// Transform SVG PathData // http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html#PathDataBNF import { a2c, annotateArcCommand, arcAt, assertNumbers, bezierAt, bezierRoot, intersectionUnitCircleLine } from "./mathUtils"; import { SVGPathData } from "./SVGPathData"; import { SVGCommand, TransformFunction } from "./types"; export namespace SVGPathDataTransformer { // Predefined transforming functions // Rounds commands values export function ROUND(roundVal = 1e13) { assertNumbers(roundVal); function rf(val: number) { return Math.round(val * roundVal) / roundVal; } return function round(command: any) { if ("undefined" !== typeof command.x1) { command.x1 = rf(command.x1); } if ("undefined" !== typeof command.y1) { command.y1 = rf(command.y1); } if ("undefined" !== typeof command.x2) { command.x2 = rf(command.x2); } if ("undefined" !== typeof command.y2) { command.y2 = rf(command.y2); } if ("undefined" !== typeof command.x) { command.x = rf(command.x); } if ("undefined" !== typeof command.y) { command.y = rf(command.y); } if ("undefined" !== typeof command.rX) { command.rX = rf(command.rX); } if ("undefined" !== typeof command.rY) { command.rY = rf(command.rY); } return command; }; } // Relative to absolute commands export function TO_ABS() { return INFO((command, prevX, prevY) => { if (command.relative) { // x1/y1 values if ("undefined" !== typeof command.x1) { command.x1 += prevX; } if ("undefined" !== typeof command.y1) { command.y1 += prevY; } // x2/y2 values if ("undefined" !== typeof command.x2) { command.x2 += prevX; } if ("undefined" !== typeof command.y2) { command.y2 += prevY; } // Finally x/y values if ("undefined" !== typeof command.x) { command.x += prevX; } if ("undefined" !== typeof command.y) { command.y += prevY; } command.relative = false; } return command; }); } // Absolute to relative commands export function TO_REL() { return INFO((command, prevX, prevY) => { if (!command.relative) { // x1/y1 values if ("undefined" !== typeof command.x1) { command.x1 -= prevX; } if ("undefined" !== typeof command.y1) { command.y1 -= prevY; } // x2/y2 values if ("undefined" !== typeof command.x2) { command.x2 -= prevX; } if ("undefined" !== typeof command.y2) { command.y2 -= prevY; } // Finally x/y values if ("undefined" !== typeof command.x) { command.x -= prevX; } if ("undefined" !== typeof command.y) { command.y -= prevY; } command.relative = true; } return command; }); } // Convert H, V, Z and A with rX = 0 to L export function NORMALIZE_HVZ(normalizeZ = true, normalizeH = true, normalizeV = true) { return INFO((command, prevX, prevY, pathStartX, pathStartY) => { if (isNaN(pathStartX) && !(command.type & SVGPathData.MOVE_TO)) { throw new Error("path must start with moveto"); } if (normalizeH && command.type & SVGPathData.HORIZ_LINE_TO) { command.type = SVGPathData.LINE_TO; command.y = command.relative ? 0 : prevY; } if (normalizeV && command.type & SVGPathData.VERT_LINE_TO) { command.type = SVGPathData.LINE_TO; command.x = command.relative ? 0 : prevX; } if (normalizeZ && command.type & SVGPathData.CLOSE_PATH) { command.type = SVGPathData.LINE_TO; command.x = command.relative ? pathStartX - prevX : pathStartX; command.y = command.relative ? pathStartY - prevY : pathStartY; } if (command.type & SVGPathData.ARC && (0 === command.rX || 0 === command.rY)) { command.type = SVGPathData.LINE_TO; delete command.rX; delete command.rY; delete command.xRot; delete command.lArcFlag; delete command.sweepFlag; } return command; }); } /* * Transforms smooth curves and quads to normal curves and quads (SsTt to CcQq) */ export function NORMALIZE_ST() { let prevCurveC2X = NaN; let prevCurveC2Y = NaN; let prevQuadCX = NaN; let prevQuadCY = NaN; return INFO((command, prevX, prevY) => { if (command.type & SVGPathData.SMOOTH_CURVE_TO) { command.type = SVGPathData.CURVE_TO; prevCurveC2X = isNaN(prevCurveC2X) ? prevX : prevCurveC2X; prevCurveC2Y = isNaN(prevCurveC2Y) ? prevY : prevCurveC2Y; command.x1 = command.relative ? prevX - prevCurveC2X : 2 * prevX - prevCurveC2X; command.y1 = command.relative ? prevY - prevCurveC2Y : 2 * prevY - prevCurveC2Y; } if (command.type & SVGPathData.CURVE_TO) { prevCurveC2X = command.relative ? prevX + command.x2 : command.x2; prevCurveC2Y = command.relative ? prevY + command.y2 : command.y2; } else { prevCurveC2X = NaN; prevCurveC2Y = NaN; } if (command.type & SVGPathData.SMOOTH_QUAD_TO) { command.type = SVGPathData.QUAD_TO; prevQuadCX = isNaN(prevQuadCX) ? prevX : prevQuadCX; prevQuadCY = isNaN(prevQuadCY) ? prevY : prevQuadCY; command.x1 = command.relative ? prevX - prevQuadCX : 2 * prevX - prevQuadCX; command.y1 = command.relative ? prevY - prevQuadCY : 2 * prevY - prevQuadCY; } if (command.type & SVGPathData.QUAD_TO) { prevQuadCX = command.relative ? prevX + command.x1 : command.x1; prevQuadCY = command.relative ? prevY + command.y1 : command.y1; } else { prevQuadCX = NaN; prevQuadCY = NaN; } return command; }); } /* * A quadratic bézier curve can be represented by a cubic bézier curve which has * the same end points as the quadratic and both control points in place of the * quadratic"s one. * * This transformer replaces QqTt commands with Cc commands respectively. * This is useful for reading path data into a system which only has a * representation for cubic curves. */ export function QT_TO_C() { let prevQuadX1 = NaN; let prevQuadY1 = NaN; return INFO((command, prevX, prevY) => { if (command.type & SVGPathData.SMOOTH_QUAD_TO) { command.type = SVGPathData.QUAD_TO; prevQuadX1 = isNaN(prevQuadX1) ? prevX : prevQuadX1; prevQuadY1 = isNaN(prevQuadY1) ? prevY : prevQuadY1; command.x1 = command.relative ? prevX - prevQuadX1 : 2 * prevX - prevQuadX1; command.y1 = command.relative ? prevY - prevQuadY1 : 2 * prevY - prevQuadY1; } if (command.type & SVGPathData.QUAD_TO) { prevQuadX1 = command.relative ? prevX + command.x1 : command.x1; prevQuadY1 = command.relative ? prevY + command.y1 : command.y1; const x1 = command.x1; const y1 = command.y1; command.type = SVGPathData.CURVE_TO; command.x1 = ((command.relative ? 0 : prevX) + x1 * 2) / 3; command.y1 = ((command.relative ? 0 : prevY) + y1 * 2) / 3; command.x2 = (command.x + x1 * 2) / 3; command.y2 = (command.y + y1 * 2) / 3; } else { prevQuadX1 = NaN; prevQuadY1 = NaN; } return command; }); } export function INFO( f: (command: any, prevXAbs: number, prevYAbs: number, pathStartXAbs: number, pathStartYAbs: number) => any | any[]) { let prevXAbs = 0; let prevYAbs = 0; let pathStartXAbs = NaN; let pathStartYAbs = NaN; return function transform(command: any) { if (isNaN(pathStartXAbs) && !(command.type & SVGPathData.MOVE_TO)) { throw new Error("path must start with moveto"); } const result = f(command, prevXAbs, prevYAbs, pathStartXAbs, pathStartYAbs); if (command.type & SVGPathData.CLOSE_PATH) { prevXAbs = pathStartXAbs; prevYAbs = pathStartYAbs; } if ("undefined" !== typeof command.x) { prevXAbs = (command.relative ? prevXAbs + command.x : command.x); } if ("undefined" !== typeof command.y) { prevYAbs = (command.relative ? prevYAbs + command.y : command.y); } if (command.type & SVGPathData.MOVE_TO) { pathStartXAbs = prevXAbs; pathStartYAbs = prevYAbs; } return result; }; } /* * remove 0-length segments */ export function SANITIZE(EPS = 0) { assertNumbers(EPS); let prevCurveC2X = NaN; let prevCurveC2Y = NaN; let prevQuadCX = NaN; let prevQuadCY = NaN; return INFO((command, prevX, prevY, pathStartX, pathStartY) => { const abs = Math.abs; let skip = false; let x1Rel = 0; let y1Rel = 0; if (command.type & SVGPathData.SMOOTH_CURVE_TO) { x1Rel = isNaN(prevCurveC2X) ? 0 : prevX - prevCurveC2X; y1Rel = isNaN(prevCurveC2Y) ? 0 : prevY - prevCurveC2Y; } if (command.type & (SVGPathData.CURVE_TO | SVGPathData.SMOOTH_CURVE_TO)) { prevCurveC2X = command.relative ? prevX + command.x2 : command.x2; prevCurveC2Y = command.relative ? prevY + command.y2 : command.y2; } else { prevCurveC2X = NaN; prevCurveC2Y = NaN; } if (command.type & SVGPathData.SMOOTH_QUAD_TO) { prevQuadCX = isNaN(prevQuadCX) ? prevX : 2 * prevX - prevQuadCX; prevQuadCY = isNaN(prevQuadCY) ? prevY : 2 * prevY - prevQuadCY; } else if (command.type & SVGPathData.QUAD_TO) { prevQuadCX = command.relative ? prevX + command.x1 : command.x1; prevQuadCY = command.relative ? prevY + command.y1 : command.y2; } else { prevQuadCX = NaN; prevQuadCY = NaN; } if (command.type & SVGPathData.LINE_COMMANDS || command.type & SVGPathData.ARC && (0 === command.rX || 0 === command.rY || !command.lArcFlag) || command.type & SVGPathData.CURVE_TO || command.type & SVGPathData.SMOOTH_CURVE_TO || command.type & SVGPathData.QUAD_TO || command.type & SVGPathData.SMOOTH_QUAD_TO) { const xRel = "undefined" === typeof command.x ? 0 : (command.relative ? command.x : command.x - prevX); const yRel = "undefined" === typeof command.y ? 0 : (command.relative ? command.y : command.y - prevY); x1Rel = !isNaN(prevQuadCX) ? prevQuadCX - prevX : "undefined" === typeof command.x1 ? x1Rel : command.relative ? command.x : command.x1 - prevX; y1Rel = !isNaN(prevQuadCY) ? prevQuadCY - prevY : "undefined" === typeof command.y1 ? y1Rel : command.relative ? command.y : command.y1 - prevY; const x2Rel = "undefined" === typeof command.x2 ? 0 : (command.relative ? command.x : command.x2 - prevX); const y2Rel = "undefined" === typeof command.y2 ? 0 : (command.relative ? command.y : command.y2 - prevY); if (abs(xRel) <= EPS && abs(yRel) <= EPS && abs(x1Rel) <= EPS && abs(y1Rel) <= EPS && abs(x2Rel) <= EPS && abs(y2Rel) <= EPS) { skip = true; } } if (command.type & SVGPathData.CLOSE_PATH) { if (abs(prevX - pathStartX) <= EPS && abs(prevY - pathStartY) <= EPS) { skip = true; } } return skip ? [] : command; }); } // SVG Transforms : http://www.w3.org/TR/SVGTiny12/coords.html#TransformList // Matrix : http://apike.ca/prog_svg_transform.html // a c e // b d f export function MATRIX(a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number, e: number, f: number) { assertNumbers(a, b, c, d, e, f); return INFO((command, prevX, prevY, pathStartX) => { const origX1 = command.x1; const origX2 = command.x2; // if isNaN(pathStartX), then this is the first command, which is ALWAYS an // absolute MOVE_TO, regardless what the relative flag says const comRel = command.relative && !isNaN(pathStartX); const x = "undefined" !== typeof command.x ? command.x : (comRel ? 0 : prevX); const y = "undefined" !== typeof command.y ? command.y : (comRel ? 0 : prevY); if (command.type & SVGPathData.HORIZ_LINE_TO && 0 !== b) { command.type = SVGPathData.LINE_TO; command.y = command.relative ? 0 : prevY; } if (command.type & SVGPathData.VERT_LINE_TO && 0 !== c) { command.type = SVGPathData.LINE_TO; command.x = command.relative ? 0 : prevX; } if ("undefined" !== typeof command.x) { command.x = (command.x * a) + (y * c) + (comRel ? 0 : e); } if ("undefined" !== typeof command.y) { command.y = (x * b) + command.y * d + (comRel ? 0 : f); } if ("undefined" !== typeof command.x1) { command.x1 = command.x1 * a + command.y1 * c + (comRel ? 0 : e); } if ("undefined" !== typeof command.y1) { command.y1 = origX1 * b + command.y1 * d + (comRel ? 0 : f); } if ("undefined" !== typeof command.x2) { command.x2 = command.x2 * a + command.y2 * c + (comRel ? 0 : e); } if ("undefined" !== typeof command.y2) { command.y2 = origX2 * b + command.y2 * d + (comRel ? 0 : f); } function sqr(x: number) { return x * x; } const det = a * d - b * c; if ("undefined" !== typeof command.xRot) { // Skip if this is a pure translation if (1 !== a || 0 !== b || 0 !== c || 1 !== d) { // Special case for singular matrix if (0 === det) { // In the singular case, the arc is compressed to a line. The actual geometric image of the original // curve under this transform possibly extends beyond the starting and/or ending points of the segment, but // for simplicity we ignore this detail and just replace this command with a single line segment. delete command.rX; delete command.rY; delete command.xRot; delete command.lArcFlag; delete command.sweepFlag; command.type = SVGPathData.LINE_TO; } else { // Convert to radians const xRot = command.xRot * Math.PI / 180; // Convert rotated ellipse to general conic form // x0^2/rX^2 + y0^2/rY^2 - 1 = 0 // x0 = x*cos(xRot) + y*sin(xRot) // y0 = -x*sin(xRot) + y*cos(xRot) // --> A*x^2 + B*x*y + C*y^2 - 1 = 0, where const sinRot = Math.sin(xRot); const cosRot = Math.cos(xRot); const xCurve = 1 / sqr(command.rX); const yCurve = 1 / sqr(command.rY); const A = sqr(cosRot) * xCurve + sqr(sinRot) * yCurve; const B = 2 * sinRot * cosRot * (xCurve - yCurve); const C = sqr(sinRot) * xCurve + sqr(cosRot) * yCurve; // Apply matrix to A*x^2 + B*x*y + C*y^2 - 1 = 0 // x1 = a*x + c*y // y1 = b*x + d*y // (we can ignore e and f, since pure translations don"t affect the shape of the ellipse) // --> A1*x1^2 + B1*x1*y1 + C1*y1^2 - det^2 = 0, where const A1 = A * d * d - B * b * d + C * b * b; const B1 = B * (a * d + b * c) - 2 * (A * c * d + C * a * b); const C1 = A * c * c - B * a * c + C * a * a; // Unapply newXRot to get back to axis-aligned ellipse equation // x1 = x2*cos(newXRot) - y2*sin(newXRot) // y1 = x2*sin(newXRot) + y2*cos(newXRot) // A1*x1^2 + B1*x1*y1 + C1*y1^2 - det^2 = // x2^2*(A1*cos(newXRot)^2 + B1*sin(newXRot)*cos(newXRot) + C1*sin(newXRot)^2) // + x2*y2*(2*(C1 - A1)*sin(newXRot)*cos(newXRot) + B1*(cos(newXRot)^2 - sin(newXRot)^2)) // + y2^2*(A1*sin(newXRot)^2 - B1*sin(newXRot)*cos(newXRot) + C1*cos(newXRot)^2) // (which must have the same zeroes as) // x2^2/newRX^2 + y2^2/newRY^2 - 1 // (so we have) // 2*(C1 - A1)*sin(newXRot)*cos(newXRot) + B1*(cos(newXRot)^2 - sin(newXRot)^2) = 0 // (A1 - C1)*sin(2*newXRot) = B1*cos(2*newXRot) // 2*newXRot = atan2(B1, A1 - C1) const newXRot = ((Math.atan2(B1, A1 - C1) + Math.PI) % Math.PI) / 2; // For any integer n, (atan2(B1, A1 - C1) + n*pi)/2 is a solution to the above; incrementing n just swaps // the x and y radii computed below (since that"s what rotating an ellipse by pi/2 does). Choosing the // rotation between 0 and pi/2 eliminates the ambiguity and leads to more predictable output. // Finally, we get newRX and newRY from the same-zeroes relationship that gave us newXRot const newSinRot = Math.sin(newXRot); const newCosRot = Math.cos(newXRot); command.rX = Math.abs(det) / Math.sqrt(A1 * sqr(newCosRot) + B1 * newSinRot * newCosRot + C1 * sqr(newSinRot)); command.rY = Math.abs(det) / Math.sqrt(A1 * sqr(newSinRot) - B1 * newSinRot * newCosRot + C1 * sqr(newCosRot)); command.xRot = newXRot * 180 / Math.PI; } } } // sweepFlag needs to be inverted when mirroring shapes // see http://www.itk.ilstu.edu/faculty/javila/SVG/SVG_drawing1/elliptical_curve.htm // m 65,10 a 50,25 0 1 0 50,25 // M 65,60 A 50,25 0 1 1 115,35 if ("undefined" !== typeof command.sweepFlag && 0 > det) { command.sweepFlag = +!command.sweepFlag; } return command; }); } export function ROTATE(a: number, x = 0, y = 0) { assertNumbers(a, x, y); const sin = Math.sin(a); const cos = Math.cos(a); return MATRIX(cos, sin, -sin, cos, x - x * cos + y * sin, y - x * sin - y * cos); } export function TRANSLATE(dX: number, dY = 0) { assertNumbers(dX, dY); return MATRIX(1, 0, 0, 1, dX, dY); } export function SCALE(dX: number, dY = dX) { assertNumbers(dX, dY); return MATRIX(dX, 0, 0, dY, 0, 0); } export function SKEW_X(a: number) { assertNumbers(a); return MATRIX(1, 0, Math.atan(a), 1, 0, 0); } export function SKEW_Y(a: number) { assertNumbers(a); return MATRIX(1, Math.atan(a), 0, 1, 0, 0); } export function X_AXIS_SYMMETRY(xOffset = 0) { assertNumbers(xOffset); return MATRIX(-1, 0, 0, 1, xOffset, 0); } export function Y_AXIS_SYMMETRY(yOffset = 0) { assertNumbers(yOffset); return MATRIX(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, yOffset); } // Convert arc commands to curve commands export function A_TO_C() { return INFO((command, prevX, prevY) => { if (SVGPathData.ARC === command.type) { return a2c(command, command.relative ? 0 : prevX, command.relative ? 0 : prevY); } return command; }); } // @see annotateArcCommand export function ANNOTATE_ARCS() { return INFO((c, x1, y1) => { if (c.relative) { x1 = 0; y1 = 0; } if (SVGPathData.ARC === c.type) { annotateArcCommand(c, x1, y1); } return c; }); } export function CLONE() { return (c: SVGCommand) => { const result = {} as SVGCommand; // tslint:disable-next-line for (const key in c) { result[key as keyof SVGCommand] = c[key as keyof SVGCommand]; } return result; }; } // @see annotateArcCommand export function CALCULATE_BOUNDS() { const clone = CLONE(); const toAbs = TO_ABS(); const qtToC = QT_TO_C(); const normST = NORMALIZE_ST(); const f: TransformFunction & {minX: number, maxX: number, minY: number, maxY: number} = INFO((command, prevXAbs, prevYAbs) => { const c = normST(qtToC(toAbs(clone(command)))); function fixX(absX: number) { if (absX > f.maxX) { f.maxX = absX; } if (absX < f.minX) { f.minX = absX; } } function fixY(absY: number) { if (absY > f.maxY) { f.maxY = absY; } if (absY < f.minY) { f.minY = absY; } } if (c.type & SVGPathData.DRAWING_COMMANDS) { fixX(prevXAbs); fixY(prevYAbs); } if (c.type & SVGPathData.HORIZ_LINE_TO) { fixX(c.x); } if (c.type & SVGPathData.VERT_LINE_TO) { fixY(c.y); } if (c.type & SVGPathData.LINE_TO) { fixX(c.x); fixY(c.y); } if (c.type & SVGPathData.CURVE_TO) { // add start and end points fixX(c.x); fixY(c.y); const xDerivRoots = bezierRoot(prevXAbs, c.x1, c.x2, c.x); for (const derivRoot of xDerivRoots) { if (0 < derivRoot && 1 > derivRoot) { fixX(bezierAt(prevXAbs, c.x1, c.x2, c.x, derivRoot)); } } const yDerivRoots = bezierRoot(prevYAbs, c.y1, c.y2, c.y); for (const derivRoot of yDerivRoots) { if (0 < derivRoot && 1 > derivRoot) { fixY(bezierAt(prevYAbs, c.y1, c.y2, c.y, derivRoot)); } } } if (c.type & SVGPathData.ARC) { // add start and end points fixX(c.x); fixY(c.y); annotateArcCommand(c, prevXAbs, prevYAbs); // p = cos(phi) * xv + sin(phi) * yv // dp = -sin(phi) * xv + cos(phi) * yv = 0 const xRotRad = c.xRot / 180 * Math.PI; // points on ellipse for phi = 0° and phi = 90° const x0 = Math.cos(xRotRad) * c.rX; const y0 = Math.sin(xRotRad) * c.rX; const x90 = -Math.sin(xRotRad) * c.rY; const y90 = Math.cos(xRotRad) * c.rY; // annotateArcCommand returns phi1 and phi2 such that -180° < phi1 < 180° and phi2 is smaller or greater // depending on the sweep flag. Calculate phiMin, phiMax such that -180° < phiMin < 180° and phiMin < phiMax const [phiMin, phiMax] = c.phi1 < c.phi2 ? [c.phi1, c.phi2] : (-180 > c.phi2 ? [c.phi2 + 360, c.phi1 + 360] : [c.phi2, c.phi1]); const normalizeXiEta = ([xi, eta]: [number, number]) => { const phiRad = Math.atan2(eta, xi); const phi = phiRad * 180 / Math.PI; return phi < phiMin ? phi + 360 : phi; }; // xi = cos(phi), eta = sin(phi) const xDerivRoots = intersectionUnitCircleLine(x90, -x0, 0).map(normalizeXiEta); for (const derivRoot of xDerivRoots) { if (derivRoot > phiMin && derivRoot < phiMax) { fixX(arcAt(c.cX, x0, x90, derivRoot)); } } const yDerivRoots = intersectionUnitCircleLine(y90, -y0, 0).map(normalizeXiEta); for (const derivRoot of yDerivRoots) { if (derivRoot > phiMin && derivRoot < phiMax) { fixY(arcAt(c.cY, y0, y90, derivRoot)); } } } return command; }) as any; f.minX = Infinity; f.maxX = -Infinity; f.minY = Infinity; f.maxY = -Infinity; return f; } }