= Current Database Model = The current model can always be found in the ProjectSources, as part of the **isis-model** sub-project. An extract of the core classes in the form of a UML class diagram (2018-02-16): [[Image(UML-Class-CoreEntities.png, 540px)]] == Partial Views == === Study Programs === Curriculum Evolution [[Image(UML-Class-StudyPrograms.png, 540px)]] Curriculum Mapping to Standard Body of Knowledge [[Image(UML-Class-GuidelinesMapping.png, 480px)]] === Enrollment process === [[Image(UML-Class-Enrollment.png, 540px)]] === Course Activities and Assessments === [[Image(UML-Class-ActivitiesAndAssessments.png, 400px)]] == Декларирање на настава по курсеви == [[Image(DB pogled na deklaracija na nastava.svg, 200px)]] = Појаснувања за моделот = Вака се опишуваат предметите во базата и зависностите меѓу нив: [[Image(model zavisnosti.png,240px)]] Исто така видете и [wiki:Zavisnosti зависности]. Моментална листа [wiki:TekovniZavisnosti зависности]. = Recommended tools to access the database = * DBeaver (http://dbeaver.jkiss.org/) = History of the Model = DBModelHistoricalVersions