import type { WatchEventType, Stats, FSWatcher as NativeFsWatcher } from 'fs'; import type { FSWatcher, WatchHelper, Throttler } from './index.js'; import type { EntryInfo } from 'readdirp'; export type Path = string; export declare const STR_DATA = "data"; export declare const STR_END = "end"; export declare const STR_CLOSE = "close"; export declare const EMPTY_FN: () => void; export declare const IDENTITY_FN: (val: unknown) => unknown; export declare const isWindows: boolean; export declare const isMacos: boolean; export declare const isLinux: boolean; export declare const isFreeBSD: boolean; export declare const isIBMi: boolean; export declare const EVENTS: { readonly ALL: "all"; readonly READY: "ready"; readonly ADD: "add"; readonly CHANGE: "change"; readonly ADD_DIR: "addDir"; readonly UNLINK: "unlink"; readonly UNLINK_DIR: "unlinkDir"; readonly RAW: "raw"; readonly ERROR: "error"; }; export type EventName = (typeof EVENTS)[keyof typeof EVENTS]; export type FsWatchContainer = { listeners: (path: string) => void | Set; errHandlers: (err: unknown) => void | Set; rawEmitters: (ev: WatchEventType, path: string, opts: unknown) => void | Set; watcher: NativeFsWatcher; watcherUnusable?: boolean; }; export interface WatchHandlers { listener: (path: string) => void; errHandler: (err: unknown) => void; rawEmitter: (ev: WatchEventType, path: string, opts: unknown) => void; } /** * @mixin */ export declare class NodeFsHandler { fsw: FSWatcher; _boundHandleError: (error: unknown) => void; constructor(fsW: FSWatcher); /** * Watch file for changes with fs_watchFile or fs_watch. * @param path to file or dir * @param listener on fs change * @returns closer for the watcher instance */ _watchWithNodeFs(path: string, listener: (path: string, newStats?: any) => void | Promise): (() => void) | undefined; /** * Watch a file and emit add event if warranted. * @returns closer for the watcher instance */ _handleFile(file: Path, stats: Stats, initialAdd: boolean): (() => void) | undefined; /** * Handle symlinks encountered while reading a dir. * @param entry returned by readdirp * @param directory path of dir being read * @param path of this item * @param item basename of this item * @returns true if no more processing is needed for this entry. */ _handleSymlink(entry: EntryInfo, directory: string, path: Path, item: string): Promise; _handleRead(directory: string, initialAdd: boolean, wh: WatchHelper, target: Path, dir: Path, depth: number, throttler: Throttler): Promise | undefined; /** * Read directory to add / remove files from `@watched` list and re-read it on change. * @param dir fs path * @param stats * @param initialAdd * @param depth relative to user-supplied path * @param target child path targeted for watch * @param wh Common watch helpers for this path * @param realpath * @returns closer for the watcher instance. */ _handleDir(dir: string, stats: Stats, initialAdd: boolean, depth: number, target: string, wh: WatchHelper, realpath: string): Promise<(() => void) | undefined>; /** * Handle added file, directory, or glob pattern. * Delegates call to _handleFile / _handleDir after checks. * @param path to file or ir * @param initialAdd was the file added at watch instantiation? * @param priorWh depth relative to user-supplied path * @param depth Child path actually targeted for watch * @param target Child path actually targeted for watch */ _addToNodeFs(path: string, initialAdd: boolean, priorWh: WatchHelper | undefined, depth: number, target?: string): Promise; }