import { __rest, __read, __assign } from 'tslib'; import React, { useRef, useState, useEffect, useMemo } from 'react'; import { useTileTable } from './useTileTable.js'; import { useMeasure } from 'react-use'; import styles from './TilesContainer.module.css.js'; import { useComposeRef } from '../utils/useComposedRef.js'; import { jc } from '../utils/joinclasses.js'; import { isEqual } from 'lodash-es'; var TileUI = React.memo(function (_a) { var renderTile = _a.renderTile, props = __rest(_a, ["renderTile"]); return renderTile(props); }); var isTilesContainerForcedSizeProps = function (props) { return !!props.forceTileWidth; }; var isTilesContainerColsProps = function (props) { return !!props.columns; }; var defaultTileSize = function () { return ({ rowSpan: 1, colSpan: 1 }); }; var lastKey = 0; var dataWithKeys = function (data, dataWithKeys) { return (item) { var existingItem = dataWithKeys.find(function (k) { return k.item === item; }); return existingItem || { item: item, key: lastKey++ }; }); }; var TilesContainer = function (props) { var containerRef = useRef(null); var _a = __read(useMeasure(), 2), measureRef = _a[0], measure = _a[1]; var forceTileWidth = isTilesContainerForcedSizeProps(props) ? props.forceTileWidth : 0; var columns = isTilesContainerColsProps(props) ? props.columns : forceTileWidth ? Math.floor(measure.width / forceTileWidth) : 4; var onReorderTiles = props.onReorderTiles, _b = props.ratio, ratio = _b === void 0 ? 1 : _b, forceTileHeight = props.forceTileHeight, propsData =, acceptsDrop = props.acceptsDrop, onTileDrop = props.onTileDrop, _c = props.tileSize, tileSize = _c === void 0 ? defaultTileSize : _c, renderTile = props.renderTile, renderInsertIndicator = props.renderInsertIndicator, _d = props.activeBorderSize, activeBorderSize = _d === void 0 ? 24 : _d, disabled = props.disabled, _e = props.strategy, strategy = _e === void 0 ? 'move' : _e; var tileWidth = forceTileWidth || measure.width / columns; var tileHeight = forceTileHeight || tileWidth / ratio; var _f = __read(useState(function () { return dataWithKeys(propsData, []); }), 2), data = _f[0], setData = _f[1]; useEffect(function () { return setData(function (curr) { return dataWithKeys(propsData, curr); }); }, [propsData, setData]); //extract the tiles from the props var propsTiles = useMemo(function () { var tiles = []; data.forEach(function (_a) { var tile = _a.item, key = _a.key; return tiles.push(__assign(__assign({ key: key }, tileSize(tile)), { data: tile })); }); return tiles; }, [data, tileSize]); var _g = useTileTable({ columns: columns, strategy: strategy, enabled: !disabled, elementHeight: tileHeight, elementWidth: tileWidth, activeBorderSize: activeBorderSize, currentTiles: propsTiles, canAcceptDrop: function (source, target) { return acceptsDrop ? acceptsDrop(, : false; }, changeTilesOrder: function (tiles) { var newData = (tile) { return; }); var actualData = (tile) { return tile.item; }); if (!isEqual(actualData, newData)) { setData(function (curr) { return dataWithKeys(newData, curr); }); onReorderTiles && onReorderTiles(newData); } }, didDrop: function (source, target) { setData(function (tiles) { return tiles.filter(function (tile) { return tile.item !==; }); }); onTileDrop && onTileDrop(,; }, }), bind = _g.bind, renderTileProps = _g.renderTileProps, tableHeight = _g.tableHeight, insertIndicatorPosition = _g.insertIndicatorPosition; var insertIndicator = useMemo(function () { if (!insertIndicatorPosition || !renderInsertIndicator) { return null; } var x = insertIndicatorPosition.x, y = insertIndicatorPosition.y; return (React.createElement("div", { className: styles.indicator, style: { top: y + "px", left: x + "px", height: tileHeight + "px", width: tileWidth + "px", } }, renderInsertIndicator())); }, [insertIndicatorPosition, renderInsertIndicator, tileHeight, tileWidth]); var tiles = useMemo(function () { return (_a) { var x = _a.x, y = _a.y, key = _a.key, props = __rest(_a, ["x", "y", "key"]); return (React.createElement("div", __assign({ className: jc(styles.tile, props.isDragging && styles.dragging), key: "K-" + key, style: { top: y + "px", left: x + "px", width: props.colSpan * tileWidth + "px", height: props.rowSpan * tileHeight + "px", } }, bind(, React.createElement(TileUI, __assign({}, props, { renderTile: renderTile })))); }); }, [renderTileProps, renderTile, bind, tileWidth, tileHeight]); return (React.createElement("div", { className: styles.container, ref: useComposeRef(containerRef, measureRef), style: { height: tableHeight + "px", minWidth: tileWidth + "px" } }, insertIndicator, tiles)); }; export { TilesContainer }; //#