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| 78 | <form method="post" action="/processSignup" class="u-clearfix u-form-spacing-15 u-form-vertical u-inner-form" name="form" style="padding: 23px;">
| 79 | <h4 class="u-align-center u-form-group u-form-text u-text u-text-1">Sign up</h4>
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| 81 | <label for="email-4c18" class="u-label">Username</label>
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| 89 | <label for="name-4c18" class="u-label">Password</label>
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| 93 | <label for="name-4c20" class="u-label">Confirm Password</label>
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| 104 | <div style="margin: auto auto 20px; color: red; font-weight: bold;"
| 105 | th:if="${invalidRegister==true}">
| 106 | A user with that username already exists!
| 107 | </div>
| 108 | <div style="margin: auto auto 20px; color: red; font-weight: bold;"
| 109 | th:if="${passwordDoNotMatch==true}">
| 110 | The passwords you have entered do not match!
| 111 | </div>
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