1 | truncate table administrator restart identity cascade;
2 | truncate table attempt restart identity cascade;
3 | truncate table badge restart identity cascade;
4 | truncate table badge_is_awarded_to_quiztaker restart identity cascade;
5 | truncate table category restart identity cascade;
6 | truncate table choice restart identity cascade;
7 | truncate table hint restart identity cascade;
8 | truncate table user_table restart identity cascade;
9 | truncate table medal restart identity cascade;
10 | truncate table medal_is_awarded_to_quiztaker restart identity cascade;
11 | truncate table moderator restart identity cascade;
12 | truncate table question restart identity cascade;
13 | truncate table question_is_part_of_quiz restart identity cascade;
14 | truncate table quiz restart identity cascade;
15 | truncate table quiz_is_part_of_tournament restart identity cascade;
16 | truncate table quiztaker restart identity cascade;
17 | truncate table quiztaker_participates_in_tournament restart identity cascade;
18 | truncate table quiztaker_participates_in_tournamentphase restart identity cascade;
19 | truncate table result_table restart identity cascade;
20 | truncate table selectedchoice restart identity cascade;
21 | truncate table selectionquestion restart identity cascade;
22 | truncate table subject restart identity cascade;
23 | truncate table textquestion restart identity cascade;
24 | truncate table tournament restart identity cascade;
25 | truncate table tournamentorganizer restart identity cascade;
26 | truncate table tournamentorganizer_hosts_tournament restart identity cascade;
27 | truncate table tournamentphase restart identity cascade;
28 | truncate table quiz_is_part_of_tournamentphase restart identity cascade;
29 |
30 | insert into user_table(fullname, username, password_attr) values
31 | ('Kliment Shukanov', 'shukan123', 'User321!'),
32 | ('Petar Pucoski', 'perikus123', 'najsecurelozinka'),
33 | ('Stefan Risteski', 'fankyoste', 'password_attr123'),
34 | ('Petre Petreski', 'mitre123', 'pass123'),
35 | ('Kiril Lazarov', 'kirilLazarov', 'pass321'),
36 | ('Quiz Tester', 'quizTester', 'pass321123!'),
37 | ('Stevo Stevoski', 'stefs', 'asdjkdas'),
38 | ('Stole Dimitrieski', 'stoleGK', 'gk123321'),
39 | ('Quiz Tester 2', 'quizTester2', 'pass32112332!');
40 |
41 | insert into administrator (userID) values
42 | (1), (2), (3);
43 |
44 | insert into moderator (userID) values
45 | (4), (5), (6);
46 |
47 | insert into quiztaker(userid) values
48 | (7), (8), (9);
49 |
50 | insert into tournament(tournamentname) values
51 | ('History Quiz Tournament'),
52 | ('General Sport Knowledge Test'),
53 | ('Geography Tournament');
54 |
55 | insert into tournamentphase(tournamentid, tournamentphasename) values
56 | (1, 'First phase'), (1, 'Semi-finals'), (1, 'Finals'), (2, 'Phase 1'), (2, 'Phase 2'), (2, 'Phase 3'), (2, 'Phase 4'), (2, 'Grand final'), (3, 'First phase'), (3, 'Second phase');
57 |
58 | insert into tournamentorganizer(userid) values
59 | (4), (5), (6);
60 |
61 | insert into subject(subjectname) values
62 | ('History'), ('Sport'), ('Geography'), ('Physics');
63 |
64 | insert into category(subjectid, categoryname) values
65 | (1, 'World War 1'), (1, 'World War 2'), (1, 'Balkan Wars'),
66 | (2, 'Football'), (2, 'Basketball'), (3, 'Europe'), (3, 'Asia');
67 |
68 | insert into quiz(categoryid, quizname, tournamentphaseid) values
69 | (2, 'World War 2 Trivia'),
70 | (4, 'Football Legends'),
71 | (5, 'Basketball legends'),
72 | (6, 'European Landmarks'),
73 | (4, 'Champions league');
74 |
75 |
76 | insert into medal(tournamentid, medalname, description) values
77 | (2, 'Sports-wiz', 'Your knowledge of sports is impeccable'),
78 | (1, 'History nerd', 'You are a true historian'),
79 | (3, 'Geography geek', 'Master of geography');
80 |
81 | insert into question(questiontext) values
82 | ('Who got the Rookie of the Year award in 2021'),
83 | ('Give your opinion on who will win the 2022 season and why?'),
84 | ('Guess this flag?'),
85 | ('What is the capital of Germany?'),
86 | ('Who won the 2010 World Cup?'),
87 | ('What is the most populated nation in Asia?');
88 |
89 | insert into hint(hinttext, questionid) values
90 | ('This player plays in Charlotte Hornets', 1),
91 | ('It is a country in the north of Europe', 3),
92 | ('Their nickname is the Red Furia', 5);
93 |
94 | insert into textquestion (questionid) values
95 | (2), (4), (6);
96 |
97 | insert into selectionquestion (questionid) values
98 | (1), (3), (5);
99 |
100 | insert into choice(questionid, iscorrect, choicetext) values
101 | (1, true, 'LaMelo Ball'),
102 | (1, false, 'Luka Doncic'),
103 | (1, false, 'Nikola Jokic');
104 |
105 | insert into attempt(userid, attemptdate, quizid) values
106 | (7, '12/10/2021', 3),
107 | (8, '11/10/2021', 3),
108 | (9, '10/10/2021', 3);
109 |
110 | insert into selectedchoice(choiceid, attemptid) values
111 | (2, 1), (3, 2), (1, 3);
112 |
113 | insert into result_table(attemptid, points) values
114 | (1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 100);
115 |
116 | insert into badge(resultid, badgename , description) values
117 | (1, 'High performance', 'You scored a score above 90 points'),
118 | (2, 'Participation badge', 'At least you tried'),
119 | (3, 'Basketball maniac', 'Score above 90 points on a quiz about basketball');
120 |
121 | insert into quiz_is_part_of_tournament(quizid, tournamentid) values
122 | (5, 2), (1, 1), (3,2);
123 |
124 | insert into quiz_is_part_of_tournamentphase (quizid, tournamentphaseid) values
125 | (5, 8), (1, 1), (3, 7);
126 |
127 | insert into tournamentorganizer_hosts_tournament (userid , tournamentid) values
128 | (1,2), (2,1), (3,3);
129 |
130 | insert into question_is_part_of_quiz(questionid, quizid) values
131 | (1,3), (2, 3), (9, 4);
132 |
133 | insert into quiztaker_participates_in_tournamentphase (userid, tournamentphaseid) values
134 | (7, 8), (8, 2), (9, 3);
135 |
136 | insert into quiztaker_participates_in_tournament (userid, tournamentid) values
137 | (7, 2), (8, 1), (9,1);
138 |
139 | insert into medal_is_awarded_to_quiztaker (medalid, userid) values
140 | (2, 7), (2, 8), (1, 9);
141 |
142 | insert into badge_is_awarded_to_quiztaker (badgeid, userid) values
143 | (2,7), (2, 8), (3, 9);
144 | |