'use strict'; var test = require('tape'); var setProto = require('../'); var isPrototypeOf = Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf; test('setProto', function (t) { t.equal(typeof setProto, 'function', 'is a function'); t.test('can set', { skip: !setProto }, function (st) { var obj = { a: 1 }; var proto = { b: 2 }; st.ok(isPrototypeOf.call(Object.prototype, obj), 'Object.prototype is isPrototypeOf obj'); st.notOk(isPrototypeOf.call(proto, obj), 'proto is not isPrototypeOf obj'); st.ok('a' in obj, 'a is in obj'); st.notOk('b' in obj, 'b is not in obj'); // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens st.equal(/** @type {NonNullable} */ (setProto)(obj, proto), obj, 'returns the object'); st.ok(isPrototypeOf.call(Object.prototype, obj), 'Object.prototype is isPrototypeOf obj'); st.ok(isPrototypeOf.call(proto, obj), 'proto is isPrototypeOf obj'); st.ok('a' in obj, 'a is in obj'); st.ok('b' in obj, 'b is in obj'); st.equal(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj), proto, 'sets the prototype'); st.end(); }); t.test('can not set', { skip: !!setProto }, function (st) { st.equal(setProto, null); st.end(); }); t.end(); });