RelationalDesign: dml.sql

File dml.sql, 2.7 KB (added by 211585, 14 hours ago)
1-- Insert into User Table
2INSERT INTO app_user (username , email, password, contact_details) VALUES
3('user1', '', 'password123', '123-456-7890'),
4('user2', '', 'securepassword', '987-654-3210'),
5('user3', '', 'mypassword', '111-222-3333'),
6('user4', '', 'pass1234', '444-555-6666'),
7('user5', '', 'password567', '777-888-9999');
9-- Insert into Social Media Profile Table
10INSERT INTO SocialMediaProfile (platform, user_name, account_type, followers_count, userid) VALUES
11('Twitter', 'user1_twitter', 'public', 1500, 1),
12('Instagram', 'user2_insta', 'private', 2000, 2),
13('Facebook', 'user3_fb', 'public', 1800, 3),
14('LinkedIn', 'user4_linkedin', 'private', 2500, 4),
15('Snapchat', 'user5_snap', 'public', 1300, 5);
17-- Insert into Post Table
18INSERT INTO Post (content, post_date , url , likes_count, comments_count, profileid) VALUES
19('Check out my new blog post!', '2023-01-14 10:00:00', '', 100, 5, 1),
20('Loved this view!', '2023-01-14 15:30:00', '', 250, 20, 2),
21('Excited for the weekend!', '2023-01-15 09:00:00', '', 300, 15, 3),
22('New product launch!', '2023-01-16 12:00:00', '', 400, 25, 4),
23('Throwback to last summer', '2023-01-17 18:00:00', '', 150, 10, 5);
25-- Insert into Service Provider Table
26INSERT INTO ServiceProvider (name, availability_status, pricing, services_offered, contact_email) VALUES
27('SocialBoost', true, 199.99, 'Social Media Promotion', ''),
28('InstaGrowth', false, 149.99, 'Instagram Growth Services', ''),
29('FaceGrow', true, 129.99, 'Facebook Engagement Services', ''),
30('LinkPromo', true, 159.99, 'LinkedIn Networking Services', ''),
31('SnapBoost', false, 109.99, 'Snapchat Audience Expansion', '');
33-- Insert into Profile Marketing Request Table
34INSERT INTO ProfileMarketingRequest (target_followers , timeline , profileid , date_created, status, userid , providerid) VALUES
35(3000, '2025-02-01 00:00:00', 1, '2025-01-10 12:00:00', 'pending', 1, 1),
36(4000, '2025-02-15 00:00:00', 2, '2025-01-15 11:00:00', 'approved', 2, 2),
37(3500, '2025-02-20 00:00:00', 3, '2025-01-18 09:30:00', 'pending', 3, 3);
39-- Insert into Post Marketing Request Table
40INSERT INTO PostMarketingRequest (target_likes , target_comments , timeline , postid , date_created , status , userid , providerid) VALUES
41(500, 50, '2025-02-05 00:00:00', 2, '2025-01-12 14:00:00', 'approved', 2, 2),
42(550, 55, '2025-02-12 00:00:00', 4, '2025-01-14 17:30:00', 'approved', 4, 4),
43(700, 70, '2025-02-18 00:00:00', 5, '2025-01-15 11:15:00', 'pending', 5, 5);