Version 4 (modified by 6 days ago) ( diff ) | ,
Оваа секција ги претставува концептуалниот дизајн на базата на податоци и податочните побарувања.
ЕР Дијаграм
Податочни побарувања
1. Client
- telephone_number - varchar (Primary key)
- name - varchar (Mandatory attribute)
- last_name - varchar (Mandatory attribute)
2. Motorcycle
- registration - varchar (Primary key)
- chassis_number - varchar (Mandatory attribute)
- year - date (Mandatory attribute)
- model - varchar (Mandatory attribute)
3. Mechanic
- embg - numeric (Primary key)
- name - varchar (Mandatory attribute)
- last_name - varchar (Mandatory attribute)
4. Service
- service_id - serial (Primary key)
- client_id - varchar (Foreign key referencing Client.telephone_number, Mandatory attribute)
- motorcycle_registration - varchar (Foreign key referencing Motorcycle.registration, Mandatory attribute)
- service_date - date (Mandatory attribute)
- total_price - numeric (Mandatory attribute)
5. Item
- item_id - serial (Primary key)
- description - varchar (Optional attribute)
- unit_of_measurement - varchar (Mandatory attribute)
- price_per_unit - numeric (Mandatory attribute)
- tax - numeric (Mandatory attribute)
6. ServiceInvoice
- invoice_number - serial (Primary key)
- date - date (Mandatory attribute)
- recipient - varchar (Foreign key referencing Client.telephone_number, Mandatory attribute)
- photo_copy - varchar (Mandatory attribute)
7. FiscalBill
- fiscal_id - serial (Primary key)
- datetime - timestamp (Mandatory attribute)
- issuer - varchar (Foreign key referencing Client.telephone_number, Mandatory attribute)
- description - varchar (Optional attribute)
- total_price - numeric (Mandatory attribute)
- ddv - numeric (Mandatory attribute)
- edb - varchar (Mandatory attribute)
- Owns - 1:N relation where each Client can have multiple Motorcycles.
- Has - 1:N relation where each Motorcycle can have multiple Services.
- ServicedBy - M:N relation where each Service can be performed by multiple Mechanics, and each Mechanic can work on multiple Services.
- HasInvoice - 1:1 relation where each Service has only one Invoice and one Invoice can be linked to one Service.
- Contains - M:N relation where each Service contains multiple Items, and each Item can be part of multiple Services.
- FiscalRelationship - 1:1 relation where each ServiceInvoice can be associated with one FiscalBill and vice versa.
Attachments (1)
- ER_Diagram_1.png (244.3 KB ) - added by 7 days ago.
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