'use strict'; /// // (c) 2020-present Andrea Giammarchi const {parse: $parse, stringify: $stringify} = JSON; const {keys} = Object; const Primitive = String; // it could be Number const primitive = 'string'; // it could be 'number' const ignore = {}; const object = 'object'; const noop = (_, value) => value; const primitives = value => ( value instanceof Primitive ? Primitive(value) : value ); const Primitives = (_, value) => ( typeof value === primitive ? new Primitive(value) : value ); const revive = (input, parsed, output, $) => { const lazy = []; for (let ke = keys(output), {length} = ke, y = 0; y < length; y++) { const k = ke[y]; const value = output[k]; if (value instanceof Primitive) { const tmp = input[value]; if (typeof tmp === object && !parsed.has(tmp)) { parsed.add(tmp); output[k] = ignore; lazy.push({k, a: [input, parsed, tmp, $]}); } else output[k] = $.call(output, k, tmp); } else if (output[k] !== ignore) output[k] = $.call(output, k, value); } for (let {length} = lazy, i = 0; i < length; i++) { const {k, a} = lazy[i]; output[k] = $.call(output, k, revive.apply(null, a)); } return output; }; const set = (known, input, value) => { const index = Primitive(input.push(value) - 1); known.set(value, index); return index; }; /** * Converts a specialized flatted string into a JS value. * @param {string} text * @param {(this: any, key: string, value: any) => any} [reviver] * @returns {any} */ const parse = (text, reviver) => { const input = $parse(text, Primitives).map(primitives); const value = input[0]; const $ = reviver || noop; const tmp = typeof value === object && value ? revive(input, new Set, value, $) : value; return $.call({'': tmp}, '', tmp); }; exports.parse = parse; /** * Converts a JS value into a specialized flatted string. * @param {any} value * @param {((this: any, key: string, value: any) => any) | (string | number)[] | null | undefined} [replacer] * @param {string | number | undefined} [space] * @returns {string} */ const stringify = (value, replacer, space) => { const $ = replacer && typeof replacer === object ? (k, v) => (k === '' || -1 < replacer.indexOf(k) ? v : void 0) : (replacer || noop); const known = new Map; const input = []; const output = []; let i = +set(known, input, $.call({'': value}, '', value)); let firstRun = !i; while (i < input.length) { firstRun = true; output[i] = $stringify(input[i++], replace, space); } return '[' + output.join(',') + ']'; function replace(key, value) { if (firstRun) { firstRun = !firstRun; return value; } const after = $.call(this, key, value); switch (typeof after) { case object: if (after === null) return after; case primitive: return known.get(after) || set(known, input, after); } return after; } }; exports.stringify = stringify; /** * Converts a generic value into a JSON serializable object without losing recursion. * @param {any} value * @returns {any} */ const toJSON = value => $parse(stringify(value)); exports.toJSON = toJSON; /** * Converts a previously serialized object with recursion into a recursive one. * @param {any} value * @returns {any} */ const fromJSON = value => parse($stringify(value)); exports.fromJSON = fromJSON;