1 | INSERT INTO application_user (userid, name, surname, email, password, phone_number, date_joined)
3 | (6, 'Alice', 'Johnson', 'alice.johnson@email.com', 'pass123', '1234567890', '2023-01-15'),
4 | (7, 'Bob', 'Smith', 'bob.smith@email.com', 'securepass', '0987654321', '2023-02-20');
5 |
6 |
7 | INSERT INTO destination (destinationid, best_time_to_visit, country, description, name, popular_attraction)
9 | (1, 'Spring (March to May)', 'France', 'Capital city of France, known for its art, fashion, and landmarks.', 'Paris', 'Eiffel Tower'),
10 | (2, 'Fall (September to November)', 'USA', 'A major cultural, financial, and media capital, known for its skyline and landmarks.', 'New York', 'Statue of Liberty'),
11 | (3, 'Spring (March to May)', 'Japan', 'A bustling city with a unique mix of traditional and modern attractions.', 'Tokyo', 'Shibuya Crossing'),
12 | (4, 'Summer (June to August)', 'United Kingdom', 'The capital of England, famous for its history, culture, and landmarks.', 'London', 'Big Ben'),
13 | (5, 'Fall (September to November)', 'Spain', 'A vibrant city known for its architecture, beaches, and culture.', 'Barcelona', 'Sagrada Família');
14 |
15 |
16 | INSERT INTO airport (airportid, city, code, country, name)
18 | (1, 1, 'CDG', 'France', 'Charles de Gaulle Airport'),
19 | (2, 2, 'JFK', 'USA', 'John F. Kennedy International Airport'),
20 | (3, 4, 'LHR', 'United Kingdom', 'London Heathrow Airport'),
21 | (4, 3, 'JAP', 'Japan', 'Tokyo International Airport'),
22 | (5, 5, 'SPN', 'Spain','Barselona Airport');
23 |
24 | INSERT INTO flight (arrival_airport, arrival_time, available_seats, departure_airport, departure_time, price, flightid,
25 | flight_number, departure_date, return_date)
27 | (2, '12:30:00', 100, 1, '10:00:00', 250.00, 1, 'FL1001', '2025-03-01'::date, '2025-03-10'::date),
28 | (3, '15:45:00', 80, 1, '13:15:00', 300.00, 2, 'FL1002', '2025-03-02'::date, NULL),
29 | (1, '18:00:00', 90, 2, '16:00:00', 280.00, 3, 'FL1003', '2025-03-03'::date, '2025-03-12'::date),
30 | (4, '20:30:00', 120, 3, '18:00:00', 400.00, 4, 'FL1004', '2025-03-04'::date, NULL),
31 | (5, '22:15:00', 75, 4, '20:45:00', 350.00, 5, 'FL1005', '2025-03-05'::date, '2025-03-14'::date),
32 | (3, '11:00:00', 110, 5, '09:00:00', 290.00, 6, 'FL1006', '2025-03-06'::date, NULL),
33 | (1, '14:00:00', 95, 4, '12:30:00', 320.00, 7, 'FL1007', '2025-03-07'::date, '2025-03-16'::date),
34 | (5, '17:30:00', 85, 2, '15:45:00', 275.00, 8, 'FL1008', '2025-03-08'::date, NULL),
35 | (4, '19:45:00', 105, 3, '18:15:00', 390.00, 9, 'FL1009', '2025-03-09'::date, '2025-03-18'::date),
36 | (2, '23:00:00', 70, 5, '21:30:00', 260.00, 10, 'FL1010', '2025-03-10'::date, NULL);
37 |
38 | INSERT INTO booking (booking_date, bookingid, flightid, seat_number, total_cost, userid, payment_status)
40 | ('2025-02-11', 35, 2, 45, 320.00, 6, 'PENDING'),
41 | ('2025-02-11', 34, 1, 36, 320.00, 6, 'PENDING'),
42 | ('2025-02-11', 37, 4, 25, 280.00, 7, 'PENDING'),
43 | ('2025-02-11', 36, 3, 18, 300.00, 7, 'PENDING'),
44 | ('2025-02-11', 38, 5, 25, 400.00, 6, 'PENDING');
45 |
46 | INSERT INTO review ("date", rating, reviewid, targetid, userid, review_comment)
48 | ('2025-02-11', 5, 2, 2, 6, 'Review1'),
49 | ('2025-02-11', 5, 3, 3, 7, 'Review2'),
50 | ('2025-02-11', 5, 1, 1, 6, 'Review3');
51 |
52 | INSERT INTO payment (amount, bookingid, paymentid, transaction_date, userid, payment_method, payment_status)
54 | (280.00, 36, 9, '2025-02-11', 6, 'CREDIT', 'COMPLETED'),
55 | (280.00, 35, 8, '2025-02-11', 6, 'CREDIT', 'COMPLETED'),
56 | (280.00, 34, 6, '2025-02-11', 6, 'CREDIT', 'COMPLETED'),
57 | (400.00, 37, 10, '2025-02-11', 7, 'CREDIT', 'COMPLETED'),
58 | (280.00, 36, 5, '2025-02-11', 7, NULL, 'PENDING'),
59 | (280.00, 35, 7, '2025-02-11', 7, 'CREDIT', 'COMPLETED'),
60 | (280.00, 38, 4, '2025-02-13', 6, NULL, 'PENDING');
61 |
62 | insert into notification (date_sent, notificationid, userid, message, type)
63 | values
64 | ('2025-02-12', 1, 6, 'Your flight booking has been confirmed.', 'BOOKING_CONFIRMATION'),
65 | ('2025-02-12', 2, 6, 'Your flight departure has been delayed by 2 hours.', 'FLIGHT_DELAY'),
66 | ('2025-02-12', 3, 6, 'A new destination has been added to your wishlist.', 'GENERAL_UPDATE'),
67 | ('2025-02-12', 4, 7, 'Your support ticket has been updated.', 'GENERAL_UPDATE'),
68 | ('2025-02-12', 5, 7, 'Your flight departure time has changed.', 'FLIGHT_DELAY'),
69 | ('2025-02-12', 6, 6, 'Your booking has been successfully canceled.', 'BOOKING_CONFIRMATION'),
70 | ('2025-02-12', 7, 7, 'A special discount is available for your next trip!', 'GENERAL_UPDATE'),
71 | ('2025-02-12', 8, 7, 'Your refund request has been approved.', 'GENERAL_UPDATE'),
72 | ('2025-02-12', 9, 6, 'A new review has been posted on your favorite destination.', 'GENERAL_UPDATE'),
73 | ('2025-02-12', 10, 7, 'Check-in for your flight is now open.', 'BOOKING_CONFIRMATION');
74 |
75 | INSERT INTO wishlist (date_added, targetid, userid, wishlistid)
77 | ('2025-02-12', 1, 6, 1),
78 | ('2025-02-12', 2, 6, 2),
79 | ('2025-02-12', 3, 6, 3),
80 | ('2025-02-12', 4, 7, 4),
81 | ('2025-02-12', 5, 7, 5),
82 | ('2025-02-12', 5, 7, 6),
83 | ('2025-02-12', 1, 6, 7),
84 | ('2025-02-12', 2, 7, 8),
85 | ('2025-02-12', 3, 6, 9),
86 | ('2025-02-12', 4, 7, 10);
87 |
88 | INSERT INTO administrator (adminid, email)
90 | (1, 'admin');
91 |
92 | INSERT INTO supportticket (assigned_to, date_created, date_resolved, ticketid, userid, description, status)
94 | (1, '2024-02-11', NULL, 3, 7, 'I need a refund for my flight.', 'OPEN'),
95 | (1, '2025-02-11', '2025-02-12', 1, 6, 'Test', 'RESOLVED'),
96 | (1, '2024-02-14', NULL, 2, 7, 'My luggage was lost during transit.', 'OPEN'); |