| 1 | == Implementation of user scenarios in the prototype |
| 2 | In the technical prototype of the application implemented so far, the following scenarios have been implemented: |
| 3 | ||= ID =||||= !UseCase =|| |
| 4 | ||1||||'''[wiki:SearchRoutesUseCase Search Routes]'''|| |
| 5 | ||2||||'''[wiki:OrganizeTripUseCase Organize Trip]'''|| |
| 6 | ||3||||'''[wiki:ManageTripUseCase Manage Trip]'''|| |
| 7 | ||4||||'''[wiki:ViewMyTripsUseCase View My Trips]'''|| |
| 8 | ||5||||'''[wiki:LoginUseCase Login]'''|| |
| 9 | ||6||||'''[wiki:RegisterUseCase Register]'''|| |
| 10 | |
| 11 | === ID 1 - Search Routes |