'use strict' const { HEX } = require('./scopedChars') const IPV4_REG = /^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d{2}|[1-9]\d|\d)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d{2}|[1-9]\d|\d)$/u function normalizeIPv4 (host) { if (findToken(host, '.') < 3) { return { host, isIPV4: false } } const matches = host.match(IPV4_REG) || [] const [address] = matches if (address) { return { host: stripLeadingZeros(address, '.'), isIPV4: true } } else { return { host, isIPV4: false } } } /** * @param {string[]} input * @param {boolean} [keepZero=false] * @returns {string|undefined} */ function stringArrayToHexStripped (input, keepZero = false) { let acc = '' let strip = true for (const c of input) { if (HEX[c] === undefined) return undefined if (c !== '0' && strip === true) strip = false if (!strip) acc += c } if (keepZero && acc.length === 0) acc = '0' return acc } function getIPV6 (input) { let tokenCount = 0 const output = { error: false, address: '', zone: '' } const address = [] const buffer = [] let isZone = false let endipv6Encountered = false let endIpv6 = false function consume () { if (buffer.length) { if (isZone === false) { const hex = stringArrayToHexStripped(buffer) if (hex !== undefined) { address.push(hex) } else { output.error = true return false } } buffer.length = 0 } return true } for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { const cursor = input[i] if (cursor === '[' || cursor === ']') { continue } if (cursor === ':') { if (endipv6Encountered === true) { endIpv6 = true } if (!consume()) { break } tokenCount++ address.push(':') if (tokenCount > 7) { // not valid output.error = true break } if (i - 1 >= 0 && input[i - 1] === ':') { endipv6Encountered = true } continue } else if (cursor === '%') { if (!consume()) { break } // switch to zone detection isZone = true } else { buffer.push(cursor) continue } } if (buffer.length) { if (isZone) { output.zone = buffer.join('') } else if (endIpv6) { address.push(buffer.join('')) } else { address.push(stringArrayToHexStripped(buffer)) } } output.address = address.join('') return output } function normalizeIPv6 (host) { if (findToken(host, ':') < 2) { return { host, isIPV6: false } } const ipv6 = getIPV6(host) if (!ipv6.error) { let newHost = ipv6.address let escapedHost = ipv6.address if (ipv6.zone) { newHost += '%' + ipv6.zone escapedHost += '%25' + ipv6.zone } return { host: newHost, escapedHost, isIPV6: true } } else { return { host, isIPV6: false } } } function stripLeadingZeros (str, token) { let out = '' let skip = true const l = str.length for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) { const c = str[i] if (c === '0' && skip) { if ((i + 1 <= l && str[i + 1] === token) || i + 1 === l) { out += c skip = false } } else { if (c === token) { skip = true } else { skip = false } out += c } } return out } function findToken (str, token) { let ind = 0 for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { if (str[i] === token) ind++ } return ind } const RDS1 = /^\.\.?\//u const RDS2 = /^\/\.(?:\/|$)/u const RDS3 = /^\/\.\.(?:\/|$)/u const RDS5 = /^\/?(?:.|\n)*?(?=\/|$)/u function removeDotSegments (input) { const output = [] while (input.length) { if (input.match(RDS1)) { input = input.replace(RDS1, '') } else if (input.match(RDS2)) { input = input.replace(RDS2, '/') } else if (input.match(RDS3)) { input = input.replace(RDS3, '/') output.pop() } else if (input === '.' || input === '..') { input = '' } else { const im = input.match(RDS5) if (im) { const s = im[0] input = input.slice(s.length) output.push(s) } else { throw new Error('Unexpected dot segment condition') } } } return output.join('') } function normalizeComponentEncoding (components, esc) { const func = esc !== true ? escape : unescape if (components.scheme !== undefined) { components.scheme = func(components.scheme) } if (components.userinfo !== undefined) { components.userinfo = func(components.userinfo) } if (components.host !== undefined) { components.host = func(components.host) } if (components.path !== undefined) { components.path = func(components.path) } if (components.query !== undefined) { components.query = func(components.query) } if (components.fragment !== undefined) { components.fragment = func(components.fragment) } return components } function recomposeAuthority (components) { const uriTokens = [] if (components.userinfo !== undefined) { uriTokens.push(components.userinfo) uriTokens.push('@') } if (components.host !== undefined) { let host = unescape(components.host) const ipV4res = normalizeIPv4(host) if (ipV4res.isIPV4) { host = ipV4res.host } else { const ipV6res = normalizeIPv6(ipV4res.host) if (ipV6res.isIPV6 === true) { host = `[${ipV6res.escapedHost}]` } else { host = components.host } } uriTokens.push(host) } if (typeof components.port === 'number' || typeof components.port === 'string') { uriTokens.push(':') uriTokens.push(String(components.port)) } return uriTokens.length ? uriTokens.join('') : undefined }; module.exports = { recomposeAuthority, normalizeComponentEncoding, removeDotSegments, normalizeIPv4, normalizeIPv6, stringArrayToHexStripped }