# rtl-css-js RTL conversion for CSS in JS objects [![Build Status][build-badge]][build] [![Code Coverage][coverage-badge]][coverage] [![version][version-badge]][package] [![downloads][downloads-badge]][npmtrends] [![MIT License][license-badge]][license] [![All Contributors][all-contributors-badge]](#contributors-) [![PRs Welcome][prs-badge]][prs] [![Code of Conduct][coc-badge]][coc] ## The problem For some locales, it's necessary to change `padding-left` to `padding-right` when your text direction is right to left. There are tools like this for CSS ([`cssjanus`](https://github.com/cssjanus/cssjanus) for example) which manipulate strings of CSS to do this, but none for CSS in JS where your CSS is represented by an object. ## This solution This is a function which accepts a CSS in JS object and can convert `padding-left` to `padding-right` as well as all other properties where it makes sense to do that (at least, that's what it's going to be when it's done... This is a work in progress). ## Table of Contentss - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [kebab-case](#kebab-case) - [core](#core) - [Caveats](#caveats) - [`background`](#background) - [CSS variables - `var()`](#css-variables---var) - [Inspiration](#inspiration) - [Ecosystem](#ecosystem) - [Other Solutions](#other-solutions) - [Contributors](#contributors) - [LICENSE](#license) ## Installation This module is distributed via [npm][npm] which is bundled with [node][node] and should be installed as one of your project's `dependencies`: ``` npm install --save rtl-css-js ``` ## Usage This module is exposed via [CommonJS](http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/CommonJS) as well as [UMD](https://github.com/umdjs/umd) with the global as `rtlCSSJS` CommonJS: ```javascript const rtlCSSJS = require('rtl-css-js') const styles = rtlCSSJS({paddingLeft: 23}) console.log(styles) // logs {paddingRight: 23} ``` You can also just include a script tag in your browser and use the `rtlCSSJS` variable: ```html ``` You can also control which rules you don't want to flip by adding a `/* @noflip */` CSS comment to your rule ```javascript const rtlCSSJS = require('rtl-css-js') const styles = rtlCSSJS({paddingLeft: '20px /* @noflip */'}) console.log(styles) // logs {paddingLeft: '20px /* @noflip */' } ``` ### kebab-case This library support kebab-case properties too. ```javascript const rtlCSSJS = require('rtl-css-js') const styles = rtlCSSJS({'padding-right': 23}) console.log(styles) // logs {'padding-left': 23} ``` ### core `rtl-css-js` also exposes its internal helpers and utilities so you can deal with [certain scenarios](https://github.com/kentcdodds/rtl-css-js/pull/22) yourself. To use these you can use the `rtlCSSJSCore` global with the UMD build, `require('rtl-css-js/core')`, or use `import {propertyValueConverters, arrayToObject} from 'rtl-css-js/core'`. You can import anything that's exported from `src/core`. Please see the code comments for documentation on how to use these. ## Caveats ### `background` Right now `background` and `backgroundImage` just replace all instances of `ltr` with `rtl` and `right` with `left`. This is so you can have a different image for your LTR and RTL, and in order to flip linear gradients. Note that this is case sensitive! Must be lower case. Note also that it _will not_ change `bright` to `bleft`. It's a _little_ smarter than that. But this is definitely something to consider with your URLs. ### CSS variables - `var()` Since it's impossible to know what the contents of a css variable are until the styles are actually calculated by the browser, any CSS variable contents will not be converted. ## Inspiration [CSSJanus](https://github.com/cssjanus/cssjanus) was a major inspiration. ## Ecosystem - **[react-with-styles-interface-aphrodite](https://github.com/airbnb/react-with-styles-interface-aphrodite):** An interface to use [`react-with-styles`](https://github.com/airbnb/react-with-styles) with [Aphrodite](https://github.com/khan/aphrodite) - **[fela-plugin-rtl](https://www.npmjs.com/package/fela-plugin-rtl):** A plugin for [fela](http://fela.js.org/) that uses rtl-css-js to convert a style object to its right-to-left counterpart - **[bidi-css-js](https://github.com/TxHawks/bidi-css-js):** A library for authoring flow-relative css, which uses `rtl-css-js`'s core. - **[jss-rtl](https://github.com/alitaheri/jss-rtl):** A plugin for [`jss`](https://github.com/cssinjs/jss) to support flipping styles dynamically. ## Other Solutions I'm not aware of any, if you are please [make a pull request](http://makeapullrequest.com) and add it here! ## Contributors Thanks goes to these people ([emoji key][emojis]):