Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of Vision

11/15/17 14:30:31 (7 years ago)
Dajana Stojchevska

Update customer support system


  • Vision

    v7 v8  
    5858 [#p3.8 3.8 Alternatives and Competition]
    60   [#p3.8.1 3.8.1 Regular office hours]
    62   [#p3.8.2 3.8.2 Public forums]
    64   [#p3.8.3 3.8.3 Private messages on e-courses]
     60  [#p3.8.1 3.8.1 Current system for making appointments]
    6662[#p4 4. Product Overview]
    365361'''Customer Support System'''
    367 ||'''Customer Benefit''' ||'''Supporting Features''' ||
    368 ||Easy to use. ||Will be available in English, simple so it can be used by ordinary citizens who have only basic technology knowledge. ||
    369 ||Available in English with possibility to be upgraded with translations in another languages. ||/ ||
    370 ||Available during the working hours of the institution, plus 99% of the remaining time. ||||
    371 ||Системот треба да врши архивирање на сите пратени пораки. ||Зачувување на сите пораки, датум на праќање и исприќач и примач во базата на системот. ||
    372 ||Системот треба да биде заштитен за пристап на надворешни лица. ||Дозвола за пристап само на студентите и предавачите на Финки ||
     363||'''Customer Benefit'''||'''Supporting Features'''||
     364||Easy to use.||Will be made simple so it can be used by ordinary citizens who have only basic technology knowledge.||
     365||Available in English with possibility to be upgraded with translations in another languages.||/||
     366||Available during the working hours of the institution, plus 99% of the remaining time.||Patients will be able to make an appointment request anytime.||
     367||The system must archive all the appointments made and the reports along with them.||For each appointment save its date, the patient, diagnosis and medication.||
     368||The system should be protected from unauthorized and unauthenticated access.||Each patient has access only to their respective data, and each doctor has access only to their patients' data.||
    374370'''4.3 [=#p4.3] Assumptions and Dependencies'''
    408404The system should be available online all the time within the hospital working hours.
    410 The system should archive all appointments made.
     406The system should archive all appointments made, along with the reports for each of them.
    412408'''8. [=#p8] Precedence and Priority'''
    444440'''10.2 [=#p10.2] On-line Help'''
    446 It is predicted the system to offer online help. It means that there will be a page where will be written some general guidelines for using the system, there will be a part *FAQ* (frequently asked questions), and for more complex problems like not being able to login and similar technical problems will be intervened by system administrators.
     442It is predicted the system to offer online help. It means that there will be a page where will be written some general guidelines for using the system, there will be a part ''FAQ'' (frequently asked questions), and for more complex problems like not being able to login and similar technical problems will be intervened by system administrators.
    448444'''10.3 [=#p10.3] Installation Guides, Configuration, Read Me File'''
    462458'''11.2 [=#p11.2] Benefit'''
    464 ||'''Critical''' ||Системот треба да биде достапен online во било кое време. [[br]] Системот треба да им дозволи на студентите да им праќаат пораки на предавачите [[br]]Системот треба да им дозволи на предавачите да им одговараат на студентите [[br]]Системот треба да овозможи приватност во комуникацијата студент- предавач [[br]]Системот треба да овозможи поставување на пораки од предавачите кои ќе бидат достапни за сите студенти [[br]]Системот со секоја поставена порака треба да асоцира дата на поставување и личност која ја поставила [[br]]Системот треба да биде заштитен за пристап на надворешни лица. ||
    465 ||'''Important''' ||Системот треба да овозможи креирање на јавни дискусии на некои теми [[br]] Системот треба да овозможи архивирање на сите пораки и нивна достапност до соодветните корисници [[br]] Системот треба да биде лесен за користење и за оние кои лесно се прилагодуваат на технологиите и за оние кои не се прилагодуваат лесно. [[br]] Системот треба да биде достапен на македонски јазик за да оние кои немаат добри познавања на англиски. ||
    466 ||'''Useful''' ||Системот треба да овозможи некакво класифицирање на пораките по некои критериуми ||
     460||'''Critical''' ||The system must be available online.[[br]]The system has to response to the patient with an available slot.[[br]]Each slot must be unique for each patient at 1 doctor.[[br]]The system must allow the doctors to have a review of their appointments[[br]]The system has to be protected from unauthorized and unauthenticated access.||
     461||'''Important''' ||The system has to allow the patients to send appointment request.[[br]]The system has to keep a track of the date when an appointment has been made.[[br]]The system must be easy to use for people of all ages.[[br]]The system must provide option for upgrading it in another language for those who are not familiar with English language.||
     462||'''Useful''' ||The system has to sort the patients' records by date.||
    468464'''11.3 [=#p11.3] Effort'''
    484480'''11.7 [=#p11.7] Assigned To'''
    486 We will divide the tasks, clearly specifying what is expected of us to do, what are the allowed concessions, and to what extent and for how long it is planned the task to be finished. In consultation with each other, as well as with the supervising authorities, each problem will be overcome.
     482We will divide the tasks, clearly specifying what is expected of us to do, what are the allowed concessions, and to what extent and for how long it is planned the task to be finished. In consultation with each other, as well as with the supervising authority, each problem will be overcome.
    488484'''11.8 [=#p11.8] Reason'''