#!/usr/bin/env node (()=>{var n={9076:n=>{function e(n){return"number"==typeof n||!!/^0x[0-9a-f]+$/i.test(n)||/^[-+]?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(e[-+]?\d+)?$/.test(n)}n.exports=function(n,o){o||(o={});var t={bools:{},strings:{},unknownFn:null};"function"==typeof o.unknown&&(t.unknownFn=o.unknown),"boolean"==typeof o.boolean&&o.boolean?t.allBools=!0:[].concat(o.boolean).filter(Boolean).forEach((function(n){t.bools[n]=!0}));var r={};Object.keys(o.alias||{}).forEach((function(n){r[n]=[].concat(o.alias[n]),r[n].forEach((function(e){r[e]=[n].concat(r[n].filter((function(n){return e!==n})))}))})),[].concat(o.string).filter(Boolean).forEach((function(n){t.strings[n]=!0,r[n]&&(t.strings[r[n]]=!0)}));var s=o.default||{},i={_:[]};Object.keys(t.bools).forEach((function(n){l(n,void 0!==s[n]&&s[n])}));var a=[];function l(n,o,s){if(!s||!t.unknownFn||function(n,e){return t.allBools&&/^--[^=]+$/.test(e)||t.strings[n]||t.bools[n]||r[n]}(n,s)||!1!==t.unknownFn(s)){var a=!t.strings[n]&&e(o)?Number(o):o;c(i,n.split("."),a),(r[n]||[]).forEach((function(n){c(i,n.split("."),a)}))}}function c(n,e,o){for(var r=n,s=0;s{"use strict";n.exports=require("./envinfo")}},e={};function o(t){var r=e[t];if(void 0!==r)return r.exports;var s=e[t]={exports:{}};return n[t](s,s.exports,o),s.exports}(()=>{"use strict";var n=o(9076)(process.argv.slice(2)),e="7.14.0";n.console=!0,n.help||n._.indexOf("help")>-1?console.log(`\n ,,', ,, ,,,,,, ,',,\n ,,, ,,, ,,,\n ,, ,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,, ,, ,, .,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,\n ,, ,, ,, ,,, ,,, ,, ,,, ,, ,,, ,,, ,, ,,, ,,, ,,\n ,,, ,, .,, ,,, ,, ,,, ,, ,, ,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,,\n ,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,\n ,, ,,, ,,, ,, ,,,,, ,, ,,, ,, ,, ,,, ,,, ,,\n ,, ,,,,,,, ,,, ,, ,,, ,, ,,, ,, ,, ,,,,,,, ,,\n ,,, ,,,\n ,,,' ',,,\n\n VERSION: ${e}\n\n USAGE:\n\n \`envinfo\` || \`npx envinfo\`\n\n OPTIONS:\n\n --system Print general system info such as OS, CPU, Memory and Shell\n --browsers Get version numbers of installed web browsers\n --SDKs Get platforms, build tools and SDKs of iOS and Android\n --IDEs Get version numbers of installed IDEs\n --languages Get version numbers of installed languages such as Java, Python, PHP, etc\n --managers Get version numbers of installed package/dependency managers\n --monorepos Get monorepo tools\n --binaries Get version numbers of node, npm, watchman, etc\n --npmPackages Get version numbers of locally installed npm packages - glob, string, or comma delimited list\n --npmGlobalPackages Get version numbers of globally installed npm packages\n\n --duplicates Mark duplicate npm packages inside parentheses eg. (2.1.4)\n --fullTree Traverse entire node_modules dependency tree, not just top level\n\n --markdown Print output in markdown format\n --json Print output in JSON format\n --console Print to console (defaults to on for CLI usage, off for programmatic usage)\n --showNotFound Don't filter out values marked 'Not Found'\n --title Give your report a top level title ie 'Environment Report'\n\n --clipboard *Removed - use clipboardy or clipboard-cli directly*\n `):n.version||n.v||n._.indexOf("version")>-1?console.log(e):o(2328).cli(n)})(),module.exports={}})();