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| 41 | <h1 style="margin-top: 100px; margin-bottom: 50px" class="u-container-layout u-valign-middle u-container-layout-1">
| 42 | Quizzes Ranked by Number of Correct Questions</h1>
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| 44 | <table class="table table-bordered mt-3 reportTabeli">
| 45 | <thead class="thead-dark">
| 46 | <tr>
| 47 | <th scope="col">Quiz Name</th>
| 48 | <th scope="col">Count of Correct Questions</th>
| 49 | </tr>
| 50 | </thead>
| 51 | <tbody>
| 52 | <tr th:each="item : ${items}">
| 53 | <td th:text="${item.getQuizname()}"></td>
| 54 | <td th:text="${item.getCounter()}"></td>
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