphInfo } = this; var fill = ctx.fillStyle; if (textDecoration === 'underline') { ctx.beginPath(); } glyphInfo.forEach((glyph, i) => { var { p0, p1, rotation, text: partialText } = glyph;; ctx.translate(p0.x, p0.y); ctx.rotate(rotation); if (ctx.fillStyle) { ctx.fillText(partialText, 0, 0); } if (ctx.strokeStyle) { ctx.strokeText(partialText, 0, 0); } ctx.restore(); if (textDecoration === 'underline') { if (i === 0) { ctx.moveTo(p0.x, p0.y + fontSize / 8); } ctx.lineTo(p1.x, p1.y + fontSize / 5); } // // To assist with debugging visually, uncomment following // // ctx.beginPath(); // if (i % 2) // ctx.strokeStyle = 'red'; // else // ctx.strokeStyle = 'green'; // ctx.moveTo(p0.x, p0.y); // ctx.lineTo(p1.x, p1.y); // ctx.stroke(); // ctx.closePath(); }); if (textDecoration === 'underline') { ctx.lineWidth = fontSize / 20; ctx.strokeStyle = fill; ctx.stroke(); ctx.closePath(); } ctx.restore(); } getLetterSpacingAt() { var idx = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0; return this.letterSpacingCache[idx] || 0; } findSegmentToFitChar(ctx, anchor, textFullWidth, fullPathWidth, spacesNumber, inputOffset, dy, c, charI) { var offset = inputOffset; var glyphWidth = this.measureText(ctx, c); if (c === ' ' && anchor === 'justify' && textFullWidth < fullPathWidth) { glyphWidth += (fullPathWidth - textFullWidth) / spacesNumber; } if (charI > -1) { offset += this.getLetterSpacingAt(charI); } var splineStep = this.textHeight / 20; var p0 = this.getEquidistantPointOnPath(offset, splineStep, 0); var p1 = this.getEquidistantPointOnPath(offset + glyphWidth, splineStep, 0); var segment = { p0, p1 }; var rotation = p0 && p1 ? Math.atan2(p1.y - p0.y, p1.x - p0.x) : 0; if (dy) { var dyX = Math.cos(Math.PI / 2 + rotation) * dy; var dyY = Math.cos(-rotation) * dy; segment.p0 = _objectSpread$2(_objectSpread$2({}, p0), {}, { x: p0.x + dyX, y: p0.y + dyY }); segment.p1 = _objectSpread$2(_objectSpread$2({}, p1), {}, { x: p1.x + dyX, y: p1.y + dyY }); } offset += glyphWidth; return { offset, segment, rotation }; } measureText(ctx, text) { var { measuresCache } = this; var targetText = text || this.getText(); if (measuresCache.has(targetText)) { return measuresCache.get(targetText); } var measure = this.measureTargetText(ctx, targetText); measuresCache.set(targetText, measure); return measure; } // This method supposes what all custom fonts already loaded. // If some font will be loaded after this method call, will not be rendered correctly. // You need to call this method manually to update glyphs cache. setTextData(ctx) { if (this.glyphInfo) { return; } var renderText = this.getText(); var chars = renderText.split(''); var spacesNumber = renderText.split(' ').length - 1; var dx = this.parent.getAttribute('dx').split().map(_ => _.getPixels('x')); var dy = this.parent.getAttribute('dy').getPixels('y'); var anchor = this.parent.getStyle('text-anchor').getString('start'); var thisSpacing = this.getStyle('letter-spacing'); var parentSpacing = this.parent.getStyle('letter-spacing'); var letterSpacing = 0; if (!thisSpacing.hasValue() || thisSpacing.getValue() === 'inherit') { letterSpacing = parentSpacing.getPixels(); } else if (thisSpacing.hasValue()) { if (thisSpacing.getValue() !== 'initial' && thisSpacing.getValue() !== 'unset') { letterSpacing = thisSpacing.getPixels(); } } // fill letter-spacing cache var letterSpacingCache = []; var textLen = renderText.length; this.letterSpacingCache = letterSpacingCache; for (var i = 0; i < textLen; i++) { letterSpacingCache.push(typeof dx[i] !== 'undefined' ? dx[i] : letterSpacing); } var dxSum = letterSpacingCache.reduce((acc, cur, i) => i === 0 ? 0 : acc + cur || 0, 0); var textWidth = this.measureText(ctx); var textFullWidth = Math.max(textWidth + dxSum, 0); this.textWidth = textWidth; this.textHeight = this.getFontSize(); this.glyphInfo = []; var fullPathWidth = this.getPathLength(); var startOffset = this.getStyle('startOffset').getNumber(0) * fullPathWidth; var offset = 0; if (anchor === 'middle' || anchor === 'center') { offset = -textFullWidth / 2; } if (anchor === 'end' || anchor === 'right') { offset = -textFullWidth; } offset += startOffset; chars.forEach((char, i) => { // Find such segment what distance between p0 and p1 is approx. width of glyph var { offset: nextOffset, segment, rotation } = this.findSegmentToFitChar(ctx, anchor, textFullWidth, fullPathWidth, spacesNumber, offset, dy, char, i); offset = nextOffset; if (!segment.p0 || !segment.p1) { return; } // const width = this.getLineLength( // segment.p0.x, // segment.p0.y, // segment.p1.x, // segment.p1.y // ); // Note: Since glyphs are rendered one at a time, any kerning pair data built into the font will not be used. // Can foresee having a rough pair table built in that the developer can override as needed. // Or use "dx" attribute of the node as a naive replacement // const kern = 0; // placeholder for future implementation // const midpoint = this.getPointOnLine( // kern + width / 2.0, // segment.p0.x, segment.p0.y, segment.p1.x, segment.p1.y // ); this.glyphInfo.push({ // transposeX: midpoint.x, // transposeY: midpoint.y, text: chars[i], p0: segment.p0, p1: segment.p1, rotation }); }); } parsePathData(path) { this.pathLength = -1; // reset path length if (!path) { return []; } var pathCommands = []; var { pathParser } = path; pathParser.reset(); // convert l, H, h, V, and v to L while (!pathParser.isEnd()) { var { current } = pathParser; var startX = current ? current.x : 0; var startY = current ? current.y : 0; var command =; var nextCommandType = command.type; var points = []; switch (command.type) { case PathParser.MOVE_TO: this.pathM(pathParser, points); break; case PathParser.LINE_TO: nextCommandType = this.pathL(pathParser, points); break; case PathParser.HORIZ_LINE_TO: nextCommandType = this.pathH(pathParser, points); break; case PathParser.VERT_LINE_TO: nextCommandType = this.pathV(pathParser, points); break; case PathParser.CURVE_TO: this.pathC(pathParser, points); break; case PathParser.SMOOTH_CURVE_TO: nextCommandType = this.pathS(pathParser, points); break; case PathParser.QUAD_TO: this.pathQ(pathParser, points); break; case PathParser.SMOOTH_QUAD_TO: nextCommandType = this.pathT(pathParser, points); break; case PathParser.ARC: points = this.pathA(pathParser); break; case PathParser.CLOSE_PATH: PathElement.pathZ(pathParser); break; } if (command.type !== PathParser.CLOSE_PATH) { pathCommands.push({ type: nextCommandType, points, start: { x: startX, y: startY }, pathLength: this.calcLength(startX, startY, nextCommandType, points) }); } else { pathCommands.push({ type: PathParser.CLOSE_PATH, points: [], pathLength: 0 }); } } return pathCommands; } pathM(pathParser, points) { var { x, y } = PathElement.pathM(pathParser).point; points.push(x, y); } pathL(pathParser, points) { var { x, y } = PathElement.pathL(pathParser).point; points.push(x, y); return PathParser.LINE_TO; } pathH(pathParser, points) { var { x, y } = PathElement.pathH(pathParser).point; points.push(x, y); return PathParser.LINE_TO; } pathV(pathParser, points) { var { x, y } = PathElement.pathV(pathParser).point; points.push(x, y); return PathParser.LINE_TO; } pathC(pathParser, points) { var { point, controlPoint, currentPoint } = PathElement.pathC(pathParser); points.push(point.x, point.y, controlPoint.x, controlPoint.y, currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y); } pathS(pathParser, points) { var { point, controlPoint, currentPoint } = PathElement.pathS(pathParser); points.push(point.x, point.y, controlPoint.x, controlPoint.y, currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y); return PathParser.CURVE_TO; } pathQ(pathParser, points) { var { controlPoint, currentPoint } = PathElement.pathQ(pathParser); points.push(controlPoint.x, controlPoint.y, currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y); } pathT(pathParser, points) { var { controlPoint, currentPoint } = PathElement.pathT(pathParser); points.push(controlPoint.x, controlPoint.y, currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y); return PathParser.QUAD_TO; } pathA(pathParser) { var { rX, rY, sweepFlag, xAxisRotation, centp, a1, ad } = PathElement.pathA(pathParser); if (sweepFlag === 0 && ad > 0) { ad -= 2 * Math.PI; } if (sweepFlag === 1 && ad < 0) { ad += 2 * Math.PI; } return [centp.x, centp.y, rX, rY, a1, ad, xAxisRotation, sweepFlag]; } calcLength(x, y, commandType, points) { var len = 0; var p1 = null; var p2 = null; var t = 0; switch (commandType) { case PathParser.LINE_TO: return this.getLineLength(x, y, points[0], points[1]); case PathParser.CURVE_TO: // Approximates by breaking curve into 100 line segments len = 0.0; p1 = this.getPointOnCubicBezier(0, x, y, points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], points[4], points[5]); for (t = 0.01; t <= 1; t += 0.01) { p2 = this.getPointOnCubicBezier(t, x, y, points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], points[4], points[5]); len += this.getLineLength(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y); p1 = p2; } return len; case PathParser.QUAD_TO: // Approximates by breaking curve into 100 line segments len = 0.0; p1 = this.getPointOnQuadraticBezier(0, x, y, points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]); for (t = 0.01; t <= 1; t += 0.01) { p2 = this.getPointOnQuadraticBezier(t, x, y, points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]); len += this.getLineLength(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y); p1 = p2; } return len; case PathParser.ARC: { // Approximates by breaking curve into line segments len = 0.0; var start = points[4]; // 4 = theta var dTheta = points[5]; // 5 = dTheta var end = points[4] + dTheta; var inc = Math.PI / 180.0; // 1 degree resolution if (Math.abs(start - end) < inc) { inc = Math.abs(start - end); } // Note: for purpose of calculating arc length, not going to worry about rotating X-axis by angle psi p1 = this.getPointOnEllipticalArc(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], start, 0); if (dTheta < 0) { // clockwise for (t = start - inc; t > end; t -= inc) { p2 = this.getPointOnEllipticalArc(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], t, 0); len += this.getLineLength(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y); p1 = p2; } } else { // counter-clockwise for (t = start + inc; t < end; t += inc) { p2 = this.getPointOnEllipticalArc(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], t, 0); len += this.getLineLength(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y); p1 = p2; } } p2 = this.getPointOnEllipticalArc(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], end, 0); len += this.getLineLength(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y); return len; } } return 0; } getPointOnLine(dist, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y) { var fromX = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== undefined ? arguments[5] : p1x; var fromY = arguments.length > 6 && arguments[6] !== undefined ? arguments[6] : p1y; var m = (p2y - p1y) / (p2x - p1x + PSEUDO_ZERO); var run = Math.sqrt(dist * dist / (1 + m * m)); if (p2x < p1x) { run *= -1; } var rise = m * run; var pt = null; if (p2x === p1x) { // vertical line pt = { x: fromX, y: fromY + rise }; } else if ((fromY - p1y) / (fromX - p1x + PSEUDO_ZERO) === m) { pt = { x: fromX + run, y: fromY + rise }; } else { var ix = 0; var iy = 0; var len = this.getLineLength(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y); if (len < PSEUDO_ZERO) { return null; } var u = (fromX - p1x) * (p2x - p1x) + (fromY - p1y) * (p2y - p1y); u /= len * len; ix = p1x + u * (p2x - p1x); iy = p1y + u * (p2y - p1y); var pRise = this.getLineLength(fromX, fromY, ix, iy); var pRun = Math.sqrt(dist * dist - pRise * pRise); run = Math.sqrt(pRun * pRun / (1 + m * m)); if (p2x < p1x) { run *= -1; } rise = m * run; pt = { x: ix + run, y: iy + rise }; } return pt; } getPointOnPath(distance) { var fullLen = this.getPathLength(); var cumulativePathLength = 0; var p = null; if (distance < -0.00005 || distance - 0.00005 > fullLen) { return null; } var { dataArray } = this; for (var command of dataArray) { if (command && (command.pathLength < 0.00005 || cumulativePathLength + command.pathLength + 0.00005 < distance)) { cumulativePathLength += command.pathLength; continue; } var delta = distance - cumulativePathLength; var currentT = 0; switch (command.type) { case PathParser.LINE_TO: p = this.getPointOnLine(delta, command.start.x, command.start.y, command.points[0], command.points[1], command.start.x, command.start.y); break; case PathParser.ARC: { var start = command.points[4]; // 4 = theta var dTheta = command.points[5]; // 5 = dTheta var end = command.points[4] + dTheta; currentT = start + delta / command.pathLength * dTheta; if (dTheta < 0 && currentT < end || dTheta >= 0 && currentT > end) { break; } p = this.getPointOnEllipticalArc(command.points[0], command.points[1], command.points[2], command.points[3], currentT, command.points[6]); break; } case PathParser.CURVE_TO: currentT = delta / command.pathLength; if (currentT > 1) { currentT = 1; } p = this.getPointOnCubicBezier(currentT, command.start.x, command.start.y, command.points[0], command.points[1], command.points[2], command.points[3], command.points[4], command.points[5]); break; case PathParser.QUAD_TO: currentT = delta / command.pathLength; if (currentT > 1) { currentT = 1; } p = this.getPointOnQuadraticBezier(currentT, command.start.x, command.start.y, command.points[0], command.points[1], command.points[2], command.points[3]); break; } if (p) { return p; } break; } return null; } getLineLength(x1, y1, x2, y2) { return Math.sqrt((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)); } getPathLength() { if (this.pathLength === -1) { this.pathLength = this.dataArray.reduce((length, command) => command.pathLength > 0 ? length + command.pathLength : length, 0); } return this.pathLength; } getPointOnCubicBezier(pct, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y, p4x, p4y) { var x = p4x * CB1(pct) + p3x * CB2(pct) + p2x * CB3(pct) + p1x * CB4(pct); var y = p4y * CB1(pct) + p3y * CB2(pct) + p2y * CB3(pct) + p1y * CB4(pct); return { x, y }; } getPointOnQuadraticBezier(pct, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y) { var x = p3x * QB1(pct) + p2x * QB2(pct) + p1x * QB3(pct); var y = p3y * QB1(pct) + p2y * QB2(pct) + p1y * QB3(pct); return { x, y }; } getPointOnEllipticalArc(cx, cy, rx, ry, theta, psi) { var cosPsi = Math.cos(psi); var sinPsi = Math.sin(psi); var pt = { x: rx * Math.cos(theta), y: ry * Math.sin(theta) }; return { x: cx + (pt.x * cosPsi - pt.y * sinPsi), y: cy + (pt.x * sinPsi + pt.y * cosPsi) }; } // TODO need some optimisations. possibly build cache only for curved segments? buildEquidistantCache(inputStep, inputPrecision) { var fullLen = this.getPathLength(); var precision = inputPrecision || 0.25; // accuracy vs performance var step = inputStep || fullLen / 100; if (!this.equidistantCache || this.equidistantCache.step !== step || this.equidistantCache.precision !== precision) { // Prepare cache this.equidistantCache = { step, precision, points: [] }; // Calculate points var s = 0; for (var l = 0; l <= fullLen; l += precision) { var p0 = this.getPointOnPath(l); var p1 = this.getPointOnPath(l + precision); if (!p0 || !p1) { continue; } s += this.getLineLength(p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y); if (s >= step) { this.equidistantCache.points.push({ x: p0.x, y: p0.y, distance: l }); s -= step; } } } } getEquidistantPointOnPath(targetDistance, step, precision) { this.buildEquidistantCache(step, precision); if (targetDistance < 0 || targetDistance - this.getPathLength() > 0.00005) { return null; } var idx = Math.round(targetDistance / this.getPathLength() * (this.equidistantCache.points.length - 1)); return this.equidistantCache.points[idx] || null; } } var dataUriRegex = /^\s*data:(([^/,;]+\/[^/,;]+)(?:;([^,;=]+=[^,;=]+))?)?(?:;(base64))?,(.*)$/i; class ImageElement extends RenderedElement { constructor(document, node, captureTextNodes) { super(document, node, captureTextNodes); this.type = 'image'; this.loaded = false; var href = this.getHrefAttribute().getString(); if (!href) { return; } var isSvg = href.endsWith('.svg') || /^\s*data:image\/svg\+xml/i.test(href); document.images.push(this); if (!isSvg) { void this.loadImage(href); } else { void this.loadSvg(href); } this.isSvg = isSvg; } loadImage(href) { var _this = this; return _asyncToGenerator(function* () { try { var image = yield _this.document.createImage(href); _this.image = image; } catch (err) { console.error("Error while loading image \"".concat(href, "\":"), err); } _this.loaded = true; })(); } loadSvg(href) { var _this2 = this; return _asyncToGenerator(function* () { var match = dataUriRegex.exec(href); if (match) { var data = match[5]; if (match[4] === 'base64') { _this2.image = atob(data); } else { _this2.image = decodeURIComponent(data); } } else { try { var response = yield _this2.document.fetch(href); var svg = yield response.text(); _this2.image = svg; } catch (err) { console.error("Error while loading image \"".concat(href, "\":"), err); } } _this2.loaded = true; })(); } renderChildren(ctx) { var { document, image, loaded } = this; var x = this.getAttribute('x').getPixels('x'); var y = this.getAttribute('y').getPixels('y'); var width = this.getStyle('width').getPixels('x'); var height = this.getStyle('height').getPixels('y'); if (!loaded || !image || !width || !height) { return; }; ctx.translate(x, y); if (this.isSvg) { var subDocument = document.canvg.forkString(ctx, this.image, { ignoreMouse: true, ignoreAnimation: true, ignoreDimensions: true, ignoreClear: true, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, scaleWidth: width, scaleHeight: height }); subDocument.document.documentElement.parent = this; void subDocument.render(); } else { var _image = this.image; document.setViewBox({ ctx, aspectRatio: this.getAttribute('preserveAspectRatio').getString(), width, desiredWidth: _image.width, height, desiredHeight: _image.height }); if (this.loaded) { if (typeof _image.complete === 'undefined' || _image.complete) { ctx.drawImage(_image, 0, 0); } } } ctx.restore(); } getBoundingBox() { var x = this.getAttribute('x').getPixels('x'); var y = this.getAttribute('y').getPixels('y'); var width = this.getStyle('width').getPixels('x'); var height = this.getStyle('height').getPixels('y'); return new BoundingBox(x, y, x + width, y + height); } } class SymbolElement extends RenderedElement { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.type = 'symbol'; } render(_) {// NO RENDER } } class SVGFontLoader { constructor(document) { this.document = document; this.loaded = false; document.fonts.push(this); } load(fontFamily, url) { var _this = this; return _asyncToGenerator(function* () { try { var { document } = _this; var svgDocument = yield document.canvg.parser.load(url); var fonts = svgDocument.getElementsByTagName('font'); Array.from(fonts).forEach(fontNode => { var font = document.createElement(fontNode); document.definitions[fontFamily] = font; }); } catch (err) { console.error("Error while loading font \"".concat(url, "\":"), err); } _this.loaded = true; })(); } } class StyleElement extends Element { constructor(document, node, captureTextNodes) { super(document, node, captureTextNodes); this.type = 'style'; var css = compressSpaces(Array.from(node.childNodes) // NEED TEST .map(_ => _.textContent).join('').replace(/(\/\*([^*]|[\r\n]|(\*+([^*/]|[\r\n])))*\*+\/)|(^[\s]*\/\/.*)/gm, '') // remove comments .replace(/@import.*;/g, '') // remove imports ); var cssDefs = css.split('}'); cssDefs.forEach(_ => { var def = _.trim(); if (!def) { return; } var cssParts = def.split('{'); var cssClasses = cssParts[0].split(','); var cssProps = cssParts[1].split(';'); cssClasses.forEach(_ => { var cssClass = _.trim(); if (!cssClass) { return; } var props = document.styles[cssClass] || {}; cssProps.forEach(cssProp => { var prop = cssProp.indexOf(':'); var name = cssProp.substr(0, prop).trim(); var value = cssProp.substr(prop + 1, cssProp.length - prop).trim(); if (name && value) { props[name] = new Property(document, name, value); } }); document.styles[cssClass] = props; document.stylesSpecificity[cssClass] = getSelectorSpecificity(cssClass); if (cssClass === '@font-face') { // && !nodeEnv var fontFamily = props['font-family'].getString().replace(/"|'/g, ''); var srcs = props.src.getString().split(','); srcs.forEach(src => { if (src.indexOf('format("svg")') > 0) { var url = parseExternalUrl(src); if (url) { void new SVGFontLoader(document).load(fontFamily, url); } } }); } }); }); } } StyleElement.parseExternalUrl = parseExternalUrl; class UseElement extends RenderedElement { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.type = 'use'; } setContext(ctx) { super.setContext(ctx); var xAttr = this.getAttribute('x'); var yAttr = this.getAttribute('y'); if (xAttr.hasValue()) { ctx.translate(xAttr.getPixels('x'), 0); } if (yAttr.hasValue()) { ctx.translate(0, yAttr.getPixels('y')); } } path(ctx) { var { element } = this; if (element) { element.path(ctx); } } renderChildren(ctx) { var { document, element } = this; if (element) { var tempSvg = element; if (element.type === 'symbol') { // render me using a temporary svg element in symbol cases ( tempSvg = new SVGElement(document, null); tempSvg.attributes.viewBox = new Property(document, 'viewBox', element.getAttribute('viewBox').getString()); tempSvg.attributes.preserveAspectRatio = new Property(document, 'preserveAspectRatio', element.getAttribute('preserveAspectRatio').getString()); tempSvg.attributes.overflow = new Property(document, 'overflow', element.getAttribute('overflow').getString()); tempSvg.children = element.children; // element is still the parent of the children element.styles.opacity = new Property(document, 'opacity', this.calculateOpacity()); } if (tempSvg.type === 'svg') { var widthStyle = this.getStyle('width', false, true); var heightStyle = this.getStyle('height', false, true); // if symbol or svg, inherit width/height from me if (widthStyle.hasValue()) { tempSvg.attributes.width = new Property(document, 'width', widthStyle.getString()); } if (heightStyle.hasValue()) { tempSvg.attributes.height = new Property(document, 'height', heightStyle.getString()); } } var oldParent = tempSvg.parent; tempSvg.parent = this; tempSvg.render(ctx); tempSvg.parent = oldParent; } } getBoundingBox(ctx) { var { element } = this; if (element) { return element.getBoundingBox(ctx); } return null; } elementTransform() { var { document, element } = this; return Transform.fromElement(document, element); } get element() { if (!this.cachedElement) { this.cachedElement = this.getHrefAttribute().getDefinition(); } return this.cachedElement; } } function imGet(img, x, y, width, _height, rgba) { return img[y * width * 4 + x * 4 + rgba]; } function imSet(img, x, y, width, _height, rgba, val) { img[y * width * 4 + x * 4 + rgba] = val; } function m(matrix, i, v) { var mi = matrix[i]; return mi * v; } function c(a, m1, m2, m3) { return m1 + Math.cos(a) * m2 + Math.sin(a) * m3; } class FeColorMatrixElement extends Element { constructor(document, node, captureTextNodes) { super(document, node, captureTextNodes); this.type = 'feColorMatrix'; var matrix = toNumbers(this.getAttribute('values').getString()); switch (this.getAttribute('type').getString('matrix')) { // case 'saturate': { var s = matrix[0]; /* eslint-disable array-element-newline */ matrix = [0.213 + 0.787 * s, 0.715 - 0.715 * s, 0.072 - 0.072 * s, 0, 0, 0.213 - 0.213 * s, 0.715 + 0.285 * s, 0.072 - 0.072 * s, 0, 0, 0.213 - 0.213 * s, 0.715 - 0.715 * s, 0.072 + 0.928 * s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]; /* eslint-enable array-element-newline */ break; } case 'hueRotate': { var a = matrix[0] * Math.PI / 180.0; /* eslint-disable array-element-newline */ matrix = [c(a, 0.213, 0.787, -0.213), c(a, 0.715, -0.715, -0.715), c(a, 0.072, -0.072, 0.928), 0, 0, c(a, 0.213, -0.213, 0.143), c(a, 0.715, 0.285, 0.140), c(a, 0.072, -0.072, -0.283), 0, 0, c(a, 0.213, -0.213, -0.787), c(a, 0.715, -0.715, 0.715), c(a, 0.072, 0.928, 0.072), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]; /* eslint-enable array-element-newline */ break; } case 'luminanceToAlpha': /* eslint-disable array-element-newline */ matrix = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]; /* eslint-enable array-element-newline */ break; } this.matrix = matrix; this.includeOpacity = this.getAttribute('includeOpacity').hasValue(); } apply(ctx, _x, _y, width, height) { // assuming x==0 && y==0 for now var { includeOpacity, matrix } = this; var srcData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height); for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { var r = imGet(, x, y, width, height, 0); var g = imGet(, x, y, width, height, 1); var b = imGet(, x, y, width, height, 2); var a = imGet(, x, y, width, height, 3); var nr = m(matrix, 0, r) + m(matrix, 1, g) + m(matrix, 2, b) + m(matrix, 3, a) + m(matrix, 4, 1); var ng = m(matrix, 5, r) + m(matrix, 6, g) + m(matrix, 7, b) + m(matrix, 8, a) + m(matrix, 9, 1); var nb = m(matrix, 10, r) + m(matrix, 11, g) + m(matrix, 12, b) + m(matrix, 13, a) + m(matrix, 14, 1); var na = m(matrix, 15, r) + m(matrix, 16, g) + m(matrix, 17, b) + m(matrix, 18, a) + m(matrix, 19, 1); if (includeOpacity) { nr = 0; ng = 0; nb = 0; na *= a / 255; } imSet(, x, y, width, height, 0, nr); imSet(, x, y, width, height, 1, ng); imSet(, x, y, width, height, 2, nb); imSet(, x, y, width, height, 3, na); } } ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); ctx.putImageData(srcData, 0, 0); } } class MaskElement extends Element { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.type = 'mask'; } apply(ctx, element) { var { document } = this; // render as temp svg var x = this.getAttribute('x').getPixels('x'); var y = this.getAttribute('y').getPixels('y'); var width = this.getStyle('width').getPixels('x'); var height = this.getStyle('height').getPixels('y'); if (!width && !height) { var boundingBox = new BoundingBox(); this.children.forEach(child => { boundingBox.addBoundingBox(child.getBoundingBox(ctx)); }); x = Math.floor(boundingBox.x1); y = Math.floor(boundingBox.y1); width = Math.floor(boundingBox.width); height = Math.floor(boundingBox.height); } var ignoredStyles = this.removeStyles(element, MaskElement.ignoreStyles); var maskCanvas = document.createCanvas(x + width, y + height); var maskCtx = maskCanvas.getContext('2d'); document.screen.setDefaults(maskCtx); this.renderChildren(maskCtx); // convert mask to alpha with a fake node // TODO: refactor out apply from feColorMatrix new FeColorMatrixElement(document, { nodeType: 1, childNodes: [], attributes: [{ nodeName: 'type', value: 'luminanceToAlpha' }, { nodeName: 'includeOpacity', value: 'true' }] }).apply(maskCtx, 0, 0, x + width, y + height); var tmpCanvas = document.createCanvas(x + width, y + height); var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'); document.screen.setDefaults(tmpCtx); element.render(tmpCtx); tmpCtx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-in'; tmpCtx.fillStyle = maskCtx.createPattern(maskCanvas, 'no-repeat'); tmpCtx.fillRect(0, 0, x + width, y + height); ctx.fillStyle = tmpCtx.createPattern(tmpCanvas, 'no-repeat'); ctx.fillRect(0, 0, x + width, y + height); // reassign mask this.restoreStyles(element, ignoredStyles); } render(_) {// NO RENDER } } MaskElement.ignoreStyles = ['mask', 'transform', 'clip-path']; var noop = () => {// NOOP }; class ClipPathElement extends Element { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.type = 'clipPath'; } apply(ctx) { var { document } = this; var contextProto = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(ctx); var { beginPath, closePath } = ctx; if (contextProto) { contextProto.beginPath = noop; contextProto.closePath = noop; } Reflect.apply(beginPath, ctx, []); this.children.forEach(child => { if (typeof child.path === 'undefined') { return; } var transform = typeof child.elementTransform !== 'undefined' ? child.elementTransform() : null; // handle if (!transform) { transform = Transform.fromElement(document, child); } if (transform) { transform.apply(ctx); } child.path(ctx); if (contextProto) { contextProto.closePath = closePath; } if (transform) { transform.unapply(ctx); } }); Reflect.apply(closePath, ctx, []); ctx.clip(); if (contextProto) { contextProto.beginPath = beginPath; contextProto.closePath = closePath; } } render(_) {// NO RENDER } } class FilterElement extends Element { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.type = 'filter'; } apply(ctx, element) { // render as temp svg var { document, children } = this; var boundingBox = element.getBoundingBox(ctx); if (!boundingBox) { return; } var px = 0; var py = 0; children.forEach(child => { var efd = child.extraFilterDistance || 0; px = Math.max(px, efd); py = Math.max(py, efd); }); var width = Math.floor(boundingBox.width); var height = Math.floor(boundingBox.height); var tmpCanvasWidth = width + 2 * px; var tmpCanvasHeight = height + 2 * py; if (tmpCanvasWidth < 1 || tmpCanvasHeight < 1) { return; } var x = Math.floor(boundingBox.x); var y = Math.floor(boundingBox.y); var ignoredStyles = this.removeStyles(element, FilterElement.ignoreStyles); var tmpCanvas = document.createCanvas(tmpCanvasWidth, tmpCanvasHeight); var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'); document.screen.setDefaults(tmpCtx); tmpCtx.translate(-x + px, -y + py); element.render(tmpCtx); // apply filters children.forEach(child => { if (typeof child.apply === 'function') { child.apply(tmpCtx, 0, 0, tmpCanvasWidth, tmpCanvasHeight); } }); // render on me ctx.drawImage(tmpCanvas, 0, 0, tmpCanvasWidth, tmpCanvasHeight, x - px, y - py, tmpCanvasWidth, tmpCanvasHeight); this.restoreStyles(element, ignoredStyles); } render(_) {// NO RENDER } } FilterElement.ignoreStyles = ['filter', 'transform', 'clip-path']; class FeDropShadowElement extends Element { constructor(document, node, captureTextNodes) { super(document, node, captureTextNodes); this.type = 'feDropShadow'; this.addStylesFromStyleDefinition(); } apply(_, _x, _y, _width, _height) {// TODO: implement } } class FeMorphologyElement extends Element { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.type = 'feMorphology'; } apply(_, _x, _y, _width, _height) {// TODO: implement } } class FeCompositeElement extends Element { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.type = 'feComposite'; } apply(_, _x, _y, _width, _height) {// TODO: implement } } class FeGaussianBlurElement extends Element { constructor(document, node, captureTextNodes) { super(document, node, captureTextNodes); this.type = 'feGaussianBlur'; this.blurRadius = Math.floor(this.getAttribute('stdDeviation').getNumber()); this.extraFilterDistance = this.blurRadius; } apply(ctx, x, y, width, height) { var { document, blurRadius } = this; var body = document.window ? document.window.document.body : null; var canvas = ctx.canvas; // StackBlur requires canvas be on document = document.getUniqueId(); if (body) { = 'none'; body.appendChild(canvas); } canvasRGBA(canvas, x, y, width, height, blurRadius); if (body) { body.removeChild(canvas); } } } class TitleElement extends Element { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.type = 'title'; } } class DescElement extends Element { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.type = 'desc'; } } var elements = { 'svg': SVGElement, 'rect': RectElement, 'circle': CircleElement, 'ellipse': EllipseElement, 'line': LineElement, 'polyline': PolylineElement, 'polygon': PolygonElement, 'path': PathElement, 'pattern': PatternElement, 'marker': MarkerElement, 'defs': DefsElement, 'linearGradient': LinearGradientElement, 'radialGradient': RadialGradientElement, 'stop': StopElement, 'animate': AnimateElement, 'animateColor': AnimateColorElement, 'animateTransform': AnimateTransformElement, 'font': FontElement, 'font-face': FontFaceElement, 'missing-glyph': MissingGlyphElement, 'glyph': GlyphElement, 'text': TextElement, 'tspan': TSpanElement, 'tref': TRefElement, 'a': AElement, 'textPath': TextPathElement, 'image': ImageElement, 'g': GElement, 'symbol': SymbolElement, 'style': StyleElement, 'use': UseElement, 'mask': MaskElement, 'clipPath': ClipPathElement, 'filter': FilterElement, 'feDropShadow': FeDropShadowElement, 'feMorphology': FeMorphologyElement, 'feComposite': FeCompositeElement, 'feColorMatrix': FeColorMatrixElement, 'feGaussianBlur': FeGaussianBlurElement, 'title': TitleElement, 'desc': DescElement }; function ownKeys$1(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) { symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); } keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; } function _objectSpread$1(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys$1(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys$1(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; } function createCanvas(width, height) { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; return canvas; } function createImage(_x) { return _createImage.apply(this, arguments); } function _createImage() { _createImage = _asyncToGenerator(function* (src) { var anonymousCrossOrigin = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false; var image = document.createElement('img'); if (anonymousCrossOrigin) { image.crossOrigin = 'Anonymous'; } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { image.onload = () => { resolve(image); }; image.onerror = (_event, _source, _lineno, _colno, error) => { reject(error); }; image.src = src; }); }); return _createImage.apply(this, arguments); } class Document { constructor(canvg) { var { rootEmSize = 12, emSize = 12, createCanvas = Document.createCanvas, createImage = Document.createImage, anonymousCrossOrigin } = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; this.canvg = canvg; this.definitions = {}; this.styles = {}; this.stylesSpecificity = {}; this.images = []; this.fonts = []; this.emSizeStack = []; this.uniqueId = 0; this.screen = canvg.screen; this.rootEmSize = rootEmSize; this.emSize = emSize; this.createCanvas = createCanvas; this.createImage = this.bindCreateImage(createImage, anonymousCrossOrigin); this.screen.wait(this.isImagesLoaded.bind(this)); this.screen.wait(this.isFontsLoaded.bind(this)); } bindCreateImage(createImage, anonymousCrossOrigin) { if (typeof anonymousCrossOrigin === 'boolean') { return (source, forceAnonymousCrossOrigin) => createImage(source, typeof forceAnonymousCrossOrigin === 'boolean' ? forceAnonymousCrossOrigin : anonymousCrossOrigin); } return createImage; } get window() { return this.screen.window; } get fetch() { return this.screen.fetch; } get ctx() { return this.screen.ctx; } get emSize() { var { emSizeStack } = this; return emSizeStack[emSizeStack.length - 1]; } set emSize(value) { var { emSizeStack } = this; emSizeStack.push(value); } popEmSize() { var { emSizeStack } = this; emSizeStack.pop(); } getUniqueId() { return "canvg".concat(++this.uniqueId); } isImagesLoaded() { return this.images.every(_ => _.loaded); } isFontsLoaded() { return this.fonts.every(_ => _.loaded); } createDocumentElement(document) { var documentElement = this.createElement(document.documentElement); documentElement.root = true; documentElement.addStylesFromStyleDefinition(); this.documentElement = documentElement; return documentElement; } createElement(node) { var elementType = node.nodeName.replace(/^[^:]+:/, ''); var ElementType = Document.elementTypes[elementType]; if (typeof ElementType !== 'undefined') { return new ElementType(this, node); } return new UnknownElement(this, node); } createTextNode(node) { return new TextNode(this, node); } setViewBox(config) { this.screen.setViewBox(_objectSpread$1({ document: this }, config)); } } Document.createCanvas = createCanvas; Document.createImage = createImage; Document.elementTypes = elements; function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) { symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); } keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; } function _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; } /** * SVG renderer on canvas. */ class Canvg { /** * Main constructor. * @param ctx - Rendering context. * @param svg - SVG Document. * @param options - Rendering options. */ constructor(ctx, svg) { var options = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {}; this.parser = new Parser(options); this.screen = new Screen(ctx, options); this.options = options; var document = new Document(this, options); var documentElement = document.createDocumentElement(svg); this.document = document; this.documentElement = documentElement; } /** * Create Canvg instance from SVG source string or URL. * @param ctx - Rendering context. * @param svg - SVG source string or URL. * @param options - Rendering options. * @returns Canvg instance. */ static from(ctx, svg) { var _arguments = arguments; return _asyncToGenerator(function* () { var options = _arguments.length > 2 && _arguments[2] !== undefined ? _arguments[2] : {}; var parser = new Parser(options); var svgDocument = yield parser.parse(svg); return new Canvg(ctx, svgDocument, options); })(); } /** * Create Canvg instance from SVG source string. * @param ctx - Rendering context. * @param svg - SVG source string. * @param options - Rendering options. * @returns Canvg instance. */ static fromString(ctx, svg) { var options = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {}; var parser = new Parser(options); var svgDocument = parser.parseFromString(svg); return new Canvg(ctx, svgDocument, options); } /** * Create new Canvg instance with inherited options. * @param ctx - Rendering context. * @param svg - SVG source string or URL. * @param options - Rendering options. * @returns Canvg instance. */ fork(ctx, svg) { var options = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {}; return Canvg.from(ctx, svg, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, this.options), options)); } /** * Create new Canvg instance with inherited options. * @param ctx - Rendering context. * @param svg - SVG source string. * @param options - Rendering options. * @returns Canvg instance. */ forkString(ctx, svg) { var options = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {}; return Canvg.fromString(ctx, svg, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, this.options), options)); } /** * Document is ready promise. * @returns Ready promise. */ ready() { return this.screen.ready(); } /** * Document is ready value. * @returns Is ready or not. */ isReady() { return this.screen.isReady(); } /** * Render only first frame, ignoring animations and mouse. * @param options - Rendering options. */ render() { var _arguments2 = arguments, _this = this; return _asyncToGenerator(function* () { var options = _arguments2.length > 0 && _arguments2[0] !== undefined ? _arguments2[0] : {}; _this.start(_objectSpread({ enableRedraw: true, ignoreAnimation: true, ignoreMouse: true }, options)); yield _this.ready(); _this.stop(); })(); } /** * Start rendering. * @param options - Render options. */ start() { var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; var { documentElement, screen, options: baseOptions } = this; screen.start(documentElement, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({ enableRedraw: true }, baseOptions), options)); } /** * Stop rendering. */ stop() { this.screen.stop(); } /** * Resize SVG to fit in given size. * @param width * @param height * @param preserveAspectRatio */ resize(width) { var height = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : width; var preserveAspectRatio = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false; this.documentElement.resize(width, height, preserveAspectRatio); } } export { AElement, AnimateColorElement, AnimateElement, AnimateTransformElement, BoundingBox, CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4, Canvg, CircleElement, ClipPathElement, DefsElement, DescElement, Document, Element, EllipseElement, FeColorMatrixElement, FeCompositeElement, FeDropShadowElement, FeGaussianBlurElement, FeMorphologyElement, FilterElement, Font, FontElement, FontFaceElement, GElement, GlyphElement, GradientElement, ImageElement, LineElement, LinearGradientElement, MarkerElement, MaskElement, Matrix, MissingGlyphElement, Mouse, PSEUDO_ZERO, Parser, PathElement, PathParser, PatternElement, Point, PolygonElement, PolylineElement, Property, QB1, QB2, QB3, RadialGradientElement, RectElement, RenderedElement, Rotate, SVGElement, SVGFontLoader, Scale, Screen, Skew, SkewX, SkewY, StopElement, StyleElement, SymbolElement, TRefElement, TSpanElement, TextElement, TextPathElement, TitleElement, Transform, Translate, UnknownElement, UseElement, ViewPort, compressSpaces, Canvg as default, getSelectorSpecificity, normalizeAttributeName, normalizeColor, parseExternalUrl, index as presets, toNumbers, trimLeft, trimRight, vectorMagnitude, vectorsAngle, vectorsRatio }; //# 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