'use strict'; var $TypeError = require('es-errors/type'); var inspect = require('object-inspect'); var isInteger = require('math-intrinsics/isInteger'); var regexTester = require('safe-regex-test'); var Get = require('./Get'); var IsArray = require('./IsArray'); var min = require('./min'); var StringIndexOf = require('./StringIndexOf'); var StringToNumber = require('./StringToNumber'); var substring = require('./substring'); var ToString = require('./ToString'); var every = require('../helpers/every'); var isObject = require('../helpers/isObject'); var isPrefixOf = require('../helpers/isPrefixOf'); var isStringOrUndefined = require('../helpers/isStringOrUndefined'); var startsWithDollarDigit = regexTester(/^\$[0-9]/); var startsWithDollarTwoDigit = regexTester(/^\$[0-9][0-9]/); // http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/15.0/#sec-getsubstitution // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements, max-params, max-lines-per-function module.exports = function GetSubstitution(matched, str, position, captures, namedCaptures, replacementTemplate) { if (typeof matched !== 'string') { throw new $TypeError('Assertion failed: `matched` must be a String'); } if (typeof str !== 'string') { throw new $TypeError('Assertion failed: `str` must be a String'); } if (!isInteger(position) || position < 0) { throw new $TypeError('Assertion failed: `position` must be a nonnegative integer, got ' + inspect(position)); } if (!IsArray(captures) || !every(captures, isStringOrUndefined)) { throw new $TypeError('Assertion failed: `captures` must be a possibly-empty List of Strings or `undefined`, got ' + inspect(captures)); } if (typeof namedCaptures !== 'undefined' && !isObject(namedCaptures)) { throw new $TypeError('Assertion failed: `namedCaptures` must be `undefined` or an Object'); } if (typeof replacementTemplate !== 'string') { throw new $TypeError('Assertion failed: `replacementTemplate` must be a String'); } var stringLength = str.length; // step 1 if (position > stringLength) { throw new $TypeError('Assertion failed: position > stringLength, got ' + inspect(position)); // step 2 } var templateRemainder = replacementTemplate; // step 3 var result = ''; // step 4 while (templateRemainder !== '') { // step 5 // 5.a NOTE: The following steps isolate ref (a prefix of templateRemainder), determine refReplacement (its replacement), and then append that replacement to result. var ref, refReplacement, capture; if (isPrefixOf('$$', templateRemainder)) { // step 5.b ref = '$$'; // step 5.b.i refReplacement = '$'; // step 5.b.ii } else if (isPrefixOf('$`', templateRemainder)) { // step 5.c ref = '$`'; // step 5.c.i refReplacement = substring(str, 0, position); // step 5.c.ii } else if (isPrefixOf('$&', templateRemainder)) { // step 5.d ref = '$&'; // step 5.d.i refReplacement = matched; // step 5.d.ii } else if (isPrefixOf('$\'', templateRemainder)) { // step 5.e ref = '$\''; // step 5.e.i var matchLength = matched.length; // step 5.e.ii var tailPos = position + matchLength; // step 5.e.iii refReplacement = substring(str, min(tailPos, stringLength)); // step 5.e.iv // 5.e.v NOTE: tailPos can exceed stringLength only if this abstract operation was invoked by a call to the intrinsic @@replace method of %RegExp.prototype% on an object whose "exec" property is not the intrinsic %RegExp.prototype.exec%. } else if (startsWithDollarDigit(templateRemainder)) { // step 5.f var digitCount = startsWithDollarTwoDigit(templateRemainder) ? 2 : 1; // step 5.f.i var digits = substring(templateRemainder, 1, 1 + digitCount); // step 5.f.ii var index = StringToNumber(digits); // step 5.f.iii if (index < 0 || index > 99) { throw new $TypeError('Assertion failed: `index` must be >= 0 and <= 99'); // step 5.f.iv } var captureLen = captures.length; // step 5.f.v if (index > captureLen && digitCount === 2) { // step 5.f.vi // 1. NOTE: When a two-digit replacement pattern specifies an index exceeding the count of capturing groups, it is treated as a one-digit replacement pattern followed by a literal digit. digitCount = 1; // step 5.f.vi.2 digits = substring(digits, 0, 1); // step 5.f.vi.3 index = StringToNumber(digits); // step 5.f.vi.4 } ref = substring(templateRemainder, 0, 1 + digitCount); // step 5.f.vii if (1 <= index && index <= captureLen) { // step 5.f.viii capture = captures[index - 1]; // step 5.f.viii.1 if (typeof capture === 'undefined') { // step 5.f.viii.2 refReplacement = ''; // step 5.f.viii.2.a } else { // step 5.f.viii.3 refReplacement = capture; // step 5.f.viii.3.a } } else { // step 5.f.ix refReplacement = ref; // step 5.f.ix.1 } } else if (isPrefixOf('$<', templateRemainder)) { // step 5.g var gtPos = StringIndexOf(templateRemainder, '>', 0); // step 5.g.i if (gtPos === -1 || typeof namedCaptures === 'undefined') { // step 5.g.ii ref = '$<'; // step 5.g.ii.1 refReplacement = ref; // step 5.g.ii.2 } else { // step 5.g.iii ref = substring(templateRemainder, 0, gtPos + 1); // step 5.g.iii.1 var groupName = substring(templateRemainder, 2, gtPos); // step 5.g.iii.2 if (!isObject(namedCaptures)) { throw new $TypeError('Assertion failed: Type(namedCaptures) is not Object'); // step 5.g.iii.3 } capture = Get(namedCaptures, groupName); // step 5.g.iii.4 if (typeof capture === 'undefined') { // step 5.g.iii.5 refReplacement = ''; // step 5.g.iii.5.a } else { // step 5.g.iii.6 refReplacement = ToString(capture); // step 5.g.iii.6.a } } } else { // step 5.h ref = substring(templateRemainder, 0, 1); // step 5.h.i refReplacement = ref; // step 5.h.ii } var refLength = ref.length; // step 5.i templateRemainder = substring(templateRemainder, refLength); // step 5.j result += refReplacement; // step 5.k } return result; // step 6 };