

19:31 WikiStart edited by 221287
19:29 WikiStart edited by 221287
19:27 UseCaseRealizations edited by 221287
19:26 2.4.png attached to UseCaseRealizations by 221287
19:26 2.3.png attached to UseCaseRealizations by 221287
19:26 2.2.png attached to UseCaseRealizations by 221287
19:26 2.1.png attached to UseCaseRealizations by 221287
19:26 UseCaseRealizations edited by 221287
19:23 UseCaseRealizations edited by 221287
19:22 ucs2.png attached to UseCaseRealizations by 221287
19:21 ucs1.png attached to UseCaseRealizations by 221287
19:21 UseCaseRealizations created by 221287
19:10 SourceVersionControlOrganizationRevised created by 221287
19:04 classNew.png attached to ArchitectureRevised by 221287
18:59 deployment.png attached to ArchitectureRevised by 221287
18:59 ArchitectureRevised created by 221287
15:37 ucs3.png attached to UseCasePrototypeImplementation by 221287
15:37 ucs2.png attached to UseCasePrototypeImplementation by 221287
15:36 ucs1.png attached to UseCasePrototypeImplementation by 221287
15:36 UseCasePrototypeImplementation created by 221287
14:18 Changeset [df7f390]master by Kristijan <kristijanzafirovski26@…>
Added frontend functionality for changes and refactored code


17:15 Changeset [0a7426e] by Kristijan <kristijanzafirovski26@…>
Added checking for changes - backend


01:23 Changeset [cd64b06] by Kristijan <kristijanzafirovski26@…>
Added info scraping for escape travel


19:07 Changeset [1c51912] by Kristijan <kristijanzafirovski26@…>
Added details for magelan
00:33 Changeset [53bad7e] by Kristijan <kristijanzafirovski26@…>
dodadeno informacii za broj na lugje


18:31 Changeset [c164f8f] by Kristijan <kristijanzafirovski26@…>
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.