@use 'sass:list'; @use 'sass:map'; @use 'sass:math'; @use 'sass:meta'; @use 'sass:string'; @use 'metadata'; $metadata: meta.module-variables(metadata) !default; $directory: null !default; $family: null !default; $display: null !default; $formats: null !default; $subsets: null !default; $weights: null !default; $styles: null !default; $axes: null !default; // Deprecated $displayVar: null !default; @mixin generator( $metadata: $metadata, $directory: $directory, $family: $family, $display: $display, $formats: $formats, $subsets: $subsets, $weights: $weights, $styles: $styles, $axes: $axes, // Deprecated $displayVar: $displayVar ) { @if $displayVar != null { @warn "$displayVar is deprecated due to the limitation of using css variables in @font-face (https://github.com/fontsource/fontsource/issues/726)."; } $isVariable: map.get($metadata, axes) != null; $directory: if( $directory, $directory, '~@fontsource#{if($isVariable, '-variable', '')}/#{map.get($metadata, id)}/files' ); $family: if($family, $family, map.get($metadata, family) + if($isVariable, ' Variable', '')); $display: if($display, $display, swap); $formats: if(not $formats or $formats == all, if($isVariable, woff2, (woff2, woff)), $formats); $subsets: if( $subsets, if($subsets == all, map.get($metadata, subsets), $subsets), map.get($metadata, subsets) ); $weights: if( $weights, if($weights == all, map.get($metadata, weights), $weights), map.get($metadata, defaults, weight) ); $styles: if( $styles, if($styles == all, map.get($metadata, styles), $styles), map.get($metadata, defaults, style) ); $axes: if( $axes, if($axes == all, full, $axes), if($isVariable, if(map.has-key($metadata, axes, wght), wght, full), null) ); @each $subset in $subsets { @each $unicodeSubset, $unicodeRange in map.get($metadata, unicode) { // If condition is true, generate faces for the current subset @if ( // If there is no unicode information for the font or ($unicodeSubset == null) or // If the subset match a unicode subset or ($subset == $unicodeSubset) or ( // If $unicodeSubset is a numeric unicode subset // and current subset exists in the list of font subsets but does not match any unicode subset // then generate faces for this numeric unicode subset as it is representing part of the current subset list.index(map.get($metadata, subsets), $subset) and not map.has-key($metadata, unicode, $subset) and not list.index(map.get($metadata, subsets), $unicodeSubset) ) ) { @each $weight in if($axes, null, $weights) { @each $axis in $axes { @each $style in $styles { $variant: '#{map.get($metadata, id)}-#{if($unicodeSubset, $unicodeSubset, $subset)}-#{if($axis, $axis, $weight)}-#{$style}'; $src: (); @each $format in $formats { $src: append( $src, url('#{$directory}/#{$variant}.#{$format}') format('#{$format}#{if($axis, '-variations', '')}'), comma ); } @content (( metadata: $metadata, directory: $directory, family: $family, display: $display, formats: $formats, subsets: $subsets, weights: $weights, styles: $styles, axes: $axes, variant: $variant, subset: $subset, unicodeSubset: $unicodeSubset, unicodeRange: $unicodeRange, weight: $weight, axis: $axis, style: $style, font-family: string.quote($family), font-style: if( (($axis == full) or ($axis == slnt)) and map.has-key($metadata, axes, slnt), oblique map.get($metadata, axes, slnt, min) + deg map.get($metadata, axes, slnt, max) + deg, $style ), font-display: $display, font-weight: if( (($axis == full) or ($axis == wght)) and map.has-key($metadata, axes, wght), map.get($metadata, axes, wght, min) map.get($metadata, axes, wght, max), $weight ), font-stretch: if( (($axis == full) or ($axis == wdth)) and map.has-key($metadata, axes, wdth), '#{map.get($metadata, axes, wdth, min)}% #{map.get($metadata, axes, wdth, max)}%', null ), src: $src, unicode-range: $unicodeRange, )); } } } } } } } @mixin faces( $metadata: $metadata, $directory: $directory, $family: $family, $display: $display, $formats: $formats, $subsets: $subsets, $weights: $weights, $styles: $styles, $axes: $axes, // Deprecated $displayVar: $displayVar ) { @include generator( $metadata: $metadata, $directory: $directory, $family: $family, $display: $display, $formats: $formats, $subsets: $subsets, $weights: $weights, $styles: $styles, $axes: $axes, $displayVar: $displayVar ) using ($props) { /* #{map.get($props, variant)} */ @font-face { font-family: map.get($props, font-family); font-style: map.get($props, font-style); font-display: map.get($props, font-display); font-weight: map.get($props, font-weight); font-stretch: map.get($props, font-stretch); unicode-range: map.get($props, unicode-range); src: map.get($props, src); } } }