Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of Vision

11/15/17 14:34:42 (6 years ago)
Dajana Stojchevska

Update 11


  • Vision

    v8 v9  
    452452'''11.1 [=#p11.1] Status'''
    454 ||'''Proposed''' ||Системот треба да овозможи некакво класифицирање на пораките по некакви критериуми [[br]]Системот треба да овозможи архивирање на сите пораки и нивна достапност до соодветните корисници ||
    455 ||'''Approved''' ||Системот треба да им дозволи на студентите да им праќаат пораки на предавачите [[br]]Системот треба да им дозволи на предавачите да им одговараат на студентите [[br]]Системот треба да овозможи приватност во комуникацијата студент- предавач [[br]]Системот треба да овозможи поставување на пораки од предавачите кои ќе бидат достапни за сите студенти [[br]]Системот треба да биде online достапен 24 часа седум дена во неделата [[br]] ||
    456 ||'''Incorporated''' ||Системот треба да овозможи креирање на јавни дискусии на некои теми ||
     454||'''Proposed''' ||The system must be available online.[[br]]The system has to response to the patient with an available slot.[[br]]The system must allow the doctors to have a review of their appointments.[[br]]The system has to sort the patients' records by date.||
     455||'''Approved''' ||The system has to be protected from unauthorized and unauthenticated access.[[br]]Each slot must be unique for each patient at 1 doctor.[[br]]The system has to allow the patients to send appointment request.[[br]]The system has to keep a track of the date when an appointment has been made.[[br]]The system must be easy to use for people of all ages.[[br]]The system must provide option for upgrading it in another language for those who are not familiar with English language.||
     456||'''Incorporated''' ||/||
    458458'''11.2 [=#p11.2] Benefit'''
    460 ||'''Critical''' ||The system must be available online.[[br]]The system has to response to the patient with an available slot.[[br]]Each slot must be unique for each patient at 1 doctor.[[br]]The system must allow the doctors to have a review of their appointments[[br]]The system has to be protected from unauthorized and unauthenticated access.||
     460||'''Critical''' ||The system must be available online.[[br]]The system has to response to the patient with an available slot.[[br]]Each slot must be unique for each patient at 1 doctor.[[br]]The system must allow the doctors to have a review of their appointments.[[br]]The system has to be protected from unauthorized and unauthenticated access.||
    461461||'''Important''' ||The system has to allow the patients to send appointment request.[[br]]The system has to keep a track of the date when an appointment has been made.[[br]]The system must be easy to use for people of all ages.[[br]]The system must provide option for upgrading it in another language for those who are not familiar with English language.||
    462462||'''Useful''' ||The system has to sort the patients' records by date.||