[c164f8f] | 1 | <!DOCTYPE html>
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| 32 | <form id="form-id">
| 33 | <label for="destination">Дестинација</label>
| 34 | <input type="text" id="destination" name="destination" placeholder="Име на хотел/Град или Држава">
| 35 | <label for="departureDate">Датум на поаѓање</label>
| 36 | <input type="date" id="departureDate" name="departureDate">
| 37 | <label for="Nights">Број на ноќи</label>
| 38 | <input type="number" id="Nights" name="nightsNumber">
[53bad7e] | 39 | <label for="NumPeople">Број на лица</label>
| 40 | <input type="number" id="NumPeople" name="numberPeople" min="0" max="4" value="0" placeholder="внесете 0 за без ограничување">
[c164f8f] | 41 | <input type="submit" class="button" value="Пребарај" >
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| 44 | <button id="savedTripsButton" style="display:none;" class="button">Зачувани патувања</button>
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| 56 | <h2>Saved Trips</h2>
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| 60 | <h2>Price Changes</h2>
| 61 | <div id="priceChangesList"></div>
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| 97 | <input type="email" id="email-reg" name="email" required>
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| 99 | <input type="password" id="pass-reg" name="password" autocomplete="on" required>
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