Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of TracReports

06/26/24 05:22:12 (4 months ago)



  • TracReports

    v1 v1  
     1= Trac Reports
     5The Trac reports module provides a simple, yet powerful reporting facility to present information about tickets in the Trac database.
     7Rather than have its own report definition format, TracReports relies on standard SQL `SELECT` statements for custom report definition.
     9  '''Note:''' The report module is being phased out in its current form because it seriously limits the ability of the Trac team to make adjustments to the underlying database schema. We believe that the [wiki:TracQuery query module] is a good replacement that provides more flexibility and better usability. While there are certain reports that cannot yet be handled by the query module, we intend to further enhance it so that at some point the reports module can be completely removed. This also means that there will be no major enhancements to the report module anymore.
     11  You can already completely replace the reports module by the query module simply by disabling the former in [wiki:TracIni trac.ini]:
     12  {{{#!ini
     13  [components]
     14* = disabled
     15  }}}
     16  This will make the query module the default handler for the “View Tickets” navigation item. We encourage you to try this configuration and report back what kind of features of reports you are missing, if any.
     18A report consists of these basic parts:
     19 * '''ID''' — Unique (sequential) identifier
     20 * '''Title''' — Descriptive title
     21 * '''Description''' — A brief description of the report, in WikiFormatting text.
     22 * '''Report Body''' — List of results from report query, formatted according to the methods described below.
     23 * '''Footer''' — Links to alternative download formats for this report.
     25== Changing Sort Order
     27Simple reports - ungrouped reports to be specific - can be sorted by clicking the column header.
     29If a column header is a hyperlink (red), click the column to sort by it. Clicking the same header again reverses the sort order.
     31== Navigating Tickets
     33Clicking on one of the report results will take you to that ticket. You can navigate through the results by clicking the ''Next Ticket'' or ''Previous Ticket'' contextual navigation links, or click the ''Back to Report'' link to return to the report page.
     35You can safely edit any of the tickets and continue to navigate through the results using the ''!Next/Previous/Back to Report'' links after saving your results, but when you return to the report, there will be no hint about what has changed, in contrast to the query results (see TracQuery#NavigatingTickets).
     37== Alternate Download Formats
     39In addition to the HTML view, reports can also be exported in a number of alternate formats.
     40At the bottom of the report page, you will find a list of available data formats. Click the desired link to
     41download the alternate format.
     43=== Comma-delimited - CSV (Comma Separated Values)
     45Export the report as plain text, each row on its own line, columns separated by a single comma (',').
     46'''Note:''' The output is fully escaped so carriage returns, line feeds, and commas will be preserved in the output.
     48=== Tab-delimited
     50Like above, but uses tabs (\t) instead of comma.
     52=== RSS - XML Content Syndication
     54All reports support syndication using XML/RSS 2.0. To subscribe to an RSS feed, click the orange 'XML' icon at the bottom of the page. See TracRss for general information on RSS support in Trac.
     56== Creating Custom Reports
     58Creating a custom report requires a comfortable knowledge of SQL.
     60Note that you need grant [TracPermissions#Reports permissions] in order to see the buttons for adding or editing reports.
     62A report is basically a single named SQL query, executed and presented by Trac. Reports can be viewed and created from a custom SQL expression directly in the web interface.
     64Typically, a report consists of a SELECT-expression from the 'ticket' table, using the available columns and sorting the way you want it.
     66== Ticket columns
     68The ''ticket'' table has the following columns:
     69 * id
     70 * type
     71 * time
     72 * changetime
     73 * component
     74 * severity
     75 * priority
     76 * owner
     77 * reporter
     78 * cc
     79 * version
     80 * milestone
     81 * status
     82 * resolution
     83 * summary
     84 * description
     85 * keywords
     87See TracTickets for a detailed description of the column fields.
     89Example: '''All active tickets, sorted by priority and time'''
     91SELECT id AS ticket, status, severity, priority, owner, time AS created, summary
     92FROM ticket
     93WHERE status IN ('new', 'assigned', 'reopened')
     94ORDER BY priority, time
     97== Advanced Reports: Dynamic Variables
     99For more flexible reports, Trac supports the use of ''dynamic variables'' in report SQL statements.
     100In short, dynamic variables are ''special'' strings that are replaced by custom data before query execution. Dynamic variables are entered through the preferences form and the values are autocompleted //(Since 1.3.2)//.
     102=== Using Variables in a Query
     104The syntax for dynamic variables is simple, any upper case word beginning with `$` is considered a variable.
     108SELECT id AS ticket,summary FROM ticket WHERE priority=$PRIORITY
     111The value of the dynamic variable can be assigned in the report preferences form.
     113To assign a value to `$PRIORITY` in the URL for a report, leave out the leading `$`:
     118To use multiple variables, separate them with an `&`:
     123It is possible to assign a default value to the variable, within a SQL comment:
     126-- PRIORITY = high
     128SELECT id AS ticket,summary FROM ticket WHERE priority=$PRIORITY
     132=== !Special/Constant Variables
     134There is one dynamic variable whose value is set automatically (the URL does not have to be changed) to allow practical reports.
     136 * $USER — Username of logged in user.
     138Example: List all tickets assigned to me:
     140SELECT id AS ticket,summary FROM ticket WHERE owner=$USER
     143== Advanced Reports: Custom Formatting
     145Trac is also capable of more advanced reports, including custom layouts, result grouping and user-defined CSS styles. To create such reports, we will use specialized SQL statements to control the output of the Trac report engine.
     147=== Special Columns
     149To format reports, TracReports look for 'magic' column names in the query result. These 'magic' names are processed and affect the layout and style of the final report.
     151=== Automatically formatted columns
     153 * '''ticket''' — Ticket ID number. Becomes a hyperlink to that ticket.
     154 * '''id''' — same as '''ticket''' above when '''realm''' is not set
     155 * '''realm''' — together with '''id''', can be used to create links to other resources than tickets (e.g. a realm of ''wiki'' and an ''id'' to a page name will create a link to that wiki page)
     156   - for some resources, it may be necessary to specify their ''parent'' resources (e.g. for ''changeset'', the ''repos'') and this can be achieved using the '''parent_realm''' and '''parent_id''' columns
     157 * '''created, modified, date, time''' — Format cell as a date and/or time.
     158 * '''description''' — Ticket description field, parsed through the wiki engine.
     162SELECT id AS ticket, created, status, summary FROM ticket
     165Those columns can also be defined but marked as hidden, see [#column-syntax below].
     167See [trac:CookBook/Configuration/Reports] for examples of creating reports for realms other than ''ticket''.
     169=== Custom formatting columns
     171Columns whose names begin and end with 2 underscores (e.g. '''`__color__`''') are
     172assumed to be ''formatting hints'', affecting the appearance of the row.
     174 * '''`__group__`''' — Group results based on values in this column. Each group will have its own header and table.
     175 * '''`__grouplink__`''' — Make the header of each group a link to the specified URL. The URL is taken from the first row of each group.
     176 * '''`__color__`''' — Should be a numeric value ranging from 1 to 5 to select a pre-defined row color. Typically used to color rows by issue priority.
     177 {{{#!html
     178<div style="margin-left:3em">Defaults:
     179<span style="border: none; color: #333; background: transparent;  font-size: 85%; background: #fdc; border-color: #e88; color: #a22">Color 1</span>
     180<span style="border: none; color: #333; background: transparent;  font-size: 85%; background: #ffb; border-color: #eea; color: #880">Color 2</span>
     181<span style="border: none; color: #333; background: transparent;  font-size: 85%; background: #fbfbfb; border-color: #ddd; color: #444">Color 3</span>
     182<span style="border: none; color: #333; background: transparent; font-size: 85%; background: #e7ffff; border-color: #cee; color: #099">Color 4</span>
     183<span style="border: none; color: #333; background: transparent;  font-size: 85%; background: #e7eeff; border-color: #cde; color: #469">Color 5</span>
     186 * '''`__style__`''' — A custom CSS style expression to use on the `<tr>` element of the current row.
     187 * '''`__class__`''' — Zero or more space-separated CSS class names to be set on the `<tr>` element of the current row. These classes are added to the class name derived from `__color__` and the odd / even indicator.
     189'''Example:''' List active tickets, grouped by milestone, group header linked to milestone page, colored by priority:
     191SELECT p.value AS __color__,
     192     t.milestone AS __group__,
     193     '../milestone/' || t.milestone AS __grouplink__,
     194     (CASE owner WHEN 'daniel' THEN 'font-weight: bold; background: red;' ELSE '' END) AS __style__,
     195 AS ticket, summary
     196FROM ticket t,enum p
     197WHERE t.status IN ('new', 'assigned', 'reopened')
     198  AND = t.priority AND p.type = 'priority'
     199ORDER BY t.milestone, p.value, t.severity, t.time
     202Note that table join is used to match ''ticket'' priorities with their numeric representation from the ''enum'' table.
     204=== Changing layout of report rows === #column-syntax
     206By default, all columns on each row are display on a single row in the HTML report, possibly formatted according to the descriptions above. However, it is also possible to create multi-line report entries.
     208 * '''`column_`''' — ''Break row after this''. By appending an underscore ('_') to the column name, the remaining columns will be continued on a second line.
     210 * '''`_column_`''' — ''Full row''. By adding an underscore ('_') both at the beginning and the end of a column name, the data will be shown on a separate row.
     212 * '''`_column`''' — ''Hide data''. Prepending an underscore ('_') to a column name instructs Trac to hide the contents from the HTML output. This is useful for information to be visible only if downloaded in other formats (like CSV or RSS/XML).
     213   This can be used to hide any kind of column, even important ones required for identifying the resource, e.g. `id as _id` will hide the '''Id''' column but the link to the ticket will be present.
     215'''Example:''' List active tickets, grouped by milestone, colored by priority, with  description and multi-line layout:
     218SELECT p.value AS __color__,
     219       t.milestone AS __group__,
     220       (CASE owner
     221          WHEN 'daniel' THEN 'font-weight: bold; background: red;'
     222          ELSE '' END) AS __style__,
     223 AS ticket, summary AS summary_,             -- ## Break line here
     224       component,version, severity, milestone, status, owner,
     225       time AS created, changetime AS modified,         -- ## Dates are formatted
     226       description AS _description_,                    -- ## Uses a full row
     227       changetime AS _changetime, reporter AS _reporter -- ## Hidden from HTML output
     228FROM ticket t,enum p
     229WHERE t.status IN ('new', 'assigned', 'reopened')
     230  AND = t.priority AND p.type = 'priority'
     231ORDER BY t.milestone, p.value, t.severity, t.time
     234=== Reporting on custom fields
     236If you have added [TracTicketsCustomFields custom fields] to your tickets, you can write a SQL query to include them in a report. You'll need to make a join on the `ticket_custom` table.
     238If you have tickets in the database ''before'' you declare the extra fields in trac.ini, there will be no associated data in the `ticket_custom` table. To get around this, use SQL's `LEFT OUTER JOIN` clauses. See [trac:TracIniReportCustomFieldSample TracIniReportCustomFieldSample] for some examples.
     240=== A note about SQL rewriting #rewriting
     242Beyond the relatively trivial replacement of dynamic variables, the SQL query is also altered in order to support two features of the reports:
     243 1. [#sort-order sorting]
     244 1. pagination: limiting the number of results displayed on each page
     245In order to support the first feature, the sort column is inserted in the `ORDER BY` clause in the first position or in the second position if a `__group__` column is specified (an `ORDER BY` clause is created if needed). In order to support pagination, a `LIMIT ... OFFSET ...` clause is appended.
     246The query might be too complex for the automatic rewrite to work correctly, resulting in an erroneous query. In this case you still have the possibility to control exactly how the rewrite is done by manually inserting the following tokens:
     247 - `@SORT_COLUMN@`, the place where the name of the selected sort column will be inserted,
     248 - `@LIMIT_OFFSET@`, the place where the pagination support clause will be added
     249Note that if you write them after an SQL comment, `--`, you'll effectively disable rewriting if this is what you want!
     251Let's take an example, consider the following SQL query:
     253-- ## 4: Assigned, Active Tickets by Owner ## --
     256-- List assigned tickets, group by ticket owner, sorted by priority.
     259SELECT p.value AS __color__,
     260   owner AS __group__,
     261   id AS ticket, summary, component, milestone, t.type AS type, severity, time AS created,
     262   changetime AS _changetime, description AS _description,
     263   reporter AS _reporter
     264FROM ticket t,enum p
     265WHERE status = 'assigned'
     266  AND = t.priority AND p.type = 'priority'
     267ORDER BY __group__, p.value, severity, time
     270The automatic rewrite will be the following (4 rows per page, page 2, sorted by `component`):
     272SELECT p.value AS __color__,
     273   owner AS __group__,
     274   id AS ticket, summary, component, milestone, t.type AS type, severity, time AS created,
     275   changetime AS _changetime, description AS _description,
     276   reporter AS _reporter
     277FROM ticket t,enum p
     278WHERE status = 'assigned'
     279  AND = t.priority AND p.type = 'priority'
     280ORDER BY __group__ ASC, `component` ASC,  __group__, p.value, severity, time
     281LIMIT 4 OFFSET 4
     284The equivalent SQL query with the rewrite tokens would have been:
     286SELECT p.value AS __color__,
     287   owner AS __group__,
     288   id AS ticket, summary, component, milestone, t.type AS type, severity, time AS created,
     289   changetime AS _changetime, description AS _description,
     290   reporter AS _reporter
     291FROM ticket t,enum p
     292WHERE status = 'assigned'
     293  AND = t.priority AND p.type = 'priority'
     294ORDER BY __group__, @SORT_COLUMN@, p.value, severity, time
     298If you want to always sort first by priority and only then by the user selected sort column, simply use the following `ORDER BY` clause:
     300ORDER BY __group__, p.value, @SORT_COLUMN@, severity, time
     303== Changing Report Numbering
     305There may be instances where you need to change the ID of the report, perhaps to organize the reports better. At present this requires changes to the trac database. The ''report'' table has the following schema:
     306 * id integer PRIMARY KEY
     307 * author text
     308 * title text
     309 * query text
     310 * description text
     311Changing the ID changes the shown order and number in the ''Available Reports'' list and the report's perma-link. This is done by running something like:
     313UPDATE report SET id = 5 WHERE id = 3;
     315Keep in mind that the integrity has to be maintained, i.e. ID has to be unique, and you don't want to exceed the max for your database.
     317You may also need to update or remove the report number stored in the report or query.
     320See also: TracTickets, TracQuery, [ Query Language Understood by SQLite]