var alternativeValues = { 'space-around': 'distribute', 'space-between': 'justify', 'flex-start': 'start', 'flex-end': 'end' }; var alternativeProps = { alignContent: 'msFlexLinePack', alignSelf: 'msFlexItemAlign', alignItems: 'msFlexAlign', justifyContent: 'msFlexPack', order: 'msFlexOrder', flexGrow: 'msFlexPositive', flexShrink: 'msFlexNegative', flexBasis: 'msFlexPreferredSize' // Full expanded syntax is flex-grow | flex-shrink | flex-basis. };var flexShorthandMappings = { auto: '1 1 auto', inherit: 'inherit', initial: '0 1 auto', none: '0 0 auto', unset: 'unset' }; var isUnitlessNumber = /^\d+(\.\d+)?$/; var logTag = 'inline-style-prefixer.flexboxIE plugin'; export default function flexboxIE(property, value, style) { if (alternativeProps.hasOwnProperty(property)) { style[alternativeProps[property]] = alternativeValues[value] || value; } if (property === 'flex') { // For certain values we can do straight mappings based on the spec // for the expansions. if (, value)) { style.msFlex = flexShorthandMappings[value]; return; } // Here we have no direct mapping, so we favor looking for a // unitless positive number as that will be the most common use-case. if (isUnitlessNumber.test(value)) { style.msFlex = value + ' 1 0%'; return; } if (typeof value === 'number' && value < 0) { // ignore negative values; console.warn(logTag + ': "flex: ' + value + '", negative values are not valid and will be ignored.'); return; } if (!value.split) { console.warn(logTag + ': "flex: ' + value + '", value format are not detected, it will be remain as is'); style.msFlex = value; return; } // The next thing we can look for is if there are multiple values. var flexValues = value.split(/\s/); // If we only have a single value that wasn't a positive unitless // or a pre-mapped value, then we can assume it is a unit value. switch (flexValues.length) { case 1: style.msFlex = '1 1 ' + value; return; case 2: // If we have 2 units, then we expect that the first will // always be a unitless number and represents flex-grow. // The second unit will represent flex-shrink for a unitless // value, or flex-basis otherwise. if (isUnitlessNumber.test(flexValues[1])) { style.msFlex = flexValues[0] + ' ' + flexValues[1] + ' 0%'; } else { style.msFlex = flexValues[0] + ' 1 ' + flexValues[1]; } return; default: style.msFlex = value; } } }