== Use Case Scenario: Making appointment == === 1. Guidance === This use case is intended to explain the process of making an appointment for the patient. === 2. Use Case Identification === '''2.1. Use Case ID''': 2.0 '''2.2. Use Case Name''': Making appointment '''2.3. Use Case History''' * '''Created by''': Sashko M. * '''Date created''': 01.11.2017 * '''Last updated by''': Dajana S. * '''Date last updated''': 02.11.2017 === 3. Use Case Definition === '''3.1. Actors ''' * Doctor * Patient '''3.2. Trigger''' A patient sends a request for making an appointment. '''3.3. Description''' A patient makes an appointment using the patient's module. The patient asks to make an appointment by clicking a button ''Make an appointment'' which generates a new request for making an appointment. The system then searches for available time slots in which an appointment at the patient's GP can be made. The system throws out the first five available time slots that it has found. The patient can either cancel the request for making the appointment or choose one time slot out of the five offered by the system. After the patient chooses corresponding time slot, the doctor's list of appointments is automatically updated. '''3.4. Preconditions''' 1. The patient needs to be registered in the hospital in which the appointment is about to be made. 2. The patient needs to have GP assigned. '''3.5. Post-conditions''' 1. Patients have made appointments online through the system successfully. 2. Their doctors have an insight in these lists (appointments that each of their patients has made). 3. Patients can check the history list of their own appointments too. '''3.6. Normal Flow''' 1. A patient logs in into the system. 2. The patient goes to the module for making appointments. 3. The patient asks for available time slots. 4. The system throws out available time slots. 5. The patient chooses one of them. 6. The appointment request is closed successfully by making an appointment. 7. The doctor can see a list of all appointments made by their own patients in their schedule. '''3.7. Alternative Flows''' 5.1. The patient doesn't accept any of the available time slots by clicking ''Cancel the appointment request''. [[BR]] 6.1. The request is closed and an appointment hasn't been made (the state of the patient's appointments list remain the same as before the patient sent the request). '''3.8. Exceptions''' 1.1.E.1. The patient hasn't made an appointment online, because they are emergency case. The system has reserved time slots for such cases and there should be available rooms and staff that can take care of these cases without patients making an appointment online on our system. '''3.9. Includes''' The use case number ''1. Adding users'' could be included as prerequisite because all patients and employees in the system must be already registered in order this use case to be usable. '''3.10. Priority''' High priority. '''3.11. Frequency of Use''' Estimation: 60 requests per hour. '''3.12. Business Rules''' All patients must make an appointment before they visit the doctor. Exception are emergency cases only. '''3.13. Special Requirements''' The system must be available 99% of the time during the hospital working hours, plus 95% of the time that is not during the working hours. '''3.14. Assumptions''' All patients will stick to their time slots that have been selected during the making an appointment process. If they are late or miss the appointment time slot reserved for them, they need to repeat the process from the beginning all over again, meaning to send a new request for making an appointment. '''3.15. Notes and Issues''' Issue 1: *task description*, assigned to: *name*, (a link to the task can be added here instead writing for each); Issue 2: Add a ''Cancel the appointment'' option which will serve for cancelling an appointment that is already made. Available 24h before the time slot for the given appointment. Note 1: Take care if two patients are about to choose one available time slot at the same time, not to allow choosing the same one at the same doctor (using lock/sync). Note 2: Consider the fact that people could make an appointments randomly, discuss a way how to regulate the patient's seriousness. === 4. Use Case List === Patient * Click button make an appointment * Choose a time slot Doctor * View scheduled appointments for their own patients